Pulling data from datastore and converting it in Json in python(Google Appengine) - python-2.7

I am creating an apllication using google appengine, in which i am fetching a data from the website and storing it in my Database (Data store).Now whenever user hits my application url as "application_url\name =xyz&city= abc",i am fetching the data from the DB and want to show it as json.Right now i am using a filter to fetch data based on the name and city but getting output as [].I dont know how to get data from this.My code looks like this:
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg',"Not supplied")
market = self.request.get('market',"No market found with this name")
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
and the db structure for "commoditydata" table is
class commoditydata(db.Model):
commodity= db.StringProperty()
market= db.StringProperty()
arrival= db.StringProperty()
variety= db.StringProperty()
minprice= db.StringProperty()
maxprice= db.StringProperty()
modalprice= db.StringProperty()
reporteddate= db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
Can anyone tell me how to get data from the db using name and market and covert it in Json.First getting data from db is the more priority.Any suggestions will be of great use.

If you are starting with a new app, I would suggest to use the NDB API rather than the old DB API. Your code would look almost the same though.
As far as I can tell from your code sample, the query should give you results as far as the HTTP query parameters from the request would match entity objects in the datastore.
I can think of some possible reasons for the empty result:
you only think the output is empty, because you use write() too early; app-engine doesn't support streaming of response, you must write everything in one go and you should do this after you queried the datastore
the properties you are filtering are not indexed (yet) in the datastore, at least not for the entities you were looking for
the filters are just not matching anything (check the log for the values you got from the request)
your query uses a namespace different from where the data was stored in (but this is unlikely if you haven't explicitly set namespaces anywhere)
In the Cloud Developer Console you can query your datastore and even apply filters, so you can see the results with-out writing actual code.
Go to https://console.developers.google.com
On the left side, select Storage > Cloud Datastore > Query
Select the namespace (default should be fine)
Select the kind "commoditydata"
Add filters with example values you expect from the request and see how many results you get
Also look into Monitoring > Log which together with your logging.info() calls is really helpful to better understand what is going on during a request.
The conversion to JSON is rather easy, once you got your data. In your request handler, create an empty list of dictionaries. For each object you get from the query result: set the properties you want to send, define a key in the dict and set the value to the value you got from the datastore. At the end dump the dictionary as JSON string.
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
commodityname = self.request.get('veg')
market = self.request.get('market')
if commodityname is None and market is None:
# the request will be complete after this:
self.response.out.write("Please supply filters!")
# everything ok, try query:
query = commoditydata.all()
query.filter('commodity = ', commodityname)
result = query.fetch(limit = 1)
# now build the JSON payload for the response
dicts = []
for match in result:
dicts.append({'market': match.market, 'reporteddate': match.reporteddate})
# set the appropriate header of the response:
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# convert everything into a JSON string
import json
jsonString = json.dumps(dicts)
self.response.out.write( jsonString )


How to make filtering non model data in flask-admin

I have to make dashboard like view in flask-admin that will use data retrieved from external API. I have already written a functions that get date ranges and return data from that range. I should use BaseView probably but I don't know how to actually write it to make filters work. This is example function that i have to use: charts = generate_data_for_dashboard('164', '6423FACA-FC71-489D-BF32-3A671AB747E3', '2018-03-01', '2018-09-01'). Those params should be chosen from 3 different dropdowns. So far I know only how to render views with pre coded data like this :
class DashboardView(BaseView):
kwargs = {}
#expose('/', methods=('GET',))
def statistics_charts(self):
user = current_user
company = g.company
offices = Office.query.filter_by(company_id=company.id)
self.kwargs['user'] = user
self.kwargs['company'] = company
charts = generate_data_for_dashboard('164', '6423FACA-FC71-489D-BF32-3A671AB747E3', '2018-03-01', '2018-09-01')
self.kwargs['chart1'] = charts[0]
self.kwargs['chart2'] = charts[1]
return self.render('stats/dashboard.html', **self.kwargs)
But I need some kind of form to filter it. In addition date filter dropdown should have dynamic options : current_week, last_week, current_month, last_month, last_year. Don't know where to start.
You should use WTForms to build a form. You then have to decide if you want the data to be fetched on Submit or without a reload of the page. In the former case, you can just return the fetched information on the response page in your statistics_charts view. But if you want the data to update without a reload, you'll need to use JavaScript to track the form field changes, send the AJAX request to the API, and then interpret the resulting JSON and update your dashboard graphs and tables as needed.
I have not used it, but this tutorial says you can use Dash for substantial parts of this task, while mostly writing in Python. So that could be something to check out. There is also flask_jsondash which might work for you.

