Stata: How to reference subfolder after setting directory with cd - stata

In SPSS, you can set a directory or path, like cd 'C:\MyData' and later refer to any subfolders within that directory, like get file 'Subfolder1\Some file.sav'.
How do you do this in Stata? Assume I have this folder structure:
Can I do:
cd "C:\MyData"
and then
use Subfolder1\data1.dta
[a bunch of code ...]
use Subfolder2\data3.dta
[a bunch of code]
I'm basically trying to avoid having to respecify the higher level folder I established with the initial cd command.

This is valid Stata syntax:
set more off
cd "D:/Datos/rferrer/Desktop/statatemps"
use "test/cauto.dta"
You could also do something like:
set more off
local dirstub "D:/Datos/rferrer/Desktop/statatemps"
use "`dirstub'/test/cauto.dta"
That is, define a directory stub using a local, and use it whenever needed. Unlike the first example, this form doesn't actually produce a directory change.

I think you should be able to use a period as a directory component in a path to represent the current directory, like this:
use "./Subfolder1/data1.dta"


Move only certain files to GCP and keep subfolder

I want to move all the files with extension "gz", with his folder/subfolders of the dir "C:\GCPUpload\Additional" to a folder in the bucket "gs://BucketName/Additional/".
I need to keep the folder structure, in a way like this:
C:\GCPUpload\Additional\Example1.gz --> gs://BucketName/Additional/Example1.gz
C:\GCPUpload\Additional\Example2.gz --> gs://BucketName/Additional/Example2.gz
C:\GCPUpload\Additional\ExampleNot.txt --> (Ignore this file)
C:\GCPUpload\Additional\Subfolder2\Example3.gz --> gs://BucketName/Additional/Subfolder2/Example3.gz
C:\GCPUpload\Additional\Subfolder2\Example4.gz --> gs://BucketName/Additional/Subfolder2/Example4.gz
This is the command that I am using so far:
call gsutil mv -r -c "C:\GCPUpload\Additional\**\*.gz" "gs://BucketName/Additional/"
The trouble that I'm having is that all the files are being move to the root of the bucket (i.e gs://BucketName/Additional/) , and ignoring its original folder/subfolder
How should I write this? I've tried and googled, but can't find a way where this is working.
The behavior you're seeing was implemented by gsutil to match the corresponding (older) behavior when you use a recursive wildcard (**) in the shell.
To do what you want you'll need to list all of the objects you want moved and create a shell script that individually runs gsutil mv commands that move them to the directories you want. You could probably use local editing tools to make that somewhat easier (like awk or sed).

load data into power BI from relative path

I am trying to find a solution to load an external data file but from a relative path, so when someone else open my PBIX it will still work on his/her computer.
many thanks.
Relative paths are *not* currently supported by Power BI.
To ease the pain, you can create a variable that contains the path where the files are located, and use that variable to determine the path of each table. That way, you only have to change a single place (that variable) and all the tables will automatically point to the new location.
Create a Blank Query, give it a name (e.g. dataFolderPath) and type in the path where your files are (e.g. C:\Users\augustoproiete\Desktop)
With the variable created, edit each of your tables in the Advanced Editor and concatenate your variable with the name of the file.
e.g. instead of "C:\Users\augustoproiete\Desktop\data.xlsx", change it to dataFolderPath & "\data.xlsx"
You can also vote/watch this feature request to be notified when it gets implemented:
Support relative path to excel/csv sources
You can use also the "Parameters" function.
1. Create a new Parameter like "PathExcelFiles"
Edit your "Source" entry
Done !
I don't think this is possible yet.
Please add your support for this idea so the Microsoft Power BI team will be more likely to add this as a new feature.
I couldn't bear the fact that there is no possibility to use relative paths, but finally I had to...
So I tried to find a half-decent acceptable workaround.
Using Python-Script it is at least possible to get access to the users %HOME% directory.
PySource = Python.Execute("from pathlib import Path#(lf)import pandas as pd#(lf)dataset = pd.DataFrame([[str(Path.home())]], columns = [1])"),
homeDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(PySource{[Name="dataset"]}[Value][1])),
The same should be possible with R-Script but didn't do it.
Anybody knows any better solution to get the %HOME% directory inside "Power" Query? I would be glad to have one.
Then I created two scripts inside my working directory install.bat:
if exist "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt" GOTO :ERROR
#This is are the key commands
mkdir "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath"
echo|set /p="%cd%" > "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"
#Just a little message box
SET msgboxTitle=There is already another working directory installed.
SET /p msgboxBody=<"%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"
SET tmpmsgbox=%temp%\~tmpmsgbox.vbs
IF EXIST "%tmpmsgbox%" DEL /F /Q "%tmpmsgbox%"
ECHO msgbox "%msgboxBody%",0,"%msgboxTitle%">"%tmpmsgbox%"
WSCRIPT "%tmpmsgbox%"
and uninstall_all.bat:
if exist "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt" RMDIR /S /Q "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\"
So in "Power" BI I did this:
PySource = Python.Execute("from pathlib import Path#(lf)import pandas as pd#(lf)dataset = pd.DataFrame([[str(Path.home())]], columns = [1])"),
homeDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(PySource{[Name="dataset"]}[Value][1])),
workingDirFile = Text.Combine({homeDir, ".PbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"} , "\"),
workingDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(Csv.Document(File.Contents(workingDirFile),[Delimiter=";", Columns=1, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])[Column1])),
Now if my git-repository (containing a "Power" BI-template-file and some config-files saying the template where to load the data from and the install/uninstall-scripts). Install has to be executed once and nobody has to copy and paste any path.
I'd be glad about any suggestion of improvement. It's not the solution Gotham deserves... Gotham deserves a better one.
As mentioned by a few people, you can use a dataset parameter and reference that in your script. What I haven't seen mentioned is that you can change these values using an API call:

