Idiom for transducing over an atom? - clojure

What is the idiomatic way to apply transducers to an atom's value?
This seems to do the job, but I'm unsure of correctness (and style ^^).
(let [xf1 (map inc)
xf2 (map #(+ % 2))
xf #(vec (eduction (comp xf2 xf1) %))
a (atom [1 2 3])]
(swap! a xf))
;=> [4 5 6]

(let [xf1 (map inc)
xf2 (map #(* % 2))
foo #(into [] (comp xf2 xf1) %)
a (atom [1 2 3])]
(swap! a foo))
;; => [3 5 7]
There are two things you need to take note.
comp in transducers works the opposite order as normal applications. That is, xf2 is applied prior to xf1. For each element, it is doubled then incremented.
eduction returns a sequence, so it's not the same type as your original value in the atom.


Is there a reducing function in Clojure that performs the equivalent of `first`?

I'm often writing code of the form
(->> init
(map ...)
(filter ...)
When converting this into code that uses transducers I'll end up with something like
(transduce (comp (map ...) (filter ...)) (completing #(reduced %2)) nil init)
Writing (completing #(reduced %2)) instead of first doesn't sit well with me at all. It needlessly obscures a very straightforward task. Is there a more idiomatic way of performing this task?
I'd personally use your approach with a custom reducing function but here are some alternatives:
(let [[x] (into [] (comp (map inc) (filter even?) (take 1)) [0 1])]
Using destructing :/
(first (eduction (map inc) (filter even?) [0 1])
Here you save on calling comp which is done for you. Though it's not super lazy. It'll realize up to 32 elements so it's potentially wasteful.
Fixed with a (take 1):
(first (eduction (map inc) (filter even?) (take 1) [0 1]))
Overall a bit shorter and not too unclear compared to:
(transduce (comp (map inc) (filter even?) (take 1)) (completing #(reduced %2)) nil [0 1])
If you need this a bunch, then I'd probably NOT create a custom reducer function but instead a function similar to transduce that takes xform, coll as the argument and returns the first value. It's clearer what it does and you can give it a nice docstring. If you want to save on calling comp you can also make it similar to eduction:
(defn single-xf
"Returns the first item of transducing the xforms over collection"
{:arglists '([xform* coll])}
[& xforms]
(transduce (apply comp (butlast xforms)) (completing #(reduced %2)) nil (last xforms)))
(single-xf (map inc) (filter even?) [0 1])
medley has find-first with a transducer arity and xforms has a reducing function called last. I think that the combination of the two is what you're after.
[medley.core :as medley]
[net.cgrand.xforms.rfs :as rfs]))
(transduce (comp (map ,,,) (medley/find-first ,,,)) rfs/last init)

Make (map f c1 c2) map (count c1) times, even if c2 has less elements

When doing
(map f [0 1 2] [:0 :1])
f will get called twice, with the arguments being
0 :0
1 :1
Is there a simple yet efficient way, i.e. without producing more intermediate sequences etc., to make f get called for every value of the first collection, with the following arguments?
0 :0
1 :1
2 nil
Edit Addressing question by #fl00r in the comments.
The actual use case that triggered this question needed map to always work exactly (count first-coll) times, regardless if the second (or third, or ...) collection was longer.
It's a bit late in the game now and somewhat unfair after having accepted an answer, but if a good answer gets added that only does what I specifically asked for - mapping (count first-coll) times - I would accept that.
You could do:
(map f [0 1 2] (concat [:0 :1] (repeat nil)))
Basically, pad the second coll with an infinite sequence of nils. map stops when it reaches the end of the first collection.
An (eager) loop/recur form that walks to end of longest:
(loop [c1 [0 1 2] c2 [:0 :1] o []]
(if (or (seq c1) (seq c2))
(recur (rest c1) (rest c2) (conj o (f (first c1) (first c2))))
Or you could write a lazy version of map that did something similar.
A general lazy version, as suggested by Alex Miller's answer, is
(defn map-all [f & colls]
(when-not (not-any? seq colls)
(apply f (map first colls))
(apply map-all f (map rest colls))))))
For example,
(map-all vector [0 1 2] [:0 :1])
;([0 :0] [1 :1] [2 nil])
You would probably want to specialise map-all for one and two collections.
just for fun
this could easily be done with common lisp's do macro. We could implement it in clojure and do this (and much more fun things) with it:
(defmacro cl-do [clauses [end-check result] & body]
(let [clauses (map #(if (coll? %) % (list %)) clauses)
bindings (mapcat (juxt first second) clauses)
nexts (map #(nth % 2 (first %)) clauses)]
`(loop [~#bindings]
(if ~end-check
(recur ~#nexts))))))
and then just use it for mapping (notice it can operate on more than 2 colls):
(defn map-all [f & colls]
(cl-do ((colls colls (map next colls))
(res [] (conj res (apply f (map first colls)))))
((every? empty? colls) res)))
in repl:
user> (map-all vector [1 2 3] [:a :s] '[z x c v])
;;=> [[1 :a z] [2 :s x] [3 nil c] [nil nil v]]

