Regex search in XSL, select string after match - regex

I have a solution where the filename has a prefix showing the filesize of a PDF. I need to pick up that value in to a XML-file that has a lot of other info that is collected with the XSLT.
How ever I can't get just this Regex match to work.
Filename have this structure as this example:
776524_P9466_Novilon_Broschyr_SE_Omslag.xml where the digits before the underscore is the filesize.
I have a Regex search pattern of _(.*) and I can validate that it will match everything after the first section of the digits.
Here is my XSL that I'm having problems with:
<xsl:param name="find_size">
<xsl:variable name="filename_of_start"><xsl:value-of select="replace($filename_of_file, '$find_size', '')"/></xsl:variable>
<artwork_size><xsl:value-of select="$filename_of_start"/></artwork_size>
$filename_of_file has the string: 776524_P9466_Novilon_Broschyr_SE_Omslag.xml
I have also tried to match the digits before the underscore and replace with that match but haven't got that to work either. Other replaces where I remove other matches from the beginning of the string works.

How about using the substring-before() XPath function?
<xsl:variable name="file_size" select="substring-before($filename, '_')" />

Instead of replace($filename_of_file, '$find_size', '') you want replace($filename_of_file, $find_size, '').


How XSLT handles regex \w?

I have an intput xml file with the name of "718322_c341b0-TEST_NOC_20160423121052.XML", which in my XSLT is assigned to $SourceFile. I am trying to test if the $SourceFile contains the string of "-TEST" using the following code:
<xsl:if test="matches($SourceFile, '^\w+-TEST.*')">
However, it did not match. So I updated the code to
<xsl:if test="matches($SourceFile, '^[A-Za-z0-9_]+-TEST.*')">
Then I got a match. I did more testing and the following code got a match, too.
<xsl:if test="matches($SourceFile, '^\w+_\w+-TEST.*')">
Here's what confused me, I think \w means [A-Za-z0-9_], correct? Why \w did not work in this case? It seems to have a trouble including the underscore. Thanks!
See, the class \w is defined as [#x0000-#x10FFFF]-[\p{P}\p{Z}\p{C}], explained as 'all characters except the set of "punctuation", "separator" and "other" characters', that seems to exclude _.

regex pattern for replacement of string

I am trying to replace the string with the below regex pattern but it is not getting replaced. I tried different combinations also but nothing worked. Any Idea?
<regex pattern="jre64\/1\.6\.0"
replacement="jre64/1.7.0" />

xslt 2.0 how replace $ by escaped dollar (for conversion to LaTeX)

I am new to XSLT. I googled extensively but couldn't figure out how to do the following:
I am transforming XML to LaTeX. Of course, LaTeX needs to escape characters such as $ and #. I tried the following in the replace function but it does not work. (They do work without the replace function.)
<xsl:template match="xyz:doc">
\subsubsection{<xsl:value-of select="replace( xyz:headline, '(\$)', '\$1' )"/>}
<xsl:template match="xyz:doc">
\subsubsection{<xsl:value-of select="replace( xyz:headline, '\$', '\$' )"/>}
Possible content to be escaped is:
"Locally defined field #931" or
"Locally defined subfield $b"
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks for your answers!
If you want to replace a dollar symbol $ in the input with \$ in the output then use replace(xyz:headline, '\$', '\\\$').
If there are several characters that need the same escaping then replace(xyz:headline, '([$#])', '\\$1') should do.
Sample at

How to find a word within text using XSLT 2.0 and REGEX (which doesn't have \b word boundary)?

I am attempting to scan a string of words and look for the presence of a particular word(case insensitive) in an XSLT 2.0 stylesheet using REGEX.
I have a list of words that I wish to iterate over and determine whether or not they exist within a given string.
I want to match on a word anywhere within the given text, but I do not want to match within a word (i.e. A search for foo should not match on "food" and a search for bar should not match on "rebar").
XSLT 2.0 REGEX does not have a word boundary(\b), so I need to replicate it as best I can.
You can use alternation to avoid repetition:
<xsl:if test="matches($prose, concat('(^|\W)', $word, '($|\W)'),'i')">
If your XSLT 2.0 processor is Saxon 9 then you can use Java regular expression syntax (including \b) with the functions matches, tokenize and replace by starting the flag attribute with an exclamation mark:
<xsl:value-of select="matches('all foo is bar', '\bfoo\b', '!i')"/>
Michael Kay mentioned that option recently on the XSL mailing list.

XSL disable-output-escaping removes whitespaces

Part of the XML:
<text><b>Title</b> <b>Happy</b></text>
In my XSL I have:
<xsl:value-of select="text" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
My output becomes
My spacing went missing - there's supposed to be a space between </b> and <b>.
I tried normalize-space(), it doesn't work.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
if you want whitespace from an xsl, use:
<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
whitespace is only preserved if its recognized as a text node (ie: " a " both spaces will be recognized)
whitespace from the orignal source xml has to be preserved by telling the parser (for example)
As your outputting HTML you could substitute your space with a non-breaking space
Do you have any control over the generation of the original XML? If so, you could try adding xml:space="preserve" to the text element which should tell the processor to keep the whitespace.
<text xml:space="preserve"><b>Title</b> <b>Happy</b></text>
Alternatively, try looking at the "xsl:preserve-space" element in XSLT.
<xsl:preserve-space elements="text"/>
Although I have never used this personally, it might of some help. See W3Schools for more information.
thank you for everyone's input.
Currently I am using MattH suggestion which is to test for space and substitue to non-breaking space. Another method I thought of is to test for "</b> <b>" and substitue with " </b><b>". The space contain within a bold tags are actually output. Both methods worked. Don't know what the implications are though. And I still can't figure out why the spacing is removed when it is found between 2 seperate bold tags.