Is there any way to separate infinite and finite lists? - list

For example, I am writing some function for lists and I want to use length function
foo :: [a] -> Bool
foo xs = length xs == 100
How can someone understand could this function be used with infinite lists or not?
Or should I always think about infinite lists and use something like this
foo :: [a] -> Bool
foo xs = length (take 101 xs) == 100
instead of using length directly?
What if haskell would have FiniteList type, so length and foo would be
length :: FiniteList a -> Int
foo :: FiniteList a -> Bool

length traverses the entire list, but to determine if a list has a particular length n you only need to look at the first n elements.
Your idea of using take will work. Alternatively
you can write a lengthIs function like this:
-- assume n >= 0
lengthIs 0 [] = True
lengthIs 0 _ = False
lengthIs n [] = False
lengthIs n (x:xs) = lengthIs (n-1) xs
You can use the same idea to write the lengthIsAtLeast and lengthIsAtMost variants.

On edit: I am primaily responding to the question in your title rather than the specifics of your particular example, (for which ErikR's answer is excellent).
A great many functions (such as length itself) on lists only make sense for finite lists. If the function that you are writing only makes sense for finite lists, make that clear in the documentation (if it isn't obvious). There isn't any way to enforce the restriction since the Halting problem is unsolvable. There simply is no algorithm to determine ahead of time whether or not the comprehension
takeWhile f [1..]
(where f is a predicate on integers) produces a finite or an infinite list.

Nats and laziness strike again:
import Data.List
data Nat = S Nat | Z deriving (Eq)
instance Num Nat where
fromInteger 0 = Z
fromInteger n = S (fromInteger (n - 1))
Z + m = m
S n + m = S (n + m)
lazyLength :: [a] -> Nat
lazyLength = genericLength
main = do
print $ lazyLength [1..] == 100 -- False
print $ lazyLength [1..100] == 100 -- True

ErikR and John Coleman have already answered the main parts of your question, however I'd like to point out something in addition:
It's best to write your functions in a way that they simply don't depend on the finiteness or infinity of their inputs — sometimes it's impossible but a lot of the time it's just a matter of redesign. For example instead of computing the average of the entire list, you can compute a running average, which is itself a list; and this list will itself be infinite if the input list is infinite, and finite otherwise.
avg :: [Double] -> [Double]
avg = drop 1 . scanl f 0.0 . zip [0..]
where f avg (n, i) = avg * (dbl n / dbl n') +
i / dbl n' where n' = n+1
dbl = fromInteger
in which case you could average an infinite list, not having to take its length:
*Main> take 10 $ avg [1..]
In other words, one option is to design as much of your functions to simply not care about the infinity aspect, and delay the (full) evaluation of lists, and other (potentially infinite) data structures, to as late a phase in your program as possible.
This way they will also be more reusable and composable — anything with fewer or more general assumptions about its inputs tends to be more composable; conversely, anything with more or more specific assumptions tends to be less composable and therefore less reusable.

There are a couple different ways to make a finite list type. The first is simply to make lists strict in their spines:
data FList a = Nil | Cons a !(FList a)
Unfortunately, this throws away all efficiency benefits of laziness. Some of these can be recovered by using length-indexed lists instead:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Vec 'Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap _f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
data FList :: * -> * where
FList :: Vec n a -> FList a
instance Functor FList where
fmap f (FList xs) = FList (fmap f xs)
fcons :: a -> FList a -> FList a
fcons x (FList xs) = FList (Cons x xs)
funcons :: FList a -> Maybe (a, FList a)
funcons (FList Nil) = Nothing
funcons (FList (Cons x xs)) = Just (x, FList xs)
-- Foldable and Traversable instances are straightforward
-- as well, and in recent GHC versions, Foldable brings
-- along a definition of length.
GHC does not allow infinite types, so there's no way to build an infinite Vec and thus no way to build an infinite FList (1). However, an FList can be transformed and consumed somewhat lazily, with the cache and garbage collection benefits that entails.
(1) Note that the type system forces fcons to be strict in its FList argument, so any attempt to tie a knot with FList will bottom out.


