Sitecore 8 SPEAK - Calling Custom components Javascript method - sitecore

My question is somewhat similar to followin unanswered question. (Not sure though)
Sitecore 8 SPEAK: Getting an Error When calling a Method in JS File
I am using Sitecore8
On my page there is a button and on its click event I want to call add() of custom datasource component.
JS Code for the Page:
define(["sitecore"], function (Sitecore) {
var JsonListPage = Sitecore.Definitions.App.extend({
initialized: function () {
alert('Inside Json PageList Init');
loadData: function () {
alert('Button clicked');
return JsonListPage;
JS Code for the custom datasource component:
define(["sitecore"], function (Sitecore) {
var model = Sitecore.Definitions.Models.ControlModel.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.set("json", null);
alert('Inside Jsondatasource Init');
add: function (data) {
var json = this.get("json");
if (json === null)
json = new Array();
// this is done because array.push changes the array to an object which then do no work on the SPEAK listcontrol.
var newArray = new Array(json.length + 1);
for (var i = json.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
newArray[i + 1] = json[i];
newArray[0] = data;
this.set("json", newArray);
var view = Sitecore.Definitions.Views.ControlView.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.model.set("json", null);
Sitecore.Factories.createComponent("JsonDatasource", model, view, ".x-sitecore-jsondatasource");
.cshtml for Custom component:
#using Sitecore.Mvc
#using Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation
#using Sitecore.Web.UI.Controls.Common.UserControls
#model RenderingModel
var userControl = Html.Sitecore().Controls().GetUserControl(Model.Rendering);
userControl.Requires.Script("client", "JsonDatasource.js");
userControl.Class = "x-sitecore-jsondatasource";
userControl.Attributes["type"] = "text/x-sitecore-jsondatasource";
userControl.DataBind = "Json: json";
var htmlAttributes = userControl.HtmlAttributes;
<div #htmlAttributes>
am here again
When the page loads:
It shows alert from Custom components Init
Then shows alert from host page's Init
On button click it shows the alert and after that gives error on "app".
There is some bit which I am missing.. any help would be appreciated.. Please let me know if you need anymore inputs.
Thanks in advance!

app is only available in debug mode so id avoid using that, use "this" instead.
From your code example it appears that you are calling app.Add(), There is no Add function on your pageCode, this is what your code is doing. Instead you need to access your components's Add Method.
Instead to access events within your component you want to call the function like this:
I have an example of a custom SPEAK component here you can refer to for how to create the component.
From the code is seems your creating a JSON datasource, there is an example by Anders here


When launching icCube report how can I get the user name

in ic3Report.html file, is it possible to get the user name in the callback function ?
var options = {
root: "ic3-report/app/",
rootLocal: "ic3-report/app-local/",
rootVersion: "_IC3_ROOT_VERSION_",
callback: function () {
window.ic3application = ic3.startReport(
<!-- ic3-start-report-options (DO NOT REMOVE - USED TO GENERATE FILES) -->
// get user name here !
in order to gather current user information you should setup GVI configuration. It could be done with appropriate method:
var options = {
root: "ic3-report/app/",
rootLocal: "ic3-report/app-local/",
rootVersion: "_IC3_ROOT_VERSION_",
callback: function () {
var ic3reporting = new ic3.Reporting(
noticesLevel: ic3.NoticeLevel.INFO,
dsSettings: {
url: GVI_URL
ic3reporting.setupGVIConfiguration(function () {
var userName = ic3reporting.userName();
After that user information will be available inside context. See code above for details.
A more robust solution is adding the code to the local files that are not overwritten with a new version of the reporting. You can use ic3bootstrapLocal function in Admin > Common JS configuration.
function ic3bootstrapLocal(options) {
var ic3reporting = new ic3.Reporting({
noticesLevel: ic3.NoticeLevel.INFO,
options.callback && options.callback();

