I have model which having many relationship with other table
<cfcomponent extends="Model">
<cffunction name="init">
<cfset table("products")>
<cfset hasOne(name="productInventory") />
<cfset hasmany(name="productDescriptions",dependent="deleteAll") />
<cfset hasmany(name="productPrices",dependent="deleteAll") />
<cfset nestedProperties(associations="productDescriptions,productPrices,productInventory",allowDelete=true)>
It's giving me an error on this update statement
Problem occured may because of structure created by cfwheels for object. as we look into to params.product dump having different id for many relation and in cfwheels object there is different id . may that why its creating problem of nested properties.
<cfset variables.product = model("product").findOne(include="productDescriptions,productPrices,productInventory", includeSoftDeletes="true", where="products.id=#params.product.id#") />
<cfset updateResult = product.update(params.product) />
Screen shot of error message:
I have a CFC object and a function which gets me the data which I want. Now I want to use that data and provide it to an already defined custom tag attribute. When I dump the #iEngine.listScore()# I get some parameters. But my problem is how should I provide those to an attribute?
<cfdump var="#iEngine.listScores()#" label="Swapnil Test - Function ListScore">
<cfset filename="ACE_DataExtract_#DateFormat(now(),'dd.mmm.yyyy')#.xls" />
<!--- Calling Custom tags to create/output xls files --->
<cfmodule template="#request.library.customtags.virtualpath#excel.cfm" file="#filename#" sheetname="ACE Report">
<cfmodule template="#request.library.customtags.virtualpath#exceldata.cfm"
sheetname="ACE Report"
<cfoutput>Excel Extract - ACE Report - #DateFormat(Now(),"d-mmm-yyyy")#</cfoutput>
Here I want to provide the data of iEngine.listScore() to the "Query" attribute in "exceldata" custom tag.
Below is the dump of iEngine.listScore()
I would write a transform Data function to change your array-struct to a query object, then pass that on....
<cffunction name="transformData" result="query">
<cfargument name="inArray" type="array">
<cfset local.qryReturn = queryNew("actiondate,actionId,closedate")>
<!--- You may look up queryNew and also set your dataTypes --->
<cfloop array="#arguments.inArray#" index="i">
<cfset QueryAddRow(local.qryReturn)>
<cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"actionDate",i["actiondate"])>
<cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"actionid",i["actionid"])>
<cfset querySetCell(local.qryReturn,"closedate",i["closedate"])>
<cfreturn local.qryReturn>
<cfset test = [
<cfdump var="#test#">
<cfset resultQry = transformData(test)>
<cfif NOT isquery(resultQry)>
Exit invalid Data.
<cfdump var="#resultQry#">
Currently working with Coldfusion 10 and cfsearch.
After many hours of trial and error, I have managed to get cfindex to collect all my custom field data so that it is available to me as fields for the output on my search results page.
My only issue now, is that the search will be able to search for things like true / false strings and it will return in the search results.
I could run a QoQ to strip those out, im just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for adding fields to an index but not having them searchable.
Any ideas greatly appreciated
my current code is below
<!-- create new searchable collection -->
<!--- cfcollection action= "create" collection="testsearch" path= "#expandPath('/assets/scripts/server/solr/')#" ---->
<cfcollection action= "list" name="collectionlist">
<cfdump var="#collectionlist#">
<cfquery name="MyQuery" datasource="#request.DSN#" maxrows="10">
FROM Store_products
<cfdump var="#myQuery#">
<cfset myAttr = structNew()>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(variables.columns,',')#" index="idx">
<cfset myAttr[listGetAt(variables.columns,idx,',') & "_s"] = listGetAt(variables.columns,idx,',') >
<cfindex attributecollection="#myAttr#" action="update" collection="testsearch" type="custom" body="DISPLAYNAME,HTMLMETADESCRIPTION,HTMLMETAKEYWORDS,LONGDESCRIPTION,MANUFACTURER,PARTNUMBER,PRODUCTNAME,PRODUCTTITLE,RRP,SHORTDESCRIPTION" query="MyQuery" key= "productname">
<cfsearch name="searchResults" collection="testsearch" criteria="false" >
<cfdump var="#searchResults#">
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
I am trying to figure out how can I update the petevents table with several events. I get no error, but it is also not updating/inserting. Here are the relevant code snippets and the schema for the relevant tables follows.