Batch file move, and rename, using part of directory name

I've read several batch renaming answers, and haven't made them work for my application. My regex and loop skills are weak.
I need to move many files with the same name, let's say non_unique_file.txt from directories with semi-unique names such as 'Directory#1/' or 'Directory#2/' to the 'non_unique_files/' directory, while modifying their name so it contains the unique identifier from the directory of origin. If I were to move just one file, it would look like:
cp Directory#1/non_unique_file.txt non_unique_files/#1.txt
I tried several loops such as:
for f in Directory* ; do cp $f/*txt non_unique_files/$f ; done
knowing that it was not exactly what I needed, but I don't know how to parse the original directory names and add that to the new file names, in the new directory.
Any help/resources would be appreciated.
Figured it out. Not certain how this is working but it works.
for f in Directory* ; do cp $f/non_unique_file.txt non_unique_files/$f"".txt"" ; done
Where my files get renamed to 'Directoy#X.txt' in my non_unique_files/ directory.

Understanding "create a virtual filesystem which allows mapping of arbitrary directories" for FTP server project

Disclaimer: This is homework; I don't want a solution.
Also, no libraries outside c/c++ standard libraries are available.
I'm looking for a push in the right direction to understand what this portion of work from my assigned semester project (create a virtual FTP server) is even asking me to do:
The server allows to create a virtual filesystem. By a virtual filesystem, we mean a mapping of a served directory to the real directory on the filesystem. For example, the client tree will look like: /home/user1 maps to /mnt/x/home/user1 /www maps to /var/cache/www /home/user_list.txt maps to /var/ftpclient/user_list.txt The user will see /home/user1 directory and /www directory and the file /home/user_list.txt
I followed up with this question to my lecturer:
Are /home/user1 -> /mnt/x/home/user1 , /www -> /var/cache/www , and /var/cache/www/home/user_list.txt -> /var/ftpclient/user_list.txt the only directory mappings which need to be supported (so each user will have 2 directories and 1 file as shown automatically created for them)?
to which the following reply was given:
These mappings are just example settings. Your solution should be able
map anything to anything it similar way.
From my current understanding, I need to only allow users of my FTP server to access directories and files which are explicitly mapped (specified via the configuration file). This will probably mean a mapping of something like /home -> /home/users (so all users will see that they're in a pseudo root directory for FTP-ing stuff, e.g. user Bob sees /home/bob/.
Also, with which API do I need to work to support FTP commands like ls, cd, etc. which work with the real unerlying file system?
You are creating your own FTP server (or at least a portion thereof). It will need to solve the problem of /home/bob translates to /home/users/bob. I believe the way you are meant to do this is that if someone types cd /home/bob, you simply translate the passed in file-location to a function that takes the user-provided pat (in this case/home/bob) to it's "real" form (/home/users/bob) before it's passed to the chdir function that actually changes the directory. To make things like pwd and ls show the correct path, you will either need to "remember where you are" (bearing in mind that someone may want to do cd ../joe, cd ../tom/.././mats/../joe, or cd ..; cd joe to move to /home/joe, which should all [modulo my typos] translate to /home/users/joe but display as /home/joe - in other words, your cd will need to understand the current directory . and parent directory .. to move around), or have a "reverse translation" that takes /home/users/joe and comes up with /home/joe. It's my current thought that the latter is simpler, but I haven't solved EXACTLY this problem.
There are probably several solutions that you can follow, but a "match start of string" and working in absolute paths would work unless you want to do very complicated things and allow you don't need users to do REALLY complicated things, for example, if we have this mapping:
/home -> /mnt/x/home (e.g /home/bob becomes /mnt/x/home/bob)
/www -> /var/cache/www (e.g /www/index.html becomes /var/cache/www/index.html)
Now, if a user were to do:
cd /home/bob/../../www/ (could be worse with more . and .. mixed in)
then you need to actually understand where you are, and translate fix up ../.. into / again. [Of course, similar problems using a cd /home/bob then cd .. and cd www may pose similar problems].
I would clarify if that is actually required by your lecturer.
If it is not required, then match the start of anything starting with / (everything else, just pass to chdir without change)
The last question is the easiest: use the Boost Filesystem library, it has the types you'll need such as file paths.
For the first question, the idea is that GET /home/user_list.txt returns the contents of /var/ftpclient/user_list.txt. That means you first need to translate the virtual name into a real name (Some fanciness is possible here, but basically you want to check if any prefix of the virtual name appears in the translation table. Fanciness includes dealing with the case of names not found). Secondly, with the real name you want to open that file, read its contents, and return those to the client.

Rename multiple files in a directory in objective-c

I need to remove the first 4 characters of the names of over 100 files in a certain directory, can I do this with an obj-c program or a c ++ program and if so how?
Yes you can.
The NSFileManager class provides all the methods you need.
To get the contents of the directory use the contentsOfDirectoryAtPath method.
To rename the file you need to use the moveItemAtPath method.
Take a look at the class reference
1. Get the names of the files in the dir.
2. Iterate all the files and use the moveItemAtPath to rename.