Calling subclass methods from superclass object, virtual functions - c++

I'm designing a chess game (C++ beginner) however I'm stuck on my checking process for individual piece types, eg pawn moving only 1 space at a time, except the first time moving 2 spaces, and so on.
I have a piece class, and a subclass of that is pawn, king, etc, which contains the method:
check(string position,string destination);
and return a boolean value whether it is possible to move to the destination.
I have a pointer to each piece which I have defined by doing:
pawn pawnPieces[16];
piece *pointer[16];
for (i=0;i<16;i++)
After my initial checking, I want to call the check function above from main, as a test:
cout << pointer[1]->check("B1","C1") << endl;
This gives me the error "no member named 'check' in piece" which makes sense, however I'm sure there would be a way to link the piece class to the pawn, king etc.
I think I need to do something with virtual functions from what I have read, but I am not sure how to approach this. If anyone could offer a few pointers that would be much appreciated.
This approach of trying to call the subclass function from a pointer to the class above it may be fundamentally flawed, perhaps I need to modify my design to achieve this goal? I still want to keep the check method of the pawn class in the same position, as I believe it encapsulates it well.
EDIT: I made a pure virtual function in the piece class:
virtual bool check(string positionIN,string destination)=0;
Now when I call the cout line above, I get a segmentation fault and I'm unsure why. I'm assuming it's because I'm using pointers?
EDIT2: Thank you for that! I have implemented this however I got a small error, is virtual meant to be attached to the pawn and king class? From my understanding I thought the virtual tag only goes on the base class.
EDIT3: I understand, I tagged the check function in classes pawn and king with the virtual tag and it compiled.
Now I am getting a segmentation fault through calling the object itself
and by calling the pointer to the object
from main, and I am not sure why.
EDIT4: All working now, I was calling it from main to test, however when I called it from within my program everything worked, thank you all!

What you are attempting to do is exactly what virtual methods are meant for.
class piece
virtual bool check(string position, string destination) = 0;
class pawn : public piece
virtual bool check(string position, string destination)
return ...;
class king : public piece
virtual bool check(string position, string destination)
return ...;


Assign object even though assignment operator is implicitly deleted

I'm working on an assignment that uses OMNeT++, Veins/Sumo. Although my question is not completely related to it, it might add some context.
I'm familiar with programming, but having a little bit of trouble wrapping my head around the whole
The idea is that there is a network of cars, and all these cars are talking to eachother using messages. A message inlcudes the vehicle name, but also information about the current position/mobility of the car. This is where TraCIMobilitycomes in.
Ideally I would like to have all this information stored in the original class in the message, but I am running into some issues.
pointer/memory address idea when working with classes.
class InterVehicleMessage : public ::veins::DemoSafetyMessage
::omnetpp::opp_string vehicleName;
veins::TraCIMobility vehicle_mobility; <--- important
void copy(const InterVehicleMessage& other);
bool operator==(const InterVehicleMessage&);
virtual veins::TraCIMobility& getMobility(); <--- important
virtual const veins::TraCIMobility& getMobility() const {return const_cast<InterVehicleMessage*>(this)->getMobility();} <--- important
virtual void setMobility(const veins::TraCIMobility& vehicle_mobility); <--- important
This all looks fine and dandy, I assume it functions as intended aswell.
But then when I try to make define the setMobility class I run into some problems.
void InterVehicleMessage::SetMobility(const veins::TraCIMobility& vehicle_mobility)
this->vehicle_mobility = vehicle_mobility;
This results in the error: error: object of type 'veins::TraCIMobility' cannot be assigned because its copy assignment operator is implicitly deleted
I'm not familiar with C++ enough to really know what this means. Is there anyone who could hint me into the right direction?
pastebin to TraCIMobility.h:
I've decided to save the information necesarry from TraCIMobility in individual variables.
double speed;
veins::Coord position;
veins::Heading direction;
veins::Coord nextPositions[7];
Instead of:
veins::TraCIMobility vehicle_mobility;
As #PaulSanders stated in the comment, this class is not supposed to be copied.
Thanks everyone for their time and effort. Have a nice day.

