I need to use a separate template for dashboard. So that
http://mysite/dashboard loads a completely different template.
So, I have created a template under layouts/dashboard_template.html.erb
My dashboard cotroller
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
def index
render template: 'layouts/dashboard_template.html.erb'
I have added following routes.rb
get 'dashboard', to: 'dashboard#index'
but, it loads the template inside application.html.erb! Not sure how to fix it. Hope it is clear. Please help.
In your dashboard controller use
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
layout :set_layout, only: [:index]
def index
# do your stuff
def set_layout
"layout_file_name" || 'application'
this will load your layout if present else main application layout
I am running a chat application on my RoR app. I want to be able to render the user chat conversations from my layouts/application.html.erb to have the user chat conversations across all pages but the chat is only working when I run the index action method under my Users controller [class UsersController < ApplicationController]. When I have my chat on views/users/index.html.erb runs great. Just to make it available in all pages I created a render form under views/users called _chatlist.html.erb which has this line inside:
and rendered this form in my layouts/application.html.erb body as:
<%= render partial: 'users/chatlist' %>
When I do that I get this error: undefined method `any?' for nil:NilClass.
How can I solve this nil issue? Any help will be appreciated.
You are getting that error because #conversations is not initialized.
You have to write an method and call it in application_controller.rb if you want to make it available on all the pages. Your application_controller.rb should look like this.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :load_conversatios
def load_conversatios
# load you conversation here
#conversations = Conversation.all
And I think that is not a good approach to load all the conversations on all the pages. You have to make it available from ajax call.
I have a rails controller page home_controller.rb
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
##users = User.all
#loan_applications = LoanApplication.all
def button_listing_show
redirect_to lp_banker_assignments_path
And I have this Rails Slim button code
button Go to Listings onclick="<%home.button_listing_show%>"
What i want is on the onclick events the page redirects to this path.
Can someone provide an answer for me either in Slim or in Rails.
button Go to Listings onclick="#{lp_banker_assignments_path}"
You are just generating a path with that function, so why not just interpolate to the path directly?
Docs for variable interpolation
I have 2 layout
I use devise.
in application_controller.rb I write this code:
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
layout :another_by_method
def another_by_method
if user_signed_in?
by this code, if user don't login_in, login.html.erb show.
I want use devise sign_in form in login.html.erb, but because of this code all of the page are redirect_to login.html.
I use below code too,
<%= render partial: "devise/sessions/new"%>
but get this error:
ActionView::MissingTemplate in Devise::Sessions#new
any idea?!
You are trying to render a partial, but devise/sessions/new is not a partial.
Anyway, have you generated the views with rails generate devise:views? If so, you could do that:
= render file: 'devise/sessions/new'
Use file instead of partial, but you will need all the variables provided by Devise, as resource, resource_name, or devise_mapping.
Is there a better way of using say the blue spree theme on other non spree pages?
I'm just going through and including the files that I can and adding the HTML I can't get from the includes into a master template. Would be nice if there was a better / easier way.
After some digging I figured it out.
All you have to do is set your controller to inherit from the Spree::StoreController
so go into whatever controller you want to do this for and change this:
class FooController < ApplicationController
def index
To this:
class FooController < Spree::StoreController
def index
I'm a rails beginner learning rails 4 and I'm trying to learn by doing. I'm making a simple blog that I want some simple user authentication on. I'm trying to learn here, so I don't want to implement Devise, etc. I have a header partial that takes care of my site header and I'm trying to put a link to logout that only shows if a user is logged in. I have a simple session controller that has a new action for the signup form, a create action that sets the current user after matching the email and password and sets session[:user_id] = #current_user.id, and a destroy action that nils out the session. In my application controller I have a method like this
def logged_in?
In my _header.html.erb partial, I have
<% if logged_in? %>
(My link)
<% end %>
When I load the page it tells me it can't find the "logged_in?" method. Anyone know why? Thanks.
Methods on controllers are by default not exposed to the views (which your partial is part of).
2 solutions:
Create your logged_in? method as a helper method, for example in an AuthenticationHelper. Doing this you cannot access it from controllers, though.
Expose your controller method to the view using helper_method:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper_method :logged_in?
def logged_in?
Couldn't you just use:
if #current_user