Compile Microsoft Visual Studio Windows libraries using GCC or Clang - c++

I have 2 sets of C++ files, one set which I only have the .o files from GCC but no source code, while the other set in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 which I have the full source code - this set includes various VS libraries such as the Windows SDK. For deployment I would prefer to have one single EXE only (no DLLs), so I would like to link the .o files to the .obj files generated by Microsoft Visual Studio. The .o format seems incompatible with the .obj format, neither one can be converted to the other, and no linker seems to be capable of linking these two types of files together to produce 1 single EXE. Hence, my only option is to compile the set of files under Microsoft VS into .o format. I tried using GCC but even after quite some modifications to the Microsoft library source codes GCC still won't compile - there are a lot of C++ templates that the GCC compiler rejects. This would be too difficult for me to figure out how to modify.
(Edit: statement above seems not completely correct, I missed this earlier, Stack Overflow suggested to me, .o files and .obj files can be converted between them although I have yet to test out the tools and would need more research to determine how reliable this approach is: Converting C++ object file from linux .o to Windows .obj. I believe the .o files from GCC in Windows are the same as those it generates in Linux. Also, I was not clearer earlier, that although the files are C++, the intercommunication between the 2 sets, the VS set and the non-VS set, only needs to be done in C code i.e. .obj will communicate with .obj files in C++ but will communicate with .o files only using C calls. Still, given this approach seems not widely used, I would still prefer compiling VS source files with GCC since as long as I understand the modifications needed for the source files, I can be confident that the end result is reliable.)
I looked into Clang to compile to .o, but the Clang websites seems to indicate that it cannot compile all of the Microsoft Windows libraries either:
I looked into the Intel C++ compiler too, which can compile Microsoft libraries, but I couldn't figure out how to make it output .o instead of .obj under Windows.
Are there any guides on how to modify the Microsoft libraries (included in VS2015) to be compiled under GCC/Clang? The closest I have found online is this:, which I tested to work on MinGW, but it uses MinGW's own set of (modified?) Windows libraries which excludes all of the ATL files.
(Edit: after exploring a bit more, not 100% sure but quite convinced GCC probably cannot compile MS VS libraries, might just have to wait for a later version of Clang instead. Syntax issues can be fixed, like changing i64 suffixes to LL, getting rid of throw(...) in function declarations, etc., but things like __ptr32, __ptr64, __vectorcall, missing in GCC, not really sure if can be just dummy-ed out, and things like __getcallerseflags seems quite likely no simple workaround, if at all possible. Pasting my GCC command line switches here in case anyone wants to try: -std="gnu++14" -nostdinc -Wmissing-include-dirs -fpermissive -fms-extensions -D "__ptr64 =" -D "__ptr32 =" -D "__vectorcall = __fastcall" -D "__unaligned = " -D "__forceinline = inline" -D "__nullptr = nullptr" -D "__pragstr(X) = _Pragma( #X )" -D "__pragma(X) = __pragstr(X)" -D _M_AMD64 -D _M_X64 -D _WIN64 -D "_MSC_VER = 1400" -D "__int64 = long long" -D _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS .... -I include the MS VS folders)

I am afraid you are out of luck. You see every compiler mangles method names differently in c++. In the object code a method in a class has to be encoded with parameters, return type and membership. The best approach I think would be to build a DLL via GCC then use that in VS. Clang on Windows is still a headache.


In C or C++, does the compiler do implicit linking?

How does some std-lib, external-libs or any other pre-compiled src code such as the well-known header file <iostream> with its corresponding object file or static/dll lib get linked into my own application automatically? Does the compiler do it implicitly/under-the-hood or something like a compiler pre-linked list operation?
If such a case exist how do we use its functionality in our accord, Is there a way to put my own obj, dll, static-lib or src file into that ideal list via writing some special syntax without changing the initial directories of each of it, neither the help of an IDE config and outside-software, the goal is to drop the linking phase explicitly at terminal, want to do this configuration inside of the src-code.
Does every std-lib had a direct/inline special src-code that doing this kind of operation? If there are, then how do we take advantage of it? Or if everything is done by a compiler/handler and if it is generic-type then you could modified it with less problem but the delema is, it is fixed with the compiler and hate to forcefully modified/forked it. If there is alreadly a way to do this without explicitly tinkering it, for such doing it only at your onw src-code/write-time as a said at the first line of this block statement: "Does every std-lib/external-lib had a direct/inline special src-code that doing this kind of operation?".
// a.cpp
// there's no linking on iostream obj, src, dll, static-lib file
// love to have this kind of special features to our own none-std-lib/etc.
>c/cpp-compiler -c a.cpp
>c/cpp-compiler -o a a.o
Note: some of my terminologies are base on my own experience so watch out and be open-minded. For as I grow in the coding-community using terminology/standard way of communicating are a mess specially exploring from low to another low and to high to another high level prog-lang.
It depends on what you call "the compiler".
Most modern toolchains - including gcc, clang, Visual C++ - are based on a "compile then link" model, with several components. One of those components is the preprocessor (which does text substitution on C or C++ source code, to produce some modified source code), a "compiler" that translates preprocessed source code into object files, utility programs that produce libraries from sets of source files, a linker that produces an executable file from a set of object files and libraries, and - last but by no means least - a driver program that coordinates execution of other components.
The specifics are different between toolchains - e.g. VC++ does things quite differently than gcc/g++ or clang. The concepts are similar.
In what follows, I'll give a very over-simplistic (imprecise, details omitted) discussion of what gcc and g++ (in the gnu compiler collection) do.
When you use gcc or g++ at the command line you're actually using a driver program, that orchestrates execution of a bunch of other programs (the preprocessor, the compiler, the linker, etc). Depending on what options you provide, the result produced differs. For example, gcc -E only completes preprocessing of source files, g++ -c means the process stops after compiling source files to produce object files. If used to produce an executable, the driver program will use the linker to (well!) link object files and libraries together to produce an executable.
So, if you think of gcc or g++ (the program you execute directly) as the compiler then you could claim the compiler does implicit linking. When being used to create an executable, both execute the linker - and provide it information needed (e.g. names of libraries). gcc automatically links in libraries needed by C programs (e.g. the C standard library) while g++ automatically links in libraries needed by C++ programs (e.g. parts of the C++ standard library as well as the C standard library).
However, if you take a narrower view of the compiler - it is the program that only translates source files into object files - then there is no implicit linking of libraries by the compiler. It is the driver program that orchestrates compiling and linking, not the compiler that orchestrates linking.
If you read documentation for your favourite toolchain, it will describe various means (extensions of source files, settings, command line options, values of environment variables, etc) to control what it does. There is typically flexibility to do preprocessing only, compilation only, output assembler, linking only, or a complete "compile multiple source files then link them together to produce an executable" process.
The linker search libraries in some oreder in which the standard libs folder is searched first.
There are somed default libraries that gets loaded by default like glibc.
this way you dont need to specify to the linker to link with standard libs.
Gcc even have flags for not linking with some standard libs
Note that while it is not standard Microsoft's Visual C++ has a #pragma based language extension that allows specifying files to link in the source:
#pragma comment(lib, "yourfile.lib") // or yourfile.obj
The comment pragma can also be used to specify a few other linker command line options, for example:
#pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language=''"")
Note that the list of linker options that can be specified this way is fairly limited and that while there are a few other legal 'comment' types only lib and linker really have meaning.
In C or C++, does the compiler do implicit linking?
As the "compiler" (understood as the whole group of tools in the chain that generate the final executable) has whole control over creating that final executable, it does everything related to every stage of compilation, including implicit linking.
How does some std-lib, external-libs or any other pre-compiled src code such as the well-known header file with its corresponding object file or static/dll lib get linked into my own application automatically?
The same as any other library is linked - linker searches the library for symbols and uses them.
Does the compiler do it implicitly/under-the-hood or something like a compiler pre-linked list operation?
Yes (for the compilers I worked with).
But it's very specific to the compiler. From the point of C++ language, there is no requirement on compiler command line options. If the compiler -needs-this-option-to-link-with-standard-library, it's fine and specific to that compiler. It's a quality of implementation issue. Surely users would want some things to be done implicitly with sane defaults for that compiler.
how do we use its functionality in our accord, Is there a way to put my own obj/dll/static-lib/src file into that ideal list via writing some special syntax without changing the initial directories of each of i
Because the compiler does it implicitly, you have to modify the compiler. That strongly depends on the compiler, and specific system and specific compiler own very specific configuration and build settings.
For example on Linux with gcc you can use the method in Enable AddressSanitizer by default in gcc . You can also use the method in Custom gcc preprocessor but overwrite collect2 stage.

