How to include a .h or .dll file in CANoe/CAPL - header-files

I want integrate a header .h or .dll file in CAPL (concretly Visa32.dll, visa.h or sicl.h) to control a multimeter 34461A. How can I include the .h files or .dll file in CANoe?
I created an ECU module called multimeter. Thanks,

Including external DLLs in CAPL is possible, but you will need to create a wrapper for all the functions you're going to use.
Take a look at \CANoe\Demo_AddOn\Capldll directorty which features such a wrapper. It's a MSVC project exporting a few simple functions to CAPL, like int f(int a, int b) {return a+b;}.
What you will need to to is to add your library files (Visa32.dll, visa.h) to this Capldll project and define wrappers for all the functions you want to call from CANoe. For example, if you have int visa_init(double arg) in Visa32.dll, you will create a wrapper:
int CAPLEXPORT far CAPLPASCAL capl_visa_init(double arg)
return visa_init(arg);
You will also need to add the prototype of your function to the export table:
{"my_visa_init", (CAPL_FARCALL)capl_visa_init, 'D', 1, "F", "\000"},
Once you have successfully build your wrapper DLL (it will be called capldll.dll if you reuse the example), you will need to import it in CANoe, and you will be able to call the function by the name you defined in the export table, e.g. my_visa_init(1.0);

CAPL is not C. You can not include .h files.
The easiest would be to control the multimeter over the GPIB bus. Take a look at the CAPL GPIB library.


How to add code in runtime

I was searching through stackoverflow questions but none of them answered my question. I have a game engine and I want to load player AI (written in c++) in runtime.
Click on button, file dialog appears
Choose file with AI (.dll or something?)
Click on 'start' button, game starts using AI's that I add.
AI could be a method or whole class, it doesn't matter. I think I should generate .dll but I not sure how to do that. This class should look like this:
class PlayerAI
void computeSomething(list of argument, Object& output)
// some logic
Assuming pure Windows platform since none specified -
If you want to inject DLL, first obtain a handle to it using LoadLibrary-function like so:
HINSTANCE handleLib;
handleLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("YourDLL.dll"));
You may then obtain a function pointer to a specific function in the lib. Like this:
FUNC_PTR func;
func = (FUNC_PTR) GetProcAddress(handleLib, "yourFunc");
Then you can call the function like so:
When done, call FreeLibrary(libhandle)
How to declare a function as exported is in VS for instance like this (this is needed to mark your function in your DLL that you precompile:
__declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl yourFunc(LPWSTR someString)
//Code here...
Since you mention already compiled DLLs, you want to look at LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. That's how you do runtime loads of DLLs and extract specific functions from them.
Examples can be found under Using Run-Time Dynamic Linking.

Why is a "user breakpoint" called when I run my project with imported .lib, not when code is inline?

The Situation
I am writing a wrapper library for GPIB communications for setting up specific instruments according to a clients specifications to automate some of their processes. I have to use C++ and the old '98 compiler in VC++ 6.0 running on a Windows NT machine to maintain compatibility with some other devices they use regularly.
I am trying to make a class that combines some GPIB commands into easier to remember functions, while also keeping the capability of directly communicating with the instruments. To that end, I have compiled different parts of my project into different libs and dlls, each dll being a different device that they might want to communicate with. I also made a generic dll base class from which all the specific instrument classes inherit, hopefully making the whole setup as modular as possible.
The Problem
So, with all that said, I have an issue when I try to test the different dlls/modules. I created a project to test the generic base class, added the .lib file to the project, which links to the .dll, and also #included the header file for that dll. testGeneric.cpp looks like this:
#include "GENERIC.h"
void main(void) {
GPIBInstrument hp(2); //connects to device at primary address #2
Super simple. To be clear, I also have the GENERIC.lib linked in the "Resource Files" folder in VC++ 6.0, and I have GENERIC.dll accessible from the path variable.
Moving on, GENERIC.h looks like this (select parts):
#ifndef GENERIC_H
#define GENERIC_H
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include "decl-32.h"
#define GENERIC_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define GENERIC_API __declspec(dllimport)
...(Inline exception classes)...
class GENERIC_API GPIBInstrument {
void write(std::string command);
Just showing the relevant methods. Then GENERIC.cpp:
#include "GENERIC.h"
void GPIBInstrument::write(std::string command) {
ibwrt (handle, &command[0u], command.length());
std::cout << command << std::endl;
if (ibsta & TIMO) {
if (ibsta & ERR) {
error("Unable to write command to instrument: " + command);
So, looks pretty good right? No issues. Compiles fine. I try running it, and BLAM! I get this: "User breakpoint called from code at 0x77f7645c". So, then I thought, well maybe it would work if I put all the code from GENERIC.h and GENERIC.cpp into one file, and #included that file all as inline code. So I tried it, and it and it compiled nicely, and ran fine.
Question (<-AHA!... But...)
What am I doing wrong!? Something with the way I'm making the .dll? Or the .lib? Or something else entirely?
So, after a bit of debugging, I found that it was something to do with passing a string literal. So I just modified it to:
std::string command = "*IDN?";
and it worked fine. My followup question, is why? What's the difference between having a string literal passed, versus assigning that to a variable and then passing it in?
Using complex types such as std::string as a parameter at a DLL boundary is tricky. You must ensure that the exe and the DLL use the exact same instance of the library code. This requires that you build them both to use the same version of the DLL version of the runtime library.

