Recursive Anagram Calculator C++ - c++

I am trying to make a program that, with a given word, can calculate and print every letter combination.
To be more specific, I am asked to use a recursive function and what I should get is something like this:
Given word: HOME
The approach I am taking in to swap the content #x with #x+1 like this
This is what I came up with
void anagram(char * s, int len, int y)
char temp; //used to store the content to swap betwen the two
if (len < 0) //when the total lenght of the array gets to 0 it means that every single swap has been made
temp = s[len]; //swapping
s[len] = s[y];
s[y] = temp;
puts(s); //prints the string
if (y == 0)
return anagram(s, len-1, y - 1);
return anagram(s, len, y - 1);
What I get is just a huge mess and a Break Point from VS (if not a crash).
Can somebody help me please?


Character pointers messed up in simple Boyer-Moore implementation

I am currently experimenting with a very simple Boyer-Moore variant.
In general my implementation works, but if I try to utilize it in a loop the character pointer containing the haystack gets messed up. And I mean that characters in it are altered, or mixed.
The result is consistent, i.e. running the same test multiple times yields the same screw up.
This is the looping code:
string src("This haystack contains a needle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!");
string pat("needle");
const char* res = src.c_str();
while((res = boyerMoore(res, pat)))
This is my implementation of the string search algorithm (the above code calls a convenience wrapper which pulls the character pointer and length of the string):
unsigned char*
boyerMoore(const unsigned char* src, size_t srcLgth, const unsigned char* pat, size_t patLgth)
if(srcLgth < patLgth || !src || !pat)
return nullptr;
size_t skip[UCHAR_MAX]; //this is the skip table
for(int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX; ++i)
skip[i] = patLgth; //initialize it with default value
for(size_t i = 0; i < patLgth; ++i)
skip[(int)pat[i]] = patLgth - i - 1; //set skip value of chars in pattern
std::cout<<src<<"\n"; //just to see what's going on here!
size_t srcI = patLgth - 1; //our first character to check
while(srcI < srcLgth)
size_t j = 0; //char match ct
while(j < patLgth)
if(src[srcI - j] == pat[patLgth - j - 1])
//since the number of characters to skip may be negative, I just increment in that case
size_t t = skip[(int)src[srcI - j]];
if(t > j)
srcI = srcI + t - j;
if(j == patLgth)
return (unsigned char*)&src[srcI + 1 - j];
return nullptr;
The loop produced this output (i.e. these are the haystacks the algorithm received):
This haystack contains a needle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!
eedle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!
eedless to say that eed 2 meed to beed to be found!
As you can see the input is completely messed up after the second run. What am I missing? I thought the contents could not be modified, since I'm passing const pointers.
Is the way of setting the pointer in the loop wrong, or is my string search screwing up?
Btw: This is the complete code, except for includes and the main function around the looping code.
The missing nullptr of the first return was due to a copy/paste error, in the source it is actually there.
For clarification, this is my wrapper function:
inline char* boyerMoore(const string &src, const string &pat)
return (const char*) boyerMoore((const unsigned char*) src.c_str(), src.size(),
(const unsigned char*) pat.c_str(), pat.size());
In your boyerMoore() function, the first return isn't returning a value (you have just return; rather than return nullptr;) GCC doesn't always warn about missing return values, and not returning anything is undefined behavior. That means that when you store the return value in res and call the function again, there's no telling what will print out. You can see a related discussion here.
Also, you have omitted your convenience function that calculates the length of the strings that you are passing in. I would recommend double checking that logic to make sure the sizes are correct - I'm assuming you are using strlen or similar.

