QStrings not showing when debugging with Qt Creator on Windows - c++

I'm debugging a Qt 5.5 application with Qt Creator on Windows 10 using MSVC 2013 compiler.
CDB Debugger is set up in Qt Creator and I can start the debug session. However variable contents of Qt objects (QStrings...) can not be inspected, I just get the memory location, size etc.
I expect I'm missing for debugging helpers or the debugger extension mentioned here.
Any clues what to do?

I temporarily deleted qtcreatorcdbext.dll, started debugger (forcing to diplay an error) and moved the dll back. Now everything works.
It seems there was a problem with the setup procedure, maybe because debugging tools were installed after Qt Creator.

I had to update qtcreatorcdbext.dll in /lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 folder. My Qt creator installed separatly from the Qt pack so I copied the dll from the Qt installation/tools/qtcreator/lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 to the separatly installed qtcreator


cannot compile any application in Qt5 on Windows7

I have installed Qt Creator 4.0.1 (based on Qt 5.6.1) on Windows 7 (64 bit), it finds two kits (Desktop Qt 5.6.1 MCVS2013 64bit2 and Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MCVS2013 64bit), both have two debuggers to choose (MinGW or Debugging tools for windows). So everything seems to be OK, but whenever I press Run for any simple application from examples, the Build indicator goes red, and then disappears, and the exe-file is not created, but IDE does not give any explanation to the reason why.
I'm new to Qt and really want to find out what I am doing wrong and get started with it. The error output is as follows:
Cannot find file: D:\рабочее\БГУИР\qt\first\myfirst\myfirst.pro.
12:30:54: The process "C:\Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project myfirst (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MSVC2013 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
Maybe the Cyrillic charset causes the problem?
There has to be an output of some kind somewhere. If not under the debug tab "issues", then perhaps "Compile output".
I know that on Linux if you are running a QT example, you have to make sure you have made a copy of the code instead of running it in place. Otherwise, Qt will try to create a build folder under /opt and fail due to permission. You could also specify such a build folder when you configure the project. I am not sure whether on Windows it is going to be an issue, but it's a good place to check.
Hope this helps.

QT - Unknown debugger type "No engine"

Recently I have re-installed QT (5.5.1 MSVC 2013, 32 bit, rev. b52c2f91f5) on my PC and installed the debugging tools of Microsoft.
QT (QT Creator) can auto-detect these just fine.
When trying to start the debugger with either the default shortcut F5 or clicking it manually, it throws an error that the debugger could not be run. (Compiling works fine, debugging not at all)
No debugger-engine of type "No engine" could be created.
(Running Windows 8.1 with VS2013/VS2015 installed - QT working with VS2013 32&64 bit).
On my work PC I did the same process a few weeks ago and had no problems at all.
What could cause this problem ? Yet I have only found questions with the same problem related to other compilers.
It may point to a missing component in your installation process or an actual defect in Qt:
Option #1
Install a debugger.
If you are installing 5.5.1 for Visual Studio 2013 64 or 32bit, 2012
32bit, 201032bit. Then install windows Debuggers.
Qt will detect automatically the compiler and Debugger.
To set manually Tools->options->build&run->kits->set one of auto detected , then
you can see all.
Source: https://forum.qt.io/topic/59974/unknown-debugger-type-no-engine/11
Option #2
Unable to create a debugger engine of the type "No engine"
in the past pointed to a bug in the Qt Creator, if you'll update it may be fixed.
I'm also aware that alternatively, it may be solved by updating to Python 2.7.1.
Close Qt Creator.
In the folder where your .pro file resides, there will be some .pro.user and .pro.user.x files. Delete them all. Keep only your .pro file.
Start Qt Creator and open your .pro file. Qt Creator will ask you to reconfigure your project. Accept that.
Now you can debug again, or at least I could; the problem happened to me when I had just updated Qt Creator.
I had a problem in windows 7 but I've solved it:
Download Windows driver kit
Add your debugger
Change auto-detected kit debugger to your added debugger
I installed Debugging Tools for Windows and the debugger appeared under Manage Kits > Build & Run > Debuggers but it didn't added in the kits so I had to go to Manage Kits > Build & Run > Kits then select the desired kit and under Debugger I had to select the debugger. Initially the debugger is set to "None".
Answering the title of this question, not the person asking it.
I had the exact same error message on arch linux 64 trying to compile for arm android.
First I ran the gdb debugger in the command line to get the root issue:
error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libncurses is the issue! (As of 6/24/2016) Arch linux is on ncurses 6.0-4. Later you'll also find libtinfo.so.5 is missing.
At this point, the method for fixing the problem is up to you; I don't like using a bunch of AUR repos, so I executed a simple hack. We're forcing the library linkage that was in libncurses 5x to point at 6x.
Please ensure you don't overwrite anything before running these commands
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s libncursesw.so.6.0 libncurses.so.5
sudo ln -s libncursesw.so.6.0 libtinfo.so.5
Re-run your arm gdb, and it should work.

