How to compare two columns and create new dataframe - python-2.7

My table:
0 0.292090 0.806958 0.255845 0.855154 0.590744 0.937458 0.192190 0.548974 0.703214
1 0.094978 NaN NaN NAN 0.350109 0.635469 0.025525 0.108062 0.510891
2 0.918005 0.568802 0.041519 NaN NaN 0.882552 0.086663 0.908168 0.221058
3 0.882920 0.230281 0.172843 0.948232 0.560853 NaN NaN 0.664388 0.393678
4 0.086579 0.819807 0.712273 0.769890 0.448730 0.853134 0.508932 0.630004 0.579961
0.292090 Present Present Present Present
0.094978 Not There Not There Present Present
0.918005 Present Not There Present Present
0.882920 Present Present Not There Present
0.086579 Present Present Present Present
If both B and C is not there then show not there else present
If anyone D and E is not there then show not there else present
If anyone F and G is not equal to 0 present else not there
If H and I sum is greater than 2, then show not there else present
I want to write if functions or lambda whatever is fast in pandas and I want to generate a new dataframe as I have given an output. But I am not able to understand how should I write these following statements in pandas.
if (B & C):[0, 'B&C'] = 'Present'
elif[0, 'B&C'] = 'Not there'
if (D | E):[0, 'D&E'] = 'Present'
elif[0, 'D&E'] = 'Not there'
So is there anyway in pandas with that I can complete my newset of dataframe.

You can use isnull to determine which entries are NaN:
In [3]: df
0 -0.600684 -0.112947 -0.081186 -0.012543 1.951430
1 -1.198891 NaN NaN NaN 1.196819
2 -0.342050 0.971968 -1.097107 NaN NaN
3 -0.908169 0.095141 -1.029277 1.533454 0.171399
In [4]: df.B.isnull()
0 False
1 True
2 False
3 False
Name: B, dtype: bool
Use the & and | operators to combine two boolean Series, and use the where function from numpy to select between two values based on a Series of booleans. It returns a numpy array, but you can assign it to a column of a DataFrame:
In [5]: df['B&C'] = np.where(df.B.isnull() & df.C.isnull(), 'Not There', 'Present')
In [6]: df['B&C']
0 Present
1 Not There
2 Present
3 Present
Name: B&C, dtype: object

Here you need to take two columns and need to check the corresponding entries having "NAN" or not. In Pandas, there is a one stop solution to all kind of indexing and selecting from a data frame.
I have explained this using iloc but you can do it in many other ways. I have not run the below code, but I hope the logic will be clear.
def tmp(col1,col2):
df = data[[col1,col2]]
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
if(df.iloc[i,0] == np.nan or df.iloc[i,1] == np.nan):
df.iloc[i,2]="Not Present"


Getting index values from pd mean() and std() functions

I'm trying to get the index values from a pd std().
My final objective is to match the index with another df and insert the corresponding values (standard deviations).
(in): df_std['index'] = df_std.index
(out): Index([u'AAPL US Equity', u'QQQ US Equity', u'BRABCBACNPR4 BZ Equity'...dtype='object')
However, I've been unable to add the indexes to the "right" of df_std because of the types: df_std.index is a series while df_std is a df. When I try to do it, a line is added instead of a column:
(in): df_std['index'] = df_std.index
BRSTNCLF1R25 Govt 64.0864
BRITUBACNPR1 BZ Equity 2.67762
BRSTNCNTB4O9 Govt 48.2419
BRSTNCLF1R74 Govt 64.901
PBR US Equity 0.770755
BRBBASACNOR3 BZ Equity 2.93335
BRSTNCLF1R82 Govt 65.0979
index Index([u'AAPL US Equity', u'QQQ US Equity', u'...
dtype: object
I've already tried converting it df_std.inde to a tuple and to a dataframe.
I'm trying to match df_std['index'] with df_final['bloomberg_ticker'] and bring the std values to df_final['std']:
(in): print df_final
serie tipo tp_cnpjfundo valor id bloomberg_ticker \
0 NaN caixa NaN NaN 0 NaN
1 NaN titpublicos NaN NaN 1 BRSTNCLF1R17 Govt
2 NaN titpublicos NaN NaN 2 BRSTNCLF1R17 Govt
3 NaN titpublicos NaN NaN 3 BRSTNCLF1R25 Govt
(the column 'id' will be deleted later)
Use .reset_index() than assigning if what you have is a dataframe i.e
df_std = df_std.reset_index()
Example :
df = pd.DataFrame([0,1,2,3], index=['a','b','c','d'])
df = df.reset_index()
Output :
index 0
0 a 0
1 b 1
2 c 2
3 d 3
In case what you have is a series, convert that to dataframe then reset_index i.e if df_std is the series you have then
df_std = df_std.to_frame().reset_index()
I think what are trying to do is map the values of series to a specific column so you can use
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':['a','b','c','d','e'],'vales':[5,1,2,4,5]})
s = pd.Series([1,2,3],index=['a','b','c'])
df['new'] = df['col'].map(s)
Output :
col vales new
0 a 5 1.0
1 b 1 2.0
2 c 2 3.0
3 d 4 NaN
4 e 5 NaN
In your case you can use df_final['index'].map(df_std)
For conditional check if the index of series is present int he index column of dataframe then you can use .isin i.e
df['col'].isin(s.index) # Returns the boolen mask
df[df['col'].isin(s.index)] #Returns the dataframe based matched index