Copying arrays via pointers in C++

I've never programmed in C++ before and I'm trying to figure out how to recursively pass segments of an array in a C++ method. I am trying to convert the following pseudo code into C++.
if n = 2
if A[1] > A[2]
Swap(A[1], A[2])
else if n > 2
SlowSort(A[(n/3+1)... n])
The recursive calls are the bits I'm having a problem with. I was thinking about creating two new arrays that point to the wanted locations but don't know how to go about that, specifically doing that and defining the length of the array. I've tried googling it and searching this site, but there doesn't seem to be anything, that I understand, on it. Also, in case I fudged up somewhere in my code, here's what I have for the first bit.
int SlowSort(int A[])
int length = (sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A));
if(length ==2)
if(A[0] > A[1])
int temp = A[0];
A[0] = A[1];
A[1] = temp;
In short, how do In covert the else if statement into C++? Explanation would be nice too.
You will want to pass indices into the array instead, and use those.
void SlowSort(int A[], int left, int right)
if (right - left == 2)
if (A[left] > A[right])
Swap(A[left], A[right]);
int n = right - left + 1;
SlowSort(A, left, 2 * n / 3);
SlowSort(A, left + n / 3 + 1, right);
SlowSort(A, left, left + 2* n / 3);
The above code might not be correct regarding what the algorithm is supposed to do, but you get the idea I'm trying to describe. The thing is: you don't make a copy of the array. Instead, pass the same array always and the range (i.e. the indices) you are sorting.
You simply pass required pointer using the pointer arithmetic. For example the following pseudo code
SlowSort(A[(n/3+1)... n])
could be written as
SlowSort( A + n/3+1, n - n/3 - 1 );
So the function could be declared as
void SlowSort( int A[], size_t n );
As for this code snippet
int SlowSort(int A[])
int length = (sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A));
then it is invalid because array is implicitly converted to a ponter to its first element when it is passed as an argument to a function seclared such a way. So the value of length will not be equal to the number of elements.
This is pretty simple. Since arrays are just consecutive pointers. If you have a method:
Your code would look like this:
void slowSort(int[] array, int length)
if(length == 2)
if(array[0] > array[1])
int temp = array[0];
array[0] = array[1];
array[1] = temp;
slowSort(&array[0], (2 * length) / 3 - 1);
slowSort(&array[length / 3], length - (length / 3 - 1));
slowSort(&array[0], (2 * length) / 3 - 1);
The trick I use here is that I pass the pointer of the element I want to start with and the pass the end point.
This works because when you pass an array in C++ you just pass the pointer of the first element. Here I pass a custom pointer of the array.
The modern C++ way to do this would be to pass iterators to the beginning and one-past-the-end of the range. In this case, the iterators are pointers.
void SlowSort(int* begin, int* end)
unsigned length = end-begin;
if(length == 2)
if(begin[0] > begin[1])
std::swap( begin[0], begin[1] );
} else if(length>2) {
SlowSort(begin, begin+2*length/3);
SlowSort(begin+length/3, end);
SlowSort(begin, begin+2*length/3);
then, for the case of working with an entire array:
template<unsigned N>
void SlowSort( int(&Arr)[N] ) {
return SlowSort( Arr, Arr+N );
we dispatch it to the iterator version, relying on decaying of array-to-pointer. This has to be a template function, as we want it to work with multiple different array sizes.
Note that an int Arr[] is not an array. It is a different way to say int* Arr, left over as a legacy from C. In fact, as a parameter to a function, saying void foo( int A[27] ) results in void foo( int* A ): function parameters cannot be arrays.
They can, however, be references-to-arrays, which is what the above template function uses.

