Running C++ application reacting to outside changes - c++

I have a C++ application that will be running constantly. It is listening for messages from a wireless module.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct payload {
char node[16];
char message
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
mesh.setNodeID(0); //irrelevant
mesh.begin(); //irrelevant
mesh.update(); //irrelevant
mesh.DHCP(); //irrelevant
while(network.available()) {
struct payload received;, &received, sizeof(received)); //irrelevant
//below code goes here
And I want to be able to also send messages from this system.
I am currently reading a line from file:
//pseudo code
if (!fileEmpty) {
line = readLine();
struct payload send;
send.node = //splitted line
send.message = //splitted line
mesh.write(header, &send, sizeof(send));
And I split the line using strtok and assign the parts to a struct.
But there should be a better way.
I can't split the code for sending in different file (called with arguments) because there is some problem with the wireless module when I am listening and sending messages simultaneously. Assuming I splitted the code in two different files, I can kill the listening program when sending and then run it again, but this seems like a bad way of doing things.
So I am out of ideas.


Integration between Node.js and C++

I have a Node.js application that I want to be able to send a JSON-object into a C++ application.
The C++ application will use the Poco-libraries (
I want the interaction to be lighting fast, so preferably no files or network-sockets.
I have been looking into these areas:
Shared memory
What should I focus on, and can someone point my direction to docs. and samples?
First of all, some more data is needed to give good advice.
In general shared memory is the fastest, since there's no transfer required, but it's also the hardest to keep fine. I'm not sure you'd be able to do that with Node though.
If this program is just running for this one task and closing it might be worth just sending your JSON to the CPP program as a startup param
myCPPProgram.exe "JsonDataHere"
The simplest thing with decent performance should be a socket connection using Unix domain sockets with some low-overhead data frame format. E.g., two-byte length followed by UTF-8 encoded JSON. On the C++ side this should be easy to implement using the Poco::Net::TCPServer framework. Depending on where your application will go in the future you may run into limits of this format, but if it's basically just streaming JSON objects it should be fine.
To make it even simpler, you can use a WebSocket, which will take care of the framing for you, at the cost of the overhead for the initial connection setup (HTTP upgrade request). May even be possible to run the WebSocket protocol over a Unix domain socket.
However, the performance difference between a (localhost only) TCP socket and a Unix domain socket may not even be significant, given all the JavaScript/node.js overhead. Also, if performance is really a concern, JSON may not even be the right serialization format to begin with.
Anyway, without more detailed information (size of JSON data, message frequency) it's hard to give a definite recommendation.
I created a TCPServer, which seems to work. However if I close the server and start it again I get this error:
Net Exception: Address already in use: /tmp/app.SocketTest
Is it not possible to re-attach to the socket if it exists?
Here is the code for the TCPServer:
#include "Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h"
#include "Poco/Net/TCPServer.h"
#include "Poco/Net/TCPServerConnection.h"
#include "Poco/Net/TCPServerConnectionFactory.h"
#include "Poco/Util/Option.h"
#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
#include "Poco/Util/HelpFormatter.h"
#include "Poco/Net/StreamSocket.h"
#include "Poco/Net/ServerSocket.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketAddress.h"
#include "Poco/File.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using Poco::Net::ServerSocket;
using Poco::Net::StreamSocket;
using Poco::Net::TCPServer;
using Poco::Net::TCPServerConnection;
using Poco::Net::TCPServerConnectionFactory;
using Poco::Net::SocketAddress;
using Poco::Util::ServerApplication;
using Poco::Util::Option;
using Poco::Util::OptionSet;
using Poco::Util::HelpFormatter;
class UnixSocketServerConnection: public TCPServerConnection
/// This class handles all client connections.
UnixSocketServerConnection(const StreamSocket& s):
void run()
/*char buffer[1024];
int n = 1;
while (n > 0)
n = socket().receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
std::string message;
char buffer[1024];
int n = 1;
while (n > 0)
n = socket().receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
buffer[n] = '\0';
message += buffer;
if(sizeof(buffer) > n && message != "")
message = "";
catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
std::cerr << "Error: " << exc.displayText() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Disconnected." << std::endl;
inline void EchoBack(std::string message)
std::cout << "Message: " << message << std::endl;
socket().sendBytes(, message.length());
class UnixSocketServerConnectionFactory: public TCPServerConnectionFactory
/// A factory
TCPServerConnection* createConnection(const StreamSocket& socket)
std::cout << "Got new connection." << std::endl;
return new UnixSocketServerConnection(socket);
class UnixSocketServer: public Poco::Util::ServerApplication
/// The main application class.
UnixSocketServer(): _helpRequested(false)
void initialize(Application& self)
loadConfiguration(); // load default configuration files, if present
void uninitialize()
void defineOptions(OptionSet& options)
Option("help", "h", "display help information on command line arguments")
void handleOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
ServerApplication::handleOption(name, value);
if (name == "help")
_helpRequested = true;
void displayHelp()
HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options());
helpFormatter.setHeader("A server application to test unix domain sockets.");
int main(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
if (_helpRequested)
// set-up unix domain socket
Poco::File socketFile("/tmp/app.SocketTest");
SocketAddress unixSocket(SocketAddress::UNIX_LOCAL, socketFile.path());
// set-up a server socket
ServerSocket svs(unixSocket);
// set-up a TCPServer instance
TCPServer srv(new UnixSocketServerConnectionFactory, svs);
// start the TCPServer
// wait for CTRL-C or kill
// Stop the TCPServer
return Application::EXIT_OK;
bool _helpRequested;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
UnixSocketServer app;
return, argv);
The solution I have gone for, is to use unix domain sockets. The solution will run on a Raspbian-setup and the socket-file is placed in /dev/shm, which is mounted into RAM.
On the C++ side, I use the Poco::Net::TCPServer framework as described elsewhere in this post.
On the Node.js side, I use the node-ipc module (

