Reaching from first index to last with minimum product without using Graphs? - c++

Solving this problem on codechef:
After visiting a childhood friend, Chef wants to get back to his home.
Friend lives at the first street, and Chef himself lives at the N-th
(and the last) street. Their city is a bit special: you can move from
the X-th street to the Y-th street if and only if 1 <= Y - X <= K,
where K is the integer value that is given to you. Chef wants to get
to home in such a way that the product of all the visited streets'
special numbers is minimal (including the first and the N-th street).
Please, help him to find such a product. Input
The first line of input consists of two integer numbers - N and K -
the number of streets and the value of K respectively. The second line
consist of N numbers - A1, A2, ..., AN respectively, where Ai equals
to the special number of the i-th street. Output
Please output the value of the minimal possible product, modulo
1000000007. Constraints
1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ Ai ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ K ≤ N Example
Input: 4 2 1 2 3 4.
Output: 8
It could be solved using graphs based on this tutorial
I tried to solve it without using graphs and just using recursion and DP.
My approach:
Take an array and calculate the min product to reach every index and store it in the respective index.
This could be calculated using top down approach and recursively sending index (eligible) until starting index is reached.
Out of all calculated values store the minimum one.
If it is already calculated return it else calculate.
#define LI long int
#define MAX 100009
#define MOD 1000000007
using namespace std;
LI dp[MAX]={0};
LI ar[MAX],k,orig;
void cal(LI n)
LI minn=MAX;
for(LI i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
if(ar[n]-ar[i]<=k && ar[n]-ar[i]>=1)
int main()
LI n,i;
scanf("%ld %ld",&n,&k);
else printf("%ld",dp[n-1]);
return 0;
Its been 2 days and I have checked every corner cases and constraints but it still gives Wrong answer! Whats wrong with the solution?
Need Help.

There are many problems. Here is what I found:
You restrict the product to a value inferior to 100009 without reason. The product can be way higher that that (this is indeed the reason why the problem only asked the value modulo 1000000007)
You restrict your moves from streets whose difference in special number is K whereas the problem statement says that you can move between any cities whose index difference is inferior to K
In you dynamic programming function you compute the product and store the modulo of the product. This can lead to a problem because the modulo of a big number can be lower than the modulo of a lower number. This may corrupt later computations.
The integral type you use, long int, is too short.
The complexity of your algorithm is too high.
From all these problems, the last one is the most serious. I fixed it by changing the whole aproach and using a better datastructure.
1st Problem
In your main() function:
In your cal() function:
LI minn=MAX;
You should replace this line with:
LI minn = std::numeric_limits<LI>::max();
Do not forget to:
#include <limits>
2nd Problem
for(LI i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
if(ar[n]-ar[i]<=k && ar[n]-ar[i]>=1)
. . .
You should replace the for loop condition:
for(LI i=n-1;i>=n-k;i--)
And remove altogether the condition on the special numbers.
3rd Problem
You are looking for the path whose product of special numbers is the lowest. In your current setting, you compare path's product after having taken the modulo of the product. This is wrong, as the modulo of a higher number may become very low (for instance a path whose product is 1000000008 will have a modulo of 1 and you will choose this path, even if there is a path whose product is only 2).
This means you should compare the real products, without taking their modulo. As these products can become very high you should take their logarithm. This will allow you to compare the products with a simple double. Remember that:
log(a*b) = log(a) + log(b)
4th Problem
Use unsigned long long.
5th Problem
I fixed all these issues and submitted on codechef CHRL4. I got all but one test case accepted. The testcase not accepted was because of a timeout. This is due to the fact that your algorithm has got a complexity of O(k*n).
You can achieve O(n) complexity using a bottom-up dynamic programming approach, instead of top-down and using a data structure that will return the minimum log value of the k previous streets. You can lookup sliding window minimum algorithm to find how to do.
my own codechef CHRL4 solution: bottom-up dp + sliding window minimum


Can Anyone reduce the Complexity of My Code. Problem E of Codeforces Round113 Div.2

