I'm trying to get the IP of the hostsystems managed by our vCenter. the host.getName() only returns the DNS name of the host. What might be a way to get the IP address that you get when you ping the given host name?
For those who still havig this issue, you can get the host public ip using vijava, in this way :
String hostIp = host.getConfig().getNetwork().getVnic()[0].getSpec().getIp().getIpAddress();
vijava 5.1
Try something like:
I've used something like this earlier and it worked.
I am running this example http://kaaproject.github.io/kaa/docs/v0.10.0/Programming-guide/Your-first-Kaa-application/ .
But data is not storing on the server side.
What should I do now?
When I running db.logs_my_application_token.
find() from mongo console,
it is showing nothing.
Do I have to provide some IP or host in my code, I am using KAA SANDBOX from AWS.
Console Output of Raspberry Pi attachedenter image description here here...
Finally I am able to do that using ..
Perform these two steps may be this can solve your problem.
Just run this command on host machine
sudo /usr/lib/kaa-sandbox/bin/change_kaa_host.sh $new host name/ip$
Then change the IP address of using Admin UI, for that you need to
sign in using username : kaa and passwword : kaa123
then go to setting > general setting then change the IP address preceded by :8080, enter your machine's public IP address, that can be easily accessible from anywhere.
Tips :: if you are using AWS instance then use public IP address of your instance.
Further error persist then drop your previous instance and launch a new instance.
For more details go the official documentation page
Hope it will be helpful for you.
You do not need to provide IP address.
You should download the generated SDK file and compile it with the source code. and then run it.
I want to retrieve IP address of my computer (same as I get on http://www.whatsmyip.org/)
I have a win32 project.
This is the code that I am using, as I didnt find any tutorial on this, I could get following info, but not the IP address which I saw for my computer on the whatsmyip.org :(
The IP I got on whatsmyip.org starts with 116.x.x.x
Your code gets adapter addresses, which are local. If you want your Internet address, you need to use the Internet, not your local network. You need to replicate the functionality of asking an external site what IP it sees you connecting from. See here for some suggestions for how to do that.
Retrieving http://icanhazip.com will do it. You can use whatever HTTP library you like.
The IP which assigned to your machine is not necessarily the IP that you see outside of your local network (e.g. in whatsmyip.org).
Your machine is not directly connected to the Internet with a valid and static IP. Maybe you are behind a NAT. So you can not determine your valid IP over Internet by listing your local assigned IPs in many situations.
To findout what IP address you have in Internet, you can do two ways. Ask from someone over Internet (for example, using whatsmyip.org). Or, query your local network recursivly (which is not easy task)
I'd like to know how can we detect the IP of the client with maxmind GeoIP while using Cloudflare ?
You need to use CF special server variable "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP" to get the actual user IP address.
Please use the following code to replace your original server variable "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP".
Hello I am trying to programmatically(C++) find the Gateway IP and DNS Server IP and their MAC address of a local network. Do you have any suggestions on how to do that? Also is there a way to do it using WinPcap? Code samples would be great.
Since you mentioned winpcap I conclude that you are on Windows. Thus you need WinAPI to retrieve your info.
Take a look at Retrieving Information Using GetNetworkParams article it contains all steps you need to get what you want.
P.S.: There's nothing to do with winpcap though.
Well i did what ihor and Sp. suggested to find the IP addresses and then by using winpcap, crafted an ARP Request to the DNS server to get its MAC and processed the ARP reply.
How can I get ( in C++ ) the global IP address of my computer(windows XP)?
You can't.
You can determine the IP addresses on the various interfaces, and there may be more than one. These could be local area network IPs (,, etc.), or they might be internet routable.
You seem to be asking "if I have, how do I get my Internet IP?" There is not function call to do this: such an IP might exist, it might not exist, there might even be more than one.
The closest you can get is to have a known computer on the Internet tell you: connect to some other machine, and ask them to send back what they think your IP address is. There are a few websites out there for this, some might even have APIs to do this.
I feel like some home-routers might be able to tell you through uPnP too, but again, this will not cover all possible cases.
On windows you need to get the local host name and then pass that to the gethostbyname function in winsock2 which returns the associated IP addresses.
Example: http://tangentsoft.net/wskfaq/examples/ipaddr.html
A stack overflow answer for Linux:
Get the IP address of the machine
You will have to make a request to a website like http://whatismyipaddress.com/ and extract the string in it that shows your IP.
Use this plain text IP url: get ip