How to transpose a nested vector in clojure

I have the following variable
(def a [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]])
and want to return
[[1 3 5][2 4 6]]
and if input is
[[1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8 9]] then the required result is
[[1 3 5 7] [2 4 6 8] [9]]
How to do it in clojure?
(fn [acc e]
(fn [acc2 i2 e2]
(assoc! acc2 i2 ((fnil conj []) (get acc2 i2) e2)))
(transient [])
[[1 2 3] [:a :b] [\a] [111] [200 300 400 500]]))
;;=> [[1 :a \a 111 200] [2 :b 300] [3 400] [500]]
An empty vector can be updated via the update-in fn at the 0th index, a non-empty vector can be, additionally, updated at the index immediately following the last value.
The reduction here is about passing the outer accumulator to the inner reducing function, updating it accordingly, and then returning it back to the outer reducing function, which in turn will pass again to the inner rf for processing the next element.
EDIT: Updated to fastest version.
I like ifett's implementation, though it seems weird to use reduce-kv to build a vector that could be easily build with map/mapv.
So, here is how I would've done it:
(defn transpose [v]
(mapv (fn [ind]
(mapv #(get % ind)
(filter #(contains? % ind) v)))
(->> (map count v)
(apply max)
(->> (range)
(map (fn [i]
(->> a
(filter #(contains? % i))
(map #(nth % i)))))
(take-while seq))
Notice that this algorithm creates a lazy seq of lazy seqs so you that you will only pay for the transformations you really consume. If you insist on creating vectors instead, wrap the forms in vec at the necessary places - or if you are using Clojurescript or don't mind a Clojure 1.7 alpha use transducers to create vectors eagerly without paying for laziness or immutability:
(into []
(map (fn [i]
(into [] (comp (filter #(contains? % i))
(map #(nth % i)))
(take-while seq))
I find this easy to understand:
(defn nth-column [matrix n]
(for [row matrix] (nth row n)))
(defn transpose [matrix]
(for [column (range (count (first matrix)))]
(nth-column matrix column)))
(transpose a)
=> ((1 3 5) (2 4 6))
nth-column is a list comprehension generating a sequence from the nth element of each sequence (of rows).
Then transpose-matrix is simply iterating over the columns creating a sequence element for each, consisting of (nth-column matrix column) i.e. the sequence of elements for that column.
(partial filter identity) ;;remove nil in each sub-list
#(some identity %) ;;stop on all nil sub-list
(for [i (range)]
(map #(get % i) a)))) ;; get returns nil on missing values
Use get to have nil on missing values, iterate (for) on an infinite range, stop on all nil sub-list, remove nil from sub-lists. Add vector constructor before first map and in it's function (first argument) if you really need vectors.
EDIT: please leave a comment if you think this is not useful. We can all learn from mistakes.

Applying multiple filters to a collection in a thrush in Clojure

The following code
(let [coll [1 2 3 4 5]
filters [#(> % 1) #(< % 5)]]
(->> coll
(filter (first filters))
(filter (second filters))))
Gives me
(2 3 4)
Which is great, but how do I apply all the filters in coll without having to explicitly name them?
There may be totally better ways of doing this, but ideally I'd like to know an expression that can replace (filter (first filters)) (filter (second filters)) above.
Clojure 1.3 has a new every-pred function, which you could use thusly:
(filter (apply every-pred filters) coll)
This should work :-
(let [coll [1 2 3 4 5]
filters [#(> % 1) #(< % 5)]]
(filter (fn [x] (every? #(% x) filters)) coll)
I can't say I'm very proud of the following, but at least it works and allows for infinite filters:
(reduce #(clojure.set/intersection
(set %1)
(set %2)) (map #(filter % coll) filters)))
If you can use sets in place of seqs it would simplify the above code as follows:
(reduce clojure.set/intersection (map #(filter % coll) filters))
(let [coll [1 2 3 4 5]
filters [#(> % 1) #(< % 5)]]
(reduce (fn [c f] (filter f c)) coll filters))

make sequence side-effectfull in Clojure

What I want to do is like following.
(def mystream (stream (range 100)))
(take 3 mystream)
;=> (0 1 2)
(take 3 mystream)
;=> (3 4 5)
(first (drop 1 mystream))
;=> 7
The stream function make sequence side-effectfull like io stream.
I think this is almost impossible.
Here is my attempt.
(defprotocol Stream (first! [this]))
(defn stream [lst]
(let [alst (atom lst)]
(reify Stream
(first! [this]
(let [[fs] #alst]
(swap! alst rest)
(let [mystream (stream (iterate inc 1))]
(map #(if (string? %) (first! mystream) %)
[:a "e" "b" :c "i" :f]))
;=> (:a 1 2 :c 3 :f)
Unfotunately this approach need to implement all function I will use.
Judging by your followup comment to Maurits, you don't need mutation, but rather simply need to emit a new sequence with the elements in the right place.
For example:
(defn replace-when [pred coll replacements]
(when (seq coll)
(if (seq replacements)
(if (pred (first coll))
(cons (first replacements)
(replace-when pred (rest coll) (rest replacements)))
(cons (first coll)
(replace-when pred (rest coll) replacements)))
user=> (def seq1 [:a :b :c])
user=> (def seq2 [:x "i" "u" :y :z "e"])
user=> (replace-when string? seq2 seq1)
(:x :a :b :y :z :c)
This won't work with the standard take and drop, but you could quite easily write your own to work on a mutable atom, e.g. you could do something like this:
(def mystream (atom (range 100)))
(defn my-take [n stream]
(let [data #stream
result (take n data)]
(reset! stream (drop n data))
(my-take 3 mystream)
=> (0 1 2)
(my-take 3 mystream)
=> (3 4 5)