Link to The Problem:
Problem Statement:
*You are given a tetrahedron. Let's mark its vertices with letters A, B, C, and D correspondingly.
An ant is standing in the vertex D of the tetrahedron. The ant is quite active and he wouldn't stay idle. At each moment of time, he makes a step from one vertex to another one along some edge of the tetrahedron. The ant just can't stand on one place.
You do not have to do much to solve the problem: your task is to count the number of ways in which the ant can go from the initial vertex D to itself in exactly n steps. In other words, you are asked to find out the number of different cyclic paths with the length of n from vertex D to itself. As the number can be quite large, you should print it modulo 1000000007 (10^9 + 7).*
The first line contains the only integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 107) — the required length of the cyclic path.
Print the only integer — the required number of ways modulo 1000000007 (10e9 + 7).
Example: Input n=2 , Output: 3
Input n=4, Output: 21
My Approach to Problem:
I have written a recursive code that takes two input n and present index, then I am traveling and exploring all possible combinations.
using namespace std;
#define mod 10000000
#define ll long long
ll count_moves=0;
ll count(ll n, int present)
if(n==0 and present==0) count_moves+=1, count_moves%=mod; //base_condition
else if(n>1){ //Generating All possible Combinations
else if(n==1 and present) count(n-1,0);
int main()
ll n; cin>>n;
if(n==1) {
cout<<"0"; return;
But the problem is that I am getting Time Limit Error since Time Complexity of my Code is very high. Please Can anyone suggest me how can I optimize/Memoize my code to reduce its complexity?
#**Edit 1: ** Some People are commenting about macros and division well it's not an issue. The Range of n is 10^7 and complexity of my code is exponential so my actual doubt is how to decrease it to linear time. i,e O(n).
Anytime you built into a recursion and you exceeded time complexity, you have to understand the recursion is likely the problem.
The best solution is to not use a recursion.
Look at the result you have:
   ⋮      ⋮
While it might be hard to find a pattern for the first couple terms, but it gets easier later on.
Each term is roughly 3 times larger than the last term, or more precisely,
Now you could just write a for loop for it:
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
count_moves = count_moves * 3 + std::pow(-1, i) * 3;
or to get rid of pow():
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
count_moves = count_moves * 3 + (i % 2 * 2 - 1) * -3;
Further more, you could even build that into a general term formula to get rid of the for loop:
or in code:
count_moves = (pow(3, n) + (n % 2 * 2 - 1) * -3) / 4;
However, you can't get rid of the pow() this time, or you will have to write a loop for that then.
I believe one of your issues is that you are recalculating things.
Take for example n=4. count(3,x) is called 3 times for x in [0,3].
However if you made a std::map<int,int> you could save the value for (n,present) pairs and only calculate each value once.
This will take more space. The map will be 4*(n-1) big when you are done. That is still probably too large for 10^9?
Another thing you can do is multithread. Each call to count can instigate its own thread. You need to be careful then to be thread safe when changing the global count and the state of the std::map if you decide to use it.
Calculate count(n,x) one time for n in [1,n-1] x in [0,3] then count[n,0] = a*count(n-1,1) +b*count(n-1,2) +c*count(n-1,3).
If you can figure out the pattern for what a,b,c are given n or maybe even the a,b,c for the n-1 case then you may be able to solve this problem easily.