How to load registered COM DLL in C++

I have a C++ COM dll and I have register it with regsvr32. I want tho use the functions and class of the dll Inside my code. Unfortunatly I dont possess any .h and it doesnt come with a .tlb file. I have the documentation how to use the functions and class but there is no information about how to link the dll to my project so I could use it. I am new with using external COM interface so i'm not quite sur where I could find this information.
I have tried #import "example.dll" (dll inserted in the project folder but it looks like it doesn't work I have an unable to load dll error. My program is mixed CLR / unmanaged C++.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
If enough information is provided, you can define the interfaces in a header file yourself. I would recommend using #import to import an existing COM type library and investigate the generated .tlh file for ideas. For a simple interface with functions, for example, the code looks something like this:
struct __declspec(uuid("Interface-Guid-with-Dashes")) IInterfaceName : IUnknown
virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (/*[out,retval]*/ long * result) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall Execute (/*[in]*/ int value) = 0;

Instantiating a Qt File-Based Logger for Debugging in a C++ Library

The following page provides a nice simple solution for file based logging in Qt for debugging without using a larger logging framework like the many that are suggested in other SO questions.
I'm writing a library and would like to instantiate a logger that the classes in the library can use (mostly for debugging purposes). There is no int main() function since it's a library. So would the best approach be to add the instantiation into a file like logger.h and have any classes include logger.h if it would like to do qDebug() << PREFIX << "Bla" as the link above suggests?
I pretty much agree with OrcunC but I'd recommend making that ofstream a little more accessible and capable of handling the Qt value types.
Here's my recommended process:
Create a global QIODevice that to which everything will be written. This will probably be a QFile.
Create a QTextStream wrapper around that QIODevice that you'll then use for all the logging.
If you want something slightly more complicated, create methods that do the filtering based on log level info.
For example:
// setup the global logger somewhere appropriate
QFile *file = new QFile("your.log");
QTextStream *qlogger = new QTextStream(file);
And once the global logger is initialized, you could reference it as a global:
#include "qlogger.h"
//... and within some method
*qlogger << "your log" << aQtValueType;
But you might want some filtering:
#include "qlogger.h"
// lower number = higher priority
void setCurrentLogLevel(int level) {
globalLogLevel = level;
QTextStream* qLog(int level) {
if (level <= globalLogLevel) {
return qlogger;
return getNullLogger(); // implementation left to reader
And then you'd likely create an enum that represented the LogLevel and do something like this:
#include "qlogger.h"
*qLog(LogLevel::Debug) << "this will be filtered" << yourQMap;
*qLog(LogLevel::Critical) << "not filtered" << yourQString;
As you'd be dealing with globals, carefully consider memory management issues.
If you follow the method in that link, ALL messages of the application output with qCritical(), qDebug(), qFatal() and qWarning() will flow into your handler.
So be careful! You may get not only your library's trace messages but the entire QT framework's messages. I guess this is not what you really want.
Instead of this
as a simple solution define a global *ofstream* in your library and use it only within your library.
whenever you write a library in c++ or c , it is best practice to declare all your methods in a .h file and define the methods/classes in a .cpp/.c file. This serves 2 purposes.
The .h file needs to be used to compile a 3rd party application that is using your library, and the library itself is used at link time.
The developer who is using your library can use the .h file as a reference to your library since it contains all the declarations.
So ,yes , you need to declare methods in a .h file and have other classes include logger.h.

How to compile c++ in xCode for your IPhone app?

I am doing my first steps in IPhone developing. I want to use some c\c++ code but I can't find any reference of how it's done (will very appriciate if you can also refer me to your source when you give an answear)
I have a file called calc.h containing a "calculator" class with simple add and mult functions, I imported it exactly as I did with an Objective-C header file. What am I suppose to do now?
Whatever you were doing when you were coding just in C/C++.
For example:
#include "calc.h"
-(void) testCode { //obj-c
float x = 3;
float y = 8.0;
float sumOfTwo = sum(x, y);
Assuming that you have a function named sum in your header file similar with the one used above.
If you use standard extensions for the source files (e.g. .cpp / .c) you can simply build them without doing anything special.
If you use uncommon extensions you need to set the file type manually: In File → Get Info set File Type to sourcecode.cpp.cpp / sourcecode.c.c.
Note however that you can't use C++ in plain Objective-C (.m) files - if you want to do that you need to use Objective-C++ (.mm) instead.
For using C there is no such restriction as Objective-C is a superset of C - as with C++ you may need to watch out for uses of identifiers that are keywords in Objective-C though.