Qt deployment issue (MinGW inside)

I try to deploy a Qt app on a basic Windows 7 Pro SP1 machine.
My app works fine when I run it inside Qt Creator or on any machine with Qt insllated.
I have read a lot of posts and try many different things without success.
Things tried :
Windeploy Qt
Quick and dirty method of Qt Wiki
Add mingwm10.dll
Add libEGL.dll
Check loaded dll with dependency walker
Check loaded dll with Qt Creator debugger
My app crashes when I run it with these two error messages :
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".
This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unsual way. Please contact...
This is my current tree (obtained with windeployqt) :
With dependency walker, I have some red lines even if the app runs normally but nothing interesting.
Dev machine info :
Windows 7 Pro Sp1 64 Bits
Qt Creator 3.3.0
MinGW 4.9.1 32 Bits
Qt SDK 5.4.0
I'm probably doing something wrong but what ?!
The executable seems to search something in the Qt base directory because when I rename it the deployed app doesn't want to work anymore.
Need help please ;)
Ok, I found the solution...
I added this line at the very beginning of my main function :
After that, windeployqt does the job.
I hope it will help someone in the future.

Missing compiler in Qt Creator

I recently installed Qt creator 2.8.1 online on my win Vista 32 bit machine.
To start with Qt I wrote simple pushbutton code. And when I tried to build it shows error message saying
Qt Creator needs compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in kit
I tried with that Kit option din't work. what do I do?
PS Thank You
Simply refer to MINGW online install available at Qt's official downloads( http://download.qt-project.org/). You need not do anything. It will automatically detect an kits and will compile successfully.

QtCreator: process jom.exe exited with code 3

I had a working C++/Qt application. I updated MinGW, Qt and Qt Creator to the latest versions, and now I get an error at compile time. This error does not seem to be due to my code, but to the build system.
17:11:15: Running steps for project MyTest...
17:11:15: Starting: "C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.0\bin\jom.exe" clean
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
17:11:20: The process "C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.6.0\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 3.
In the project settings there is the message "qmake: No Qt version set. Cannot run qmake."
My source code is just what you get automatically when you create a new application.
I updated the system environment path with the new Qt and QtCreator directories.
I do not know what else to do...
Thank you!
Windows 7
Qt 4.8.4
Qt Creator 2.6.0 (based on Qt 4.8.3 32 bit)
Please go to Tools->Options->Build & Run->Kits and check that there is a Qt version set up in the kit you are using.
If not, then check the Qt versions creator detected in Tools->Options->Build & Run->Qt versions. Is the version you want to use there? If not: Add it here.
Then return to the kits page and set one of the kits to use that version. Double check the other information while there.
Now you should be able to build your project. You might need to close/reopen it though.
Initial setup seems to be a bit bumpy... but it works really well once you get over that initial hurdle:-( There are quite some improvements in the next update for this. Check the Qt 5 RC2 packages, the creator included there already contain most of the fixes if you are curious).