Ember.js global routed/transitioned events

Is it possible to subscribe to all transition events in the application? Or alternatively some observable property containing the current route?
I'm integrating with a third-party UI component that needs to be synchronized to the current route.
The application controller has a currentRouteName property, as explained here. It's mostly for debugging, but I imagine that it's a fairly stable property that could be used in production.
EDIT: If you need to be alerted of all changes, use the hashchange event like Ember does internally. This will only work if you're using hash based routing though. If you're using Ember's history API based routing, you'll have to use that.
In your app_controller you can add this snippet which fires on every path/route change
currentPathDidChange: function currentPathDidChange() {
var path = this.get('currentPath')
I solved this by hooking into Router.didTransition
Live example: (modified the example found here)
updateCurrentRoute: function(infos) {
var appController = this.container.lookup('controller:application');
if (!('currentRoute' in appController)) {
Ember.defineProperty(appController, 'currentRoute');
if (infos && infos.length > 0) {
// The last part of the route contains the route name
var route = infos[infos.length - 1].name;
// Collect the dynamic route parameters
var params = infos.reduce(function(a, b) {
// Parameter can be named anything
// assume there are 0 or 1 parameters
for (var name in b.params) {
if (b.params.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
// 1 parameter
return a.concat(b.params[name]);
// 0 parameters
return a;
}, []);
var path = [route].concat(params);
Ember.set(appController, 'currentRoute', path);
} else {
Ember.set(appController, 'currentRoute', []);
didTransition: function(infos) {
return this._super(infos);

How do I return data to a template with Knockout and Requirejs modules?

I'm having a difficult time returning data from a module using RequireJS and Knockout to populate my markup for my single page app. Knockout can't seem to find my data binding observables.
I'm trying to keep each view in a separate js file, but I'm failing to identify where I've gone wrong. Here's what I have so far:
define(function(require) {
var $ = require('jQuery'),
ko = require('knockout'),
videoView = require('videoView');
var init = function() {
var viewModel = function() {
var self = this;
self.currentPage = ko.observable();
self.videoView = new videoView();
var view = new viewModel();
ko.applyBindings( view );
_router = new Simrou({
'/video/:id': [ view.videoView.getVideo ]
return {
init: init
define(function(require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jQuery'),
ko = require('knockout');
return function() {
var self = this;
self.currentPage = ko.observable( 'showVideo' );
self.currentVideo = ko.observable();
self.videoData = ko.observableArray([]);
self.videoList = ko.observableArray([]);
var getVideo = function( event, params ) {
// ajax pseudo code
self.videoData( dataFromAjaxCall );
return {
getVideo: getVideo
When I browse to /#/video/14 I receive the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to parse bindings.
Bindings value: attr: { 'data-video-id': videoData().id }
Message: videoData is not defined
Here's the markup:
<section id="showVideo" data-bind="fadeVisible: currentPage()=='showVideo', with: $root">
<div class="video" data-bind="attr: { 'data-video-id': videoData().id }></div>
Like I said, I'm trying to keep each view separated, but I would love some enlightenment on what I'm doing wrong, or if this is even possible? Is there a better more efficient way?
videoData is a property of $root.videoView, not of the root model (the one you passed to applyBindings). It's also an observableArray, so videoData() is just a plain array and even if you get the context right, you won't be able to access its id property, since, being an array, it doesn't have.named properties.

How can I simulate blur when testing directives in angularjs?

The problem
I am trying to test some directives (code for both below). One of them is an "email" (called "epost" in the code(norwegian)) directive. The solution to this should work for all of them, so I am keeping it to this one for now.
Technologies: Angularjs, Jasmine, Requirejs, (grunt & karma running in Chrome)
The directive validates email addresses in two ways; on upshift and on blur. I can test the upshift without problems as you can see in the test below, but I can't figure out how to simulate a blur so the bind('blur') in the directive runs.
What I have done
I have tried to catch the compiled element like this:
elem = angular.element(html);
element = $compile(elem)($scope);
And then in the test i tried several permutations to trigger the blur with a console log just inside the bind function in the directive. None of the below works. It does not trigger.
I based the injection and setup on this: To test a custom validation angularjs directive
The email directive in angularjs wrapped in requirejs
define(function() {
var Directive = function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
var pattern = /^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/;
elem.bind('blur', function() {
scope.$apply(function () {
if (!elem.val() || pattern.test(elem.val())) {
ctrl.$setValidity('epost', true);
} else {
ctrl.$setValidity('epost', false);
ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewValue) {
if (pattern.test(viewValue)) {
ctrl.$setValidity('epost', true);
return viewValue;
} else {
return undefined;
return Directive;
The test (using jasmine and requirejs)
], function () {
describe('Directives', function () {
var $scope;
var form;
beforeEach(function () {
var html = '<form name="form">';
html += '<input type="text" id="epost" name="epost" epost="" ng-model=""/>';
html += '</form>';
inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$scope.model = {
epost: null
// Compile the element, run digest cycle
var elem = angular.element(html);
form = $scope.form;
describe('(epost) Given an input field hooked up with the email directive', function () {
var validEmail = '';
var invalidEmail = 'asdf#asdf';
it('should bind data to model and be valid when email is valid on upshift', function () {$setViewValue(validEmail);
I have been able to figure out where I went wrong after some breakpoint debugging.
The "element" item I get out using the approach described in the top of the question is not actually the directive it self. It's an object which wraps the form and the directive.
Like this
{ 0: // The form
{ 0: // The directive (input element)
To actually simulate a blur on the directive it self, I did something like this
var directiveElement = $(element[0][0]);
After getting the element I wanted, and wrapping it in a jQuery object (may be optional), it worked like a charm. I then used the approach like in the test in the question with $setViewValue and checked the model value like this.$setViewValue('');
Hope this could be of help to others trying to figure the directive testing out.
I too ran into a similar problem and it mystified me. My solution was to use JQuery to get the input and then use angular.element(input).triggerHandler('blur') to make it work. This is odd to me because I do not have to do this with the click event.
spyOn(controller, 'setRevenueIsInvalid');
var sugarRow = $(element).find('tr#ve_id_5')[0];
var amount = $(sugarRow).find('input.amount')[0];