Generating lexicographic permutations: Segmentation fault

I have this code to generate lexicographic permutations. The following logic is used:
Start from the increasing order arrangement of the chars in a given test string.
To generate next lexicographic permutation:
a) find the rightmost character which is smaller than its next character. SAY A.
b) to the right of A, find the next larger character. SAY B. and swap A & B.
c) to the right of the original position of A, sort characters in an increasing order.
Algorithm ends when we get the last permutation. i.e. reverse of given test string.
my test string s = "0123456789"
On every single run of the program, i get a separate position of segmentation fault.
to get A:
int firstchar(string s){
int pos = s.length()-2;
for(int i=pos;i>=0;i--){
pos = i;
return pos;}
to get B and then recursive approach (qsort is a function from <cstdlib>):
int ceilchar(string s, int fc){
int ceil = fc+1;
int diff=27;
for(int i=ceil;i<s.length();i++){
if(s[i]>s[fc] && s[i]-s[fc]<diff){
ceil = i;
diff = s[i]-s[fc];
return ceil;}
starting func:
void nextpermute(string& s){
int fc = firstchar(s);
int cc = ceilchar(s,fc);
call from main: nextpermute(test);
If the test string is "01234567" or anything smaller than this, it works well. but if it is a string like
"012345678" or "0123456789" , then i get segmentation faults.
Please help!!
I suspect your stack size is crossing its limit. If you are running it on Linux, do "limit" and see your stacksize. There are two ways to avoid this situation
1) (Not Recommended) Do "limit stacksize unlimited" (only if you are on unix based system). And run the program again.
2) (Recommended).
void nextpermute(string& s){
int fc = firstchar(s);
int cc = ceilchar(s,fc);
void nextpermute(string& s){
int fc = firstchar(s);
int cc = ceilchar(s,fc);
cout <<s<<"\n";
and modify your main function as
int main()
string s = "0123456789";
while (s != "9876543210")
Above change will do away with the recursion of "nextpermute" and hence your stacksize limit will never be crossed

