how to create my own 'cout' and 'cerr' class - c++

How do I create my own class that behaves exactly like: std::cout & std::cerr.
I am writing a mini operating system and this is a requirement, having these as modules there.
The code will look like:
myNewCoutClass myCout; // create cout behavioral class
myNewCerrClass myCerr; // create cerr behavioral class
myCout << someString << endl; // prints the string
myCerr << someString << endl; // prints the string as error

First things first, don't do this unless you know very well what you're doing, and are willing to take all of the risks involved. It's just an example of how one could bind another stream to stdout, in effect creating a second cout, as a thought experiment. That said, here we go.
If you want to create another stream for stdout, you have to take a good look at your compiler's deep, dark innards, and find out how it defines cout, cerr, and/or clog. This will be in a compiler-dependent location, and most likely not where you expect; for example, on older versions of Visual Studio, you would have to look at a few of the files in the crt\src folder:
// Visual Studio 2010 implementation of std::cout.
// Irrelevant parts omitted.
// cout.cpp
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL static filebuf fout(_cpp_stdout);
#if defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL extern ostream cout(&fout);
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL extern _CRTDATA2 ostream cout(&fout);
struct _Init_cout
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Init_cout()
_Ptr_cout = &cout;
if (_Ptr_cin != 0)
if (_Ptr_cerr != 0)
if (_Ptr_clog != 0)
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL static _Init_cout init_cout;
// stdio.h
#define _INTERNAL_BUFSIZ 4096
// ...
#define _IOB_ENTRIES 20
// ...
#define stdin (&__iob_func()[0])
#define stdout (&__iob_func()[1])
#define stderr (&__iob_func()[2])
// _file.c
char _bufin[_INTERNAL_BUFSIZ];
/* _ptr, _cnt, _base, _flag, _file, _charbuf, _bufsiz */
/* stdin (_iob[0]) */
{ _bufin, 0, _bufin, _IOREAD | _IOYOURBUF, 0, 0, _INTERNAL_BUFSIZ },
/* stdout (_iob[1]) */
{ NULL, 0, NULL, _IOWRT, 1, 0, 0 },
/* stderr (_iob[3]) */
{ NULL, 0, NULL, _IOWRT, 2, 0, 0 },
_CRTIMP FILE * __cdecl __iob_func(void)
return _iob;
// `__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL` is an internal macro that can generally be ignored.
// `_CRTIMP` is an internal macro that can generally be ignored.
// `_CRTDATA2` is an internal macro that can generally be ignored.
// `__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL` is a calling convention macro that expands to either
// `__clrcall` or `__thiscall`.
From this, we can derive our own stream for stdout, although it'll be compiler-dependent.
// Visual Studio 2010 user-created char16_t cout.
// Note that in VStudio 2010, char16_t is actually a typedef for unsigned short.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <codecvt>
#define _cpp_stdout (&(__iob_func())[1])
typedef std::basic_filebuf<char16_t, std::char_traits<char16_t>> filebuf_c16;
typedef std::basic_ostream<char16_t, std::char_traits<char16_t>> ostream_c16;
int main() {
filebuf_c16 f16out(_cpp_stdout);
ostream_c16 c16out(&f16out);
// It really should be tied to the other stdin/stdout/stderr streams,
// but this is a simple program where it won't be a problem.
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t> converter;
std::string u8tmp = "Hello from char16_t!";
std::u16string u16str = converter.from_bytes(u8tmp);
c16out << u16str << std::endl;
And the results...
Hello from char16_t!
If you wanted to tie a second standard ostream (a.k.a. a basic_ostream<char, char_traits<char>>) to stdout, you could use something similar. Note that as fout is static, you would need to make your own filebuf. Also note that this is just asking for trouble, but that's beside the point; just be careful of data races, or anything of the sort.
Note that while you can do this, unless you know very well what you're doing, are willing to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong, and are willing to spend enough time delving into your compiler's library and/or code to find out how exactly it implements stdout and the default strings, you very well shouldn't do it.
Also note that your code will be tightly coupled to the compiler, and there's a very high probability that future versions of the same compiler may break it. For example, to my knowledge, this code won't compile with Visual Studio 2015 because of changes to the CRT (specifically, I believe it's because of changes to FILE, but I didn't look into it).