Automatic type casting of vanilla objects to Ember objects

I'm just diving in to Ember. I'm looking for a way to pass a plain array of vanilla objects into a collection/controller and have them type cast to the correct model.
Here's the simple collection view:
{{#collection id="prods" contentBinding="Vix.prodsController" tagName="ul"}}
Here's the model:
Vix.Prod = Ember.Object.extend({
id: null,
title: null
And the controller:
Vix.prodsController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
content: []
Then let's get some JSON-formatted data from the server. In this example I'll just hard-code it:
var prods = [{id:"yermom1", title:"yermom 1"}, {id:"yermom2", title:"yermom 2"}]
Vix.prodsController.set('content', prods);
So far so good. I get my simple list of li elements displaying the titles as I'd expect. But when I want to update the title of one of the objects, using:
Vix.prodsController.objectAt(0).set('title', 'new title')
It complains because the object has no set method-- it has not been properly cast to my Vix.Prod Ember Object.
Using this alternative:
Produces the same result. It's only if I explicitly create new model instances that I get the get/set goodness:
var prods = [Vix.Prod.create({id:"yermom1", title:"yermom 1"}), {Vix.Prod.create(id:"yermom2", title:"yermom 2"})]
Is there a way to automatically type cast those vanilla objects to my Vix.Prod Ember Object? If not, am I the only one that really wants something like that? In Backbone one can set the model property on a collection. I suppose I can create a setter on my Controller to do something similar- just wondering if there is something built-in that I'm missing. Thanks!
No magic. I'd suggest do a loop wrapping the model.
var prods = [{id:"yermom1", title:"yermom 1"}, {id:"yermom2", title:"yermom 2"}];
for (var i = 0; i < prods.length; i++) {
prods[i] = Vix.Prod.create(prods[i]);
If I use ember as much as I hope to, I'm going to want a shortcut. So here's what I've done for now. I created a base Collection class that I use to create my Collections/Controllers:
Vix.Collection = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
model: null,
pushObject: function(obj) {
if (this.get('model') && obj.__proto__.constructor !== this.get('model')) {
obj = this.get('model').create(obj);
return this._super(obj);
pushObjects: function(objs) {
if (this.get('model')) {
objs = this._typecastArray(objs)
return this._super(objs);
set: function(prop, val) {
if (prop === 'content' && this.get('model')) {
val = this._typecastArray(val);
return this._super(prop, val);
_typecastArray: function(objs) {
var typecasted = [];
if (obj.__proto__.constructor !== this.get('model')) {
obj = this.get('model').create(obj);
}, this);
return typecasted;
Now when I call pushObject, pushObjects, or .set('collection', data), if the collection instance has a defined model property and the objects being added to the collection aren't already of that type, they'll be cast. Been working good so far, but I welcome any feedback.
You should have a look at ember-data:
It seems to fit your needs...
As of today, it's not yet production ready (as stated in the readme), but is quickly converging toward maturity, thanks to an active development.