Pass class instance C++

I'm learning C++ by programming a game. I'm using SDL to display my objects and a factory structure to keep it all organised.
I separated the first object (a car), the controls (keyboard) and the display (monitor).
In my main class I call the monitor class to display a window where I should draw the images. If a key is pressed, the car should react to that by redrawing the image.
The problem here is that I initialized the monitor in the main class and I can't access it in my car class..
I tried a variety of things, but nothing seems to do the trick.
So here is the main class
Game::Game(GuiFactory* factory) {
bool is_running = true;
Car* car = factory->createCar();
// create factory specific window
Monitor* monitor = factory->createMonitor();
// create factory specific keyboard
Keyboard* keyboard = factory->createKeyboard();
while (is_running) {
// keyboard input
string key_input = keyboard->getKeys();
if (key_input == "quit") {
is_running = false;
} else if (key_input != "") {
if(key_input == "right"){
I have a main car class and an SDLCar class, which inherits car.
class Car {
virtual ~Car();
virtual void drawCar() = 0;
virtual void turnRight() = 0;
Here is where I'm confused:
class SDLCar : public Car {
virtual ~SDLCar();
void drawCar();
void turnRight(SDLMonitor& monitor);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Could someone please explain?
In your base class Car you have declared the method turnRight which takes no parameters.
In your derived class SDLCar you have declared a completely different method with the same name. The reason why it's a different method and not a function override is that its takes a parameter. It should be parameterless to override Car::turnRight.
And because it's not a function override, the rules of polymorphism don't apply. Thus you can't call SDLCar::turnRight(SDLMonitor&) from a Car pointer.
Right now is an excellent time to start using the override keyword. It prevents specifically these kind of programming errors. By marking a function with override:
void turnRight(SDLMonitor& monitor) override;
the compiler will automatically check that it actually overrides a function from the base class.
E.g. with the above declaration, the compiler would give you an error (or a warning at least). This would've helped you find your error right away and prevented more erroneous code such as car->turnRight(monitor).
So now that the error is found, you need to find a way to fix it. Either declare the base class turnRight to take a SDLMonitor& as well, or think of something else if that's not how it should behave.
IMO having to pass the game window to a method like turnRight seems weird. Why would turning a car need a window? I think turnRight should do just what it says on the tin: turn the car right. Nothing else.
I don't know why you're passing a window to the method but if it's for drawing, shouldn't the drawCar method handle that? I don't know your code, so I'll leave it up to you.

Accessing child function, while using parent class

I am doing an assignment for the university course and me and my partner have a problem. Program we are making is a game.
We have several classes, which all inherit from the base class, called Creature. These are all enemies player needs to deal with and they all run their own AIs. There are 4 different types of child classes, all within namespace Creature(Including parent, Creature), with one class having special functions that only it needs. This class is called Bunny.
Now, my job is to call AI functions as needed. Problem is, I do not always know what class I am calling out, as such, when I ask the game board to tell me what Creature I get.
All enemies are saved as pointers like so, in game board squares:
struct Square
// Pointers to Morso class, where the enemy is saved
Creature::Creature* creature;
//Undeeded stuff removed
Now, this is all and fine until we need to access to special functions. Pupu will multiply if certain conditions are filled. As such, with in Pupu there are few functions I need to call to make sure it carries out it's act correctly.
However, here comes the problem.
I call our board class to give me the creature that is in the coordinates I give to it.
void GameEngine::GameEngine::runAI()
Creature::Creature* creature= NULL;
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < dimY; y++)
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < dimX; x++)
Coordinate target;
creature= board_->returnCreature(target);
//If there is a creature in the target, run its AI
if(creature!= NULL)
//If it is, check special procedures
if(creature->returnType() == "bunny")
}//for x
}//for y
Now, :
void GameEngine::GameEngine::bunnyReproduce(Ccreature::Creature* creature)
//Checks that it really is a bunny
if( creature->returnType() != "bunny"){ return; }
//Check is there another bunny near
The problem is, creature, at this point, can't call for checkForMate, which is public member of Bunny, but not Creature. Do we need to make virtual function into Creature?
I tried making checkForMate into Creature::Bunny, but since the original value I try to give to it is Creature class, I can't do so. Do we need to to create an empty virtual function in Creature class and then override it it Bunnyclass?
I am running Qt Creator 2.7.0, with QT 5.0.2.
You should add virtual function reproduce to Creature class and implement it in Bunny or any other creature you may later add to the game. So that any creature will reproduce itself in it's own way. You don't even need to check creature type in this case. Since if you have some non reproducible creatures, you may just implement reproduce as empty method that will do nothing.
Ideally, your engine shouldn't need to care at all what kind of creature it's working with.
If you want the bunny to reproduce on each ai() step, why not do it in the bunny's ai()?
After all, shouldn't it be the bunny's responsibility to decide when to reproduce, rather than some almighty external Engine?
void Creature::Bunny::ai()
if (niceMateNearby())