<cfloop query="events">
Pet Model
<cfset hasMany(name="petEvents", dependent="deleteAll", shortcut="events")>
<!--- nested properties --->
<cfset nestedProperties(associations="petEvents", allowDelete=true)>
Event Model
<cfset hasMany(name="petevents", dependent="deleteAll")>
PetEvent Model
<cfset belongsTo("pet")>
<cfset belongsTo(name="event", joinType="outer")>
View Update in Controller
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key)>
<cfset pet.update(params.pet)>
EDIT: I change the validatesPresenceOf property "when" to oncreate only. Then I saved and got this error. "Duplicate entry '1025-1025' for key 'PRIMARY'"
In your controller, don't forget to include petEvents:
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key, include="petEvents")>
In response to your dump below, can you tell me what you get when you do this in your update action?
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key, include="petEvents")>
<cfset pet.setProperties(params.pet)>
<cfdump var="#pet#" abort>
If that appears to be fine, what happens when you do this? Any errors?
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key, include="petEvents")>
<cfset pet.setProperties(params.pet)>
<cfset pet.update()>
<cfdump var="#pet.allErrors()#">
<cfloop array="#pet.petEvents#" index="petEvent">
<cfdump var="#petEvent.allErrors()#">
The following function consumes a webservice that returns address details based on zip code (CEP). I'm using this function to parse the xml and populate an empty query with the address details. I would like to know if there is a more elegant way to achieve the same result. It seems to be a waste to create an empty query and populate it...
Any ideas could my method be modified or the code factored/simplified?
<!--- ****** ACTION: getAddress (consumes web-service to retrieve address details) --->
<cffunction name="getAddress" access="remote" returntype="any" output="false">
<!--- Defaults: strcep (cep (Brazilian zip-code) string webservice would look for), search result returned from webservice --->
<cfargument name="cep" type="string" default="00000000">
<cfset var searchResult = "">
<cfset var nodes = "">
<cfset var cfhttp = "">
<cfset var stateid = 0>
<cfset var tmp = structNew()>
<!--- Validate cep string --->
<cfif IsNumeric(arguments.cep) AND Len(arguments.cep) EQ 8>
<!--- Consume webservice --->
<cfhttp method="get" url="http://www.bronzebusiness.com.br/webservices/wscep.asmx/cep?strcep=#arguments.cep#"></cfhttp>
<cfset searchResult = xmlparse(cfhttp.FileContent)>
<cfset nodes = xmlSearch(searchResult, "//tbCEP")>
<!--- If result insert address data into session struct --->
<cfif arrayLen(nodes)>
<cfset tmp.streetType = nodes[1].logradouro.XmlText>
<cfset tmp.streetName = nodes[1].nome.XmlText>
<cfset tmp.area = nodes[1].bairro.XmlText>
<cfset tmp.city = nodes[1].cidade.XmlText>
<cfset tmp.state = nodes[1].uf.XmlText>
<cfset tmp.cep = arguments.cep>
<!--- Get state id and add to struct --->
<cfset stateid = model("state").findOneByStateInitials(tmp.state)>
<cfset tmp.stateid = stateid.id>
<cfreturn tmp>
<!--- Display error if any --->
<cfcatch type="any">
<h3>Sorry, but there was an error.</h3>
<!--- ****** END ACTION getAddress --->
The calling code:
<!--- Get address data based on CEP --->
<cfset session.addressData = getAddress(cep=params.newMember.cep)>
I can't test this because I don't have an example XML file / CEP to test with, but here is a minor rewrite that addresses four things:
Instead of using cfparam and some strange "params" structure, you should pass the CEP into the function as an argument.
The function shouldn't directly modify session data. Instead, you should return the result and let the calling code assign it to the session (or wherever else it might be needed). I'll show this in a 2nd code example.
