Test django post with factory_boy - django

I just started using Factory boy in my test and it's working great.
I'd like to test crud view, so at some point, I need to post data (in json) for create and update action.
I'd like my test content to be something like:
a = self.client.post(
assert a.status_code == 403
which is not working obviously.
I get <factory.containers.StubObject object at 0x7ffa34e375d0> is not JSON serializable
Is there any way to do that? Or I need to fill all the post data myself?
(I'm not testing the form itself or the validation, just the post response.

<User> is a django model and doesn't know how to represent itself as JSON. You need to use a serializer like ModelSerializer from rest-framework or the django builtin serializing capabilities:
from django.core import serializers
data = serializers.serialize('json', my_factory.stub(), fields=('id'))
a = self.client.post(
assert a.status_code == 403
Please note that any test using the django test client would be considered an integration test by most.
This does not mean that it is a bad test, I have many tests just like your's, however they are integration tests.
If you would like to make this more of a unit-test try setup_view from here.


django rest framework defaultRouter without models

I am new to Python and Django (rest framework) and I love the DefaultRouter feature, by also giving an "API ROOT" page. But, I can only use the defaultrouter.register() method with viewsets. How to make a custom route without a model? For example I will have a "POST" route that multiplies 2 values from the body. (so body is something like {"value1":123, "value2":456}
Is it good practice to use viewsets for everything?
How should I implement a custom (multiply) function? I will have a serializer with the 2 params? And where to implement the code?
Am I doing things right?
EDIT1: I added the following code to my views.py
def test1(request):
Simple test
data = {
"test": True
return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Then I added the route to my urls.py. But, as expected, the hyperlink doesnt show up in the api root.
I am seeing this in the API Root:
So this is missing my function based view.
Why is there a distinction here?

Django REST Framework - Set request in serializer test for ApiClient

I already read: Django REST Framework - Set request in serializer test?. And it doesn't work for me! Because I'm using APIClient and not RequestFactory like him.
I built a web app where the back-end is implemented using the Django REST Framework. Now I'm writing unit tests and I have come across a problem in testing my serializer methods. Here is one example of a serializer method I'm struggling with:
def get_can_edit(self, obj):
request = self.context['request']
user = User.objects.get(username=request.user)
return user == obj.admin
When trying to call this from the test, first I declare an instance of the serializer:
But now I need self.serializer to have the correct request when get_can_edit does self.context.get('request'). I've created a fake request with the correct information using APIClient:
self.client = APIClient()
conference = a_fake_conference
res = self.client.get('conference:conference-detail'. args=[conference.id])
serializer = ConferenceSerializer(conference, context={WHAT_IS_REQUEST?})
# I'm using a dict as context but the request gave me an error: context={'request': { 'user': user }}
sert.assertEqual(res.data, serializer.data)
Now I am stuck because I am unsure how to add request1 to serializer such that request = self.context['request'] will return
Use wsgi_request (source code-Django) of APIClient to get the WSGI request object.
self.client = APIClient()
res = self.client.get('conference:conference-detail'. args=[conference.id]
# make sure to call the `get(...)` method before accessing `wsgi_request` attribute
request_object = res.wsgi_request
Disclaimer: Not sure whether this is a DRF way to get the request object.
You're testing two things with each other here, so that's sort of part of the problem. Typically, you'd use self.client.get(...) as an integration test, that is, a test that ensures that everything from request to response is working as expected. For tests like these, you wouldn't use a serialiser, because then you're using your application code (your serialiser) to test itself.
If you're writing an integration test, you should be testing the raw response with something like:
from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory
class MyUnitTestCase(TestCase):
def test_the_whole_stack(self):
response = self.client.get(
"conference:conference-detail", args=[conference.id]
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
"Some value you expect"
Note that you also don't have to invoke APIClient() directly. It's there by default.
For a unit test, like the kind of test you'd write to make sure your serialiser is working properly, you don't need or want to be poking around with a WSGIRequest object. Instead, Django supplies a RequestFactory for just this case:
from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory
class MyUnitTestCase(TestCase):
def test_my_serialiser(self):
serializer = ConferenceSerializer(
context={"request": RequestFactory().get("/")}
"Some value you expect"