Converting objects of base class to derived class

I asked a couple days ago some clarifications on inheritance, a concept I am still trying to understand. Here is the follow up question, since I am still facing problems.
In my project I have 2 types of objects, Hand and Face, both inheriting from the base class BodyPart. BodyPart is something like this:
class BodyPart
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BodyPart> BodyPartPtr;
virtual ~BodyPart();
int commonMember1;
double commonMember2;
int commonMethod1();
int CommonMethod2();
while Hand is something like this:
class Hand : public BodyPart
int numFingers;
double otherVar;
int getNumFingers();
void printInfo();
I also have a vector of BodyPart elements
std::vector<BodyPart::BodyPartPtr> cBodyParts;
composed of Hand or Head objects. In the previous question I was told that this approach makes sense, I just had to cast from the base class to the derived using boost static_pointer_cast
Now, the problem now is that for some of the objects in the vector I don't know whether they are Hand or Head, so at some point in my code I can have in cBodyParts some Hand elements, some Head elements as well as some BodyPart elements. After some further analysis I am able to correctly classify the latter as either Hand or Head and modify accordingly the elements in the vector, but I have no idea on how to make it. Shall I just delete the case class element and create a derived one with the same property? Shall I just avoid inheritance in case like this?
Thanks in advance for the help
EDIT: I have augmented the examples to make them clearer.
Relaying on casts is usually a sign of a bad design. Casts have their place, but this does not look to be it.
You need to ask yourself what do you want to do with the objects stored in cBodyParts. For sure, you will be doing different things with a Hand or with a Head, but you can probably abstract them somehow: this is what virtual functions do. So, in addition to what you have already written for your classes, you would just need an additional virtual function in them:
class BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() = 0; // Pure virtual: each body part must say how to process itself
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {} // Override it only if the body part includes joints
class Head : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Head
// Since a Head has no joints, we don't override the CalibrateJoints() method
class Hand : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Hand
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knuckles in the hand
And then you no longer need any casts. For instance:
for (BodyPart::BodyPartPtr part : cBodyParts) {
part->CalibrateJoints(); // This will do nothing for Heads
As you can see, no casts at all and everything will work fine. This scheme is extensible; if you later decide that you need additional classes inheriting from BodyPart, just write them and your old code will work correctly:
class Torso : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Torso
// The Torso has no joints, so no override here for CalibrateJoints()
// Add everything else the class needs
class Leg : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Leg
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knee
// Add everything else the class needs
Now you don't need to change the code you wrote previously: the for loop above will work correctly with and Torso or Leg it finds with no need for an update.
The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone...
I take it you have some composite of all the body parts, maybe a Body class.
What do you want the body to do?
Render itself
Ouput its volume, or bounding box, or some other metric
Re-orient itself in response to input
Respond to an inverse-kinematic physical model
The list could probably go on. If you know exactly what you want the Body to do you can put that function in the BodyPart base class, and have Body iterate over the composite hierarchical structure of all the connected body parts, calling render, for example.
An alternative is to use a Visitor, which is effectively a way of dynamically adding methods to a static inheritance hierarchy.
As Kerrek SB pointed out this is not feasible at all, but for the sake of answering the actual question, dynamic_cast is what you are looking for.
Use virtual functions, they will simplify a lot your problem.
Else, you can add some methods to distinguish between different types. However, do it only if you cannot do it another way, ie if you cannot do it via virtual functions.
Example 1:
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual bool isHand() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHead() const { return false; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
bool isHand() const { return true; }
// How to use:
BodyPart::pointer ptr = humanBodyVector[42]; // one item from the array
processHand(/*cast to hand*/)
else if(ptr->isHead())
// ...
Example 2: let the derived classes handle the cast
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual Hand* toHand() const { return 0; }
virtual Head* toHead() const { return 0; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
Hand* toHand() const { return this; }

Segfault when using std::set of pointers... can anyone explain this?

In my game I created a base class called Entity which I store in a set for processing. All my game objects derive from this class, and I have no problem adding the derived pointer types to the set in my initialization function.
The problem lies in adding new elements from within an Entity's Step() function. Now, before I get too far into it I'll show you some simplified code:
class GameState
set<Entity*> entities;
void Add(Entity* e);
void Remove(Entity* e);
set<Entity*> added, removed;
class Entity
Entity(GameState* parent);
virtual ~Entity();
virtual void Step(const sf::Input& input);
virtual void Destroy();
GameState* game;
The functions Add and Remove in GameState simply add the argument e to the added and removed sets respectively. In the main loop (elsewhere in GameState), I move the elements from added to entities before processing and after processing I remove elements from removed from entities. This ensures that entities is not modified during iteration.
The Add/Remove functions are very simple:
void GameState::Add(Entity* e)
void GameState::Remove(Entity* e)
Every derived Entity is passed a pointer to GameState in it's constructor that it keeps as game. So theoretically from the Step function I should be able to Add and Remove entities with a simple call like game->Remove(this);, but instead I get a segfault. After a night of googling and coming up with nothing, I was able to work around (part of) the problem by implementing Entity::Destroy() like so:
void Entity::Destroy()
So my first question is: Why does this work when I'm in the base class but not in the derived class?
Even more puzzling to me is Add(). Why does Add(new Explosion(16,16,this)) work in GameState but game->Add(new Explosion(16,16,game)) doesn't work inside my object?
I ran it through gdb and it tells me:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
At c:/program files (x86)/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/include/c++/bits/stl_tree.h:482
The code that throws the error is:
{ return static_cast<_Link_type>(this->_M_impl._M_header._M_parent); } //this line
So to sum it up I have no idea why my pointers break the STL... and I get that grave feeling that I'm missing something very basic and its causing all these headaches. Can anyone give me advice?
Why does Add(new Explosion(16,16,this)) work in GameState but
game->Add(new Explosion(16,16,game)) doesn't work inside my object?
If that is the case then the only possible explanation is that the Entity's game member doesn't actually point to the GameState. Check that it is being set properly on construction and verify before you use it.
This has nothing to do with std::set. The problem is that you are using an std::set that is part of a class that you are accessing via a corrupt pointer.