store a list in request.session in one view and retrieve it in another view django

I have a huge list that will be generated dynamically from a csv file in a django view, but i had a requirement to use that list in the next view, so i thought to give a try on django sessions
def import_products(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.FILES:
csv_file_data = ...........
total_records = [row for row in csv_file_data]
request.session['list_data'] = total_records
# total_records is `list of lists` of length more than 150
# do some processing with the list and render the page
return render_to_response('product/import_products.html')
def do_something_with_csv_data_from_above_view(request):
data = request.session['list_data']
# do some operations with list and render the page
return render_to_response('website/product/success.html',
So as mentioned in the above, i need to use the total_records huge list in the do_something_with_csv_data_from_above_view view and delete the session by storing it in another variable
So actually how to implement/use exactly the sessions concept(i have read the django docs but could n't able to get the exact concept)
In my case,
When a user tries to upload the csv file each time, i am reading the data and storing
the data as list to session
==> Is this the right way to do so ? also i want to store the session variable in
database concept
Because the list was huge, i need to delete it for sure in the next view when i
copied it in to another variable
Am i missing anything, can anyone please implement exact code for my above scenario ?
You have two options:
Client side RESTful - This is a RESTful solution but may require a bit more work. You can retrieve the data in the first request to the client and after selecting you can send the selected rows back to the server for processing, CSV etc.
Caching: In the first request you can cache your data on the server using a django file system or memcached. In the second request use the cache key (which would be the user session key + some timestamp + whatever else) to fetch the data and store in the db.
If it's a lot of data option 2 may be better.

Python library to access a CalDAV server

I run ownCloud on my webspace for a shared calendar. Now I'm looking for a suitable python library to get read only access to the calendar. I want to put some information of the calendar on an intranet website.
I have tried http://trac.calendarserver.org/wiki/CalDAVClientLibrary but it always returns a NotImplementedError with the query command, so my guess is that the query command doesn't work well with the given library.
What library could I use instead?
I recommend the library, caldav.
Read-only is working really well with this library and looks straight-forward to me. It will do the whole job of getting calendars and reading events, returning them in the iCalendar format. More information about the caldav library can also be obtained in the documentation.
import caldav
client = caldav.DAVClient(<caldav-url>, username=<username>,
principal = client.principal()
for calendar in principal.calendars():
for event in calendar.events():
ical_text = event.data
From this on you can use the icalendar library to read specific fields such as the type (e. g. event, todo, alarm), name, times, etc. - a good starting point may be this question.
I wrote this code few months ago to fetch data from CalDAV to present them on my website.
I have changed the data into JSON format, but you can do whatever you want with the data.
I have added some print for you to see the output which you can remove them in production.
from datetime import datetime
import json
from pytz import UTC # timezone
import caldav
from icalendar import Calendar, Event
# CalDAV info
client = caldav.DAVClient(url=url, username=userN, password=passW)
principal = client.principal()
calendars = principal.calendars()
if len(calendars) > 0:
calendar = calendars[0]
print ("Using calendar", calendar)
results = calendar.events()
eventSummary = []
eventDescription = []
eventDateStart = []
eventdateEnd = []
eventTimeStart = []
eventTimeEnd = []
for eventraw in results:
event = Calendar.from_ical(eventraw._data)
for component in event.walk():
if component.name == "VEVENT":
print (component.get('summary'))
print (component.get('description'))
startDate = component.get('dtstart')
print (startDate.dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
endDate = component.get('dtend')
print (endDate.dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
dateStamp = component.get('dtstamp')
print (dateStamp.dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
print ('')
# Modify or change these values based on your CalDAV
# Converting to JSON
data = [{ 'Events Summary':eventSummary[0], 'Event Description':eventDescription[0],'Event Start date':eventDateStart[0], 'Event End date':eventdateEnd[0], 'At:':eventTimeStart[0], 'Until':eventTimeEnd[0]}]
data_string = json.dumps(data)
print ('JSON:', data_string)
pyOwnCloud could be the right thing for you. I haven't tried it, but it should provide a CMDline/API for reading the calendars.
You probably want to provide more details about how you are actually making use of the API but in case the query command is indeed not implemented, there is a list of other Python libraries at the CalConnect website (archvied version, original link is dead now).