how to find the minimum number of primatics that sum to a given number

Given a number N (<=10000), find the minimum number of primatic numbers which sum up to N.
A primatic number refers to a number which is either a prime number or can be expressed as power of prime number to itself i.e. prime^prime e.g. 4, 27, etc.
I tried to find all the primatic numbers using seive and then stored them in a vector (code below) but now I am can't see how to find the minimum of primatic numbers that sum to a given number.
Here's my sieve:
#define MAX 10000
typedef long long int ll;
ll modpow(ll a, ll n, ll temp) {
ll res=1, y=a;
while (n>0) {
if (n&1)
return res%temp;
int isprimeat[MAX+20];
std::vector<int> primeat;
//Finding all prime numbers till 10000
void seive()
ll i,j;
for (i=2; i<=MAX; i++) {
if (isprimeat[i]==0) {
for (j=i*i; j<=MAX; j+=i) {
for (i=2; i<=MAX; i++) {
if (isprimeat[i]==0) {
int main()
std::sort(primeat.begin(), primeat.end());
return 0;
One method could be to store all primatics less than or equal to N in a sorted list - call this list L - and recursively search for the shortest sequence. The easiest approach is "greedy": pick the largest spans / numbers as early as possible.
for N = 14 you'd have L = {2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,13}, so you'd want to make an algorithm / process that tries these sequences:
13 is too small
13 + 13 -> 13 + 2 will be too large
11 is too small
11 + 11 -> 11 + 4 will be too large
11 + 3 is a match.
You can continue the process by making the search function recurse each time it needs another primatic in the sum, which you would aim to have occur a minimum number of times. To do so you can pick the largest -> smallest primatic in each position (the 1st, 2nd etc primatic in the sum), and include another number in the sum only if the primatics in the sum so far are small enough that an additional primatic won't go over N.
I'd have to make a working example to find a small enough N that doesn't result in just 2 numbers in the sum. Note that because you can express any natural number as the sum of at most 4 squares of natural numbers, and you have a more dense set L than the set of squares, so I'd think it rare you'd have a result of 3 or more for any N you'd want to compute by hand.
Dynamic Programming approach
I have to clarify that 'greedy' is not the same as 'dynamic programming', it can give sub-optimal results. This does have a DP solution though. Again, i won't write the final process in code but explain it as a point of reference to make a working DP solution from.
To do this we need to build up solutions from the bottom up. What you need is a structure that can store known solutions for all numbers up to some N, this list can be incrementally added to for larger N in an optimal way.
Consider that for any N, if it's primatic then the number of terms for N is just 1. This applies for N=2-5,7-9,11,13,16,17,19. The number of terms for all other N must be at least two, which means either it's a sum of two primatics or a sum of a primatic and some other N.
The first few examples that aren't trivial:
6 - can be either 2+4 or 3+3, all the terms here are themselves primatic so the minimum number of terms for 6 is 2.
10 - can be either 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 or 5+5. However 6 is not primatic, and taking that solution out leaves a minimum of 2 terms.
12 - can be either 2+10, 3+9, 4+8, 5+7 or 6+6. Of these 6+6 and 2+10 contain non-primatics while the others do not, so again 2 terms is the minimum.
14 - ditto, there exist two-primatic solutions: 3+11, 5+9, 7+7.
The structure for storing all of these solutions needs to be able to iterate across solutions of equal rank / number of terms. You already have a list of primatics, this is also the list of solutions that need only one term.
Sol[term_length] = list(numbers). You will also need a function / cache to look up some N's shortest-term-length, eg S(N) = term_length iif N in Sol[term_length]
Sol[1] = {2,3,4,5 ...} and Sol[2] = {6,10,12,14 ...} and so on for Sol[3] and onwards.
Any solution can be found using one term from Sol[1] that is primatic. Any solution requiring two primatics will be found in Sol[2]. Any solution requiring 3 will be in Sol[3] etc.
What you need to recognize here is that a number S(N) = 3 can be expressed Sol[1][a] + Sol[1][b] + Sol[1][c] for some a,b,c primatics, but it can also be expressed as Sol[1][a] + Sol[2][d], since all Sol[2] must be expressible as Sol[1][x] + Sol[1][y].
This algorithm will in effect search Sol[1] for a given N, then look in Sol[1] + Sol[K] with increasing K, but to do this you will need S and Sol structures roughly in the form shown here (or able to be accessed / queried in a similar manner).
Working Example
Using the above as a guideline I've put this together quickly, it even shows which multi-term sum it uses.
I can explain the code in-depth if you want but the real DP section is around lines 40-64. The recursion depth (also number of additional terms in the sum) is k, a simple dual-iterator while loop checks if a sum is possible using the kth known solutions and primatics, if it is then we're done and if not then check k+1 solutions, if any. Sol and S work as described.
The only confusing part might be the use of reverse iterators, it's just to make != end() checking consistent for the while condition (end is not a valid iterator position but begin is, so != begin would be written differently).
Edit - FYI, the first number that takes at least 3 terms is 959 - had to run my algorithm to 1000 numbers to find it. It's summed from 6 + 953 (primatic), no matter how you split 6 it's still 3 terms.

How to calc percentage of coverage in an array of 1-100 using C++?