These objects are std::ostreams. You can create your own std::ostream. Precisely how that'll work depends entirely on the data sink, which you haven't specified, but an std::ostringstream will be enough to get you started on testing the code that uses it.
However, if you literally wish to reinvent std::cout, don't. Its data sink is the magic file handle stdout, which you can't recreate as it's provided by the OS. You could create a std::ostream that steals that buffer from std::cout but what's the point?


How do I return a unicode string / wstring / CStringW from a C++ dll to InstallScript?

I am using InstallShield 2013 Premium. I created a C++ dll in Visual Studio 2010 to provide some functionality I could not achieve with InstallScript alone. My C++ function needs to return a small string (a username) to the InstallScript after doing considerable work to get this value.
Throughout the C++ am I using CStringW to represent my strings. Ideally, I would like to return it as Unicode, but I'm content with ANSI if that's my only option. I have tried numerous approaches with CStringW, std::wstring, std::string, LPCTSTR, LPSTR, char *... I tried direct returns, and attempts to return by reference. Nothing works!
Sometimes the dll function hangs, sometimes it throws an exception, at best it returns garbage values with non-printing characters. The official documentation on this does not seem accurate (it doesn't work for me!). Extensive Googling, and searching the Flexera boards produce "solutions" from others struggling with the same ridiculous problem, and yet non of those work for me either...
I didn't try this until the end, as I took for granted that you could pass strings between dlls and InstallScript easily enough. In retrospect, I should have started with the interface between the two and then developed the dll functionality after that.
Thanks for the help guys! I finally figured this out for myself though. There are multiple facets to the solution, however, which I have not found documented or suggested elsewhere.
Major points
1) return a WCHAR * from C++
2) use WSTRING as the corresponding return type in the InstallScript prototype
3) return it into a regular STRING variable in InstallScript, and treat it like any other
4) retain the value the WCHAR * points to in the C++ dll in a static variable, otherwise it apparently gets deleted and the pointer becomes invalid
If you've gotten far enough to find yourself in the same boat, I probably don't need to serve up every detail, but here's a chunk of example code to help you along:
Visual Studio Def File
getSomeStringW #1
C++ Header
#define MYISDLLHELPER_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYISDLLHELPER_API __declspec(dllimport)
#include <stdexcept>
#include <atlstr.h>
namespace MyIsDllHelper
class MyIsDllHelper
static MYISDLLHELPER_API WCHAR * getSomeStringW();
C++ Source
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyIsDllHelper.h"
static CStringW someStringRetained;
CStringW getTheString()
CStringW s;
// do whatever...
return s;
WCHAR * MyIsDllHelper::MyIsDllHelper::getSomeStringW()
someStringRetained = getTheString();
return someStringRetained.GetBuffer( someStringRetained.GetLength() ) + L'\0';
#define HELPER_DLL_FILE_NAME "MyIsDllHelper.dll"
prototype WSTRING MyIsDllHelper.getSomeStringW();
function DoSomething( hMSI )
STRING svSomeString;
STRING svDllPath;
// Find the .dll file path. (A custom function)
GetSupportFilePath( HELPER_DLL_FILE_NAME, TRUE, svDllPath );
// Load the .dll file into memory.
if( UseDLL( svDllPath ) != 0 ) then
MessageBox ("Could not load dll: " + svDllPath, SEVERE );
// Get the string from the dll
svSomeString = MyIsDllHelper.getSomeStringW();
MessageBox( "Could not execute dll function: MyIsDllHelper.getSomeStringW", SEVERE );
// Remove the .dll file from memory.
if( UnUseDLL( svDllPath ) < 0 ) then
MessageBox ("Could not unload dll: " + svDllPath, SEVERE );
// Use the string
MessageBox( "svSomeString: [" + svSomeString + "]", INFORMATION );
You're best off when you can make your interface use C approaches rather than C++ ones. Match the interface of functions like GetEnvironmentVariable in which your function accepts a pointer to a buffer (and for correctness a size of that buffer), and then writes into that buffer. The majority of your implementation shouldn't have to change, as long as you can finish with something like a StringCchCopy from your CString into the buffer.
Since you specifically mention CStringW and other Unicode string types, I'd suggest choosing LPWSTR (rather than LPTSTR) for the interface type.
Then all that's left is declaring this for consumption by InstallScript. This means the prototype should use WSTRING and BYREF. If the function interface is the same as GetEnvironmentVariableW, the prototype should look something like this:
You can use strings, but I guess the problem is with the encoding.
Have a look here:

