Entangled processes - concurrency

What is the likelihood of having two separate processes being somehow entangled despite the nonexistence of any (IPC) communication between them? What I mean by entangled is showing a dependency behaviour, or causality, whereby the behaviour of one process is affected by something the other process is doing.
Is there a way to measure this dependency?
Thank you.


Monitors and mutual exclusion

Just wanted to know if mutual exclusion in monitors is at a procedure/method level or if it is at a monitor level.
I mean, in the first case, there might be 2 threads accessing the monitor, but they would be running in different procedures. In the second case, there won't be 2 threads acceding the monitor even if two different procedures are called.
Assuming it is at a monitor level, it seems much safer. However, aren't there situations in which there could be running 2 different threads in a monitor each modifying different shared variables and the monitor won't allow this to happen? If that is the case, wouldn't this lower the concurrency in the system? Or would it mean that 2 monitors should have been created instead of one?
Ok, I better finish philosophizing :) Thanks in advance
Monitor locking is completely independent of the calling method.
Had that not been the case, it would have been very difficult to prevent two different methods from executing concurrently.
If you don't want it to be, use multiple monitors.
The mechanism of monitor operation is serializing of threads or processes.
So Monitor is a skill to guarantee mutual exclusion on concurrency situation.

Is it possible to cause multi processes hibernate (core dump?)?

I have a software (c++) that runs few processes (each process is a major system itself).
The processes have communication with each other via xml-rpc or boost asio
I want to be able to freeze or stop all processes at a given moment and be able to raise the system (all processes) later to the same state as before hibernating.
How can I do that in c++?
Would it be feasible due to the fact that the processes communicates with each other?
The big picture is that you need to get the system to a stable consistent state, then persist that state in some re-creatable form.
You can in principle write such code, the degree of difficulty depends on your application. You will need to figure out things such as:
How the processes agree that they are in a consistent state. You may need to define some new "Get ready to hibernate" and "I'm ready" messages.
For each process you need to figure out how to persist and recover it's state. Depending upon the complexity of any live data structures that may be quite tricky. On the other hand, if your processes are stateless then this could be really easy.
You'll need to devise a scheme for managing the sets of hibernated data, how you determine a consistent set across all the processes.
I see this as significant coding effort, the degree of difficulty will depend on the complexity of your application and the quality of its implementation. In a well structured application such major "replumbing" exercises often go surprisingly simply.
Unless you're an OS - no, it won't be possible.
What you need to do instead is to make sure that each process can do it for itself (i.e.: write a functionality that allows saving and restoring the states for each of the processes), and also to accommodate for inconsistencies in the communication (for example - to ensure ACK on the messages, and resend if saved state without receiving ACK).
It's feasible if done right, but it's easier said than done, of course, and assumes you can actually change the processes.
the other answers are fine. There is another rather "exotic" way which may solve this quickly, but it may be overkill or not suitable. But who knows ? So just in case...
I suggest to run your program into a virtual machine (I mean for example a linux with vmware) and pause/wake up this virtual machine at will.
If you are using an inter-process communication method which is not disrupted by this kind of operation, it may work and save you a lot of time.
Good luck.

