Could we add custom function query in Azure search like Solr FunctionQueries - customization

I have building search engine of a website by Azure search and need to add some complex logic rule in searching. It's can be written easily in programming languages: C#, python...but hard in query syntax. I saw Solr has feature like FunctionQueries and elastics search can run a python script. How about Azure search service?

It's not supported.
Maybe there is a different way to enable your scenario. Feel free to reach out to me at jlembicz at Microsoft com to discus your requirements in detail.


Regression testing between test and dev environments for 1000s or URLs?

I need to provide assurance over changes made to a site with 1000s of URLs.
What is the easiest way to do regression testing between a live and dev environment with the following structure?
Need to do visual regression testing and capture any Javascript errors in console and any 404 assets.
Is there a third party tool that will do this that can be recommended? SAAS online?
Assuming I understand that you don't need any of the usual tools (e.g. Selenium), I would suggest to take a look at jsoup. The tool
provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.
This question discusses how to deal with status codes.
As for visual validations you can turn to galen framework. It offers good syntax of checking the look and feel of the sites.

Search engine for full-text search in Django project

I'm developing full-text search function in Django project, and I'm confusing about search engine. I found haystack with elasticSearch, Whoosh, and Solr. I don't know which search engine is appropriate for my project. I'm developing st like shopping web, and I'm using postgreSql. Also, it's really nice if it can support language searching (For example: "banh my" and "bánh mỳ")
Whoosh is Python-based, so that is helpful if you want to stick to a single codebase.
Elasticsearch and Solr are both Java and both have Lucene core underneath. Solr is fully open-source, while Elasticsearch has commercial components. Between the two, Elasticsearch is targeted more at analytics, while Solr is stronger with searching text. But both could be tuned either way, especially for something as simple as accent folding (which seems to be your use-case).
Finally, recent versions of PostreSQL also have search engine features, which may be sufficient for your needs.

OWL-S and semantic similarity of web services

I am currently dealing with semantic descriptions of web services, OWL-S more specifically. I'm not manually writing the annotations, I use this tool.
My point is not the annotations per se, but to know how close 2 web services are. So my idea was to try and compare their respective OWL-S descriptions.
What I'm looking for is maybe a matcher, an API (Java or Python) that would allow me to match two .owl files.
UPDATE : This is just my idea. If you can suggest something else that serves the same purpose you are welcome.
You could try LogMap, it's a framework for ontology matching. You can try it from the web interface. In case of problem you can contact directly the authors of the tool too.

How to extend a website?

This is quite a concept idea. I would like to create a website that can be extend by different programmer a bit "a la facebook"
Let's me explain i want to develop a very simple core application that for example would store images and i want to develop or allow external developer to develop web app that would be able to act on the image i can take this example of an OS that would store files and you can "install" different program for example to view the files or edit.
How can i reproduce the model in the Web / cloud plateform using API ?
I hope this question make sense to any body.
Thank you by advance
Web Services. Try looking up REST and SOAP.
The Semantic Web is trying to solve this by publishing structured data with common ontologies.
See this example, describing the user's photos as RDF, using the FOAF ontology:
The Semantic Overflow website is an excelent resource to find out more about the semantic web in general, and how creating webservices that use a common set of interfaces can allow a greater reach, because tools don't have to be specific to a website.

Programmatically get Google search results

How can I get Google search results from inside a program? I need to get an array of search results for a specified string.
C++ requires a little more work then other languages. You will need to connect to Google's REST Search API and then use a JSON parser to parse out the search results. has a collection of JSON parsers in various languages.
Use their javascript search API
They no longer support their SOAP search api unfortunately
So... nine years later, you can no longer do that. You do get JSON, but it's quite short and just says "The Google Web Search API is no longer available. Please migrate to the Google Custom Search API ("
Google Custom Search can search the entire web using the 'Thing' topic.
Google offers Ajax API for JavaScript programmers and a poor documentation for Python, PHP and Flash.By the way, If you are able to connect to remote http server with any other c++ library, you can do it. just change the url you are using and point it to:{My_CPP_Query}
You will get JSON data stream, that you will be able to work with.
i remember i saw youtube tutorial on doing that, not sure about the library name but its something like _NT_SEARCH_GH:etcetcetcetcetcetc;