Generate list of Ints in Haskell by adding Ints from a pattern list

I'm playing around with Haskell, mostly trying to learn some new techniques to solve problems. Without any real application in mind I came to think about an interesting thing I can't find a satisfying solution to. Maybe someone has any better ideas?
The problem:
Let's say we want to generate a list of Ints using a starting value and a list of Ints, representing the pattern of numbers to be added in the specified order. So the first value is given, then second value should be the starting value plus the first value in the list, the third that value plus the second value of the pattern, and so on. When the pattern ends, it should start over.
For example: Say we have a starting value v and a pattern [x,y], we'd like the list [v,v+x,v+x+y,v+2x+y,v+2x+2y, ...]. In other words, with a two-valued pattern, next value is created by alternatingly adding x and y to the number last calculated.
If the pattern is short enough (2-3 values?), one could generate separate lists:
[0,x,x,2x,2x,3x, ...]
and then zip them together with addition. However, as soon as the pattern is longer this gets pretty tedious. My best attempt at a solution would be something like this:
generateLstByPattern :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
generateLstByPattern v pattern = v : (recGen v pattern)
recGen :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
recGen lastN (x:[]) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) pattern)
recGen lastN (x:xs) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) xs)
It works as intended - but I have a feeling there is a bit more elegant Haskell solution somewhere (there almost always is!). What do you think? Maybe a cool list-comprehension? A higher-order function I've forgotten about?
Separate the concerns. First look a just a list to process once. Get that working, test it. Hint: “going through the list elements with some accumulator” is in general a good fit for a fold.
Then all that's left to is to repeat the list of inputs and feed it into the pass-once function. Conveniently, there's a standard function for that purpose. Just make sure your once-processor is lazy enough to handle the infinite list input.
What you describe is
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v pattern = scanl (+) v (cycle pattern)
which would normally be written even as just
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v = scanl (+) v . cycle
scanl (+) v xs is the standard way to calculate the partial sums of (v:xs), and cycle is the standard way to repeat a given list cyclically. This is what you describe.
This works for a pattern list of any positive length, as you wanted.
Your way of generating it is inventive, but it's almost too clever for its own good (i.e. it seems overly complicated). It can be expressed with some list comprehensions, as
foo v pat =
let -- the lists, as you describe them:
lists = repeat v :
[ replicate i 0 ++
[ y | x <- [p, p+p ..]
, y <- map (const x) pat ]
| (p,i) <- zip pat [1..] ]
-- OK, so what do we do with that? How do we zipWith
-- over an arbitrary amount of lists?
-- with a fold!
foldr (zipWith (+)) (repeat 0) lists
map (const x) pat is a "clever" way of writing replicate (length pat) x. It can be further shortened to x <$ pat since (<$) x xs == map (const x) xs by definition. It might seem obfuscated, until you've become accustomed to it, and then it seems clear and obvious. :)
Surprised noone's mentioned the silly way yet.
mylist x xs = x : zipWith (+) (mylist x xs) (cycle xs)
(If you squint a bit you can see the connection to scanl answer).
When it is about generating series my first approach would be iterate or unfoldr. iterate is for simple series and unfoldr is for those who carry kind of state but without using any State monad.
In this particular case I think unfoldr is ideal.
series :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
series s [x,y] = unfoldr (\(f,s) -> Just (f*x + s*y, (s+1,f))) (s,0)
λ> take 10 $ series 1 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 3 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 0 [1,2]
It is probably better to implement the lists separately, for example the list with x can be implement with:
xseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
xseq x = 0 : ([x, x+x ..] >>= replicate 2)
Whereas the sequence for y can be implemented as:
yseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
yseq y = [0,y ..] >>= replicate 2
Then you can use zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] to add the two lists together and add v to it:
mylist :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = zipWith ((+) . (v +)) (xseq x) (yseq y)
So for v = 1, x = 2, and y = 3, we obtain:
Prelude> take 10 (mylist 1 2 3)
An alternative is to see as pattern that we each time first add x and then y. We thus can make an infinite list [(x+), (y+)], and use scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] to each time apply one of the functions and yield the intermediate result:
mylist :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle [(x+), (y+)])
this yields the same result:
Prelude> take 10 $ mylist 1 2 3
Now the only thing left to do is to generalize this to a list. So for example if the list of additions is given, then you can impelement this as:
mylist :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (map (+) xs))
or for a list of functions:
mylist :: Num a => [a -> a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (xs))

Recursively defining a list of monadic random numbers: most idiomatic Haskell and analogous to pure code