Linking a MinGW library to a MSVC app with a C interface

I'm trying to link to the OpenAL soft library as compiled with the Media Autobuild Suite, and I'm getting the following error from Visual Studio:
libopenal.a(source.cpp.o) : fatal error LNK1143: invalid or corrupt file: no symbol for COMDAT section 0xA
My application is in C++ and compiled directly in Visual Studio 2019 (however, with the VS2017 toolset). OpenAL soft is written in C++ but exposes a C interface, and the MAB Suite compiles using MinGW/gcc and generates a libopenal.a static library file.
I've read from multiple other questions such as From MinGW static library (.a) to Visual Studio static library (.lib) and How to use libraries compiled with MingW in MSVC? that object files compiled with different compilers are generally not compatible for C++ due to name mangling, but often are compatible with C linkage. Because C does not use name mangling, and because the ABI is (usually) OS-dependent, libraries with a C interface compiled on the same platform are generally compatible.
Nevertheless, I've been running into linker errors, namely the LNK1143 above. I've confirmed that the included headers use extern "C" { to hint C linkage and that the target platform (x64) is the same for both builds. I also linked to libgcc.a as this answer recommends, and did not get any linker errors for it.
Does this mean the claim that C interfaces are generally compatible across compilers is not true? Or is this a special case in which it's not working? If the latter, what could be causing the linking to fail? Would I have better luck if I recompiled as shared libraries (dlls) instead of static libraries (even if I still use MinGW's .a files instead of .lib)?
I cannot change compilers from MSVC for my main app. I intend to use more libraries from the MAB Suite in the future, so I'd prefer to stay with MinGW for those dependencies if possible because I don't want to recompile all 70+ by hand.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mixing compilers is tricky and prone to issues.
In some very simple cases it may work, but there are definitely a number of cases where you will run in to issues, for example:
if the different components use different runtime libraries
if memory management is being mixed (e.g. forget about freeing memory allocated with malloc() in MSVC using free() in MinGW)
when using exception handling in C++
My advice to do it all with the same compiler (and even the same version of this compiler).
Specifically in your case OpenAL can be built with MinGW-w64. So maybe you should look into that instead of downloading some prebuilt version from the web.
Or - somewhat easier - use MSYS2 and use its pacman package manager to get its own MinGW-w64 build of OpenAL.
I figured out what works for me, so I'll share.
I was not able to link a static library between compilers as I originally attempted. My understanding is that the extra info kept in the lib to allow link-time code generation is compiler-specific. Brecht Sanders's answer outlines a few possible reasons why the code wouldn't be compatible.
I was, however, able to link to a shared library, with a few extra steps.
Using the same suite (see the question), I compiled as shared and got libopenal.dll, libopenal.dll.a, and libopenal.def. In my case, the .def file was generated by the suite. Accoding to this answer, you can generate a .def file with gcc using:
gcc -shared -o your_dll.dll your_dll_src.c -Wl,--output-def,your_dll.def
Trying to link to libopenal.dll.a still gave me errors (I don't know exactly why, and I already discarded the logs.) What I did instead was generate a .lib file from the .def file. In Visual Studio's built-in terminal:
lib /machine:x64 /def:libopenal.def
This generated a libopenal.lib file in the working directory. Linking to this file worked perfectly, and I was able to successfully load the dll at runtime.
I've tested this same method with many other MinGW-compiled libraries from the suite, including libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil, libavdevice, swresample, and swscale, and thus far all of them have worked.
Kind of convoluted, but it seems to work well for me, so I hope this helps anyone else with the same problem.

How to compile an application that uses libraries compiled from different compilers?

My question is as the topic.
I am currently using Mingw32 compiler in Qt creator to compile my application. The problem is that I include a .lib static library and header file which compiled from Visual Studio 2017 in my application.
When I further run or compiled my application in Qt. I would be facing the error code, unrecognized file format pointing to the .lib file.
I reasonably doubt that: For example, I can not use compiler 1 to compile other libraries compiled from compiler 2.
I follow the instruction here:libwdi Installation and Compilation to compile the "libwdi.lib" file.
FYI, the reason that I use Visual Studio to compile the .lib library(libWdi) is because it's easier to achieve on my Windows OS after I tried using wingw32-make from Qt5 Tool. It is such a pain since I can not even run ./ to generate the makefile for Mingw32 on Windows.
Appreciate any step-by-step information on how to build a workable .lib file for Qt creator, including using VS, mingw, and cross-compilers.
If the target library uses c++ features in its public interface then it is likely this is not going to work regardless of what machinations you go through. Even different versions of the same compiler often have problems in that situation.
Pure C on the other hand will usually work (on Windows non-MS tool sets will be made to at least consume the MS intermediate object format, even if not used by the compiler/linker normally).

Build boost library with specific name

I am trying to compile my program, which uses boost library, with MSVC 2013 and I get link error:
Cannot open input file boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib
I already built boost successfully a few times with many combinations of options (for example "bjam toolset=msvc --build-type=complete"), but I don't have boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib in my stage directory. I have there libraries with names libboost_iostreams.lib, libboost_iostreams-vc-120-mt-1_57.lib and others. Also I don't want to change any settings in MSVC, because my project was generated by CMake.
So the question is: How do I build library boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib with Windows?
Thanks for answers and sorry for my english
-mt suffix means build with multithreading support that is always on for MSVC. Single threaded CRT was dropped in VS 2008 or even 2005, so both your code and boost will be multithreading aware anyway. If you don't want to change your build config you can simply remove "-mt" suffix from libraries names. But since boost has MSVC autolink support (#pragma comment (lib, "...") in header files) it may be better to make an exception for MSVC and not to link to boost libraries manually at all.

Linking libpng with Borland C++

I made a program on Mac OS X using OpenGL and dynamically linking libpng. I'm now trying to port it to Windows. Whenever I try to compile and link my ported program in Borland it gives me this error and about 10 more that are the same, but with a different '_png_create_read_struct':
Error: Unresolved external '_png_create_read_struct' reference from C:\PROGRAMMING\PNGTEST.OBJ
I assume it's because I have not properly set up libpng with Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32. I've put png.h and pngconf.h into the include folder into C:\Borland\BCC55\Include, and I have put libpng12.dll.a, libpng13.a, libpng13.dll.a, libpng.a, libpng.dll.a, libpng12.def, libpng.def,, and into C:\Borland\BCC55\Lib (there is probably no need for them all, but as a noob I have no idea which ones are needed and not).
Do I need to put a libpng.obj file in there too? And if so how would I make/get one? I have tried using makefile.bc32 to set up libpng, yet that gives me a missing separator error.
Here are my command-line options:
bcc32 -tW pngtest.cpp -lpng
I include png.h in my code. What am I doing wrong or is there an even better way to load images with alpha that doesn't need libpng, or even a better compiler to get for Windows?
You're probably better off with the MinGW compiler than Borland. Borland is not well supported any longer.
You could also download DevC++ and see if it has a libpng package in its addon mechanism.
DevC++ is an IDE that uses the MinGW C/C++ compiler.
That said, if you feel you must use BCC, you'll either have to
a) Build libpng with Borland. This is the best solution if you're going to use borland.
b) Use, I think, Impdef to create an import library from libpng.dll. You'll find impdef.exe or imp(something).exe in the borland bin directory.
Note that some libraries will not work with impdef as there is static code linked to the dll that causes it to fail without the proper runtime.
First of all, I would not have "polluted" the BC55 installation with third-party libraries; it will make moving the project to other build environments much more difficult. It would have been better to place them in a folder within your project.
Secondly do you know that the export library you are attempting to link is built for BC55? The .a extension suggests a GNU library (Borland libraries conventionally use .lib extension), in which case it would not link with BC55 which uses a different object file format. If this is the case you will need to rebuild the library as you attempted to do, so I suggest that you should really be asking a question about the problem you had with doing just that. I wonder whether the makefile is written for Borland make or GNU make, since they have differing syntax?
The command line option -lpng might be correct for GCC (where it will link libpng.a), but is meaningless to BCC. The -l option merely passes the text that follows to the linker. The linker command line, requires that the complete name be passed, and if no extension is provided, .lib is added implicitly.
You should probably just use coff2omf to convert the library. The DLL files are almost certainly in "Microsoft" COFF format.
See COFF2OMF.EXE, the Import Library Conversion Tool.