This is for an assignment so I would appreciate no direct answers; rather, any logic help with my algorithms (or pointing out any logic flaws) would be incredibly helpful and appreciated!
I have a program that receives "n" number of elements from the user to put into a single-dimensional array.
The array uses random generated numbers.
IE: If the user inputs 88, a list of 88 random numbers (each between 1 to 100) is generated).
"n" has a max of 100.
I must write 2 functions.
Function #1:
Determine the percentage of numbers that appear in the array of "n" elements.
So any duplicates would decrease the percentage.
And any missing numbers would decrease the percentage.
Thus if n = 75, then you have a maximum possible %age of 0.75
(this max %age decreases if there are duplicates)
This function basically calls upon function #2.
FUNCTION HEADER(GIVEN) = "double coverage (int array[], int n)"
Function #2:
Using a linear search, search for the key (key being the current # in the list of 1 to 100, which should be from the loop in function #1), in the array.
Return the position if that key is found in the array
(IE: if this is the loops 40th run, it will be at the variable "39",
and will go through every instance of an element in the array
and if any element is equal to 39, all of those positions will be returned?
I believe that is what our prof is asking)
Return -1 if the key is not found.
Given notes = "Only function #1 calls function #2,
and does so to find out if a certain value (key) is found among the first n elements of the array."
FUNCTION HEADER(GIVEN) = "int search (int array[], int n, int key)"
What I really need help with is the logic for the algorithm.
I would appreciate any help with this as I would approach this problem completely differently than our professor wants us.
My first thoughts would be to loop through function #1 for all variable keys of 1 through 100.
And in that loop, go to the search function (function #2), in which a loop would go through every number in the array and add to a counter if a number was (1)a duplicate or (2) non-existent in the array. Then I would subtract that counter from 100. Thus if all numbers were included in the array except for the #40 and #41, and then #77 was a duplicate , the total percentage of coverage would be 100 - 3 = 97%.
Although as I type this I think that may in of itself be flawed? ^ Because with a max of 100 elements in the array, if the only number missing was 99, then you would subtract 1 for having that number missing, and then if there was a duplicate you would subtract another 1, and thus your percentage of coverage would be (100-2) = 98, when clearly it ought to be 99.
And this ^ is exactly why I would REALLY appreciate any logic help. :)
I know I am having some problems approaching this logically.
I think I can figure out the coding with a relative amount of ease; what I am struggling witht he most is the steps to take. So any pseudocode ideas would be amazing!
(I can post my entire program code so far if necessary for anyone, just ask, but it is rather long as of now as I have many other functions performing other tasks in the program)
I may be mistaken, but as I read it all you need to do is:
write a function that loops through the array of n elements to find a given number in it. It would return the index of first occurence, or a negative value in case the number cannot be found in the array.
write a loop to call the function for all numbers 1 to 100 and count the finds. Then divide the result by 100.
I'm not sure if I understand this whole thing right, but 1 function you can do it, if you don't care about speed, it's better to put array into a vector, loop through 1..100 and use boost find function There you can compare current value with the second entry value in the vector, if it contains you decrease, not not decrease, if you want to find if the unique number is in array, use I don't understand, how the percentage decreases, so it's on your own and I don't rly understand second function, but if its linear search use again find.
P.S. Vector description
You want to know how many numbers in the range [1, 100] appear in your given array. You can search for each number in turn:
size_t count_unique(int array[], size_t n)
size_t result = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
if (contains(array, n, i))
return result;
All you still need is an implementation of the containment check contains(array, n, i), and to transform the unique count into a percentage (by using division).