GQL Queries - Retrieving specific data from query object

I'm building a database using Google Datastore. Here is my model...
class UserInfo(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required = True)
password = db.StringProperty(required = True)
email = db.StringProperty(required = False)
...and below is my GQL Query. How would I go about retrieving the user's password and ID from the user_data object? I've gone through all the google documentation, find it hard to follow, and have spent ages trying various things I've read online but nothing has helped! I'm on Python 2.7.
user_data = db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM UserInfo WHERE name=:1', name_in)
user_info = user_data.get()
This is basic Python.
From the query, you get a UserInfo instance, which you have stored in the user_info variable. You can access the data of an instance via dot notation: user_info.password and user_info.email.
If this isn't clear, you really should do a basic Python tutorial before going any further.
You are almost there. Treat the query object like a class.
name = user_info.name
Documentation on queries here gives some examples
There are some python tips that might help you
you can also print almost anything, like
print user_info[0]
print user_info[0].name
Setup logging for your app
Logging and python etc

Why does Django give me different results for the same query?

For a mock web service I wrote a little Django app, that serves as a web API, which my android application queries. When I make requests tp the API, I am also able to hand over an offset and limit to only have the really necessary data transmitted. Anyway, I ran into the problem, that Django gives me different results for the same query to the API. It seems as if the results are returned round robin.
This is the Django code that will be run:
def getMetaForCategory(request, offset, limit):
if request.method == "GET":
result = { "meta_information": [] }
categoryIDs = request.GET.getlist("category_ids[]")
categorySet = set(toInt(categoryIDs))
categories = Category.objects.filter(id__in = categoryIDs)
metaSet = set([])
for category in categories:
metaSet = metaSet | set(category.meta_information.all())
metaList = list(metaSet)
for meta in metaList[int(offset):int(limit)]:
relatedCategoryIDs = getIDs(meta.category_set.all())
item = {
"_id": meta.id,
"name": meta.name,
"type": meta.type,
"categories": list(categorySet & set(relatedCategoryIDs))
return HttpResponse(content = simplejson.dumps(result), mimetype = "application/json")
return HttpResponse(status = 403)
What happens is the following: If all MetaInformation objects would be Foo, Bar, Baz and Blib and I would set the limit to 0:2, then I would get [Foo, Bar] with the first request and with the exact same request the method would return [Baz, Blib] when I run it for the second time.
Does anyone see what I am doing wrong here? Or is it the Django cache that somehow gets into my way?
I think the difficulty is that you are using a set to store your objects, and slicing that - and sets have no ordering (they are like dictionaries in that way). So, the results from your query are in fact indeterminate.
There are various implementations of ordered sets around - you could look into using one of them. However, I must say that I think you are doing a lot of unnecessary and expensive unique-ifying and sorting in Python, when most of this could be done directly by the database. For instance, you seem to be trying to get the unique list of Metas that are related to the categories you pass. Well, this could be done in a single ORM query:
meta_list = MetaInformation.objects.filter(category__id__in=categoryIDs)
and you could then drop the set, looping and sorting commands.