How do I convert dub.sdl into dub.json? - d

Since MonoD doesn't let me add use dub libraries natively I need to write dub.json myself. A good start would be to use an already existing template produced by e.g. dub init, but unfortunately this command produces a project that uses a competing dub.sdl and for some reason I cannot find any option to tell it to create a dub.json instead.
How do I convert a dub.sdl into dub.json so I can use it with MonoD?

As said by dub init --help, there is an option for generating JSON file instead of SDL:
-f --format=VALUE
Sets the format to use for the package description file. Possible values: sdl, json
So, try dub init --format=json.

DUB package of DUB is good for you.
It contains first hand library code it takes to
manipulate and
packages (be it in SDL or JSON format).
Of course you've got to get your hand dirty to do the appropriate plumbing (writing a package converter command line utility in your case for instance).


"Embedding" a folder into a C/C++ program

I have a script library stored in .../lib/ that I want to embed into my program. So far, that sounds simple: On Windows, I'd use Windows Resource Files - on MacOS, I'd put them into a Resource folder and use the proper API to access the current bundle and it's resources. On plain Linux, I am not too sure how to do it... But, I want to be cross-platform anyway.
Now, I know that there are tools like IncBin ( and alike, but they are best used for single files. What I have, however, might even require some kind of file system abstraction.
So here is the few guesses and estimates I did. I'd like to know if there is possibly a better solution - or others, in general.
Create a Zip file and use MiniZ in order to read it's contents off a char array. Basically, running the zip file through IncBin and passing it as a buffer to MiniZ to let me work on that.
Use an abstracted FS layer like PhysicsFS or TTVFS and add the possibility to work off a Zip file or any other kind of archive.
Are there other solutions? Thanks!
I had this same issue, and I solved it by locating the library relative to argv[0]. But that only works if you invoke the program by its absolute path -- i.e., not via $PATH in the shell. So I invoke my program by a one-line script in ~/bin, or any other directory that's in your search path:
exec /wherever/bin/program "$#"
When the program is run, argv[0] is set to "/wherever/bin/program", and it knows to look in "/wherever/lib" for the related scripts.
Of course if you're installing directly into standard locations, you can rely on the standard directory structure, such as /usr/local/bin/program for the executable and /etc/program for related scripts & config files. The technique above is just when you want to be able to install a whole bundle in an arbitrary place.
EDIT: If you don't want the one-line shell script, you can also say:
alias program=/wherever/bin/program

Get .stl format 3D mesh from Binary Mask (Segmentation)

I am currently able to get mesh files of these formats however I would like to save the mesh file as .stl. I found documentation about this STL MeshIO Class, however, I can't seem to find the header to "include".
Additionally, if I follow from this, it still asks me to enter proper file extension, as in it doesn't work when I give .stl extension.
Any help or work around?
P.S. ITK-4.11.0, VS 13 Update 5, CMake - 3.8.0.
Let me know if you need the code, I don't see a requirement here.
Just adding the procedure here for someone who might be interested.
Get git executable.
In CMake go to advanced and add the path to the git executable
In Modules, add Module_IOSTL
Configure and Generate.
Build the ITK.sln file. (If using VS)
Configure and Generate your project.
Add #include "itkSTLMeshIOFactory.h"
Add itk::STLMeshIOFactory::RegisterOneFactory(); before you initialize the MeshType.
Give file extension for MeshFileWriter as .stl, and voila!
IOSTL is a remote module. When configuring ITK with CMake, you need to enable Module_IOSTL in group Module. Rebuild ITK, rebuild your program, and now you should be able to read and write .stl just the same as .vtk, .off etc. Hopefully, without any code changes.

