Error accessing program database in Visual Studio C++ - c++

I accidentally allowed an infinite loop, the computer froze, I force-restarted it. Now when I press F5 to build my C++ project, I get the following error:
Error C1301 error accessing program database C:\path\x64\Release\projectName.ipdb, invalid format, please delete and rebuild
And the said file does not even exist. I tried deleting everything in the Release folder, no luck.
How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance.

I was also faced similar type of error which says :-
"C1300 Error accessing program database... LNK1257 code generation failed"
Resolved it in the following way:
Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Whole Program Optimization
set it to
"No Whole Program Optimization"
from "Use Link time Code Generation"


How do I fix a 'cannot open source file' error on MS Visual Studio 2022

Forgive me if I leave out important information, I'm a brand new programmer, and this is my first time using Stack Overflow.
I just downloaded MS Visual Studio, and was testing it by making a basic Console App that outputs "Hello world", but when I tried to run the program, it gave me a message that said "There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build?" Then, when I pressed yes I got 478 errors, nearly all of which were "E1696 cannot open source file "filename"", or, "E0282 global source has no "filename"." Is there anyone who has encountered a similar problem, and if so, do you know what is causing it / how to fix it?

Compiling code too quickly gives errors

I have recently started coding with C++ and I have come across a little source of error which I think requires knowledge about computers that I don't have.
When I write a simple code (in Visual Studio Express 2013), let's say a "Hello World!" example, I Build and Start Without Debugging successfuly.
Then, when I edit my code to print the sum of two numbers for example, I get an error when I try to Build. I get this error:
Error 1 error LNK1168: cannot open c:\users\name\documents\visual
studio 2013\Projects\ConsoleApplication4\Debug\ConsoleApplication4.exe
for writing
But if I wait for a bit and then re-attempt to Build, everything is fine.
I have also noticed this when I use g++ in the standard cmd module; if I try to complile a code under the same name (for the .exe file) I get an Access Denied error, but if I wait a bit I am allowed to do it.
My instincts tell me that the computer still has the .exe file running for a bit after I execute it, and it is not allowing me to overwrite it.
It's because the process is still running and therefore the file is in use and write-locked. It takes Windows a few tempo beats to clean everything up after you've terminated.

Fatal error RC1212

I try to build one project (huge but not finished program, not mine but I guess I should be one of the guys who will try finish it).
Actually when I build it in Debug mode, everything seems like okay, but when I switch into Release mode an error appears:
fatal error RC1212: invalid option - /z argument missing substitute font name
I trying to change options into Project properties->C++->General->Debug Information Format but it doesn't help.
Never saw such error before. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you!

carbide c++ symbian compiler error

I have created a project on carbide c++ and I am getting an error
sbs returned with exit value = 1
I didn't make any changes on the code that carbide created.I am just created and build the project its throws the error.
I googled the error and could not find any solution. Does anyone get this error code before ?
I was taking the same error...
Try to change the options of build...
That occurs when I was trying to compile using the armv5 instead of GCCE.
Change it and your problem could be resolved.
I´m new on symbian/carbide but it solved my problem!

xcode build error

Command /Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 failed with exit code 1
build error
My project was working fine with no errors, and I went to run it again without changing anything and received this error (only this). Any ideas on how to fix it?
I had this error when certain .cpp files didn't exist, but it could be caused by any number of things. Clearly in your case it's something different, if you're sure you haven't changed anything in the project.
On the right of the build results list there should be a (well hidden) button with lines - that shows the raw build output, which should give you some idea about what went wrong. What does that say?