Get system icon - c++

A simple question.
How do I get these system icons?
I use this interface:
SHGetStockIconInfo function uses enum SHSTOCKICONID where there are these icons.
Can you tell me please id these icons?

Have you tried SIID_USERS? That would appear to be the one you want.


Static wxRichTextControl?

I want to create an Help page for my wxWidgets application, which consists of only text of various fonts, sizes and colors. I tried achieving that with wxStaticText's and sizers but I was having trouble so I switched to a wxRichTextCtrl, which I like to use. The problem is, the text should of course be non-modifiable. I know of the existance of the wxRE_READONLY flag, but it doesn't hide the caret that appears when I click on the text.
Isn't there some kind of wxRichStaticTextCtrl that works exactly like a wxRichTextCtrl, but is readonly by default and doesn't have this problem? I tried looking online, but to no avail.
The best solution for "rich" static text is wxHtmlWindow: this allows you to just define your help contents in terms of simple HTML which is usually more than enough.

How to use images in GTK Stack Switcher

I'm writing an application using C++ and gtkmm. I made a Gtk stack in it. Now I want to add images instead of text on stackswitcher's buttons. I assume that it's possible because something like this is made in gtk3-demo:
Unfortunatelly the example is made using UI file and I want to do it without UI designer. For now I found this answer:
But it's not very helpful to me. The answer was to use stack.child_set_property but I checked gtkmm documentation for stack and there isn't anything like this for C++. The closest match was Gtk::Stack::child_property_name with adnotation that it returns A ChildPropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes. I suppose this may be the thing i'm looking for, but due to lack of examples I have no idea how to use it.
To sum up: Is anyone able to tell me how to set an image as StackSwitcher's label?
Ok, it seems I've found an answer. I'll post it if anyone needs it in the future:
To change Stack Switcher's text label into image I just needed to do that:
stack->child_property_icon_name(ChildName) = "Icon Name";

Implementing a custom header bar for chromiumembedded

I have built the chromiumembedded cefsimple project successfully with visual studio. I need to know whether I could implement a custom header bar instead of below.
Eg: with a separate favicon and Title being set as a custom manner .. etc.
Your kind help is really appreciated.
Thank You !
If you are based on CefSimple, take a look at simple_handler_win.cpp. In SimpleHandler::OnTitleChange(), you can set the window title to what you want, instead of what CefSimple wants by changing the SetWindowText() call. This will appear shortly after launch, replacing the app name.
To change the app icons, just replace the icons in the projects cefsimple.rc.
If you want to change them dynamically, that will be a bit more work.

How to create combobox with images in Gtk?

Can anyone please tell me how to create a combobox like following with Gtk (on Linux)? (I already ask this question for win32 API).
A code example or tutorial will be very helpful. I have tried searching this over the internet, but unfortunately documentations/tutorials aren't that much rich for Gtk. Thank you very much.
I know how to do this in C, but I'll try to wing it in C++. First of all, use a ComboBox to display your menu, which you will fill using a TreeModel.
Create a TreeModelColumnRecord following the example here; you will need just one Gdk::Pixbuf column to display your line images.
Pass the TreeModelColumnRecord to the constructor of ListStore. Fill your ListStore with Gdk::Pixbuf images of your line patterns, and pass that to the constructor of your ComboBox (ListStore inherits from TreeModel).

Win32Api - Window Name Property

Is there any way to get a control's name through win32api? (c++)
I'm talking about the property that in C# is 'Name', like 'frmMain', or 'btnNext'.
Is there any way to retrieve this data through the win32API?
I've tried GetWindowInfo() and stuff but I think I'm not heading in the right direction..
edit: I'm iterating with EnumChildWindows() and I got the correct HWND.. not sure if I can use it to print it's name.. (im a c++/win32 absolute noob)
Added 7/10/09
By the way I found this really good tool to operate win32 apps.
Check it out looks good and looks like it's freeware? :)
The name of a control is usually a private variable of the control and is not exposed to win32. You could try GetWindowText to get the title of some controls or GetWindowLong to get some properties, but I don't think you can get the name of most controls.
I seriously doubt that this information is even in the executable code, I would think that from the c# compilers point of view these symbols get reduced to object pointers or window identifiers values (the IDC_ mentioned above).
Having been faced with this type of problem before I chose to create hidden static text controls with identifying text on each window to provide this named window capability to an external process. Not very elegant but solved my problem at the time.
The name property is something added, AFAIK, by the compiler. Win32 does not, inttrinsicaly, support naming like this.
In C/C++ one uses the IDC_* value instead with the added bonus that integer comparisons are far faster than string comparison.
Edit: Btw Its possible to use the IDC values mentioned above to get child controls of a dialog by using the GetDlgItemInt( hDlgWnd, IDC_* ) to get an HWND to the control. Far easier then using EnumWindows ....