Cache the xml result per CEP -- assuming this doesn't change often. (You'll have to improve it further if you want time-based manual cache invalidation, but I can help add that if necessary)
Don't use StructInsert. It's not necessary and you're just writing it the long way for the sake of writing it the long way. There is no benefit.
Again, this isn't tested, but hopefully it's helpful:
<cffunction name="getAddress" access="remote" returntype="any" output="false">
<cfargument name="cep" type="string" default="00000000" /><!--- (cep (Brazilian zip-code) string webservice would look for) --->
<cfset var searchResult = "">
<cfset var nodes = "">
<cfset var cfhttp = "">
<cfset var stateid = 0 />
<cfset var tmp = structNew()>
<!--- Validate cep string --->
<cfif IsNumeric(arguments.cep) AND Len(arguments.cep) EQ 8>
<cfif not structKeyExists(application.cepCache, arguments.cep)><!--- or cache is expired: you'd have to figure this part out --->
<!--- Consume webservice --->
<cfhttp method="get" url="http://www.bronzebusiness.com.br/webservices/wscep.asmx/cep?strcep=#arguments.cep#" />
<cfset searchResult = xmlparse(cfhttp.FileContent)>
<cfset nodes = xmlSearch(searchResult, "//tbCEP")>
<!--- If result insert address data into session struct --->
<cfif arrayLen(nodes)>
<cfset tmp.streetType = nodes[1].logradouro.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.streetName = nodes[1].nome.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.area = nodes[1].bairro.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.city = nodes[1].cidade.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.state = nodes[1].uf.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.cep = arguments.cep />
<!--- Get state id and add to struct --->
<cfset stateid = model("state").findOneByStateInitials(session.addressData.state)>
<cfset tmp.stateid = stateid.id />
<cfreturn duplicate(tmp) />
<!--- Display error if any --->
<cfcatch type="any">
<h3>Sorry, but there was an error.</h3>
<!--- cache exists and is not expired, so use it --->
<cfreturn duplicate(application.cepCache[arguments.cep]) />
<!--- Redirect to page two of the sign up process --->
<cfset redirectTo(controller="assine", action="perfil")>
Notice that I commented out the redirect you had at the end. That's because with my function, you'll be returning a value, and the redirect should be done after that, like so:
<cfset session.addressData = getAddress("some-CEP-value") />
<cfset redirectTo(controller="assine", action="perfil")>
If you're going to leave out the caching (As you say in a comment you will), then here is a version that makes no attempt at caching:
<cffunction name="getAddress" access="remote" returntype="any" output="false">
<cfargument name="cep" type="string" default="00000000" /><!--- (cep (Brazilian zip-code) string webservice would look for) --->
<cfset var searchResult = "">
<cfset var nodes = "">
<cfset var cfhttp = "">
<cfset var stateid = 0 />
<cfset var tmp = structNew()>
<!--- Validate cep string --->
<cfif IsNumeric(arguments.cep) AND Len(arguments.cep) EQ 8>
<!--- Consume webservice --->
<cfhttp method="get" url="http://www.bronzebusiness.com.br/webservices/wscep.asmx/cep?strcep=#arguments.cep#" />
<cfset searchResult = xmlparse(cfhttp.FileContent)>
<cfset nodes = xmlSearch(searchResult, "//tbCEP")>
<!--- If result insert address data into session struct --->
<cfif arrayLen(nodes)>
<cfset tmp.streetType = nodes[1].logradouro.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.streetName = nodes[1].nome.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.area = nodes[1].bairro.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.city = nodes[1].cidade.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.state = nodes[1].uf.XmlText />
<cfset tmp.cep = arguments.cep />
<!--- Get state id and add to struct --->
<cfset stateid = model("state").findOneByStateInitials(session.addressData.state)>
<cfset tmp.stateid = stateid.id />
<cfreturn duplicate(tmp) />
<!--- Display error if any --->
<cfcatch type="any">
<h3>Sorry, but there was an error.</h3>
<!--- Redirect to page two of the sign up process --->
<cfset redirectTo(controller="assine", action="perfil")>
Note that I did leave in the use of duplicate(). What this does is return a duplicate of the object (in this case, the struct). This is much more important when you start to work on applications where you're passing complex values into and out of functions over and over again. Using duplicate() causes things to be passed by value instead of by reference. It may not bite you in this case, but it's a good habit to get into.
