Missing ember-simple-auth authorization header when not using ember-data - ember.js

I've just finished upgrading my app to use the jj-abrams branch of ember-simple-auth (soon to be 1.0).
It's working great when I use ember data but, for one route, I use Ember.$.getJSON to retrieve chart data directly from the server.
In this instance, the authorization header is missing from the request and I'm guessing that's because it doesn't use the application adapter (therefore bypassing authorizer: 'authorizer:devise')?
Is there a way to add this header manually, or a better way to make this request?

Sure you can just include the session then you should have access to the credentials and use whatever you need to add those to your Router (I'm assuming it's using the AuthenticatedRouteMixin on your router.
Or for your controller add:
session: Ember.inject.service('session')
then you can do a get:
and examine the object to find what you need in there, I believe that should make it easier for you to run without using Ember-Data.


Ember Octane How to convert custom mixins

This question is related to: Does Ember Octane Route class support using mixins? Mixins are officially deprecated in Ember Octane.
What is the best option to replace Ember mixins with and how do I implement it?
I have custom mixins that expand functionality offered by ember-simple-auth (~v1.8.2), which was not available at the time the methods were created (see below). I am currently using ember-simple-auth 3.0.0 https://github.com/simplabs/ember-simple-auth. In the documentation on github, they appear to be using their own mixins on Ember Octane as you can see:
// my-engine/addon/routes/index.js
import Route from '#ember/routing/route';
import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin';
export default class IndexRoute extends Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin) {
triggerAuthentication() {
It appears that I am not the only one having this issue as Simple Auth doesn't know what route they want to go down either: https://github.com/simplabs/ember-simple-auth/issues/2185
Pure native classes, sharing functionality via class inheritance.
Utility functions which can be imported and used in multiple classes.
Services which can be injected into multiple classes, sharing
functionality and state between them.
I have the following authentication mixins:
Application Route: This handles whether the user is logged in and whether the user has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled, and if it is enabled, it verifies that the user has been authenticated through 2FA. This is because simple auth did not offer 2FA at the time of development of the mixin(s)
Authenticated Route: Makes sure the user is logged in. If they are not logged in then the user is routed to the login page. Once they login, they are routed back to the page that they initially tried to go to
UnAuthenticated Route: Prevents logged in users from going to certain routes that logged in users should not go to
Firstly I want to make very clear that mixins are not "officially deprecated" in Ember, and to my knowledge there's not even an active RFC about it. As the Upgrade Guides explain, Glimmer components do not support mixins due to not extending EmberObject, but the pre-existing framework classes (Route, Controller, etc) necessarily have to or it would be a breaking change.
There is no best option to replace mixins as it depends on the usage of the API. If you are asking how to replace ember-simple-auth mixins, my answer is that you can't until the addon itself provides alternative APIs. Mixins and the example code you posted will continue working for the foreseeable future.
You can see an example of using class inheritance to share functionality in this PR.
when i migrated to ember Octane i tried to replace ember-simple-auth mixins, i found that it would take me lot of time than rewriting my own authentication service, my example in this twiddle, i am using cookies, Auth service
if you are not using cookies , you could customize your adapter to include a token in the headers
I circled back with ESA on Git, and the same issue I cited in my OP has been closed with a new issue that has subsequently been merged:
ESA has now updated their library to get rid of route mixins.