I am trying to recursively make a list of random numbers that uses the previous value to get the next (so recursion is required instead of map or fold, and also I prefer to make it explicit unless map/foldr makes it ridiculously simple in comparison).
Using a pure PRNG this is very straightforward and idiomatic, in my opinion (puregaussian uses System.Random to generate a normal variate and has type puregaussian :: System.Random.RandomGen t => t -> Double -> Double -> (Double, t)).
purecurse :: System.Random.RandomGen t => t -> Double -> [Double] -> [Double]
purecurse gen current [] = []
purecurse gen current (x:xs) = let (rand, gen2) = puregaussian gen 0 1
next = current + rand
in current:purecurse gen2 next xs
Unfortunately, pure PRNGs don't seem do be as well developed in Haskell as the monadic ones, so I want to do the same thing using a library like random-fu or mwc-probability, and the solutions I found to work are either unidiomatic, not as concise, or both.
Here's a solution using do notation that works, and why I'm not satisfied with it:
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import System.Random.MWC.Probability
recurse :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> [Double] -> [Double] -> m [Double]
recurse gen history#(current:_) [] = return history
recurse gen history#(current:_) (x:xs) = do
rand <- (sample (normal 0 1) gen)
let next = current + rand
recurse gen (next:history) xs
First of all I would rather use >>= than do notation, but I couldn't find a way of binding the rand variable that has type m Double and then lifting it to get m [Double] at the end case. There doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation (that I could find) or examples on how to do something like that.
I thought maybe it would be necessary to nest the (>>=) operators, but that could make the function extremely complicated or unreadable. If that is the tradeoff, maybe do notation is just cleaner, but I didn't manage to make even that work and would like to know how to.
Second, the function requires the entire list to be passed on at each call, and gives the list back in reverse (and just switching next and history breaks it).
So. I would like to be able to pass the initial state and a list to recurse over that returns a monadic list of values.
The main question I would like help with is: is there a Haskell idiomatic way of writing such a recursion of monadic values resulting in a monadic list that is similar to the structure of a pure function?
The main question I would like help with is: is there a Haskell idiomatic way of writing such a recursion of monadic values resulting in a monadic list that is similar to the structure of a pure function?
You can do it in two steps. Have your recursive function return a list of "monadic actions", then compose / sequence those actions.
Lets consider a simpler but analogous function to yours, for ease of presentation. Instead of randomness lets consider input. The list you recourse over is there for size only (content is ignored) so lets just use an integer.
rc :: Int -> [Double] -> IO [Double]
rc 0 h = return h
rc n h#(cr:_) = do rand <- readLn :: IO Double
let nx = cr + rand
rc (n-1)(nx:h)
Here is a similar alternative that works the way you wants
rc' :: Int -> Double -> IO [Double]
rc' 0 cr = return []
rc' n cr = do rand <- readLn :: IO Double
let nx = cr + rand
xs <- rc' (n-1) nx
return (nx : xs)
And here without do notation
rc'' :: Int -> Double -> IO [Double]
rc'' 0 cr = return []
rc'' n cr = (readLn :: IO Double) >>= (\rand ->
let nx = cr + rand
in (rc'' (n-1) nx) >>= (\xs ->
return (nx : xs)))
In any case, another thing you can do is abstract away pieces of code, rather than have a monolithic presentation.
In each step you require the current value to generate a new one. So a step is a function of type Double -> IO Double. And this is a pretty neat type, fundamental in the world of monads. You can bind values to a step via x >>= step or compose two steps with step1 >=> step2. So lets go with it.
step :: Double -> IO Double
step cr = do rand <- readLn :: IO Double
return (cr + rand)
It's very easy to understand. You 'generate' a number, add the current one and return the result. And you want to do n such steps, so make a list of steps.
steps :: Int -> [Double -> IO Double]
steps n = replicate n step
Now you can choose how to combine them. For instance it would be very natural to fold a list of steps with >=>. You would get this,
runSteps :: Int -> Double -> IO Double
runSteps n = foldr (>=>) return (steps n)
It's close to what you want but only returns the final result, rather than accumulate the generated values at each step. Below is a (restricted) type of (>=>) and the type of the operator (*=>) we want.
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> (b -> m a) -> a -> m a
(*=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> (a -> m [a]) -> a -> m [a]
The definition is,
(*=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> (a -> m [a]) -> a -> m [a]
(*=>) ac uc c = do x <- ac c
xs <- uc x
return (x:xs)
I actually think this encapsulates the bit you didn't particularly like. Now we abstracted it away to this isolated piece of code. Even away from the recursive calls. And finally we just fold to execute the steps.
execSteps :: Int -> Double -> IO [Double]
execSteps n = foldr (*=>) (\x -> return []) (steps n)
This function differs from the original one in the initial input being a Double rather than a [Double]. But this is the type that makes sense. You'd just be passing a single wrapped double in the original function. And it accumulates the elements in the 'right' order as you requested.
is there a Haskell idiomatic way of writing such a recursion of
monadic values resulting in a monadic list that is similar to the
structure of a pure function
Usually, when need apply a monadic values to a pure function, Applicative operator, such as <$>, <*> may be helpful.
In particular, for list construction, it is often apply operator (:) in recursive way to build a list, like
f [] = []
f (x:xs) = x : f xs
in prefix way:
(:) x (f xs)
However, (:) is pure function, not accept monadic value by default, but the good new is, every data type which is instance of Monad, it also be an instance of Applicative. with help of Applicative operator mentioned above, monadic value can be applied to pure function without any change. For example,
(:) <$> (pure x) <*> (pure .f) xs
will return a monadic List instead of pure list.
Return to your question, personally, I think your solution in question is already almost a idiomatic way to do that (since it is simple and readable) except always append next random value at the head of history.
As you said, the list back in reverse and worse, when the history list has old random value already, it is inconvenient to find out which is new add to it.
To solve it, it can be modified slightly as:
recurse :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> [Double] -> [Double] -> m [Double]
recurse gen history [] = return history
recurse gen history (x:xs) = do rand <- (sample (normal 0 1) gen)
let next = (last history) + rand
recurse gen (history ++ [next]) xs
It make sense, if the last element of history is the newest random value.
However, the different between (:) and (++) is: (:) is O(1), but (++) is O(N), where the N is the length of history list. (and last history is also O(N) instead of O(1)).
To archive an efficient solution, a helper function may need to introduce, say, newHistory, to construct a new list of random value as:
newHistory::PrimMonad m=>Gen(PrimState m)->m Double->[Double]->m [Double]
newHistory _ _ [] = return []
newHistory gen current (x:xs) = let next = (+) <$> current <*> sample (normal 0 1) gen
in (:) <$> next <*> newHistory gen next xs
As said before, with help of Applicative operator, the syntax look like pure function, except apply function in prefix way and use Applicative operator.
And then append back to the original history list as:
(++) <$> pure history <*> newHistory gen (pure $ last history) xs
And the Applicative version of recurse function look like:
recurse2::PrimMonad m=>Gen(PrimState m)->[Double]->[Double]->m [Double]
recurse2 gen history xs =
(++) <$> pure history <*> newHistory gen (pure $ last history) xs
where newHistory::PrimMonad m=>Gen(PrimState m)->m Double->[Double]->m [Double]
newHistory _ _ [] = return []
newHistory gen current (x:xs) =
let next = (+) <$> current <*> sample (normal 0 1) gen
in (:) <$> next <*> newHistory gen next xs
In situations like this, I usually jump straight to using a streaming library with a suitably list-like interface, like streaming. They allow a more natural translation from pure code to monadic, and have the added benefit that you aren't required to construct/consume all of the results at once, but instead incrementally, just as with pure lists.
I'm not sure what purecurse is doing, but it could be written as
import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
recurse :: PrimMonad m
=> Gen (PrimState m)
-> Double
-> [Double]
-> Stream (Of Double) m ()
recurse gen current [] =
return ()
recurse gen current (x:xs) =
S.yield current *> -- (*>) and (>>) work like concatenation for pure lists
lift (sample (normal 0 1) gen) >>= \rand ->
recurse gen (current + rand) xs
Or, more naturally using do-notation, as:
recurse :: PrimMonad m
=> Gen (PrimState m)
-> Double
-> [Double]
-> Stream (Of Double) m ()
recurse gen current [] =
return ()
recurse gen current (x:xs) =
do S.yield current -- (*>) and (>>) work like concatenation for pure lists
rand <- lift $ sample (normal 0 1) gen
recurse gen (current + rand) xs
Now you can use function like S.take to generate/extract only parts of the result. If you want to get the whole list, you can use S.toList_.
Your issue seems to lie with do-notation and monads. You're assuming there's much more magic going on than there actually is: learning how the desugaring works will help you out here.
Anyway, let's try and convert the non-monadic version into the monadic one step-by-step. First, the type signature:
recurse :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> Double -> [Double] -> m [Double]
I'm not sure why you had [Double] as the second parameter in your version: we want to change as little as possible from the original. The first clause, then:
purecurse gen current [] = []
-- Goes to:
recurse gen current [] = return []
Again, we're changing as little as possible: no effects were happening in this clause in your pure code, so no effects should be happening here, either. You got the next two lines right:
purecurse gen current (x:xs) = let (rand, gen2) = puregaussian gen 0 1
next = current + rand
-- Goes to:
recurse gen current (x:xs) = do rand <- (sample (normal 0 1) gen)
let next = current + rand
But the last one tripped you up. Ideally, we would write:
in current:purecurse gen2 next xs
-- Goes to:
current:recurse gen next xs
But it doesn't work! What's more, you get a confusing error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Double’ with ‘[Double]’
Expected type: m [Double]
Actual type: [Double]
This is probably what led you down the wrong path. The issue has nothing to do with the lists: it's to do with the m (the encapsulating monad). When you write current : xs, xs has to be a list: in this example, it's actually a m [Double], or a list wrapped in the monad. There's two ways to solve the problem (which are both equivalent). We could unwrap the list, using do notation again:
rest <- recurse gen next xs
return (current : rest)
Or we could lift the function current : to work inside the monad:
fmap (current:) (recurse gen next xs)