I would also still use the function argument and return a value -- but it's arguable that this is my personal preference. In a way it is. I believe that a function should be fully encapsulated; a total "black box". You give it some input and it gives you back some output. It should not modify anything outside of itself. (Again, just my opinion.)
So assuming you're using this function as part of a larger multi-step process, you should still use it the same way I've described above. The only difference is that you're setting the session variable outside of the function body. Just as previously:
<cfset session.addressData = getAddress("some-CEP-value") />
<cfset redirectTo(controller="assine", action="perfil")>
That looks pretty straightforward. CF doesn't (yet?) have any magical XML-to-Query functions, but that would be pretty cool. If you wanted, you could probably write up an XSL transform to go from XML to WDDX so that you could use the cfwddx tag ... but that's probably putting the cart before the horse.
You need to move your arrayLen() if block into the try block. As it stands, if the cfhttp tag throws an error, the nodes variable will be a string and not an array, thus causing the arrayLen() to throw another error.
Minor nitpick: I wouldn't add a row to the query until inside the arrayLen() block. That way, the calling code can check recordCount to see if the result was a success.
Beyond that ... that's pretty much how it's done.
With ColdFusion MX7 if we encounter an exception we send an email to the development team containing dumps of the various data scopes including the form structure.
This works great for debugging except in the case of an error when the user logs in. We end up getting the password printed out.
So, the question is, is there a way to modify the CFDUMP file so that it filters the password value out of the form object?
Naturally we could put it in the same code that sends the email, however it would be ideal to put it in the CFDUMP file so that we do not have to worry about it showing up in other spots.
I have located the CFDUMP file and it seems to be binary, so I'm guessing we can't do it.
You can copy the dump.cfm file to dumporiginal.cfm, and then make a new dump.cfm that calls dumporiginal.cfm.
So that it won't execute twice if you
have a closing slash (<cfdump ... />)
<cfif thisTag.executionMode neq "start">
<cfexit method="exitTag" />
defaults for optional attributes, taken from the docs
<cfparam name="attributes.expand" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="attributes.format" default="html" />
<cfparam name="attributes.hide" default="all" />
<cfparam name="attributes.keys" default="9999" />
<cfparam name="attributes.label" default="" />
<cfparam name="attributes.metainfo" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="attributes.output" default="browser" />
<cfparam name="attributes.show" default="all" />
<cfparam name="attributes.showUDFs" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="attributes.top" default="9999" />
<!--- Hide the password, but store its value to put it back at the end --->
<cfif isStruct(attributes.var) and structKeyExists(attributes.var, 'password')>
<cfset originalPassword = attributes.var.password />
<cfset attributes.var.password = "{hidden by customized cfdump}"/>
Call the original cfdump.
Which attributes you pass depends on CF version.
<cfswitch expression="#listFirst(server.coldfusion.productVersion)#">
<cfcase value="6">
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
<cfcase value="7">
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
top = "#attributes.top#"
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
format = "#attributes.format#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
keys = "#attributes.keys#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
metainfo = "#attributes.metainfo#"
output = "#attributes.output#"
show = "#attributes.show#"
showUDFs = "#attributes.showUDFs#"
top = "#attributes.top#"
<!--- Restore the password, in case it's read after cfdump call --->
<cfif isDefined("originalPassword")>
<cfset attributes.var.password = originalPassword />
No, I don't think there is a way to modify <cfdump>'s behavior. I can't be sure, obviously. It's thinkable that such a hack exists, though it's not necessarily recommendable.
Why not go with a simple:
<cfset DoSomethingThatFails()>
<cfif StructKeyExists(FORM, "Password")>
<cfset FORM.Password = "***">
<cfdump var="#FORM#">
CFDUMP began life as a custom tag (CF_DUMP) way back in the CF5 days. You could always get the code for that custom tag and modify it to your needs and use that instead of the built-in tag.
Is it only the password that is a problem of showing? If so, perhaps the solution is to salt/hash the password? That I think is good practice anyway.