Adapting Boyer-Moore Implementation

I'm trying to adapt the Boyer-Moore c(++) Wikipedia implementation to get all of the matches of a pattern in a string. As it is, the Wikipedia implementation returns the first match. The main code looks like:
char* boyer_moore (uint8_t *string, uint32_t stringlen, uint8_t *pat, uint32_t patlen) {
int i;
int delta1[ALPHABET_LEN];
int *delta2 = malloc(patlen * sizeof(int));
make_delta1(delta1, pat, patlen);
make_delta2(delta2, pat, patlen);
i = patlen-1;
while (i < stringlen) {
int j = patlen-1;
while (j >= 0 && (string[i] == pat[j])) {
if (j < 0) {
return (string + i+1);
i += max(delta1[string[i]], delta2[j]);
return NULL;
I have tried to modify the block after if (j < 0) to add the index to an array/vector and letting the outer loop continue, but it doesn't appear to be working. In testing the modified code I still only get a single match. Perhaps this implementation wasn't designed to return all matches, and it needs more than a few quick changes to do so? I don't understand the algorithm itself very well, so I'm not sure how to make this work. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful.
Note: The functions make_delta1 and make_delta2 are defined earlier in the source (check Wikipedia page), and the max() function call is actually a macro also defined earlier in the source.
Boyer-Moore's algorithm exploits the fact that when searching for, say, "HELLO WORLD" within a longer string, the letter you find in a given position restricts what can be found around that position if a match is to be found at all, sort of a Naval Battle game: if you find open sea at four cells from the border, you needn't test the four remaining cells in case there's a 5-cell carrier hiding there; there can't be.
If you found for example a 'D' in eleventh position, it might be the last letter of HELLO WORLD; but if you found a 'Q', 'Q' not being anywhere inside HELLO WORLD, this means that the searched-for string can't be anywhere in the first eleven characters, and you can avoid searching there altogether. A 'L' on the other hand might mean that HELLO WORLD is there, starting at position 11-3 (third letter of HELLO WORLD is a L), 11-4, or 11-10.
When searching, you keep track of these possibilities using the two delta arrays.
So when you find a pattern, you ought to do,
if (j < 0)
// Found a pattern from position i+1 to i+1+patlen
// Add vector or whatever is needed; check we don't overflow it.
if (index_size+1 >= index_counter)
index[index_counter] = 0;
return index_size;
index[index_counter++] = i+1;
// Reinitialize j to restart search
j = patlen-1;
// Reinitialize i to start at i+1+patlen
i += patlen +1; // (not completely sure of that +1)
// Do not free delta2
// free(delta2);
// Continue loop without altering i again
i += max(delta1[string[i]], delta2[j]);
index[index_counter] = 0;
return index_counter;
This should return a zero-terminated list of indexes, provided you pass something like a size_t *indexes to the function.
The function will then return 0 (not found), index_size (too many matches) or the number of matches between 1 and index_size-1.
This allows for example to add additional matches without having to repeat the whole search for the already found (index_size-1) substrings; you increase num_indexes by new_num, realloc the indexes array, then pass to the function the new array at offset old_index_size-1, new_num as the new size, and the haystack string starting from the offset of match at index old_index_size-1 plus one (not, as I wrote in a previous revision, plus the length of the needle string; see comment).
This approach will report also overlapping matches, for example searching ana in banana will find b*ana*na and ban*ana*.
I tested the above and it appears to work. I modified the Wikipedia code by adding these two includes to keep gcc from grumbling
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
then I modified the if (j < 0) to simply output what it had found
if (j < 0) {
printf("Found %s at offset %d: %s\n", pat, i+1, string+i+1);
// return (string + i+1);
i += patlen + 1;
j = patlen - 1;
and finally I tested with this
int main(void)
char *s = "This is a string in which I am going to look for a string I will string along";
char *p = "string";
boyer_moore(s, strlen(s), p, strlen(p));
return 0;
and got, as expected:
Found string at offset 10: string in which I am going to look for a string I will string along
Found string at offset 51: string I will string along
Found string at offset 65: string along
If the string contains two overlapping sequences, BOTH are found:
char *s = "This is an andean andeandean andean trouble";
char *p = "andean";
Found andean at offset 11: andean andeandean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 18: andeandean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 22: andean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 29: andean trouble
To avoid overlapping matches, the quickest way is to not store the overlaps. It could be done in the function but it would mean to reinitialize the first delta vector and update the string pointer; we also would need to store a second i index as i2 to keep saved indexes from going nonmonotonic. It isn't worth it. Better:
if (j < 0) {
// We have found a patlen match at i+1
// Is it an overlap?
if (index && (indexes[index] + patlen < i+1))
// Yes, it is. So we don't store it.
// We could store the last of several overlaps
// It's not exactly trivial, though:
// searching 'anana' in 'Bananananana'
// finds FOUR matches, and the fourth is NOT overlapped
// with the first. So in case of overlap, if we want to keep
// the LAST of the bunch, we must save info somewhere else,
// say last_conflicting_overlap, and check twice.
// Then again, the third match (which is the last to overlap
// with the first) would overlap with the fourth.
// So the "return as many non overlapping matches as possible"
// is actually accomplished by doing NOTHING in this branch of the IF.
// Not an overlap, so store it.
indexes[++index] = i+1;
if (index == max_indexes) // Too many matches already found?
break; // Stop searching and return found so far
// Adapt i and j to keep searching
i += patlen + 1;
j = patlen - 1;