2 player team knowing maximum moves

Given a list of N players who are to play a 2 player game. Each of them are either well versed in making a particular move or they are not. Find out the maximum number of moves a 2-player team can know.
And also find out how many teams can know that maximum number of moves?
Example Let we have 4 players and 5 moves with ith player is versed in jth move if a[i][j] is 1 otherwise it is 0.
Here maximum number of moves a 2-player team can know is 5 and their are two teams that can know that maximum number of moves.
Explanation : (1, 3) and (3, 4) know all the 5 moves. So the maximal moves a 2-player team knows is 5, and only 2 teams can acheive this.
My approach : For each pair of players i check if any of the players is versed in ith move or not and for each player maintain the maximum pairs he can make with other players with his local maximum move combination.
vector<int> pairmemo;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int mymax=INT_MIN;
int countpairs=0;
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
int count=0;
for(int k=0;k<m;k++){
if(arr[i][k]==1 || arr[j][k]==1)
Overall maximum of all N players is answer and count is corresponding sum of the pairs being calculated.
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int countmaxi=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
Time complexity : O((N^2)*M)
Code :
How can i improve it?
Constraints : N<= 3000 and M<=1000
If you represent each set of moves by a very large integer, the problem boils down to finding pair of players (I, J) which have maximum number of bits set in MovesI OR MovesJ.
So, you can use bit-packing and compress all the information on moves in Long integer array. It would take 16 unsigned long integers to store according to the constraints. So, for each pair of players you OR the corresponding arrays and count number of ones. This would take O(N^2 * 16) which would run pretty fast given the constraints.
Lets say given matrix is
and you used 4-bit integer for packing it.
It would look like:
that is,
After OR the moves array for 2 player team becomes 13,8, now count the bits which are one. You have to optimize the counting of bits also, for that read the accepted answer here, otherwise the factor M would appear in complexity. Just maintain one count variable and one maxNumberOfBitsSet variable as you process the pairs.
What Ill do is:
1. Do logical OR between all the possible pairs - O(N^2) and store it's SUM in a 2D array with the symmetric diagonal ignored. (thats we save half of the calc - see example)
2. find the max value in the 2D Array (can be done while doing task 1) -> O(1)
3. count how many cells in the 2D array equals to the maximum value in task 2 O(N^2)
sum: 2*O(N^2)+ O(1) => O(N^2)
Example (using the data in the question (with letters indexes):
A[10101] B[11100] C[11010] D[00101]
Task 1:
[A|B] = 11101 = SUM(4)
[A|C] = 11111 = SUM(5)
[A|D] = 10101 = SUM(3)
[B|C] = 11110 = SUM(4)
[B|D] = 11101 = SUM(4)
[C|D] = 11111 = SUM(5)
Task 2 (Done while is done 1):
Max = 5
Task 3:
Count = 2
By the way, O(N^2) is the minimum possible since you HAVE to check all the possible pairs.
Since you have to find all solutions, unless you find a way to find a count without actually finding the solutions themselves, you have to actually look at or eliminate all possible solutions. So the worst case will always be O(N^2*M), which I'll call O(n^3) as long as N and M are both big and similar size.
However, you can hope for much better performance on the average case by pruning.
Don't check every case. Find ways to eliminate combinations without checking them.
I would sum and store the total number of moves known to each player, and sort the array rows by that value. That should provide an easy check for exiting the loop early. Sorting at O(n log n) should be basically free in an O(n^3) algorithm.
Use Priyank's basic idea, except with bitsets, since you obviously can't use a fixed integer type with 3000 bits.
You may benefit from making a second array of bitsets for the columns, and use that as a mask for pruning players.

Is there any trick to handle very very large inputs in C++?

A class went to a school trip. And, as usually, all N kids have got their backpacks stuffed with candy. But soon quarrels started all over the place, as some of the kids had more candies than others. Soon, the teacher realized that he has to step in: "Everybody, listen! Put all the candies you have on this table here!"
Soon, there was quite a large heap of candies on the teacher's table. "Now, I will divide the candies into N equal heaps and everyone will get one of them." announced the teacher.
"Wait, is this really possible?" wondered some of the smarter kids.
Problem specification
You are given the number of candies each child brought. Find out whether the teacher can divide the candies into N exactly equal heaps. (For the purpose of this task, all candies are of the same type.)
Input specification
The first line of the input file contains an integer T specifying the number of test cases. Each test case is preceded by a blank line.
Each test case looks as follows: The first line contains N : the number of children. Each of the next N lines contains the number of candies one child brought.
Output specification
For each of the test cases output a single line with a single word "YES" if the candies can be distributed equally, or "NO" otherwise.
The problem is simple but the case is that SPOJ judges are using very very large inputs. I have used unsigned long long as datatype, yet it shows wc..
Here's my code:
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned long long c=0,n,k,j,testcases,sum=0,i;
char b[10000][10];
return 0;
Easy. Don't add up the number of candies. Instead, keep a count of kids, a count of candies per kid. (CCK), and a count of extra candies (CEC. When you read a new line, CK += 1; CEC += newCandies; if (CEC > CK) CCK += (CEC / CK); CEC %= CK;
Does a line like this not concern you?
Would it not be simpler to write??
strcpy(b[c], "YES");
You can do this question without summing all the candies. Just calculate the remainder off each child's heap (which will be smaller than N). This way, the number won't grow too large and overflow.
I won't write out a solution since this is a contest problem, but if you're stuck I can give some more hints.
If you have input that is larger than unsigned long long, then they probably want you to implement custom functions for arbitrary-precision arithmetic (or the problem can be solved without using the large integers). If the input fits the largest native integer type, but your algorithm requires larger integer, it's most likely time to think about a different algorithm. :)
If you're reading in from cin, you can only read in values that will fit into some sort of integer variable. It's possible that the sum would overflow.
However, you don't have to add the numbers up. You can add the remainders (from dividing by N) up, and then see if the sum of the remainders is N.