How to convert my project to become a multi threaded application

I have a project and I want to convert it to multi-threaded application. What are the things that can be done to make it a multi threaded application
List out things to be done to convert into multithreaded application
e.g mutex lock on shared variables.
I was not able to find a question which list all those under single hood.
project is in C
Single threaded application need not be concerned about being thread safe.
This issue arises when you have multiple threads which are trying to access a commonly shared resource. At that time, you must be concerned.
So, no need to worry.
EDIT (after question been edited ) :
You need to go through the following links.
Single threaded to multithreaded application
Single threaded to multithreaded application - What we need to consider ?
Advice - Single threaded to multithreaded application
Also a good advice for converting single to multithreaded application.Check out.
Single threaded -> Multithreaded application :: Good advice.
The big issue is that, in general, when designing your application it is very difficult to choose single thread and then later on add multi-threading. The choice is fundamental to the design idioms you are going to strive towards. Here's a brief but poor guide of some of the things you should be paying attention towards and how to modify your code (note, none of these are set in stone, there's always a way around):
Remove all mutable global variables. I'd say this goes for single threaded applications too but that's just me.
Add "const" to as many variables as you can as a first pass to decide where there are state changes and take notes from the compilation errors. This is not to say "turn all your variables to const." It is just s simple hack to figure out where your problem areas are going to be.
For those items which are mutable and which will be shared (that is, you can't leave them as const without compilation warnings) put locks around them. Each lock should be logged.
Next, introduce your threads. You're probably about to suffer a lot of deadlocks, livelocks, race conditions, and what not as your single threaded application made assumptions about the way and order your application would run.
Start by paring away unneeded locks. That is, look to the mutable state which isn't shared amongst your threads. Those locks are superfluous and need to go.
Next, study your code. At this point, determining where your threaded issues are is more art than science. Although, there are decent principals about how to go about this, that's about all I can say.
If that sounds like too much effort, it's time to look towards the Actor model for concurrency. This would be akin to creating several different applications which call one another through a message passing scheme. I find that Actors are not only intuitive but also massively friendly to determining where and how you might encounter threading issues. When setting up Actors, it's almost impossible not to think about all the "what ifs."
Personally, when dealing with a single threaded to multi threaded conversion, I do as little as possible to meet project goals. It's just safer.
This depends very heavily on exactly how you intend to use threads. What does your program do? Where do you want to use threads? What will those threads be doing?
You will need to figure out what resources these threads will be sharing, and apply appropriate locking. Since you're starting with a single-threaded application, it's a good idea to minimize the shared resources to make porting easier. For example, if you have a single GUI thread right now, and need to do some complex computations in multiple threads, spawn those threads, but don't have them directly touch any data for the GUI - instead, send a asynchronous message to the GUI thread (how you do this depends on the OS and GUI library) and have it handle any changes to GUI-thread data in a serialized fashion on the GUI thread itself.
As general advice, don't simply add threads willy-nilly. You should know exactly which variables and data structures are shared between threads, where they are accessed, and why. And you should be keeping said sharing to the minimum.
Without a much more detailed description of your application, it's nearly impossible to give you a complete answer.
It will be a good idea to give some insight in your understanding of threading aswell.
However, the most important is that each time a global variable is accessed or a pointer is used, there's a good chance you'll need to do that inside of a mutex.
This wikipedia page should be a good start : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_safety

Testing concurrent data structure

What are some methods for testing concurrent data structures to make sure the data structs behave correctly when accessed from multiple threads ?
All of the other answers have focused on actually testing the code by putting it through its paces and actually running it in one form or another or politely saying "don't do it yourself, use an existing library".
This is great and all, but IMO, the most important (practical tests are important too) test is to look at the code line by line and for every line of code ask "what happens if I get interrupted by another thread here?" Imagine another thread, running just about any of the other lines/functions during this interruption. Do things still stay consistent? When competing for resources, does the other thread[s] block or spin?
This is what we did in school when learning about concurrency and it is a surprisingly effective approach. Bottom line, I feel that taking the time to prove to yourself that things are consistent and work as expected in all states is the first technique you should use when dealing with this stuff.
Concurrent systems are probabilistic and errors are often difficult to replicate. Therefore you need to run various input/output cases, each tested over time (hours, days, etc) in order to detect possible errors.
Tests for concurrent data structure involves examining the container's state before and after expected events such as insert and delete.
Use a pre-existing, pre-tested library that meets your needs if possible.
Make sure that the code has appropriate self-consistency checks (preferably fast sanity checks), and run your code on as many different types of hardware as possible to help narrow down interesting timing problems.
Have multiple people peer review the code, preferably without a pre-explanation of how it's supposed to work. That way they have to grok the code which should help catch more bugs.
Set up a bunch of threads that do nothing but random operations on the data structures and check for consistency at some rate.
Start with the assumption that your calls to access/modify data are not thread safe and use locks to ensure only a single thread can access/modify any part of the data at a time. Only after you can prove to yourself that a specific type of access is safe outside of the lock by multiple threads at once should you move that code outside of the lock.
Assume worst case scenarios, e.g. that your code will stop right in the middle of some pointer manipulation or another critical point, and that another thread will encounter that data in mid-transition. If that would have a bad result, leave it within the lock.
I normally test these kinds of things by interjecting sleep() calls at appropriate places in the distributed threads/processes.
For instance, to test a lock, put sleep(2) in all your threads at the point of contention, and spawn two threads roughly 1 second apart. The first one should obtain the lock, and the second should have to wait for it.
Most race conditions can be tested by extending this method, but if your system has too many components it may be difficult or impossible to know every possible condition that needs to be tested.
Run your concurrent threads for one or a few days and look what happens. (Sounds strange, but finding out race conditions is such a complex topic that simply trying it is the best approach).

Large number of simultaneous long-running operations in Qt

I have some long-running operations that number in the hundreds. At the moment they are each on their own thread. My main goal in using threads is not to speed these operations up. The more important thing in this case is that they appear to run simultaneously.
I'm aware of cooperative multitasking and fibers. However, I'm trying to avoid anything that would require touching the code in the operations, e.g. peppering them with things like yieldToScheduler(). I also don't want to prescribe that these routines be stylized to be coded to emit queues of bite-sized task items...I want to treat them as black boxes.
For the moment I can live with these downsides:
Maximum # of threads tend to be O(1000)
Cost per thread is O(1MB)
To address the bad cache performance due to context-switches, I did have the idea of a timer which would juggle the priorities such that only idealThreadCount() threads were ever at Normal priority, with all the rest set to Idle. This would let me widen the timeslices, which would mean fewer context switches and still be okay for my purposes.
Question #1: Is that a good idea at all? One certain downside is it won't work on Linux (docs say no QThread::setPriority() there).
Question #2: Any other ideas or approaches? Is QtConcurrent thinking about this scenario?
(Some related reading: how-many-threads-does-it-take-to-make-them-a-bad-choice, many-threads-or-as-few-threads-as-possible, maximum-number-of-threads-per-process-in-linux)
IMHO, this is a very bad idea. If I were you, I would try really, really hard to find another way to do this. You're combining two really bad ideas: creating a truck load of threads, and messing with thread priorities.
You mention that these operations only need to appear to run simultaneously. So why not try to find a way to make them appear to run simultaneously, without literally running them simultaneously?
It's been 6 months, so I'm going to close this.
Firstly I'll say that threads serve more than one purpose. One is speedup...and a lot of people are focusing on that in the era of multi-core machines. But another is concurrency, which can be desirable even if it slows the system down when taken as a whole. Yet concurrency can be achieved using mechanisms more lightweight than threads, although it may complicate the code.
So this is just one of those situations where the tradeoff of programmer convenience against user experience must be tuned to fit the target environment. It's how Google's approach to a process-per-tab with Chrome would have been ill-advised in the era of Mosaic (even if process isolation was preferable with all else being equal). If the OS, memory, and CPU couldn't give a good browsing experience...they wouldn't do it that way now.
Similarly, creating a lot of threads when there are independent operations you want to be concurrent saves you the trouble of sticking in your own scheduler and yield() operations. It may be the cleanest way to express the code, but if it chokes the target environment then something different needs to be done.
So I think I'll settle on the idea that in the future when our hardware is better than it is today, we'll probably not have to worry about how many threads we make. But for now I'll take it on a case-by-case basis. i.e. If I have 100 of concurrent task class A, and 10 of concurrent task class B, and 3 of concurrent task class C... then switching A to a fiber-based solution and giving it a pool of a few threads is probably worth the extra complication.