Django test RequestFactory vs Client

I am trying to decide whether I should use Django's Client or RequestFactory to test my views.
I am creating my server using DjangoRESTFramework and it's really simple, so far:
class SimpleModelList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
Retrieve list of all route_areas or create a new one.
queryset = SimpleModel.objects.all()
serializer_class = SimpleModelSerializer
filter_backends = (IsOwnerFilterBackend,)
def perform_create(self, serializer):
What are the differences between testing with Django's Client and RequestFactory and which approach is more suited for testing a REST server (if there is any difference besides liking one better)?
Should I create tests with both so as to provide a better coverage for my system?
RequestFactory and Client have some very different use-cases. To put it in a single sentence: RequestFactory returns a request, while Client returns a response.
The RequestFactory does what it says - it's a factory to create request objects. Nothing more, nothing less.
The Client is used to fake a complete request-response cycle. It will create a request object, which it then passes through a WSGI handler. This handler resolves the url, calls the appropriate middleware, and runs the view. It then returns the response object. It has the added benefit that it gathers a lot of extra data on the response object that is extremely useful for testing.
The RequestFactory doesn't actually touch any of your code, but the request object can be used to test parts of your code that require a valid request. The Client runs your views, so in order to test your views, you need to use the Client and inspect the response. Be sure to check out the documentation on the Client.
When using Django REST framework request factory would be helpfull to test the permissions.
Class TestPermission(TestCase):
def test_admin_permisiion(self):
admin_user = User.objects.create(email='admin#gmail.com',password='admin997',is_staff=True)
factory = RequestFactory()
request = factory.get('/')
request.user = admin_user
permission = IsAdminUser()
has_permission = permission.has_permission(request, None)
what we have done hear is we created a admin user by setting is_staff=True , then we created a request and assigned the admin as user of the request. request factory helps us do so. then we checked the IsAdminUser() permission from DRF against the request. the test will pass .
Client is to be used when you need to test the response returned by an Api.

Django Rest Framework testing save POST request data

I'm writing some tests for my Django Rest Framework and trying to keep them as simple as possible. Before, I was creating objects using factory boy in order to have saved objects available for GET requests.
Why are my POST requests in the tests not creating an actual object in my test database? Everything works fine using the actual API, but I can't get the POST in the tests to save the object to make it available for GET requests. Is there something I'm missing?
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
# from .factories import InterestFactory
class APITestMixin(object):
mixin to perform the default API Test functionality
api_root = '/v1/'
model_url = ''
data = {}
def get_endpoint(self):
return the API endpoint
url = self.api_root + self.model_url
return url
def test_create_object(self):
create a new object
response = self.client.post(self.get_endpoint(), self.data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
self.assertEqual(response.data, self.data)
# this passes the test and the response says the object was created
def test_get_objects(self):
get a list of objects
response = self.client.get(self.get_endpoint())
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
self.assertEqual(response.data, self.data)
# this test fails and says the response is empty [] with no objects
class InterestTests(APITestCase, APITestMixin):
def setUp(self):
self.model_url = 'interests/'
self.data = {
'id': 1,
'name': 'hiking',
# self.interest = InterestFactory.create(name='travel')
if I create the object with factory boy, the object is
there. But I don't want to have to do this - I want to use
the data that was created in the POST request
You can see the couple lines of commented out code which are the object that I need to create through factory boy because the object does not get created and saved (although the create test does pass and say the object is created).
I didn't post any of the model, serializer or viewsets code because the actual API works, this is a question specific to the test.
First of all, Django TestCase (APITestCase's base class) encloses the test code in a database transaction that is rolled back at the end of the test (refer). That's why test_get_objects cannot see objects which created in test_create_object
Then, from (Django Testing Docs)
Having tests altering each others data, or having tests that depend on another test altering data are inherently fragile.
The first reason came into my mind is that you cannot rely on the execution order of tests. For now, the order within a TestCase seems to be alphabetical. test_create_object just happened to be executed before test_get_objects. If you change the method name to test_z_create_object, test_get_objects will go first. So better to make each test independent
Solution for your case, if you anyway don't want database reset after each test, use APISimpleTestCase
More recommended, group tests. E.g., rename test_create_object, test_get_objects to subtest_create_object, subtest_get_objects. Then create another test method to invoke the two tests as needed

