CFDocument error: an exception occurred when document processing - coldfusion

<cffunction name="print" output="no" access="private">
<cfset filenameb = "\print\test.pdf">
<cfdocument filename="#filenameb#" overwrite="yes" format="PDF" pagetype="A4" orientation="portrait">
<cfdocumentitem type="header">
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this error?
"an exception occurred when document processing"

Try specifying font for all the text elements (in header, footer and body).
For eg: replace
<div style="font-family: monospace"> aaaaaaaaa </div>


Passing parameter to cfprogressbar

Using ColdFusion 2018, and trying to add a progress bar on an API call.Created a cfc function to fetch this API details. For this called a "getStatus()" function through bind params. And able to load the cfprogress bar successfully. The problem is that I need to pass an en extra parameter to this getstatus function . Is it possible?
Please see the sample code I tried to load cfprogressbar
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function startProgress() {
function onfinish() {
<cfif IsDefined("Session.STATUS")>
<cfset sjsondata = '{"name":"Jibin","id":"1234"}'>
<!--- For code simplicity, formatting is minimal. --->
<cfform name="kitform">
<p>To make our service better and to benefit from our special offers,
take a moment to give us your email address and send us a comment.</p>
<cfinput type="text" name="name"> </p>
<cfinput type="text" name="email"> </p>
<cftextarea name="cmnt"/></p>
<cfinput type="hidden" name="jsondata" value="#sjsondata#">
<cfinput type="button" name="bttn1" value="Send Comment"
<!--- The progressbar control --->
<cfinput type="button" name="bttn2" value="Send Comment 2"
<div style="padding-left:3px" >
<cfprogressbar name="mydataProgressbar"
File progressbar.cfc
<cfcomponent name="progressbar">
<cffunction name="getstatus" access="remote">
<cfargument name="jsonData" type="string" required="false">
<cfset str = StructNew()>
<cfset str.message = "Saving Data">
<cfif NOT IsDefined("session.STATUS")>
<cfset session.STATUS = 0.1>
<cfelseif session.STATUS LT 0.9>
<cfset session.STATUS=session.STATUS + .1>
<cfset str.message = "Done...">
<cfset session.STATUS="1.0">
<cfset str.status = session.STATUS>
<cfreturn str>
Question 1: Is there a way to pass parameter to cfprogressbar getstatus() function?
Question 2: Is there any other alternative method to implement this process in progressbar.

ColdFusion - CFDOCUMENT Title in URL

I am creating a PDF document using ColdFusion cfdocument tag. Works fine, however instead of showing the document name in browser Title - it shows the .cfc file that I call to create the PDF.
Here is how I'm calling it.
<cfdocument format="pdf" marginbottom=".5" margintop=".25" marginright=".5" marginleft=".5" saveAsName="#filename#.pdf">
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
<p style="font-size:11px; text-align:right; font-style:italic;">Page #cfdocument.currentpagenumber# of #cfdocument.totalpagecount#</p>
<body><img src="file:///#application.tempFolder#\#thisFilename#" /></body>
What the heck am I missing? Why does it still show the filename.cfc file that I'm calling in the browser title instead of the filename I give to the PDF???
Figured it out. Had to create the document using CFDOCUMENT, then add a "Title" attribute to it using the CFPDF tag. Then output it to the browser.
<!--- Create the PDF --->
<cfdocument format="pdf" marginbottom=".5" margintop=".25" marginright=".5" marginleft=".5" filename="#application.tempFolder#\#thisSaveAsFilename#" overwrite="yes">
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
<p style="font-size:11px; text-align:right; font-style:italic;">Page #cfdocument.currentpagenumber# of #cfdocument.totalpagecount#</p>
<body><img src="file:///#application.tempFolder#\#thisFilename#" /></body>
<!--- Use CFPDF to add attributes to it --->
<cfset thisInfo = StructNew()>
<cfset thisInfo.Title = "pdf title goes here...">
<cfpdf action="setinfo" info="#thisInfo#" source="#application.tempFolder#\#thisSaveAsFilename#" />
<!--- Send it to the browser --->
<cfcontent file="#application.tempFolder#\#thisSaveAsFilename#" type="application/pdf" />A

Invalid tag nesting configuration in ColdFusion 10?

How do I get around this ColdFusion error?
I'm following this ColdFusion tutorial. When I tried to implement the code in ColdFusion 10 I got the following error:
Invalid tag nesting configuration. A query driven queryloop tag is
nested inside a queryloop tag that also has a query attribute. This is
not allowed. Nesting these tags implies that you want to use grouped
processing. However, only the top-level tag can specify the query that
drives the processing.
The error occurred in line 76
74 : </cfloop>
75 : </tr>
76 : <cfoutput query="data" startRow="2">
77 : <tr>
78 : <cfloop index="c" list="#colList
Here is the code:
<cfset showForm = true>
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "xlsfile") and len(form.xlsfile)>
<!--- Destination outside of web root --->
<cfset dest = getTempDirectory()>
<cffile action="upload" destination="#dest#" filefield="xlsfile" result="upload" nameconflict="makeunique">
<cfif upload.fileWasSaved>
<cfset theFile = upload.serverDirectory & "/" & upload.serverFile>
<cfif isSpreadsheetFile(theFile)>
<cfspreadsheet action="read" src="#theFile#" query="data" headerrow="1">
<cffile action="delete" file="#theFile#">
<cfset showForm = false>
<cfset errors = "The file was not an Excel file.">
<cffile action="delete" file="#theFile#">
<cfset errors = "The file was not properly uploaded.">
<cfif showForm>
<cfif structKeyExists(variables, "errors")>
<b>Error: #variables.errors#</b>
<form action="test.cfm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="file" name="xlsfile" required>
<input type="submit" value="Upload XLS File">
.ssTable {
width: 100%;
.ssHeader { background-color: #ffff00; }
.ssTable td, .ssTable th {
padding: 10px;
Here is the data in your Excel sheet (assuming first row as headers):
<cfset metadata = getMetadata(data)>
<cfset colList = "">
<cfloop index="col" array="#metadata#">
<cfset colList = listAppend(colList,>
<cfif data.recordCount is 1>
This spreadsheet appeared to have no data.
<table class="ssTable">
<tr class="ssHeader">
<cfloop index="c" list="#colList#">
<cfoutput query="data" startRow="2">
<cfloop index="c" list="#colList#">
Try this:
<cfloop query="data" startRow="2">
<cfloop index="c" list="#colList#">

