WSO2 remotely adding/removing new OSGI features - wso2

Is there a working example available to remotely add AND remove OSGI Features to WSO2 carbon based products via the ProvisioningAdminService SOAP interface?

First of all you need to have WSO2 Carbon binary distribution when you need to add or remove OSGi bundle,
Then start with following command in WSO2 carbon Server.
sh -DosgiConsole or
./ -DosgiConsole
After starting up the server click the enter button two to three time and then start with osgi> console.
Now you can install/remove osgi bundle.
start <bundle-id> (Ex: osgi> start 22)
This command can be used to start a osgi bundle.
install file:<file-path> [Ex: osgi> install file:/home/yourname/osgibundle.jar]
This can be used to install a bundle into a running OSGi environment. You can use this command to install your bundle, instead of copying it into dropping folder prior to starting the server. After installing, use 'start' command to activate the bundle.
uninstall <bundle-id> [Ex: osgi> uninstall 22]
This can be used to remove a bundle from the OSGi environment.
You can refer the below links and try with WSO2 products.
OSGi bundle
Admin Services


Jolokia OSGi installation stops CXF

Apache CXF stopped working after the installation of Jolokia osgi bundle installation, when entering the cxf url shows blank page, Please help to overcome this issue. I have installed the jolokia bundle in karaf container.
I'm using jetty version[8.1.14.v20131031] and camel version[2.12.0.redhat-611412]

Can we install a FAB(Fuse Application Bundle) on the WSO2 application server

As the title says, I would like to know if I can deploy fab bundles on the WSO2 application server. One way I guess this is possible is to install the fab-bundle feature and then deploy the fab jar but would like a confirmation of the same.
No this is not possible. FAB requires Karaf/Fuse as the OSGi application server.
Notice that FAB is deprecated and to be removed in the next Fuse 6.2 release.

How to install wso2 products on pure wso2 carbon

My requirement is need to install (ESB,Application Server,Data Service Server,Api Manager,BAM) on pure wso2 carbon 4.2.0.
Is it possible to install all these products on Carbon?
I want to install multiple products on same carbon instance . I downloaded the P2_REPO from this site and tried feature installation using UI,but it is not allowing me.
Can anyone tell me the best possible way to do this. I want multiple products on same carbon
Your soon reply will be highly appreciated
This can be easily install features through UI following this documentation,
It will be easy for you to go by product by product rather than selecting all feature group at once.
Download wso2 manually in direct wso website either deb or rpm package
a)check command: whereis wso2
b) move wso2 folder to /opt directory
a)check and add the domain in gatewayendpoint
disable comment line below
a) Add below line hostname
start with below command
JAVA_HOME=/path/jdk1.8.0_192 /path/wso2am-2.6.0/bin/ &
Reference mutual ssl:

How to install wso2 BAM

I downloaded zip file in wso2 and i extracted the file as /home/Downloads/jacksphere/LatestVersion/wso2bam-2.3.0/bin and run at server side,but it is not showing some errors,is there any pre requisites to install the product any one help us and explain the procedure how to run the bam server..
The only pre-requisite required for running WSO2 BAM is JDK1.6 or higher. For further information please checkout the documentation WSO2 BAM Documentation
If you have downloaded the zip file then you can simply extract it and start the server by moving to bin directory and executing the command ./ (in Linux) or wso2server.bat (in Windows).
You also need to install JDK 1.6 or 1.7. Apache Ant and Curl will also be required to run samples.
If you are working with Windows you need to install Cygwin.
You can further refer to the BAM documents in [1] about installing the product.

can wso2 carbon 4.1 run as a web app (war)?

I'm limited to what applications I can deploy in my environment, however, standard WAR files are usually not a problem.
Can carbon 4.1.0 run as a web app?
This link describes how it can be done for carbon 3.2.2. Are these steps still valid for 4.1.0?
According to the answer in this link some functionality is limited in webapp mode for 3.2.2. What functionality is limited if 4.1.0 is deployed in webapp mode?
A webapp-mode folder is available in $CARBON_HOME
C:\Users\snowc\Desktop\wso2carbon-4.1.0>type webapp-mode\README.txt
Running WSO2 Carbon in Webapp mode
Standalone mode is the recommended way of running All WSO2 Carbon products. However you have the
option of running WSO2 Carbon products in Webapp mode (hosted as a web-app in an application
1. The 'WEB-INF' directory contains the webapp archive
2. The 'bundles' directory contains the additional jars that needs, during the web-app mode
Please refer the WSO2 Carbon documentation for step-by-step guide on web-app mode deployment of the
"Can carbon 4.1.0 run as a web app?"
No, we stopped supporting webapp deployment in later 4.x.x carbon versions