Multiple user logins on a development server using Django - django

I was wondering whether it is possible to have more than one user log in on a development server using Django 1.8
I am creating an app, where these "active" users are able to view one another details (or fields) respective to the relative models I designed.
Currently, I am only able to log in as a single user and wondered whether it is possible to somehow allow my app to have multiple logins.

The easiest way is to use multiple browsers, and if necessary, multiple dev servers on alternate ports. 8000, 8001, etc.


Should I split my Django and DRF project into separate projects?

I am currently at the planning stage of an app that will consist of standard
Django part for supervisors that can perform all CRUD operations on employee users mostly add, delete and view statistics - viewed in browser (no frontend framework just using Djangos server side rendering), two step email authentication on each login, session based auth
DRF part for employees - API connected to mobile app, authentication based on device ID. (no username, or password)
DRF part for clients to contact the supervisors if employees do something wrong - Token or JWT based authentication using passcode delivered by mail.
I am not used to splitting Django projects into multiple sub-projects (or using same database for different projects) but it feels like every part of the project should be a standalone app due to different authentication type and the fact of simultaniousily using DRF with standard Django
Can anyone who had similar problem or has some experience, advise what should I do considering different authentications and overall different user types in this project? What would be pros and cons of going into solo or multiple projects? Thanks in advance!
You're asking for opinions, so don't be surprised if the question gets closed, but I'll answer with facts:
A split over different projects using the same database has the following issue: shared migrations. They all use built-in users, so require some standard apps to be enabled that have migrations and they won't run on the 2nd and 3rd project.
You're going to need a custom user model to support the device id authentication method: You need information that is not on the standard user model to be available at authentication time - the number 1 reason to create a custom user model. Ties into migrations and also a synchronization hell code-wise.
Django's Authentication Backends system allows for different authentication methods to exist at the same time, so there is no need to split anything. If you're worried about security, you can always use different hostnames and the Sites framework to add an extra layer of protection, but they would still use the same code.
DRF started as an addition to Django's view-based approach, not a replacement to make part of a project's code available as an API. While current usage is more "DRF or templates" this is a result of people increasingly becoming binary ("this" or "that") and wanting to be in the cool club, but has nothing to do with technical reasons. They can and always will be able to co-exist as they solve different problems. In fact, DRF's generic views make use of Django's CBV's and the built-in browsable API makes use of templates. Also, the admin is template/view based and it's convenient to develop the app or manage data with the built-in admin.

handling multiple users in a flask application

I have an simple login-based application that serves different pages to different users. Problem im facing here is when two users are logging in at once from two different systems. if user A comes in and B loggs in then when A refreshes his/her page user A can see What user B can see. does flask app not handle two processes at a time?
or should i just use another server on this for the support.
or is there a way i can implement threading for this purpose.
i found uwsgi but i have no idea about it but can it serve my purpose in any way?
Please help me on this i have been working on this for a month now and i could not find a legit answer for this one.
Use sessions , have strong app secret key and have a database such as SQLAlchemy

Is there any way to administer multiple Django servers at once?

Short Version
Is there any tool that will let me use a single Django admin page to affect multiple Django installations on different servers?
Detailed Version
I've got a bunch of different servers, each with their own Django installation. This works great ... except when I want to do something via the Django admin to all of the servers, in which case I have to log on to each server separately.
For instance, let's say I have a release coming and a co-worker (who's not a programmer) wants to use the admin to make a "message" record about the release for the server's users to see. They have to log in to each server's admin individually, create the message record, then move on to the next server until they've gotten through all of them.
To get around this whenever I have a multi-server change I've been using Git; ie.:
I make a commit with files for the change
I push that commit
I pull that commit on all of the servers at once (using Fabric).
However, this too is sub-optimal, because we can't take advantage of the admin interface, and doing something as simple as adding a "new release coming" message requires an actual (mini-)release itself.
So, it seems to me the best way to handle this would be if there was some sort of meta-admin tool my co-worker could use to Django admin work on multiple servers at once. Does anything like that exist?

How do I make Django figure out which Site object to use based on "Host" header in the HTTP request?

Consider a Django app built to serve multiple sites with slightly differing content using the standard Django sitesframework.
The traditional way to host this would be to configure multiple Site objects and setup the app in multiple Django projects with each project pointing to a different SITE_ID in their respective
For various reasons I'd like to avoid having to create a new project for each new site. I want to be able to setup one project and have Django figure out which Site object to use based on the hostname referenced in the incoming HTTP request.
What is the recommended way to achieve this functionality?
Clarification: I want the site framework to ignore settings.SITE_ID (which is hard-coded in and instead dynamically fetch Site objects based on what is in the Host header. Why this requirement? I'll be adding and removing sites multiple times per hour and the total amount of sites will exceed 10,000, so setting up a Django project for each site is not an option. Is this a problem that is solvable in Django? If so, what is the best way to achieve it?
The recommended way is to not attempt it at all, since settings should never change at runtime. Instead, set a variable in your virtual host configuration and have the WSGI adapter script or settings module pick one of the sites based on that.

Need one login for two different sites

I am tasked to create a web site using Django. It will be a 'sister' site to an existing Plone site. The same Apache instance will be the front end to the sites which allows me to use the same domain name.
However, the owners want the users to be able to log into one and still be logged into the other one.
How can this be accomplished?
Thanks! :)
Gut reaction is to use OAuth - see How to build a secure Django single signon between different sites?
Alternatively, have you tried this single sign-on app - ?
Also have a look on Django's documentation on how to implement your own authorization backend at
My gut reaction is to use LDAP. Plone's LDAP support is a little rough, but it works. Does Django have equivalent or better LDAP support? If so, then I think you are off and running…
You can move authentication to SQLPASPlugin and use the same table for Django and Plone.
There are two problems here, shared logins, and single sign on. LDAP or SQL based logins will give you the first, but you'll still have to enter your password in both sites. You need single sign on to remain logged in across bpth.
plone.session 3.0 (part of Plone 4, but compatible with Plone 3.3 if you also add hashlib to your buildout) is compatible with Apache mod_auth_tkt single sign on. It should be simple enough to configure Django to use Apache authentication, or if you're not running Apache, wrap plone.session's in a simple wsgi wrapper. Use the Plone site's require_login script as the TKTAuthLoginURL.