Django unit testing for form edit

Someone has probably already developed a technique for relieving the tedium for the following idiomatic unit test:
GET a url with form data already populated
POST a revised form with one or more fields edited
Check response (profit!)
Step 2 is the most tedious, cycling through the form fields. Are there any time-saving hacks for testing Django forms?
[Update: I'm not testing Django forms handling. I'm verifying that my application produces correct responses when a user makes changes to a form. This is an application which processes clinical information, hence a lot of possible responses to test.]
It depends what you are trying to test. I would target your tests a bit more finely than it sounds like you are doing.
If the code you need to test is the form validation logic, then I would simply instantiate the form class directly in your tests, pass it various data dictionaries and call .is_valid(), check for the proper errors or lack thereof. No need to involve HTML or HTTP requests.
If it's view logic (which IMO should be minimized) that you are testing, you will probably want to use the test client, but you shouldn't need to do multi-stage tests or very many tests at this level. In testing view logic I wouldn't scrape HTML (that's testing templates), I'd use response.context to pull out the form object from the context.
If what you want to test is that the templates contain the proper HTML to make the form actually work (in order to catch errors like forgetting to include the management form for a formset in the template), I use WebTest and django-webtest, which parse your HTML and make it easy to fill in field values and submit the form like a browser would.
You can use response.context and form.initial to get the values you need to post:
update_url = reverse('myobject_update',args=(myobject.pk,))
# GET the form
r = self.client.get(update_url)
# retrieve form data as dict
form = r.context['form']
data = form.initial # form is unbound but contains data
# manipulate some data
data['field_to_be_changed'] = 'updated_value'
# POST to the form
r = self.client.post(update_url, data)
# retrieve again
r = self.client.get(update_url)
self.assertContains(r, 'updated_value') # or
self.assertEqual(r.context['form'].initial['field_to_be_changed'], 'updated_value')
django-webtest is perfect for such tests:
from django_webtest import WebTest
class MyTestCase(WebTest):
def test_my_view(self)
form = self.app.get('/my-url/').form
self.assertEqual(form['my_field_10'].value, 'initial value')
form['field_25'] = 'foo'
response = form.submit() # all form fields are submitted
In my opinion it is better than twill for django testing because it provides access to django internals so native django's response.context, response.templates, self.assertTemplateUsed and self.assertFormError API is supported.
On other hand it is better than native django test client because it has much more powerful and easy API.
I'm a bit biased ;) but I believe that django-webtest is now the best way to write django tests.
It's not clear but one guess is that you have tests like this.
class TestSomething( TestCase ):
fixtures = [ "..." ]
def test_field1_should_work( self ):
response= self.client.get( "url with form data already populated" )
form_data = func_to_get_field( response )
form_data['field1']= new value
response= self.client.post( "url", form_data )
def test_field2_should_work( self ):
response= self.client.get( "url with form data already populated" )
form_data = func_to_get_field( response )
form_data['fields']= new value
response= self.client.post( "url", form_data )
First, you're doing too much. Simplify.
class TestFormDefaults( TestCase ):
fixtures = [ "some", "known", "database" ]
def test_get_should_provide_defaults( self ):
response= self.client.get( "url with form data already populated" )
The above proves that the defaults populate the forms.
class TestPost( TestCase ):
fixtures = [ "some", "known", "database" ]
def test_field1_should_work( self ):
# No need to GET URL, TestFormDefaults proved that it workd.
form_data= { expected form content based on fixture and previous test }
form_data['field1']= new value
response= self.client.post( "url", form_data )
Don't waste time doing a "get" for each "post". You can prove -- separately -- that the GET operations work. Once you have that proof, simply do the POSTs.
If you POSTS are highly session-specific and stateful, you can still do a GET, but don't bother parsing the response. You can prove (separately) that it has exactly the right fields.
To optimize your resting, consider this.
class TestPost( TestCase ):
fixtures = [ "some", "known", "database" ]
def test_many_changes_should_work( self ):
changes = [
( 'field1', 'someValue', 'some expected response' ),
( 'field2', 'someValue' ),
for field, value, expected in changes:
self.client.get( "url" ) # doesn't matter what it responds, we've already proven that it works.
form_data= { expected form content based on fixture and previous test }
form_data[field]= value
response self.client.post( "url", form_data )
self.assertEquas( expected, who knows what )
The above will obviously work, but it makes the number of tests appear small.
Think carefully about why you need to unit-test this. Forms are part of the core Django functionality, and as such are very well covered by Django's own unit tests. If all you're doing is basic create/update, which from your question it sounds like is the case, I don't see any reason to write unit tests for that.
I don't see how or why you need unit tests for this. Sounds to me like you're testing for (and correcting) possible user input, which is covered very simply with Django's form validation (and model validation in 1.2)
I'd recommed you to take a look into acceptance testing level tools like robot test framework or letucce which are thought just for you want to do "I'm verifying that my application produces correct responses when a user makes changes to a form", that sounds more like acceptance (black-box) testing than unit-testing.
For instace, Robot let you to define your tests in tabular form, you define the workflow once and then you can define easily a bunch of tests that exercise the workflow with different data.
You are possibly looking for tools that do front end testing like twill or selenium
Both of these generate python code, that can be included within the django tests, so when you run tests, it opens the urls, posts the data and inspects whatever you want!
It should help you to see these tests written for selenium, for an open source reusable django app.