how to make list of lists from pandas dataframe, skipping nan values

I have a pandas dataframe that looks roughly like
foo foo2 foo3 foo4
b DC NaN NaN NaN
I'd like to make a nested list of the observations of this dataframe, but omit the NaN values, so I have something like [['NY','WA','AZ'],['DC'],['MA',CA'].
There is a pattern in this dataframe, if that makes a difference, such that if fooX is empty, the subsequent column fooY will also be empty.
I originally had something like this code below. I'm sure there's a nicer way to do this
A = [[i] for i in subset_label['label'].tolist()]
B = [i for i in subset_label['label2'].tolist()]
C = [i for i in subset_label['label3'].tolist()]
D = [i for i in subset_label['label4'].tolist()]
out_list = []
for index, row in subset_label.iterrows():
out_list.append([row.label, row.label2, row.label3, row.label4])
Option 1
pd.DataFrame.stack drops na by default.
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Option 2
Fun alternative, because I think summing lists within pandas objects is fun.
df.applymap(lambda x: [x] if pd.notnull(x) else []).sum(1).tolist()
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Option 3
numpy experiment
nn = df.notnull().values
sliced = df.values.ravel()[nn.ravel()]
splits = nn.sum(1)[:-1].cumsum()
[s.tolist() for s in np.split(sliced, splits)]
[['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Try this:
In [77]: df.T.apply(lambda x: x.dropna().tolist()).tolist()
Out[77]: [['NY', 'WA', 'AZ'], ['DC'], ['MA', 'CA']]
Here's a vectorized version!
original = pd.DataFrame(data={
'foo': ['NY', 'DC', 'MA'],
'foo2': ['WA', np.nan, 'CA'],
'foo3': ['AZ', np.nan, np.nan],
'foo4': [np.nan] * 3,
out = original.copy().fillna('NAN')
# Build up mapping such that each non-nan entry is mapped to [entry]
# and nan entries are mapped to []
unique_entries = np.unique(out.values)
mapping = {e: [e] for e in unique_entries}
mapping['NAN'] = []
# Apply mapping
for c in original.columns:
out[c] = out[c].map(mapping)
# Concatenate the lists along axis 1
You should get something like
0 [NY, WA, AZ]
1 [DC]
2 [MA, CA]
dtype: object

How should I check more than 10 columns for nan values and select those rows having nan values, ie keepna() instead of dropna()

Output = df[df['TELF1'].isnull() | df['STCEG'].isnull() | df['STCE1'].isnull()]
This is my code I am checking here if a column contains nan value than only select that row. But here I have over 10 columns to do that. This will make my code huge. Is there any short or more pythonic way to do it.
Is there any way to get the opposite of the above command.It will give me the same output what I was trying above but it was getting very long.
Using loc with a simple boolean filter should work:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((5,4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
subset = ['C', 'D'][0, 'C'] = None[4, 'D'] = None
>>> df
0 0.985707 0.806581 NaN 0.373860
1 0.232316 0.321614 0.606824 0.439349
2 0.956236 0.169002 0.989045 0.118812
3 0.329509 0.644687 0.034827 0.637731
4 0.980271 0.001098 0.918052 NaN
>>> df.loc[df[subset].isnull().any(axis=1), :]
0 0.985707 0.806581 NaN 0.37386
4 0.980271 0.001098 0.918052 NaN
df[subset].isnull() returns boolean values of whether or not any of the subset columns have a NaN.
>>> df[subset].isnull()
0 True False
1 False False
2 False False
3 False False
4 False True
.any(axis=1) will return True if any value in the row (because axis=1, otherwise the column) is True.
>>> df[subset].isnull().any(axis=1)
0 True
1 False
2 False
3 False
4 True
dtype: bool
Finally, use loc (rows, columns) to locate rows that satisfy a boolean condition. The : symbol means to select everything, so it selects all columns for rows 0 and 4.