edited: accessing a method in a running c++ program

I need to make a statistical printout of a socket program.
I am using method Listen(uint32_t port) in c++ thread to listen to clients on the specified port (more than one) and send/receive client's transactions to/from a server.
Now i need to write a log file of how many packet received/sent by this method.
my implementation is shown in the skeleton below:
//set up necessary header
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
//global variables
std::map<uint32_t,long> * received_pk;
std::map<uint32_t,long> * sent_pk;
void Listen(uint32_t port ); // method
int main (int argc, char **argv){
//set up client ports
vector<uint32_t> client_ports;
//initialize variables
received_pk = new std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t>();
sent_pk = new std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t>();
for(uint32_t i=0;i<client_ports.size();i++){
received_pk->insert(std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t>(,0) );
sent_pk->insert(std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t>(,0) );
//set up thread
vector<thread*> threads;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<client_ports.size();i++){
cout << "Create Listener in port " << << endl;
threads.push_back(new thread(Listen,;
//Wait for the threads to finish
for(uint32_t i=0;i<client_ports.size();i++){>join();
void Listen(uint32_t port){
set up struct sockaddr_in client, host;
listen on port: port
receive packet from client;
check packet type
if(packet==status packet){
update the packet id number
if (packet==transaction){
send packet to Server
receive reply
send reply back to client
Now i need to access received_pk and sent_pk while hub.cpp is still running (probably in the while loop)
I thought of two options:
Access received_pk and sent_pk from an external program: like define a method that can get the packet information while the thread is till running
problem: I don't know if i can access a variable/method while program is executing .
or print received_pk and sent_pk to a log file every 5 seconds.
problem: I don't know if it makes sense to have a timer in the multiple thread.
Please any advice will be appreciated.
Quite possibly, the easiest solution is to put the data in shared memory. The map x is a bit suspect - did you mean std::map<Key, Value>? That doesn't fit well in shared memory. Instead, use simple arrays. There are just 64K ports, and sizeof(long long[65536]) isn't excessive.

ZeroMQ Pub Sending Empty String

I've got a simple C++ PUB and python SUB set up, with intent to have C++ side built as a simple DLL eventually. I've had some prior experience with a similar set up with python on both sides, and no issues. I am, however a total C++ noob.
My C++ code:
#define ZMQ_EXPORT
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "zmq.hpp"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
zmq::context_t context(1);
zmq::socket_t publisher(context, ZMQ_PUB);
zmq::message_t message(5);
memcpy(, "Hello", 5);
while(true) {
return 0;
Result from python SUB script on recv_multipart():
I am confident it is otherwise working, though I think there's a flaw with how I am doing the memcpy.
I'm thinking your missing the whole 'subscription' part of pub/sub
You need to give the PUB message some sort of message filter. This also means that your SUB needs to do the setsockopt to be able to receive messages.
You're given example shows that you in fact do not have a message filter for your PUB message (or rather your "Hello" IS your message filter and the data message is infact an empty string).

C++ Running 2 processes at a time

A C++ question on running 2 processes at a time.
I have a client-server model kind of C++ code. My server will fork for every connection from the client. This is a system that also has a reminder module. This reminder module will need to send an email when, let's say, it counts down from 1000 to 0: when it reaches 0, it will perform its code.
But my server is already running in a while(1) loop. How do I invoke this reminder thing together while not affecting the server listening to connections?
Thanks for all help and suggestions.
You are looking for what is commonly know as threads.
Here is an example using Boost.Thread:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
bool worker_running = true;
void workerFunc() {
while (worker_running) {
boost::posix_time::seconds workTime(3);
// do something
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//before your while loop:
boost::thread workerThread(workerFunc);
//while loop here
worker_running = false;
return 0;

Serial communication timeout in C++ with Arduino

The code below is what I am using to send and receive information from my Arduino. My problem is when the Arduino is first plugged in. Reading from it hangs because the command doesn't return anything because there is nothing there yet so my whole program crashes. How can I add a time-out to the read function, which is arduino->ReadLine();, that causes the issue? That way will it keep going after a second?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO::Ports;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace std;
String^ portName;
int baudRate=9600;
// Arduino settings.
SerialPort^ arduino;
arduino = gcnew SerialPort(portName, baudRate);
// Open port.
if (strcmp(argv[1],"-send")==0) {
String^ command = gcnew String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(argv[2]));
if (String::Compare(command,"int6")==0) {
if(strcmp(argv[1],"-get")==0) {
String^ command = gcnew String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(argv[2]));
String^ result = arduino->ReadLine();
Set arduino->ReadTimeout = duration_in_ms and then catch TimeoutException.
In addition to the timeout your code should loop until the BytesToRead property of the SerialPort is greater than zero
while (arduino->BytesToRead==0) {}
You could keep track of how long you have looped and exit gracefully with a user message if there is nothing received from the arduino within the expected time frame.