How to access a service in an ember acceptance test - ember.js

Running ember 1.13.6 and ember-cli
I have an ember component which I am trying to acceptance test. It's state is very closely tied to the state of a service within my app and so I would like to directly access that service and change its properties from within my acceptance test.
I have been trying things along the lines of
but I cannot seem to get the actual active service singleton which my app is using and which I could call get() and set() on.
if I try to use Ember.inject.service i get an obscure error Uncaught TypeError: Object.defineProperty called on non-object(…) which sort of sounds like a bug

I'm successfully getting at a service in 1.13.x by doing something like this:
let myService;
module("Acceptance | xxxxx", {
beforeEach() {
this.application = startApp()
myService = this.application.__container__.lookup('service:my-service');
Your problem might be that you're trying to use array notation (lookup['my-service']) rather than method invocation (lookup('my-service')).
Hope this helps!


Mocking PDFtron webviewer with jest in react application

Hi I am new to unit testing and I am trying to mock the 'annotationManager' of the PDFtron webviewer
I am using this below code in my test file
jest.mock('#pdftron/webviewer', () =>({
annotationManager: {
getAnnotationsList: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]),
deleteAnnotations: jest.fn()
In the code, I'm getting the list of annotations using 'getAnnotationsList' function and deleting it using 'deleteAnnotations' function.
In the log of the unit tests, I'm getting this following error
'cannot read the properties of undefined (reading 'getAnnotationsList')
Is this the correct way to doing things or am I missing something?
are you able to share an example of a test you are writing where you need to mock the annotation manager? Depending on how you are using the WebViewer package, mocking the annotation manager can be different. If you prefer to reach out to Apryse directly you can also reach out to them via their support form

Ember/Emberfire + Firebase 3 Acceptance Test

Prior to firebase 3 update our acceptance test have been running without any issues. We use the following in our beforeTest and afterTest
moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | Dashboard | Items | Library | New', {
beforeEach() {
var ref = createOfflineRef(basicDataRef, '');
replaceAppRef(this.application, ref);
stubValidSession(this.application, {uid: 'xxxx'});
afterEach() {
basicDataRef is a fixture for the test. The above code allows my to mock session following the test-helper in torii library to allow my application to correctly obtain the data needed as my firebase hieararchy is as follows:
I am not testing for permission rules, just interaction to save/edit data in the application, and this has worked OK prior to firebase 3 migration. After version 3 all my test returns the following:
actual: >
expected: >
stack: >
at http://localhost:7357/assets/test-support.js:4130:12
at exports.default._emberTestingAdaptersAdapter.default.extend.exception (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49473:7)
at onerrorDefault (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:41461:24)
at Object.exports.default.trigger (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:62212:11)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:63463:40
at Queue.invoke (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:10415:16)
message: >
Error: permission_denied at /xxxx/profile: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.
I always thought the createOfflineRef in emberfire allows us to bypass rules checking. the fact that it keeps returning permission_denied is quite perplexing. Maybe i need to re-engineer the test? Or I approach this wrongly all this time? Any input is greatly appreciated
Got to the bottom of this, and I guess I'll answer my own questions in case somebody else experience the same issue as I have.
the new firebase InitializeApp method has an additional optional parameter called name. By default, Emberfire service sets this name to be:
export const DEFAULT_NAME = '[EmberFire default app]';
However the Emberfire test helper to create firebase offline ref stubs the firebase instance with a different instance name to be:
export const DEFAULT_NAME = '[EmberFire offline test app]';
This cause my test to fail with permission denied, as the acceptance test is attempting to connect to the '[EmberFire default app]' and the stubbed offline reference is called something else.
Creating my own create-offline-ref helper substituting the DEFAULT_NAME to '[EmberFire default app]' solves the problem. I'm not sure as to what is the best practice for acceptance test as the change seems deliberate on emberfire.

How to test Ember error substate, with Ember CLI test runner?

I've set up an error substate route/controller/template according to Manually browsing my app, I can trigger error conditions and get directed to the substate. Confirmed with Ember Inspector.
I'd like to automatically test the substate. However, Ember CLI's test runner fails any test when a route's model hook rejects. In other words, the test fails before I can navigate to the error substate.
How can I automatically test my error substate?
Ember: 2.2.0
Ember CLI: 1.13.13
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be easy to do this in a clean manner.
In its internal tests, Ember uses bootApplication to the route which errors (see github) and is able to directly catch the error. Unfortunately if you try and do any form of try/catch or then/catch around a call to visit in your tests you will find it fails.
When you visit a link which results in an error substate from your acceptance test then Ember's defaultActionHandlers.error gets fired. By design it is not meant to be overridable. It calls logError which calls Ember.default.Logger.error.
So to test this substate we need to temporarily overwrite that method. We can also peek inside the ember container to access the currentRouteName like so (using sinon for the spying):
test('when there is an API error an error message is shown', function(assert) {
const emberLoggerError = Ember.Logger.error;
Ember.Logger.error = sinon.spy();
andThen(() => {
// This could be nicer and less private with `getOwner`
let { currentRouteName } = this.application.__container__.lookup('router:main');
assert.equal(currentRouteName, 'users.index_error', 'The current route name is correct');
assert.equal(Ember.Logger.error.callCount, 1, 'The error logger was called');
// Restore the Ember.Logger
Ember.Logger.error = emberLoggerError;
Things can get even more complicated though. If your visit happens inside a Promise (it did in our case because we were using ember-page-object for our tests) then you have more to deal with...
In a separate loop onerrorDefault of RSVP is triggered which calls Test.adapter.exception AND Ember.default.Logger.error (again!) - passing the stack. So in this case you need to stub and spy on Test.adapter.exception and expect Ember.default.Logger.error to have been called twice!

Creating Mock Auth Object in CakePHP Controller Test

Just begun creating some unit tests for my controllers within my CakePHP application however I am completely flummoxed on how I should create a mock for the Auth Component, I have read the CookBook and thought I had it right, but keep getting thrown this error.
Error: Call to a member function allow() on a non-object
Within the controller I am testing there is a beforeFilter function with the following code:
public function beforeFilter() {
Within my test I have included the following:
$Leagues = $this->generate('Leagues', array(
'components' => array(
I have played around with staticExpects() also but it doesn't seem to have much affect (I am also unsure what I need to put in to staticExpects()).
What do you mean by mock? Just stuffing an object with data that you set? The error you're getting is because you need to use
Found the issue - I have included the Auth component within AppController.php, and not specifically within the controller I was trying to test. By including it with my controller specifically the errors have gone away.

unit/integration testing of controllers and views using MvcContrib throws error when run

Am fairly new to the world of testing MVC 4 Web Applications and have been attempting to unit test views and controllers to see whether for a given controller that an action renders a particular view, I have been using MvcContrib TestHelper to try to simply the process of testing the application but so far have been unable to get the test to pass.
When the test is run I receive the error Expected view name was 'index' actual was ''
Currently I am running this test method:
public void AMAC_Controller_Renders_Index_View()
var builder = new TestControllerBuilder();
var controller = new AMACController();
var result = controller.Index();
the controller and model are both currently in use by the application, was wondering if you could give any advice on how get this test working, I have modified previously when I have done this I get another error that the route name already exists in the collection.
After getting some advice from one of the contributors of the MvcContrib project the reason the test wasn't passing was because I was passing the wrong data into the .ForView(), before I had .ForView("index") where the controller was actually passing View(model) so the value for .ForView() was actually an empty string so the assert now looks like this: