Regex to strictly match a string containing strings with a separator? - regex

I have multiple elements popup, email and webhook.
They can come in a string formated like :
I actually got a regex ^(?:popup){0,1}?\|?(?:email){0,1}?\|?(?:webhook){0,1}?$ but it will match popup|email|webhook as well as popupemail|webhook.
Is there a way to ensure elements are separated with my separatator | ?
I also had (?>(?>(?>popup\|?){0,1}?email\|?){0,1}?webhook){0,1}? but this is not a solution obvisously as it will work in one direction only, I'm nearly sure this is easily solvable but I dont know in wich way to look in the Regex world.

You just need to add word boundaries to make sure that two words are never together.


Match a string with a fixed substring in variable positions

I want to create a filter in my email server that matches any message that contains any URL (using either http or https protocols) from a certain domain (let's say I want it to match things like:
The problem here is that these strings can be wrapped in the message body at any random position of the string. And even worse, when the string is wrapped an equal sign is added before the end of the line, so I would need it to be able to match strings like these:
I came up with a simple (but huge) solution, but I think there must be a much more elegant one than mine:
I have been looking around but I can not find anything that I understand to improve my solution given that my knowledge of regex does not go beyond simple queries.
Thank you very much in advance.
2018/04/11 EDIT: Thank you to everyone who tried but the solutions proposed do not meet the requirements of elegance and readability I was expecting. I was looking for something like capturing everything but the equal-return string and performing the web address string search on the captured result of the first search. Is this a doable idea?

Regex with negative look behind still matches certain strings in Scala

I have a text, that contains url domains in the following form:
This could be for instance, or something similar, but not more complex stuff like e.g. or (no sub level domains!).
It could be that in front of the dot (between second and top level domain) or after the dot is an optional space like test . com, but this doesn't always have to be the case.
However what I don't want to match is if the second level domain and top level domain belong to an e-mail address like for instance So in this case it shouldn't extract
I wrote the following regex now:
With the negative look behind I want to make sure, that in front of the second level domain shouldn't be an #. However it doesn't really do what I expected. For instance on the text it extracts instead of extracting nothing. So, apparently it only looks at the first character when it checks if there is an # in front. But when I use the following regex it seems to work on the text
Here I hard coded the second level domain, with which it works. However if I exchange that with a regex that matches all kinds of second level domains
it doesn't work anymore. It looks like that the negative look behind is already used after the first character is matched and that it doesn't wait with the negative look behind until everything is matched.
As an alternative I could match a bit more and then use the groups afterwards to build my desired match, but I want to avoid that if possible. I would like to match it correctly immediately. I'm not an expert in regular expressions and apparently I have not understood look arounds properly yet. Is there a way to write a regex, which behaves like I want?
Add anchors to disallow partial matches.See demo.

RegEx: Match Mr. Ms. etc in a "Title" Database field

I need to build a RegEx expression which gets its text strings from the Title field of my Database. I.e. the complete strings being searched are: Mr. or Ms. or Dr. or Sr. etc.
Unfortunately this field was a free field and anything could be written into it. e.g.: M. ; A ; CFO etc.
The expression needs to match on everything except: Mr. ; Ms. ; Dr. ; Sr. (NOTE: The list is a bit longer but for simplicity I keep it short.)
This is what I am using successfully on on another field:
^(?!(VIP)$).* (This will match every string except "VIP")
I rewrote that expression to look like this:
Unfortunately this did not work. I assume this is because because of the "." (dot) is a reserved symbol in RegEx and needs special handling.
I also tried:
But no luck as well.
I looked around in the forum and tested some other solutions but could not find any which works for me.
I would like to know how I can build my formula to search the complete (short) string and matches everything except "Mr." etc. Any help is appreciated!
Note: My Question might seem unusual and seems to have many open ends and possible errors. However the rest of my application is handling those open ends. Please trust me with this.
If you want your string simply to not start with one of those prefixes, then do this:
The above simply ensures that the beginning of the string (^) is not followed by one of your listed prefixes. (You shouldn't even need the .*$ but this is in case you're using some engine that requires a complete match.)
If you want your string to not have those prefixes anywhere, then do:
The above ensures that every character (.) is not followed by one of your listed prefixes, to the end (so the $ is necessary in this one).
I just read that your list of prefixes may be longer, so let me expand for you to add:
You say entirely of the prefixes? Then just do this:
And if you want to make the dot conditional:
Through this | we can define any number prefix pattern which we gonna match with string.
var pattern = /^(Mrs.|Mr.|Ms.|Dr.|Er.).?[A-z]$/;
var str = "Mrs.Panchal";
this may do it
from that page I mentioned
Rather than trying to construct a regex that matches anything except Mr., Ms., etc., it would be easier (if your application allows it) to write a regex that matches only those strings:
and just swap the logic for handling matching vs non-matching strings.
re.sub(r'^([MmDdSs][RSrs]{1,2}|[Mm]iss)\.{0,1} ','',name)

Having trouble creating a regex for a list of zip codes

I need to test whether a list of zip codes in a textarea has only 5-digit zip codes. Under normal circumstances the list would look like this:
56228, 56243, 55324, 55325, 55329, 55355, 55389
I need to find out if there is anything but the above pattern in the textarea. There can be any number of individual zip codes, but I need to make sure there isn't anything else. (I think I'm going to need to be able to highlight illegal matches in the textarea also, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it).
I started with this regex:
I'm very new to building regular expressions, but as I understand it, the above should match any set of 5 digits, and commas and whitespace after the five digits may or may not be there.
Online regex testers (I've tried several) aren't finding any matches, whether I have a legitimate list of zip codes or a list with "illegal" characters.
What am I missing here?
This one should suit your needs:
^([, ]*\d{5})+[, ]*$

regex question: independent position of words

is it possible to define a regex pattern which checks eg. for 3 terms independent to their position in the main string?
eg. my string is something like "click here to unsubscribe:"
the pattern should also work with "http:// unsubscribe click"
You can use positive lookaheads. For example,
is a regex that will look ahead from the current position (without moving ahead) for click, then for unsubscribe, then search normally for http.
It's possible, but results in very complicated regexs, e.g.:
Basically, you would need to have a different regex section for each order. Not ideal. Better to just use multiple regexes, one for each term.
Yes, using conditionals.