GetEnvironmentVariableA() usage

I am working on a C++ Console Application in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7 and I want to get the values of some environment variables from within the application.
Here is what I've tried so far -:
int main()
char a[1000];
int s=GetEnvironmentVariableA("HOME",a,1000);
However, I am getting the value of s to be 0, indicating that variable "HOME" does not exist.
Also, getenv("HOME") returns NULL too.
So, what is the correct procedure of doing this ?
What this program is telling you, most likely, is that your process environment does not contain a variable named HOME. Note that HOME is not a variable that you would expect to be defined, unless you have taken steps to define it. Either by adding it to the system's environment, or by specifying a bespoke environment when creating the process.
The documentation says the following about the return value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of characters
stored in the buffer pointed to by lpBuffer, not including the
terminating null character.
If lpBuffer is not large enough to hold the data, the return value is
the buffer size, in characters, required to hold the string and its
terminating null character and the contents of lpBuffer are undefined.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. If the specified
environment variable was not found in the environment block,
GetLastError returns ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND.
So, if the function returns 0, do as the documentation says. Call GetLastError to find out why the function call failed.
But as I said, with probability very close to 1, the reason will simply be that your process environment has not defined a variable named HOME.
As to how you move forward, most likely you are looking for a location in the user's profile. Exactly how you do this will depend on where in the profile you wish to store/load the file. One of the APIs related to CSIDL or known folder IDs will serve your needs.
Regarding your question,
” So, what is the correct procedure of doing this ?
Windows doesn't have a single HOME standard variable. Instead, in the old days there were HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH, and apparently because they didn't know about it, with Windows Explorer in Windows 95, a new variable called USERPROFILE.
> set home
> set user
> _
The silly triple-oh suffix (as if I were better than double-oh seven) is just what Windows 8.1 saw fit to give me. It's just too much work to cajole Windows into reasonable choices. And so not just with usernames but also with environment variables.
Here's your program rewritten to use the Windows variable that vaguely corresponds to Unix-land HOME, namely USERPROFILE:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> // getenv
using namespace std;
auto main() -> int
<< "User's profile directory: "
<< "[" << getenv( "USERPROFILE" ) << "]"
<< endl;
The Windows environment variables are awkward and not guaranteed, but still usable in scripts and very simple programs like the one above. In more serious C++ code you can instead use the SHGetKnownFolderPath API function. With Visual C++ it can look like this:
#undef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h> // SHGetKnownFolderPath
#include <objbase.h> // CoTaskMemFree
#include <iostream> // std::wcout
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include <stdexcept> // std::runtime_error, std::exception
#include <stdlib.h> // EXIT_FALURE, EXIT_SUCCESS
using namespace std;
void cotaskmem_free( wchar_t* p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
auto main() -> int
using X = runtime_error;
using String_deallocation = unique_ptr<wchar_t[], void(*)(wchar_t*)>;
wchar_t* path;
HRESULT const hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(
0, // DWORD dwFlags,
0, // HANDLE hToken,
&path // PWSTR *ppszPath
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { throw X( "SHGetKnownFolderPath failed" ); }
String_deallocation const path_cleanup( path, cotaskmem_free );
wcout << "User profile directory: [" << path << "]" << endl;
catch( exception const& x )
wcerr << "!" << x.what() << endl;
g++ (per version 4.8.2) doesn't yet support API functions from Windows Vista and onward, at least not in general, so if you need to support g++ use some older function.
It's not unlikely that whatever you intended to access or place in %HOME%, would better be accessed or placed in one of the other special users's directories, also available via SHGetKnownFolderPath.

