Retrieve all basic information using FB Graph API - facebook-graph-api

i'm currently using the following api of FB Login integration in my Mobile Website : FB.api('/me', function(response){...} . In the resposnse i am only getting an id field and a name field. Is there any way where i can retrieve the actual email of the user who logs on to the site using FB Login pop up.
I read in the documentations about another URL /{id} , but it also returns only id and name.
Please suggest

To get the email of a user, you have to autorize the user with the email permission, and you have to add the field parameter to the API call:
FB.api('/me?fields=name,email', function(response){...}
FB.api('/me', {fields: 'name,email'}, function(response){...}
Check out the changelog, about "Declarative Fields":


How to use Social-Auth-Django-App with Facebook's

I tried using hyperlink and supplied it with my actual Facebook Username and it's working. But the problem is my actual Facebook Username is different from the Username provided by Social-Auth-App-Django. So I tried User ID instead but it's not working either.
By the way what I'm trying to do is an online shopping website and when a user clicks the hyperlink, he/she will be redirected to the seller's Facebook Messenger account to start a conversation.
This is the first line of code that I tried which is working.
Send Message to Seller
And this is the code I used using Social-Auth-App's provided data:
Send Message to Seller
And I also tried this:
Send Message to Seller
Any idea how I can use Facebook's using the provided data by Social-Auth-App-Django? Or if you can suggest me other ways other than I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!
First Go To And Put This Code End Of All Codes:
Second Go To FaceBook Developer In This Address :
And Make One Account There.
After go To My Apps And Then Click On Create App And Then Put Your Website Name ((Attention...If You Use Your Local Host You Need To Put One Domain Name For Your Local Ip)) And Your Email And Click On Create App ID And In Your Dashboard Looking For Facebook Login And Click On Set Up .
And Then In First Step In Web Window Put Your WebSite Name For Local Host For Example Put And Click On Save And Other Options Just Cross .
Now In Your Dashboard On The Left Side Click On Setting And Then Basic If You See Your APP ID And Your APP SECRET Put This Two In Your After That Last Code .
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = 'Put Your App Id Code Here'
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = 'Put Your App Secret Code Here'
If You Want To Take User's Email Also You Can You This As Well .
Now In You Dashboard Go To Settings And After Go To Basic An In Field App Domains Put Your Website Name Also Go To Settings After Advanced And Put Website Name In Domain Manager With CLick On Add a Domain .
Now Again In Dashboar Go In Products+ Part And Click On Facrbook Login After Settings And Check These Option Be Active(Yes) :
• Client OAuth Login
• Web OAuth Login
• Enforce HTTPS
• Embedded Browser OAuth Login
And IN This Form Your Are Now Also Go In This Field Valid OAuth Redirect URIs And Put This URL :
And Put Your Button In Your Website Page That Have This Login Auth :
Sign in with Facebook

How can i get the user id from facebook url?

How can i get the user id from facebook url and get the basic info ?
This will be possible if i use the[username] '
In order to get the ID of a Facebook User, you need to authorize the User:
After that, you will get an "App Scoped ID" for that User with this API endpoint:[user-token]
It is NOT possible to get the ID of a user by his username (or URL). Scraping is not allowed on Facebook - that i what some platforms do. But you do not need that ID anyway, you can just use the App Scoped ID instead.

User creation from request POST through crul/http.

I am trying to create users from a POST request sent from curl/httpie commands. Users are created in the User Model, but the password is stored in raw string format. This is what i do.
http POST username=taco password=123
This creates a User with the following credentials.
Now when I enter my admin site, and click on the details of user created. The password shows like this.
Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm.
Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user's password, but you can change the password using this form.
I have automatic token creation system on user post_save. Token is also created. but when i put.
http POST username=taco password=123
url***/obtain goes to views.obtain_auth_token imported from rest_framework.authtoken.views from which I receive the token for the specified User.
but I get a error saying..
"non_field_errors": [
"Unable to log in with provided credentials."
I basically want to signup(create) a user from terminal(http/curl) and obtain their token from "/obtain"
No worries It so happened that you cant post password in raw string.
so by capturing the .username and .password from the query paramenter. I wrote a a create user code on my view , and set the password using .setpassword().

Django-social-auth google oauth token usage

I'm using Django-socila-auth plugin. It uses google API for Oauth 1.0 Authentication. Question is have anybody used it with google python API (gdata). I mean how to apply auth session_token, stored in django-social-auth model to my api call.
Can you help me with code to get this token from model and apply to gdata.PhotoService() instance. For now it is like this:
#getting model instance from django-social-auth model
association = Association.objects.get(user=request.user)
#token string from django-social-auth
#model Association field "handle" looks like:
#google_session_token = '.......XG84PjwytqJkvr8WQhDxm1w-JplWK5zPndSHB13f.........'
gd_client =
gd_client.debug = 'true'
gd_client.auth_token = google_session_token
#image.image is a file field, but problem not in this.
#it tries to send file in debug text.
#It just recieves 403 unauthorised callback.
photo = gd_client.InsertPhotoSimple(
'/data/feed/api/user/default/albumid/default', 'New Photo',
'Uploaded using the API', image.image, content_type='image/jpeg')
I'm recieving error
403 Invalid token string.
I understand that it needs secret too but how to apply it to API for auth?(To receive authorization to post photos.). BTW I added Picassa feed URL, as an option string for social-auth to ask permissions, so token I have asks for Picassa feed permissions when authorizing with google.
BTW. Google tutorial I've used is: here
I understand it's Oauth 1.0 rather than AusSub, but question is:
how to authenticate with token and secret I have and post a photo with this permission?
Just to answer my own problem. I used wrong way to do it, because problem in 'gd_client' and AuthSub.
It must check token on server. And it can not do it on localhost. You need to look ahead to Oauth/Oauth2 for better debugging and so on... No matter that it is much complex than AuthSub

FB.api - are users unique?

So in my app, I do this:
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
This gives me the users name IF they are logged into FB through my site. Now, is there a way I can get a unique ID for them as well? That way everytime they post something on my site, I can store their post along with their FB name AND Id, and then I know which posts they have made in the past when they are connected to their FB through my site.
You can use to get the Facebook Users unique id.