Find empty or NaN entry in Pandas Dataframe

I am trying to search through a Pandas Dataframe to find where it has a missing entry or a NaN entry.
Here is a dataframe that I am working with:
cl_id a c d e A1 A2 A3
0 1 -0.419279 0.843832 -0.530827 text76 1.537177 -0.271042
1 2 0.581566 2.257544 0.440485 dafN_6 0.144228 2.362259
2 3 -1.259333 1.074986 1.834653 system 1.100353
3 4 -1.279785 0.272977 0.197011 Fifty -0.031721 1.434273
4 5 0.578348 0.595515 0.553483 channel 0.640708 0.649132
5 6 -1.549588 -0.198588 0.373476 audio -0.508501
6 7 0.172863 1.874987 1.405923 Twenty NaN NaN
7 8 -0.149630 -0.502117 0.315323 file_max NaN NaN
NOTE: The blank entries are empty strings - this is because there was no alphanumeric content in the file that the dataframe came from.
If I have this dataframe, how can I find a list with the indexes where the NaN or blank entry occurs?
np.where(pd.isnull(df)) returns the row and column indices where the value is NaN:
In [152]: import numpy as np
In [153]: import pandas as pd
In [154]: np.where(pd.isnull(df))
Out[154]: (array([2, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7]), array([7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7]))
In [155]: df.iloc[2,7]
Out[155]: nan
In [160]: [df.iloc[i,j] for i,j in zip(*np.where(pd.isnull(df)))]
Out[160]: [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan]
Finding values which are empty strings could be done with applymap:
In [182]: np.where(df.applymap(lambda x: x == ''))
Out[182]: (array([5]), array([7]))
Note that using applymap requires calling a Python function once for each cell of the DataFrame. That could be slow for a large DataFrame, so it would be better if you could arrange for all the blank cells to contain NaN instead so you could use pd.isnull.
Try this:
df[df['column_name'] == ''].index
and for NaNs you can try:
Check if the columns contain Nan using .isnull() and check for empty strings using .eq(''), then join the two together using the bitwise OR operator |.
Sum along axis 0 to find columns with missing data, then sum along axis 1 to the index locations for rows with missing data.
missing_cols, missing_rows = (
(df2.isnull().sum(x) | df2.eq('').sum(x))
.loc[lambda x:].index
for x in (0, 1)
>>> df2.loc[missing_rows, missing_cols]
A2 A3
2 1.10035
5 -0.508501
6 NaN NaN
7 NaN NaN
I've resorted to
df[ (df[column_name].notnull()) & (df[column_name]!=u'') ].index
lately. That gets both null and empty-string cells in one go.
In my opinion, don't waste time and just replace with NaN! Then, search all entries with Na. (This is correct because empty values are missing values anyway).
import numpy as np # to use np.nan
import pandas as pd # to use replace
df = df.replace(' ', np.nan) # to get rid of empty values
nan_values = df[df.isna().any(axis=1)] # to get all rows with Na
nan_values # view df with NaN rows only
Partial solution: for a single string column
tmp = df['A1'].fillna(''); isEmpty = tmp==''
gives boolean Series of True where there are empty strings or NaN values.
you also do something good:
text_empty = df['column name'].str.len() > -1
The results will be the rows which are empty & it's index number.
Another opltion covering cases where there might be severar spaces is by using the isspace() python function.
df[df.col_name.apply(lambda x:x.isspace() == False)] # will only return cases without empty spaces
adding NaN values:
df[(df.col_name.apply(lambda x:x.isspace() == False) & (~df.col_name.isna())]
To obtain all the rows that contains an empty cell in in a particular column.
This will give the subset of DF_raw, which satisfy the checking condition.
You can use string methods with regex to find cells with empty strings:

Having problems converting strings in a pandas series to lowercase

I was able to do this in the DataFrame using a lambda function with map(lambda x: x.lower()). I tried to use a lambda function with pd.series.apply() but that didn't work. Also when I try to isolate the column in series with something like series['A'] should it return the index(although I guess this makes sense) because I get a float error even though the values that I want to apply the lower method to are strings. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use the Series vectorised string methods, which includes lower:
In [11]: df = pd.DataFrame([['A', 'B'], ['C', 4]], columns=['X', 'Y'])
In [12]: df
0 A B
1 C 4
In [13]: df.X.str.lower()
0 a
1 c
Name: X, dtype: object
In [14]: df.Y.str.lower()
0 b
1 NaN
Name: Y, dtype: object