Winforms RichTextBox as istream

I'm adapting a console based program to GUI.
The console program reads a text file and "compiles" it.
My GUI application reads the text file and displays in a RichTextBox.
I'm looking for a method to treat the RichTextBox as a C++ std::istream. This would allow me to use code from the console program without modifying it.
I searched the web and StackOverflow and didn't find any solutions for treating a RichTextBox as an std::istream.
Does anybody know of any Winforms library functions that would allow treating of RichTextBox as an std::istream?
My ideas:
Create an adapter to treat RichTextBox as a stream.
Change the console program to pass a "getline" function to the
compiler portion, and have two getline functions (one as the
std::getline, another to get a line from the RichTextBox).
Write the RichTextBox contents to a file and feed the file to the
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 on Win 7 using ".NET" 4.0, using C++ (don't suggest any C# techniques as I'm not fluent in translating).
In real C++, you can create a stream buffer from an RTF control like this:
class RTF_buf : public std::streambuf {
std::vector<char> buffer;
RTF_buf(HWND ctrl) {
DWORD len = SendMessage(ctrl, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
SendMessageA(ctrl, WM_GETTEXT, len+1, (LPARAM)&buffer[0]);
setg(&buffer[0], &buffer[0], &buffer[len]);
Note that this isn't actually restricted to an RTF control. Just for one other example, it'll also work fine with a normal EDIT control.
C++/CLI adds a few wrinkles to this. First of all, you're dealing with "wide" characters in the RichTextBox. Second, you won't (normally) start with an HWND -- you have to retrieve that from the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox via its Handle property. This, unfortunately, returns the HWND as an IntPtr instead of an HWND, so you have to add a cast to get it to the right type. That makes the code a little uglier, but nothing too terrible:
#include <windows.h>
#include <streambuf>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
class RTF_buf : public std::wstreambuf {
std::vector<wchar_t> buffer;
RTF_buf(RichTextBox^ control) {
HWND ctrl = *reinterpret_cast<HWND *>(&control->Handle);
int len = SendMessage(ctrl, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
SendMessage(ctrl, WM_GETTEXT, len+1, (LPARAM)&buffer[0]);
setg(&buffer[0], &buffer[0], &buffer[len]);
We can create a buffer and istream something like this:
RTF_buf b(this->richTextBox1);
std::wistream in(&b);
Finally, we can read data from our stream and process them like we would essentially any other (wide) stream. For example:
wchar_t ch;
while (in >> ch)
// do something with ch
So C++/CLI does add a little complexity to the task, but ultimately only a little--mostly the one line to obtain the handle of the control, and cast it to the correct type. Other than that the code for the buffer class barely needs to change at all, and instantiating and using it changes only to the extent that we're working with wide characters instead of narrow.
The proper way to create a stream plugging into the IOStreams library is to implement a stream buffer, i.e., to derive from std::streambuf or std::wstreambuf (I'm not a Windows programmer but my understanding is that most code travels in terms of wchar_t rather than char) and override the suitable virtual member functions. Assuming you can get characters in bunches (possible all in a bukl) all you'd really overload is underflow() which is called if the input buffer was exhausted. If you can get all the characters during construction you can also set up a buffer.
Once you have a stream buffer you can use a pointer to the stream buffer to initialize an std::istream. Here is a simple example which uses a memory arean passed in the constructor as its input:
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
class membuf
: std::streambuf {
membuf(char* buffer, std::size_t size) {
this->setg(buffer, buffer, buffer + size);
int main() {
char input[] = "hello, world!\n";
membuf sbuf(input, sizeof(input - 1));
std::istream in(&sbuf);
char buffer[100];
if (in.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) {
std::cout << "read '" << buffer << "'\n";
else {
std::cout << "ERROR: failed to read a line but Dietmar said...!?!\n";