How can I fold with state in Haskell?

I have a simple function (used for some problems of project Euler, in fact). It turns a list of digits into a decimal number.
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits [x] = toInteger x
fromDigits (x:xs) = (toInteger x) * 10 ^ length xs + fromDigits xs
I realized that the type [Int] is not ideal. fromDigits should be able to take other inputs like e.g. sequences, maybe even foldables ...
My first idea was to replace the above code with sort of a "fold with state". What is the correct (= minimal) Haskell-category for the above function?
First, folding is already about carrying some state around. Foldable is precisely what you're looking for, there is no need for State or other monads.
Second, it'd be more natural to have the base case defined on empty lists and then the case for non-empty lists. The way it is now, the function is undefined on empty lists (while it'd be perfectly valid). And notice that [x] is just a shorthand for x : [].
In the current form the function would be almost expressible using foldr. However within foldl the list or its parts aren't available, so you can't compute length xs. (Computing length xs at every step also makes the whole function unnecessarily O(n^2).) But this can be easily avoided, if you re-thing the procedure to consume the list the other way around. The new structure of the function could look like this:
fromDigits' :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits' = f 0
f s [] = s
f s (x:xs) = f (s + ...) xs
After that, try using foldl to express f and finally replace it with Foldable.foldl.
You should avoid the use of length and write your function using foldl (or foldl'):
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits ds = foldl (\s d -> s*10 + (fromIntegral d)) 0 ds
From this a generalization to any Foldable should be clear.
A better way to solve this is to build up a list of your powers of 10. This is quite simple using iterate:
powersOf :: Num a => a -> [a]
powersOf n = iterate (*n) 1
Then you just need to multiply these powers of 10 by their respective values in the list of digits. This is easily accomplished with zipWith (*), but you have to make sure it's in the right order first. This basically just means that you should re-order your digits so that they're in descending order of magnitude instead of ascending:
zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ reverse xs
But we want it to return an Integer, not Int, so let's through a map fromIntegral in there
zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ map fromIntegral $ reverse xs
And all that's left is to sum them up
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits xs = sum $ zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) $ map fromIntegral $ reverse xs
Or for the point-free fans
fromDigits = sum . zipWith (*) (powersOf 10) . map fromIntegral . reverse
Now, you can also use a fold, which is basically just a pure for loop where the function is your loop body, the initial value is, well, the initial state, and the list you provide it is the values you're looping over. In this case, your state is a sum and what power you're on. We could make our own data type to represent this, or we could just use a tuple with the first element being the current total and the second element being the current power:
fromDigits xs = fst $ foldr go (0, 1) xs
go digit (s, power) = (s + digit * power, power * 10)
This is roughly equivalent to the Python code
def fromDigits(digits):
def go(digit, acc):
s, power = acc
return (s + digit * power, power * 10)
state = (0, 1)
for digit in digits:
state = go(digit, state)
return state[0]
Such a simple function can carry all its state in its bare arguments. Carry around an accumulator argument, and the operation becomes trivial.
fromDigits :: [Int] -> Integer
fromDigits xs = fromDigitsA xs 0 # 0 is the current accumulator value
fromDigitsA [] acc = acc
fromDigitsA (x:xs) acc = fromDigitsA xs (acc * 10 + toInteger x)
If you're really determined to use a right fold for this, you can combine calculating length xs with the calculation like this (taking the liberty of defining fromDigits [] = 0):
fromDigits xn = let (x, _) = fromDigits' xn in x where
fromDigits' [] = (0, 0)
fromDigits' (x:xn) = (toInteger x * 10 ^ l + y, l + 1) where
(y, l) = fromDigits' xn
Now it should be obvious that this is equivalent to
fromDigits xn = fst $ foldr (\ x (y, l) -> (toInteger x * 10^l + y, l + 1)) (0, 0) xn
The pattern of adding an extra component or result to your accumulator, and discarding it once the fold returns, is a very general one when you're re-writing recursive functions using folds.
Having said that, a foldr with a function that is always strict in its second parameter is a really, really bad idea (excessive stack usage, maybe a stack overflow on long lists) and you really should write fromDigits as a foldl as some of the other answers have suggested.
If you want to "fold with state", probably Traversable is the abstraction you're looking for. One of the methods defined in Traversable class is
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
Basically, traverse takes a "stateful function" of type a -> f b and applies it to every function in the container t a, resulting in a container f (t b). Here, f can be State, and you can use traverse with function of type Int -> State Integer (). It would build an useless data structure (list of units in your case), but you can just discard it. Here's a solution to your problem using Traversable:
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable
sumDigits :: Traversable t => t Int -> Integer
sumDigits cont = snd $ runState (traverse action cont) 0
where action x = modify ((+ (fromIntegral x)) . (* 10))
test1 = sumDigits [1, 4, 5, 6]
However, if you really don't like building discarded data structure, you can just use Foldable with somewhat tricky Monoid implementation: store not only computed result, but also 10^n, where n is count of digits converted to this value. This additional information gives you an ability to combine two values:
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
data Digits = Digits
{ value :: Integer
, power :: Integer
instance Monoid Digits where
mempty = Digits 0 1
(Digits d1 p1) `mappend` (Digits d2 p2) =
Digits (d1 * p2 + d2) (p1 * p2)
sumDigitsF :: Foldable f => f Int -> Integer
sumDigitsF cont = value $ foldMap (\x -> Digits (fromIntegral x) 10) cont
test2 = sumDigitsF [0, 4, 5, 0, 3]
I'd stick with first implementation. Although it builds unnecessary data structure, it's shorter and simpler to understand (as far as a reader understands Traversable).

Lists defined as Maybe in Haskell? Why not?

You don't offen see Maybe List except for error-handling for example, because lists are a bit Maybe themselves: they have their own "Nothing": [] and their own "Just": (:).
I wrote a list type using Maybe and functions to convert standard and to "experimental" lists. toStd . toExp == id.
data List a = List a (Maybe (List a))
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
toExp [] = Nothing
toExp (x:xs) = Just (List x (toExp xs))
toStd Nothing = []
toStd (Just (List x xs)) = x : (toStd xs)
What do you think about it, as an attempt to reduce repetition, to generalize?
Trees too could be defined using these lists:
type Tree a = List (Tree a, Tree a)
I haven't tested this last piece of code, though.
All ADTs are isomorphic (almost--see end) to some combination of (,),Either,(),(->),Void and Mu where
data Void --using empty data decls or
newtype Void = Void Void
and Mu computes the fixpoint of a functor
newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
so for example
data [a] = [] | (a:[a])
is the same as
data [a] = Mu (ListF a)
data ListF a f = End | Pair a f
which itself is isomorphic to
newtype ListF a f = ListF (Either () (a,f))
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
is isomorphic to
newtype Maybe a = Maybe (Either () a)
you have
newtype ListF a f = ListF (Maybe (a,f))
which can be inlined in the mu to
data List a = List (Maybe (a,List a))
and your definition
data List a = List a (Maybe (List a))
is just the unfolding of the Mu and elimination of the outer Maybe (corresponding to non-empty lists)
and you are done...
a couple of things
Using custom ADTs increases clarity and type safety
This universality is useful: see GHC.Generic
Okay, I said almost isomorphic. It is not exactly, namely
hmm = List (Just undefined)
has no equivalent value in the [a] = [] | (a:[a]) definition of lists. This is because Haskell data types are coinductive, and has been a point of criticism of the lazy evaluation model. You can get around these problems by only using strict sums and products (and call by value functions), and adding a special "Lazy" data constructor
data SPair a b = SPair !a !b
data SEither a b = SLeft !a | SRight !b
data Lazy a = Lazy a --Note, this has no obvious encoding in Pure CBV languages,
--although Laza a = (() -> a) is semantically correct,
--it is strictly less efficient than Haskell's CB-Need
and then all the isomorphisms can be faithfully encoded.
You can define lists in a bunch of ways in Haskell. For example, as functions:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype List a = List { runList :: forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b }
nil :: List a
nil = List (\_ z -> z )
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x xs = List (\f z -> f x (runList xs f z))
isNil :: List a -> Bool
isNil xs = runList xs (\x xs -> False) True
head :: List a -> a
head xs = runList xs (\x xs -> x) (error "empty list")
tail :: List a -> List a
tail xs | isNil xs = error "empty list"
tail xs = fst (runList xs go (nil, nil))
where go x (xs, xs') = (xs', cons x xs)
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldr f z xs = runList xs f z
The trick to this implementation is that lists are being represented as functions that execute a fold over the elements of the list:
fromNative :: [a] -> List a
fromNative xs = List (\f z -> foldr f z xs)
toNative :: List a -> [a]
toNative xs = runList xs (:) []
In any case, what really matters is the contract (or laws) that the type and its operations follow, and the performance of implementation. Basically, any implementation that fulfills the contract will give you correct programs, and faster implementations will give you faster programs.
What is the contract of lists? Well, I'm not going to express it in complete detail, but lists obey statements like these:
head (x:xs) == x
tail (x:xs) == xs
[] == []
[] /= x:xs
If xs == ys and x == y, then x:xs == y:ys
foldr f z [] == z
foldr f z (x:xs) == f x (foldr f z xs)
EDIT: And to tie this to augustss' answer:
newtype ExpList a = ExpList (Maybe (a, ExpList a))
toExpList :: List a -> ExpList a
toExpList xs = runList xs (\x xs -> ExpList (Just (x, xs))) (ExpList Nothing)
foldExpList f z (ExpList Nothing) = z
foldExpList f z (ExpList (Just (head, taill))) = f head (foldExpList f z tail)
fromExpList :: ExpList a -> List a
fromExpList xs = List (\f z -> foldExpList f z xs)
You could define lists in terms of Maybe, but not that way do. Your List type cannot be empty. Or did you intend Maybe (List a) to be the replacement of [a]. This seems bad since it doesn't distinguish the list and maybe types.
This would work
newtype List a = List (Maybe (a, List a))
This has some problems. First using this would be more verbose than usual lists, and second, the domain is not isomorphic to lists since we got a pair in there (which can be undefined; adding an extra level in the domain).
If it's a list, it should be an instance of Functor, right?
instance Functor List
where fmap f (List a as) = List (f a) (mapMaybeList f as)
mapMaybeList :: (a -> b) -> Maybe (List a) -> Maybe (List b)
mapMaybeList f as = fmap (fmap f) as
Here's a problem: you can make List an instance of Functor, but your Maybe List is not: even if Maybe was not already an instance of Functor in its own right, you can't directly make a construction like Maybe . List into an instance of anything (you'd need a wrapper type).
Similarly for other typeclasses.
Having said that, with your formulation you can do this, which you can't do with standard Haskell lists:
instance Comonad List
where extract (List a _) = a
duplicate x # (List _ y) = List x (duplicate y)
A Maybe List still wouldn't be comonadic though.
When I first started using Haskell, I too tried to represent things in existing types as much as I could on the grounds that it's good to avoid redundancy. My current understanding (moving target!) tends to involve more the idea of a multidimensional web of trade-offs. I won't be giving any “answer” here so much as pasting examples and asking “do you see what I mean?” I hope it helps anyway.
Let's have a look at a bit of Darcs code:
data UseCache = YesUseCache | NoUseCache
deriving ( Eq )
data DryRun = YesDryRun | NoDryRun
deriving ( Eq )
data Compression = NoCompression
| GzipCompression
deriving ( Eq )
Did you notice that these three types could all have been Bool's? Why do you think the Darcs hackers decided that they should introduce this sort of redundancy in their code? As another example, here is a piece of code we changed a few years back:
type Slot = Maybe Bool -- OLD code
data Slot = InFirst | InMiddle | InLast -- newer code
Why do you think we decided that the second code was an improvement over the first?
Finally, here is a bit of code from some of my day job stuff. It uses the newtype syntax that augustss mentioned,
newtype Role = Role { fromRole :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype KmClass = KmClass { fromKmClass :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Lemma = Lemma { fromLemma :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
Here you'll notice that I've done the curious thing of taking a perfectly good Text type and then wrapping it up into three different things. The three things don't have any new features compared to plain old Text. They're just there to be different. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure if it was a good idea for me to do this. I provisionally think it was because I manipulate lots of different bits and pieces of text for lots of reasons, but time will tell.
Can you see what I'm trying to get at?