Attributes missing in <cfdocumentItem >

<cfparam name="attributes.mytestvalue" default="0">
<cfdump var="#attributes#">
<!--- Attributes are there. --->
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
<cfdump var="#attributes#">
</cfdocumentitem type="footer">
<!--- Attributes are not there. --->
Why does this happen? Is this a known bug?
According to \WEB-INF\cftags\META-INF\taglib.cftld, cfdocumentsection and cfdocumentitem are implemented as custom tags themselves and therefore possibly have their own attributes scope, thereby masking the values you've put into attributes scope.
You could try this:
<cfdocumentitem type="footer" mytestvalue="#attributes.myTestValue#>
<cfdump var="#attributes#">
</cfdocumentitem type="footer">
Or perhaps this:
<cfset attribs={type="footer", myTestValue=0}>
<cfdocumentitem attributeCollection="#attribs#">
<cfdump var="#attributes#">
Also, although I don't think it's the problem here, you've got the type="footer" attribute on the closing tag of cfdocumentItem, which isn't necessary
<cfset request.myTestValue=attributes.myTestValue>
<cfdocumentitem type="footer" mytestvalue="#request.myTestValue#>
<cfdump var="#attributes#">
</cfdocumentitem type="footer">
This fixed it However now I know why it was not working. Thanks Barnyr.

Can't get my reCaptcha to work on my ColdFusion form

I signed up for reCaptcha, got my private/public keys, made my recaptcha.cfm and put the code in my form. The form renders perfectly when you go to the URL but it submits even when the person doesn't put anything in the captcha. This is the code for my recaptcha.cfm and I have the relevant code for the form page commented out in recaptcha.cfm under "Sample." Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true">
Use the reCAPTCHA API to verify human input.
reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that
cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for
humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read
correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is
possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read
You will need a key pair from to use this tag.
<cfinput type="submit" name="submit">
<cfif isDefined("form.submit")>
<cfoutput>recaptcha says #form.recaptcha#</cfoutput>
<cfif not structKeyExists(attributes, "publicKey")>
message="recaptcha: required attribute 'publicKey' is missing">
<cfif not structKeyExists(attributes, "privateKey")>
message="recaptcha: required attribute 'privateKey' is missing">
<cfparam name="attributes.action" default="render">
<cfif not listContains("render,check", attributes.action)>
<cfset sInvalidAttr="action not render|check">
<cfset sInvalidAttr="ssl not true|false">
<cfparam name="attributes.ssl" type="boolean" default="false">
<cfparam name="attributes.theme" type="regex" pattern="(red|white|blackglass)" default="red">
<cfif not listContains("red,white,blackglass", attributes.theme)>
<cfset sInvalidAttr="theme not red|white|blackglass">
<cfset sInvalidAttr="tabIndex not numeric">
<cfparam name="attributes.tabIndex" type="numeric" default="0">
<cfcatch type="any">
message="recaptcha: attribute #sInvalidAttr#">
<cfif isDefined("form.recaptcha_challenge_field") and isDefined("form.recaptcha_response_field")>
<cfhttp url="#VERIFY_URL#" method="post" timeout="5" throwonerror="true">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="privatekey" value="#attributes.privateKey#">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="remoteip" value="#cgi.REMOTE_ADDR#">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="challenge" value="#form.recaptcha_challenge_field#">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="response" value="#form.recaptcha_response_field#">
<cfthrow type="RECAPTCHA_NO_SERVICE"
message="recaptcha: unable to contact recaptcha verification service on url '#VERIFY_URL#'">
<cfset aResponse = listToArray(cfhttp.fileContent, chr(10))>
<cfset form.recaptcha = aResponse[1]>
<cfset structDelete(form, "recaptcha_challenge_field")>
<cfset structDelete(form, "recaptcha_response_field")>
<cfif aResponse[1] eq "false" and aResponse[2] neq "incorrect-captcha-sol">
message="recaptcha: the verification service responded with error '#aResponse[2]#'. See for error meanings.">
<cfset form.recaptcha = false>
<cfif attributes.action eq "render">
<cfif attributes.ssl>
<cfset challengeURL = SSL_CHALLENGE_URL>
<cfset challengeURL = CHALLENGE_URL>
<script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme : '#attributes.theme#',
tabindex : #attributes.tabIndex#
<script type="text/javascript"
<iframe src="#challengeURL#/noscript?k=#attributes.publicKey#"
height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br>
<textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40">
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field"
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false">
That custom tag is badly out of date. You need to update the URLs because Google changed them. Change them to this:
I have posted an updated version of this custom tag as a Gist here: