I've been working on this quicksort code for a while now and cant figure out why I get different results based on where I get an array value. If I get the value of pivot outside of my loop it works fine, inside the loop it does not.
I've highlighted the difference between each function with some /*This works/doesnt*/ comments.
#include <stdio.h>
void quicksort(int * x, int left_limit, int right_limit) {
int left = left_limit;
int right = right_limit;
int pivot = x[(right + left) / 2]; /* This works */
while (left <= right) {
while (x[left] < pivot) { left++; } /* This works */
while (x[right] > pivot){ right--; } /* This works */
if (left <= right) {
int temp = x[left];
x[left] = x[right];
x[right] = temp;
if (left_limit < right)
quicksort(x, left_limit, right);
if (left < right_limit)
quicksort(x, left, right_limit);
void quicksortBROKEN(int * x, int left_limit, int right_limit) {
int left = left_limit;
int right = right_limit;
int pivot = (right + left) / 2; /* This doesnt */
while (left <= right) {
while (x[left] < x[pivot]) { left++; } /* This doesnt */
while (x[right] > x[pivot]){ right--; } /* This doesnt */
if (left <= right) {
int temp = x[left];
x[left] = x[right];
x[right] = temp;
if (left_limit < right)
quicksort(x, left_limit, right);
if (left < right_limit)
quicksort(x, left, right_limit);
int main() {
int x[] = {0,2,1,4,3,5,6,3,7,8,4,3,7,8};
quicksort(x, 0, 13);
for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
printf("%d, ", x[i]);
return 0;
What is wrong with the broken function?
In the broken version the value of the pivot (as opposed to its location) changes over the course of the function.
Debugger would probably show it to you best, but there is a distinct difference between the functions.
The first one takes a value from the array to the variable and doesn't change it.
The second one takes a position and compares the value on that position in the array each time, while modifying the array. If the array is modified on the position that is stored, naturally the comparisons differ.
I've been working on this code for hours. The goal is to write an optimized QuickSort (with Insertion sort) on an array of pointers (which point to objects that can be compared). Insertion sort is supposed to be used with array sizes < 4.
So far, I have insertion sort working when I pass in an array < 4.
The quicksort is supposed to use the middle index as a pivot, and move everything < the pivot to the left of pivot, and everything > the pivot to the right of pivot.
I'm not even sure my overall approach to quickSort is correct. This is my first attempt at writing a quick sort. I could really use a nudge in the right direction here. The code that's commented out is something I've already tried.
If anything is unclear, let me know. Thanks for the help!
void quickSort(Comparable ** array, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
while (fromIndex < toIndex)
if ((toIndex - fromIndex +1 ) < 4)
insertionSort(array, fromIndex, toIndex);
int pivotIndex = partition(array, fromIndex, toIndex);
quickSort(array, fromIndex, pivotIndex - 1);
quickSort(array, pivotIndex + 1, toIndex);
int partition(Comparable ** array, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
//Comparable *front = array[fromIndex+1];
int midIndex = (toIndex + fromIndex) / 2;
//int frontIndex = fromIndex;
//Comparable *back = array[toIndex - 1];
//int backIndex = toIndex - 1;
//Comparable *compare = front;
//int compareIndex = frontIndex;
SortFirstMiddleLast(array, fromIndex, midIndex, toIndex);
swap(array, midIndex, toIndex - 1);
int pivotIndex = toIndex - 1;
Comparable * pivot = array[pivotIndex];
int indexLeft = fromIndex + 1;
int indexRight = toIndex - 2;
bool sortFinished = false;
while (*array[indexLeft] < *pivot)
while (*array[indexRight] > *pivot)
if ((*array[indexLeft] >= *pivot) && (*array[indexRight] <= *pivot))
if (indexLeft < indexRight)
swap(array, indexLeft, indexRight);
sortFinished = true;
if (sortFinished == true)
swap(array, pivotIndex, indexLeft);
pivotIndex = indexLeft;
return pivotIndex;
// ++frontIndex; // advance to next element
// while (*array[frontIndex] < *array[backIndex])
// {
// // search forward for out of order element
// while ((*array[frontIndex] < *array[backIndex]) && (*array[fromIndex] > *array[frontIndex]))
// ++frontIndex;
// //search backward for out of order element
// while ((*array[frontIndex] < *array[backIndex]) && (*array[compareIndex] <= *array[backIndex]))
// --backIndex;
// swap(array, frontIndex, backIndex);
// }
// //insert mid position comparison element
// if (*array[compareIndex] >= *array[frontIndex])
// {
// swap(array, fromIndex, frontIndex);
// returnValue = frontIndex;
// }
// else
// {
// swap(array,fromIndex, (frontIndex - 1));
// returnValue = (frontIndex - 1);
// }
// return returnValue;
void swap(Comparable ** array, int swapIndex1, int swapIndex2)
Comparable * temp = array[swapIndex1];
array[swapIndex1] = array[swapIndex2];
array[swapIndex2] = temp;
void SortFirstMiddleLast(Comparable ** array, int fromIndex, int midIndex, int toIndex)
// first must be less than mid, must be less than last
if (*array[fromIndex] > *array[midIndex])
swap(array, fromIndex, midIndex);
if (*array[fromIndex] > *array[toIndex - 1])
swap(array, fromIndex, toIndex - 1);
if (*array[midIndex] > *array[toIndex - 1])
swap(array, midIndex, toIndex - 1);
void insertionSort(Comparable ** array, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
for (unsigned i = fromIndex + 1; i < toIndex; i++)
for (unsigned j = i; j > 0; j--)
if (*array[j] < *array[j - 1])
swap(array, j, j-1);
Take quick sort as an example, both recursion and non-recursion methods are listed below.
I think both methods actually implement the same algorithm, as a stack is used to simulate the recursion process in non-recursion method.
However, I got AC with recursion method but Time Limit Exceeded with non-recursion method after 85% test cases passed.
So, any problem with my non-recursion method or there is a time complexity difference between two methods?
// non-recursion
void sortIntegers(vector<int> &A) {
if (A.empty()) {
stack<pair<int, int>> ranges;
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(0, A.size() - 1));
while (!ranges.empty()) {
pair<int, int> r = ranges.top();
int mid = A[r.second],
left = r.first,
right = r.second - 1;
if (r.first >= r.second) {
while (left < right) {
while (A[left] < mid && left < right) {
while (A[right] >= mid && left < right) {
swap(A[left], A[right]);
if (A[left] < A[r.second]) {
} else {
swap(A[left], A[r.second]);
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(0, left - 1));
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(left + 1, r.second));
// recursion
void sortIntegers(vector<int> &A) {
quick(A, 0, A.size() - 1);
void quick(vector<int> & A, int start, int end) {
if (start >= end) {
int mid = A[end], //5
left = start, // 0
right = end - 1; //3
while (left < right) {
while (A[left] < mid && left < right) {
while (A[right] >= mid && left < right) {
swap(A[left], A[right]);
if (A[left] >= A[end]) {
swap(A[left], A[end]);
}else {
quick(A, start, left - 1);
quick(A, left + 1, end);
At first glance, you have at the bottom of your loop:
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(0, left - 1));
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(left + 1, r.second));
To me that should be
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(r.first, left - 1));
ranges.push(pair<int, int>(left + 1, r.second));
I am trying to do a quick sorting. But I have some problem with it. It was supposed to change this array:
{ 1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10 }
When it receives the arguments left = 0, right = 4 and pivotIndex = 2, to this one:
{ 7,6,1,8,9,5,4,3,2,10 }
But it is actually changing the array to this one:
{ 1,6,7,8,9,5,4,3,2,10 }
I also get this problem if I try to partition this array:
{ 7,6,1,8,9,5,4,3,2,10 }
with arguments right = 9, left = 4 and pivotIndex = 2, to this array:
{ 7,6,1,8,9,2,3,5,4,10 }
I am actually changing to this array:
{ 7,6,1,8,9,2,3,10,5,4 }
int QS::partition(int left, int right, int pivotIndex)
if (my_array == NULL)
return -1;
if (elements <= 0 || capacity <= 0)
return -1;
if (left < 0 || right < 0)
return -1;
else if (right - left <= 1)
return -1;
if (right > elements - 1)
return -1;
if (!(pivotIndex <= right) || !(pivotIndex >= left))
return -1;
int first = pivotIndex;
int last;
if (first == right)
last = left;
last = right;
int up = first + 1;
int down = last - 1;
while (!(up != last - 1) || !(my_array[up] <= my_array[first]))
while (!(my_array[down] > my_array[first]) || !(down != first))
if (up < down)
swap(up, down);
} while (up < down);
swap(first, down);
return down;
I was told to use this algorithm:
But I could not make it work with this algorithm, the closest I got to the result I was told to get, was with the code I am showing you guys.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.
I'm trying to implement QuickSort() using random pivot
When I'm not randomizing pivot, and choosing it to be A[0] everything works fine,
but when I implement the randomization things are going crazy.
int Partition(int A[], int left, int right, int pivot = 0)
swap(A[left], A[pivot]);
int temp = right;
while (pivot != temp)
// make a swap if needed
if (A[pivot] > A[temp] && temp > pivot || A[temp] > A[pivot] && temp < pivot)
// swap both data and index
swap(A[pivot], A[temp]);
swap(pivot, temp);
// advance the temp towards pivot
if (temp < pivot)
return pivot;
void QuickSort(int A[], int left, int right)
int pivot;
if (left < right) {
// randomize pivot
pivot = rand() % (right - left + 1);
// partition and call quicksort
pivot = Partition(A, left, right, pivot);
QuickSort(A, left, pivot - 1);
QuickSort(A, pivot + 1, right);
Here is an issue:
pivot = rand() % (right - left + 1);
needs to be
pivot = left + rand() % (right - left + 1);
int maxSumRec(const vector<int> &a, int left, int right){
if (left == right){
if (a[left] > 0){
return a[left];
return 0;
int center = (left + right)/2;
int maxLeftSum = maxSumRec(a, left, center);
int maxRightSum = maxSumRec(a, center+1, right);
int leftBorderSum = 0; int leftBorderMax = 0;
for (int i = center; i >= left; i--){
leftBorderSum += a[i];
if (leftBorderSum > leftBorderMax){
leftBorderMax = leftBorderSum;
int rightBorderSum = 0; int rightBorderMax = 0;
for (int i = center+1; i <= right; i++){
rightBorderSum += a[i];
if (rightBorderSum > rightBorderMax){
rightBorderMax = rightBorderSum;
int crossSum = rightBorderMax + leftBorderMax;
return max3(maxLeftSum, maxRightSum, crossSum);
This is a O(NlogN) algorithm, I know it is not the best one. But just have several questions on it:
in the first if statement, why return 0 if a[left] < 0?
why need the 2 for loops? isn't the logic like this, find the max of the first half and the second half, and then add them to see if the addition is bigger than either.
if it is this case, then we can directly jump to the last 2 lines?
Thanks very much,
Yue Harriet
in the first if statement, why return 0 if a[left] < 0?
Because then the empty subsequence has the maximum sum, which is 0.
OK, I figured out the 2nd question, because we have to take care of consecutive terms instead of jumping terms.