Shifting elements in an array C++

I've developed a method called "rotate" to my stack object class. What I did was that if the stack contains elements: {0,2,3,4,5,6,7} I would needed to rotate the elements forwards and backwards.
Where if i need to rotate forwards by 2 elements, then we would have, {3,4,5,6,7,0,2} in the array. And if I need to rotate backwards, or -3 elements, then, looking at the original array it would be, {5,6,7,0,2,3,4}
So the method that I have developed works fine. Its just terribly ineffecient IMO. I was wondering if I could wrap the array around by using the mod operator? Or if their is useless code hangin' around that I havent realized yet, and so on.
I guess my question is, How can i simplify this method? e.g. using less code. :-)
void stack::rotate(int r)
int i = 0;
while ( r > 0 ) // rotate postively.
front.n = items[top+1].n;
for ( int j = 0; j < bottom; j++ )
items[j] = items[j+1];
items[count-1].n = front.n;
while ( r < 0 ) // rotate negatively.
if ( i == top+1 )
front.n = items[top+1].n;
items[top+1].n = items[count-1].n; // switch last with first
back.n = items[++i].n; // second element is the new back
items[i].n = front.n;
if ( i == bottom )
items[count-1].n = front.n; // last is first
i = 0;
front.n = items[++i].n;
items[i].n = back.n;
if ( i == bottom )
i = 0;
Instead of moving all the items in your stack, you could change the definition of 'beginning'. Have an index that represents the first item in the stack, 0 at the start, which you add to and subtract from using modular arithmetic whenever you want to rotate your stack.
Note that if you take this approach you shouldn't give users of your class access to the underlying array (not that you really should anyway...).
Well, as this is an abstraction around an array, you can store the "zero" index as a member of the abstraction, and index into the array based on this abstract notion of the first element. Roughly...
class WrappedArray
int length;
int first;
T *array;
T get(int index)
return array[(first + index) % length];
int rotateForwards()
if (first == length)
first = 0;
You've gotten a couple of reasonable answers, already, but perhaps one more won't hurt. My first reaction would be to make your stack a wrapper around an std::deque, in which case moving an element from one end to the other is cheap (O(1)).
What you are after here is a circular list.
If you insist on storing items in an array just use top offset and size for access. This approach makes inserting elements after you reached allocated size expensive though (re-allocation, copying). This can be solved by using doubly-linked list (ala std::list) and an iterator, but arbitrary access into the stack will be O(n).
The function rotate below is based on reminders (do you mean this under the 'mod' operation?)
It is also quite efficient.
// Helper function.
// Finds GCD.
// See
int gcd(int a, int b) {return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);}
// Number of assignments of elements in algo is
// equal to (items.size() + gcd(items.size(),r)).
void rotate(std::vector<int>& items, int r) {
int size = (int)items.size();
if (size <= 1) return; // nothing to do
r = (r % size + size) % size; // fits r into [0..size)
int num_cycles = gcd(size, r);
for (int first_index = 0; first_index < num_cycles; ++first_index) {
int mem = items[first_index]; // assignment of items elements
int index = (first_index + r) % size, index_prev = first_index;
while (index != first_index) {
items[index_prev] = items[index]; // assignment of items elements
index_prev = index;
index = (index + r) % size;
items[index_prev] = mem; // assignment of items elements
Of course if it is appropriate for you to change data structure as described in other answers, you can obtain more efficient solution.
And now, the usual "it's already in Boost" answer: There is a Boost.CircularBuffer
If for some reason you'd prefer to perform actual physical rotation of array elements, you might find several alternative solutions in "Programming Pearls" by Jon Bentley (Column 2, 2.3 The Power of Primitives). Actually a Web search for Rotating Algorithms 'Programming Pearls' will tell you everything. The literal approach you are using now has very little practical value.
If you'd prefer to try to solve it yourself, it might help to try looking at the problem differently. You see, "rotating an array" is really the same thing as "swapping two unequal parts of an array". Thinking about this problem in the latter terms might lead you to new solutions :)
For example,
Reversal Approach. Reverse the order of the elements in the entire array. Then reverse the two parts independently. You are done.
For example, let's say we want to rotate abcdefg right by 2
abcdefg -> reverse the whole -> gfedcba -> reverse the two parts -> fgabcde
P.S. Slides for that chapter of "Programming Pearls". Note that in Bentley's experiments the above algorithm proves to be quite efficient (among the three tested).
I don't understand what the variables front and back mean, and why you need .n. Anyway, this is the shortest code I know to rotate the elements of an array, which can also be found in Bentley's book.
#include <algorithm>
std::reverse(array , array + r );
std::reverse(array + r, array + size);
std::reverse(array , array + size);