Elesticsearch and Emberjs

I'm trying to wire EmberJS with ElasticSearch. So far, I've read most of the Ember documentation, and found out this adapter for ElasticSearch.
The problem is I can't figure out how to use it (i.e. configure it so that when I call store.save(), my model is sent to ES.
What I have ATM is a newly created project with Ember generator (ember new ), and a generated controller, router, model, etc. My problem is that the Ember document explains how to customise adapters, but not how to use them (or I missed that part). The ES adapter's documentation says :
var App = Em.Application.create();
App.store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 4,
adapter: DS.ElasticSearchAdapter.create({url: 'http://localhost:9200'})
which implies to create a Store, whereas I can only see ways to extend it in the Ember documentation. Furthermore, I already have a Store in my application.
So the questions are:
do I need to override the store creation to replace it with the ES one (and where to do that) OR
do I need to extend the existing one, and in this case, how should I do that ?
Also, when it says:
First, load the ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter.js file
in your application.
where and how that should be done ?
On your first questions/s
do I need to override the store creation to replace it with the ES one
(and where to do that) OR do I need to extend the existing one, and in
this case, how should I do that ?
You're onto the right track in the second part, you will need extend the existing one, but not the store, the adapter in this case.
So if you're using ember-cli, which according to this:
What I have ATM is a newly created project with Ember generator (ember
new )
It seems that you are and so you'll application folder structure should be like this:
app ->
adapters(you need to generate/create this)
And now we can answer:
how should I do that ?
If you do not have the adapters folder yet, which you probably don't, just run ember generate adapter application or create a folder adapters, and a file application.js for that folder.
And that then finally leads us to a part of your last question.
load the ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter.js file in your
application. where and how that should be done ?
import ElasticSearchAdapter from 'ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter'
export default ElasticSearchAdapter.extend({
Now the possible bad news, that adapter is likely very outdated, as it the repository's last commit was 27 Dec 2012.

How to create a controller property that updates when a service property changes

Using Ember 1.13
I may be missing something and going about this in the totally wrong way.
I have session state saved in an ember service that is available to all my controllers. It has a boolean property isExistingSession.
In the header of my app I want to conditionally display a login button or user info depending on the value of isExistingSession.
As far as I know I can't use the service property directly in my handlebar so my solution was to create a computed property on the applicationController that always equals the value of of isExistingSession on the sessionService
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
isExistingSession: function () {
return sessionService.get('isExistingSession');
But the computing the property off of an outside entity seems to be invalid.
Any idea on how to accomplish this?
As far as I know I can't use the service property directly in my handlebar
Just to clarify: any property available in a given controller will be available in its associated template. So if you inject your session service in your application controller you should be able to use any property of that service in your application.hbs template.
Now to solve your issue: how do you inject the service in your controller? You have 2 alternatives:
application.inject('controller', 'sessionService', 'service:session'); This will inject your session service in all the controllers, making in available to all your templates as well. (see http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/understanding-ember/dependency-injection-and-service-lookup/)
sessionService: Ember.inject.service('session'), This will inject your session service in a single controller (see http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.inject.html#method_service)
Bottom line is that you should not need a computed property. I'd recommend using the Ember inspector to check whether your session is properly injected in your controller.
Also, consider using ember-simple-auth, an awesome add-on to manage authentication in Ember.

Custom Ember Api Endpoint

I am trying to figure out how to get data from a custom api. I am using Ember 1.8.1, Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.12 and Ember CLI
In my router i have the following resource
this.resource("communities", {path: '/communities/:community-id/follow-ups'}, function() {});
I have my model defined for the correct response. In my communities router I am trying to get the data from the api like so
this.store.find('community', params['community-id']);
The problem I am having is that I am trying to retrive data from the api endpoint
But the app is trying to grab the data from
How do I define the custom resource route to pull from the follow-ups
The router path isn't going to change where the API makes the call to, that just helps Ember change the browser path.
You might want to consider using an adapter if you really need it to hit .../follow-ups.
You'd want to make a CommunitiesAdapter I think. ember g adapter communities, or community, not sure offhand.
And I think the function on it you're looking for is pathForType.
Check it out at http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/models/customizing-adapters/
You can create a custom adapter for your model in particular but deep nesting on routes can be tricky in Ember and not worth the time if you are in a rush.
Try setting the model of the route directly with a get json
App.NAMERoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model : function(params){
return Ember.$.getJSON(window.apiHost+'/communities/'+params.group_id+'/follow-ups');
Sometimes simple solutions is what you need

How to make request to custom URL using ember-data

How can I make a request to e.g. /videos/:id/related? using Ember Data and RESTAdapter to fetch objects of video type?
You can use the DS.RESTAdapter. It does exactly what you want. Check out these links:
Try using the findHasMany hook