Getting trash data in char* while using it as buffer in function

I'm loading a delphi dll in c++. When I use functions with char* as buffers (char* given as parameter to the procedure) I get only trash data.
When I have functions that return char* all is fine.
I'm new to c++ and I spend a lot of time trying to crack this. Please help.
Everything is explained in code below. I have put there 3 functions to show exacly what I mean.
Example function that has problem with buffer is:
DLL_PingConnection(var avXml:PChar):Boolean; - it returns true/false, as parameter it takes buffer and the function is done in buffer there should be valid xml (but there is only trash)
#include <windows.h> //this will load delphi dll
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
// ------------------------------------------------ pointers on functions inside Delphi DLL (32 bits)
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_SetLicense)(char*, char*); //initialize dll stuff - I load licence from a file into char* - everything works fine
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //the char* is buffer - I give empty char* as parameter and I should get correct xml with serwer data - I GET ONLY TRASH :(
typedef char*(*TYPE_DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION)(void); //this function does not use buffer it returns char* - everything works fine
//so as you see problem is with buffers and function like this: DLL_PingConnection(buffer)
int main()
// ------------------------------------------------ Loading the library
HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\full_path\\SOMEDLL.dll");
//checking the library
if (hGetProcIDDLL == NULL) {std::cout << "Could NOT load the dynamic library" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
else{std::cout << "dynamic library loaded" << std::endl;}
// ------------------------------------------------ START: resolving functions adresses
TYPE_DLL_SetLicense DLL_SetLicense = (TYPE_DLL_SetLicense)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "DLL_SetLicense");
if (!DLL_SetLicense) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_SetLicense" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
else{std::cout << "Function DLL_SetLicense located" << std::endl;}
TYPE_DLL_PingConnection DLL_PingConnection = (TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "DLL_PingConnection");
if (!DLL_PingConnection) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_PingConnection" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
else{std::cout << "Function DLL_PingConnection located" << std::endl;}
if (!DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
else{std::cout << "Function DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION located" << std::endl;}
std::cout << "\n\nInitialization over. \n\n" << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------ START: calling functions from delphi dll
//DLL_SetLicence - this function take buffer as parameter, but dont return anything into the buffer. All works fine.
//start - we read licence from file
char buffer_licence[1242];
//I read content of buffer_licence usinf ifstream from the file here (but I don't put the code, to keep sample minimal)
//we set licence with dll function
bool is_licence = DLL_SetLicense(buffer_licence,(char*)"");
//the output
if (is_licence == TRUE)
std::cout << "Licence has been set\n";
std::cout << "Licence has been NOT set\n";
//DLL_PingConnection - it takes empty buffer as parameter, it should save xml into buffer but it saves only trash.
//we try to save ping to the file - buffer
char buffor_ping_xml[2000];
//this should gieve proper xml, but it returns only trash.... please help
bool is_ping = DLL_PingConnection(buffor_ping_xml);
std::cout << "DLL_PingConnection True\n"; //function returned true, so it worked correct.
std::cout << buffor_ping_xml; //but in the buffer is trash that I show on the screen. I also tried to put buffor_ping_xml info the file (diferent ways) but always result was trash just like on screen.
std::cout << "DLL_PingConnection False: \n";
//DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION - if will automaticly return error description if there is any error to report. No buffer, no problems.
std::cout << buffor_ping_xml; //the data on screet is fine, so is in file and everywhere else.
PingConnection function will return only this instead of good xml.
Oroginally I used Netbeans + MinGW, but as suggested in comments I have used alternative compilers: Borland builder c++ 6.0, and Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 (C++ Builder). The problems stayed the same even thou I used all calling convention types Remy Lebeau mentioned.
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //standard calling convention default for compiler - returns trash
typedef bool(__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //returns trash also
typedef bool(__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //doesnt write anything to the buffer
typedef bool(__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //returns trash
I have encountered small problem under c++ builder. I can't clean buffer under this enviroment:
memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); // will crash the program under c++ builder
Trying to use 'char *&' will crash the program also.
typedef bool(__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool(__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool(__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
char * buffer;
bool is_ping = DLL_PingConnection(buffer);
Using char ** will cause type mismatch with buffer.
As requested by David Heffernan I attach sample of documentation. Important parts are trasnated to english. Rest is just structure of xlm that PIngConnection should return. Not much of help there - entire documentation is like this.
PS: I asked similar question here: Trash characters when using buffers in c++ - code based on WxWidgets (I though WxWidgets creates the problem, but it doesn't. Maybe someone will find WxWidgets code usefull thou).
I managed to get some more information about dll.
Delphi version is 7.
For sure calling type is stdcall. ( DLL_PingConnection: function(var avXml: PChar): Boolean; stdcall; )
This is how a function from this dll is called in delphi:
lPointer := nil; //pointer
lOSOZPointer := nil; //pointer
lpXML := nil; //pChar
lPointer := lpXML;
if lWynik then
lOSOZPointer := lpXML;
//akcja na wyniku
if lPointer <> nil then begin
if lOSOZPointer <> nil then begin
DLL_PingConnection(var avXml:PChar):Boolean;
This is not a full declaration. Obviously, it is a function since it has a Boolean return type. But does it also declare a calling convention as well - stdcall (__stdcall in C/C++) or cdecl (__cdecl in C/C++)? If not, then it is using Delphi's default register convention instead (which is __fastcall in Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero C++ compilers only, but has no equivalent in any other C/C++ compiler). Your existing typedefs are using your C++ compiler's default calling convention, which is usually __cdecl. Calling convention mismatches are the most common problem with using DLLs, as it causes mismanagement of the call stack, which affects how parameters are passed, accessed, and cleaned up.
Also, what version of Delphi was the DLL written in? PChar is PAnsiChar (char* in C++) in Delphi 2007, but is PWideChar (wchar_t* in C++) in Delphi 2009 and later. Chances are, since the data is XML, then PAnsiChar/char* is likely being used.
Also, the PChar parameter is being passed as a var in the Delphi declaration, which is the same as a pointer in C and a reference in C++.
You need these important pieces of information in order to use this DLL function in C/C++ code. Unless the documentation explictly states these details, or the DLL has a C/C++ .h/.hpp file showing the actual declaration, then the best you can do is guess, and there are several variations possible given the incomplete declaration you have shown so far:
(char*& can be replaced with char** if needed):
typedef bool (__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool (__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool (__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool (__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);
typedef bool (__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);
typedef bool (__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);
If the DLL functions are using cdecl or stdcall, then you are OK, as most C/C++ compilers support those calling conventions. However, if the DLL functions are using register instead, and if you are not using a Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero C++ compiler, then you are SOL. You would have to wrap the DLL inside another Delphi-written DLL that exports wrapper functions that use more portable signatures.

