Django multi-select widget. Add arbitrary select components - django

i would like to make a widget that lets the user select a value from a drop-down list and then add new drop-down lists with values filtered based on the previous selections. I don't know where to start from....

If the amount of drop-downs is finite and determinable by the time you develop the software (e.g. selecting country->city->street) I would suggest to:
add all the extra dropdowns (without data yet) to your form, make sure they are hidden
use jqueryui to un-hide and populate the dropdowns as needed using ajax
Don't forget to disable/hide the whole form by default and only show it if JS is enabled in browser.
Also, you will of course need another view, with which only ajax speaks.
Here for you to catch the idea how the stuff should work. Sorry don't know if they have anything more similar. But: user selects something -> jquery requests data for the next dropdown -> jquery displays next populated dropdown.


Can I dynamically disable a drilldown in Siebel 7.8?

I have a list applet with a drilldown in one of the columns, and I want to enable or disable it based on another field's value. Something like a dynamic drilldown, but instead of choosing a different view, I want to disable the navigation for some of the records.
Can this be done in Siebel 7.8?
Ideally without server scripting... and definitely without ugly browser scripting hacks, please.
I have tried creating a dynamic drilldown, but it doesn't work because I have to specify a target view in my parent default drilldown. If I use an inactive view for that, then the whole dynamic drilldown is ignored and Siebel simply uses the one with the next sequence number.
I can think of a couple of ways to implement it, but both are far from ideal:
Writing some server script to detect the drilldown event before it happens, and abort it if needed with a RaiseErrorText message. It should be doable... but I'd rather disable the drilldown than throw an ugly error to my users.
Placing the drilldown in a calculated field, and make it have no text when there should be no navigation. If there is no text, there is nothing the users can click to drilldown, right? But I would have to add a new column just for the drilldown, which would be confusing for the users.
If you don't want any scripting. There are 2 ways.
First way is using toggle applet.
1.Main Applet will have the drill down down object. And Toggle applet will not have the drill down objects.
2.Create a field in the BC to use it in the Toggle Applet condition .Toggle Applet will be displayed when the drilldown is not required.
Second way you can achieve it is through visibility Type attribute in the drilldown object as well as visibility Applet Type attribue at the view level.

django - how to make clickable html text that sends data to model?

I want to display users around 10 clickable html "tags" (just text with some css that changes when clicked) on my form page. I want them to be able to select a maximum of 3 tags but no minimum requirement. I then want to take the sum of all clicks for each individual tag and do some calculations with them as a model method, like return the 3 most clicked tags.
It's important that my tags are on the form page and are submitted at the same time as the form. So I guess they have to be part of my form.
How would I go about doing this? An actual example would be tremendously helpful as I'm still very new to django and find the documentation (which I've looked at) somewhat hard to understand.
If you know the tags ahead of time, I'd recommend this setup:
Use a multiple select widget in your form (see the favorite_colors field in this Django widgets example)
Use Select2 or another JavaScript library that converts <select multiple> inputs into a tags-like UI
If you go that route, this widget from django-select2 looks like it should get you off to the races.

Can I add a 'shortcut' link to a Django form which edits a field and saves everything?

I have a Django (crispy) form with many tabs which all contain many fields. Each of these tabs has an Active boolean field. The first tab of my the form contains an overview, listing all the tabs.
Now I would like to know if there is some way to have a link on that overview tab which would in theory toggle the corresponding boolean field on one of the tabs and save the result. Right now the user can go to the specific tab, check or uncheck the value and save it, but they want some sort of shortcut so they can do it in one click.
Would that be possible at all? And how could I achieve this ?
So clicking the Activate / Deactivate in this list should be the same as :
Going to the corresponding tab and checking / unchecking the available field and pressing the save button.
You can use javascript and do onchange for checkbox. In the script you can call the views to save the value to database and return to same page.

Django - Dynamically assign initial value to form from other fields

I'm creating a Django app. I would like to know it it's possible (I haven't seen anywhere that it is) to create a form which has initial values that can change depending on selections in other fields. To be more specific, I have a field which is a drop-down menu of standard cosmologies, each of which has a certain set of parameters. These parameters are fields of their own. I want to set the initial values of these parameters after the user has selected a specific option from the drop-down menu. If possible, they should also be greyed out (ie. not changeable) when this is done (there is one option in the dropdown which is 'Custom', for which they should be editable).
I hope that's enough information. Cheers.

How to select from a large number of options when completing a form

I am building a web app that allows our field staff to create appointments. This involves creating a record that contains many foreign keys, of which some come from very large tables. For example, the staff will need to select one of potentially thousands of customers.
What's the best way of doing this in Django?
A pop-up box that allows the users to search for customers, gives them the results, the user selects the results, then fills out the main appointment form and then
Changing the appointments form to a customer selection page that
then reloads the appointments page with the data in a hidden form? Or
holding the data in some session variables?
Some from of Ajax approach.
A wizard where the flow is: a customer search page, a list of results and they select from results, then a search page for the next option (for example product selection), etc etc
(I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. This is my first Django
project and my first web project for more years than I care to
Imho you should consider some kind of autocomplete fields. I think this results in the best usability for the user. Unfortunately, this always involves Ajax. But if you think that all users have JS turned on this is no problem.
or what is probably more powerful:
If you do the wizard approach, it will take longer for the user to accomplish the task and makes it harder to change selections.
Well with django-ajax-selects you can define how the results should look like. So you can e.g. add the address behind the name.
Custom search channels can be written when you need to do a more complex search, check the user's permissions, format the results differently or customize the sort order of the results.
I have done this before by integrating a jQuery autocomplete plugin. But, seeing as this is your first project and your desire to keep it simple, I suppose you could go with the session data option. For instance, you could show a search page where users could search for and select a customer. You could then store the, say, ID of the selected customer object as session data, and use it to pre-populate the corresponding field in the form when displaying the form. That's what I think offhand.