Using Haskell's map function to calculate the sum of a list

addm (x:xs) = sum(x:xs)
I was able to achieve to get a sum of a list using sum function but is it possible to get the sum of a list using map function? Also what the use of map function?
You can't really use map to sum up a list, because map treats each list element independently from the others. You can use map for example to increment each value in a list like in
map (+1) [1,2,3,4] -- gives [2,3,4,5]
Another way to implement your addm would be to use foldl:
addm' = foldl (+) 0
Here it is, the supposedly impossible definition of sum in terms of map:
sum' xs = let { ys = 0 : map (\(a,b) -> a + b) (zip xs ys) } in last ys
this actually shows how scanl can be implemented in terms of map (and zip and last), the above being equivalent to foldl (+) 0 xs === last $ scanl (+) 0 xs:
scanl' f z xs = let { ys = z : map (uncurry f) (zip ys xs) } in ys
I expect one can calculate many things with map, arranging for all kinds of information flow through zip.
edit: the above is just a zipWith in disguise of course (and zipWith is kind of a map2):
sum' xs = let { ys = 0 : zipWith (+) ys xs } in last ys
This seems to suggest that scanl is more versatile than foldl.
It is not possible to use map to reduce a list to its sum. That recursive pattern is a fold.
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum = foldr (+) 0
As an aside, note that you can define map as a fold as well:
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
map f = fold (\x xs -> f x : xs) []
This is because foldr is the canonical recursive function on lists.
References: A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold, Graham Hutton, J. Functional Programming 9 (4): 355–372, July 1999.
After some insights I have to add another answer: You can't get the sum of a list with map, but you can get the sum with its monadic version mapM. All you need to do is to use a Writer monad (see LYAHFGG) over the Sum monoid (see LYAHFGG).
I wrote a specialized version, which is probably easier to understand:
data Adder a = Adder a Int
instance Monad Adder where
return x = Adder x 0
(Adder x s) >>= f = let Adder x' s' = f x
in Adder x' (s + s')
toAdder x = Adder x x
sum' xs = let Adder _ s = mapM toAdder xs in s
main = print $ sum' [1..100]
Adder is just a wrapper around some type which also keeps a "running sum." We can make Adder a monad, and here it does some work: When the operation >>= (a.k.a. "bind") is executed, it returns the new result and the value of the running sum of that result plus the original running sum. The toAdder function takes an Int and creates an Adder that holds that argument both as wrapped value and as running sum (actually we're not interested in the value, but only in the sum part). Then in sum' mapM can do its magic: While it works similar to map for the values embedded in the monad, it executes "monadic" functions like toAdder, and chains these calls (it uses sequence to do this). At this point, we get through the "backdoor" of our monad the interaction between list elements that the standard map is missing.
Map "maps" each element of your list to an element in your output:
let f(x) = x*x
map f [1,2,3]
This will return a list of the squares.
To sum all elements in a list, use fold:
foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3]
+ is the function you want to apply, and 0 is the initial value (0 for sum, 1 for product etc)
As the other answers point out, the "normal" way is to use one of the fold functions. However it is possible to write something pretty similar to a while loop in imperative languages:
sum' [] = 0
sum' xs = head $ until single loop xs where
single [_] = True
single _ = False
loop (x1 : x2 : xs) = (x1 + x2) : xs
It adds the first two elements of the list together until it ends up with a one-element list, and returns that value (using head).
I realize this question has been answered, but I wanted to add this thought...
listLen2 :: [a] -> Int
listLen2 = sum . map (const 1)
I believe it returns the constant 1 for each item in the list, and returns the sum!
Might not be the best coding practice, but it was an example my professor gave to us students that seems to relate to this question well.
map can never be the primary tool for summing the elements of a container, in much the same way that a screwdriver can never be the primary tool for watching a movie. But you can use a screwdriver to fix a movie projector. If you really want, you can write
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
mySum :: (Foldable f, Functor f, Num a)
=> f a -> a
mySum = getSum . fold . fmap Sum
Of course, this is silly. You can get a more general, and possibly more efficient, version:
mySum' :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f a -> a
mySum' = getSum . foldMap Sum
Or better, just use sum, because its actually made for the job.