Installing SML/NJ library

I need to install QCheck/SML unit test library for ML.
I could git clone the code, and create the .cm file, but I'm not sure how to copy the generated file into where. The document simply says (
2.1 SML/NJ
For Standard ML of New Jersey, the CM library specification ‘’ should be all you need. The default target of make -f
Makefile.nj will ask CM to build and stabilize this library. This
creates a file ‘.cm/x86-unix/’ (alter the arch/os tag as
needed) which may be copied into the standard CM library path and
added to the ‘pathconfig’.
I used brew install smlnj for the ML installation in Mac, so I have SMLNJ_HOME at /usr/local/Cellar/smlnj/100.78/SMLNJ_HOME.
What is the CM path library in this? In general, how to install a library into SML/NJ?
From Matt's answer, this is how I made it work.
Copy the whole qcheck directory into /usr/local/Cellar/smlnj/110.78/SMLNJ_HOME/lib.
Make ~/.smlnj-pathconfig file.
Add /usr/local/Cellar/smlnj/110.78/SMLNJ_HOME/lib/qcheck in the file.
Usage (in REPL)
CM.make "$/";
open QCheck;
Things to consider.
I couldn't use the stabilized libraries (qcheck/.cm/x86-unix/ So, I had to copy the whole directory.
For user's library, I think the install location can be anywhere, as the ~/.smlnj-pathconfig can point to the directory.
For importing a structure in the same directory, use "FILENAME"; is needed instead of CM.make.
The CM library path is located in SMLNJ_HOME/lib. You can place the .cm file here. The instructions say to modify the pathconfig file, however, I would suggest creating a .smlnj-pathconfig file in your home directory instead. You are going to want to then paste the following line into that file: <path to directory containing file>
You can then reference this in one of your .cm files using the anchor name: $/ I've not used stabilized libraries before, and the generated .cm file is giving me a bunch of errors. If you instead use the file from the root directory of the qcheck repo, it seems to work for me. Perhaps someone else can comment on why I am getting these errors.

Running NotePad++ from Command line with Compare Plugin showing compare result

I am trying to find a way to call notepad++ from command line with compare plugin showing the compare result providing I pass 2 files name which I want to compare.
Think like I have a batch file, which does some work and result is opening notepad++ showing 2 files in compare mode. (Yes, compare plugin is installed)
If anyone has any other suggestion to using any other editor or software also welcome..
The command is Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe file1 file2.
Download the compare plugin Installing the compare plugin from the plugin manager within Notepad++ does not install the requisite exe. I assume you could also build from source to obtain the exe.
Follow the manual installation instructions in the readme:
To install manually, copy ComparePlugin.dll and ComparePlugin subfolder
into the plugins directory C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins.
For a portable Notepad++ installation, you need to run the command from a directory above the notepad++ directory (or with absolute path of exe), otherwise you get an error that Notepad++.exe is not found.
The commands look like this:
>cd C:\portapps\Notepad++
>cd ..
>Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe C:\files\file1.txt C:\files\file2.txt
ufo's answer put me on the right track but it did not contain the commands to run.
There's a tool called NppCompareLoader doing exactly what you want. Simply drop it in the N++ installation folder. I'm using it since many years as a diff viewer for TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit, thus you should certainly be able to call it right from command line.
Since the (unofficial) Compare-plug-in version the additional loader mentioned above isn't required anymore. There's already one included in the plug-in. Here's the regarding change-log fragment:
NEW: Loader for using N++ as an external diff viewer (e.g. in TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, ..)

How to add and use .zip (or .pak) files to c++ project?

I'm compiling CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) for our local html5 presentation.
I should say I'm very new for all this (CEF and C++).
I've already optimized cefclient project for the presentation, but I need to embed all html/js/css/etc files into project (reading from local storage is not an option).
As I understood, I should use .zip or .pak (renamed zip) files to embed. But how can I use them inside the project?
Should I use some lib for unzipping (zlib?) or there is another popular way? And how can I be sure that files will be compiled into project?
Sorry for such basic questions but there are very few information about this (or google hates me today).
Thank you for any help!
UPD: found great tool - WBEA (, it looks like exactly what I want to, but works pretty slow (with JS).
UPD 2: It turns out that there are many ways to make HTML5 desktop application, for example Node-Webkit.
Here is an article that compares some of them
You need:
Create zip file whitin your resources.
Embed it as win32 resource (after this step you will get correct executable with .zip file inside).
Create custom scheme handler to access this zip file.
CefZipReader class will be handly to implement handler from step 3.
Look around, may be something like what you want already exist somewhere.
This sounds very similar to self extracting installers.
No need to compile anything, just concatenate the zip to the end of the executable. All you need to do is find the offset at runtime from the start of the executable. This can be done easily by writing a large magic number and looking for it later.
Example Linux:
cat app magic_number data > new_app
Example Windows:
copy app.exe /B + magic.dat /B + data.dat /B new_app.exe