How to overload printf or cout

I use cout statements in my program for debugging purposes. I would like to make a function that works like it, or works like printf, but is sensitive to a global variable. If this global variable is true, then it will print to screen. If it is false, then it won't print anything. Is there already a function like this? If not, then how can it be made?
Something like this:
int myPrintf(const char* format, ...)
if (globalCheck == 0)
return 0
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, format);
auto ret = vprintf(format, vl);
return ret;
va_start and va_end take the arguments in the ... and encapsulate them in a va_list. with this va_list you can then the vprintf which is a variant of printf designed exactly for this need.
Side note - usually it is bad practice to use global variables. A better thing to do is to encapsulate it in a class like this -
class ConditionalPrinter {
ConditionalPrinter() : m_enable(true) {}
void setOut(bool enable) { m_enable = enable; }
int myPrintf(const char* format, ...);
bool m_enable;
and then to check m_enable instead of the global variable.
Usage of this looks like this:
ConditionalPrinter p;
p.myPrintf("hello %d", 1); // printed
p.myPrintf("hello2 %d", 1); // not printed
Don't write it yourself. Doing it right is much harder then you think. Even harder when you need threads and efficiency. Use one of existing logging libraries like:
glog: (I prefer this - it is lightweight and do what it needs to do)
Log4cpp (powerful and configuration compatible with popular java logging)
... add your favorite to this wiki
As someone else said, there are several good logging frameworks available. However, if you want to roll your own, the first thing to note is that cout isn't a function, it's a stream. The function is operator<<. What you can do is something like the following:
/* trace.h */
extern ostream debug;
void trace_init();
void trace_done();
/* trace.cpp */
#include "trace.h"
ostream debug(cout.rdbuf());
static ofstream null;
void trace_init()
if(output_is_disabled) { // put whatever your condition is here
void trace_done()
You might have to adjust a bit if you're on a platform without /dev/null. What this does is let you write
debug << "here's some output << endl;
and if you have the output enabled, it will write to cout. If not, it will write to /dev/null where you won't see anything.
For that matter, you could just set cout's rdbuf to somewhere where you won't see that output, but I would find that to be a really bad idea. Creating new streams gives you a lot more flexibility in controlling your output.