Getting value of variant in Ocaml - ocaml

Say I have a variant v defined by:
type value =
| Value of int
| Error of string;;
I want to do something if v is a Value and something else if v is an Error, how can I determine this and perform different behaviors based on it?

That's what the match expression is for:
match v with
| Value n -> (* Something with n *)
| Error s -> (* Something with s *)
(Insofar as OCaml is a functional language, it might be better to think in terms of values rather than behaviors. But OCaml can also be an imperative language if you wish.)


or-pattern on datatype. Partial as?

Trying to cobble together a lambda calculus interpreter as a noob project and I have come upon a syntax problem I cannot quite figure out.
Problem being that two constructors of a type behaves the same in some respects and I would like to avoid code duplication. See code below.
type term =
| Lam of string * term * term
| Pi of string * term * term
let rec subst x t s = match s with
| Lam (y,r,q) | Pi (y,r,q) ->
if x = y then LAMORPI (y, subst x t r, q)
else [...]
What I think are called or-patterns seemed like a good fit but I cannot get it to work. Figured perhaps that is what as is for, but I cannot seem to partially as something, which is what I had in mind for LAMORPI to be doing. This case seems like it would have a neat or commonly used idiomatic solution but my google-fu is not strong enough.
What is a usual or otherwise possible solution for this?
It is not possible to use or-pattern in expressions. (And this potential feature raises some issues: see for a discussion)
One possibility is to refactor your type to expose the fact that the two constructors only differ by a tag:
type kind = Lam | Pi
type term =
| LamPi of tag * string * term * term
| ...
let rec subst x t s = match s with
| LamPi (tag,y,r,q) ->
if x = y then LamPi (tag, y, subst x t r, q)
else ...

How to partially match a pattern in OCaml

I have a list lst of objects of type value where
type value = A of int | B of bool | C of string
In doing some matching on the the list, I tried to write
match lst with
| A x :: val :: tl -> ...
and got an exception saying that in the variable val a pattern was expected. I am assuming this is because in the head of the list I matched on a value variant, but for val I wanted to capture all possible next entries in the list. I can think of some ways around them, like writing several cases for the several variants of val. But since I want to do the same basic thing no matter what val is, that seems like a very inelegant solution. Is there a better solution?
Elaborating an answer based on glennsl's comment, I assume this snippet entered into the top level is reproducing the syntax error you're hitting:
since val is a reserved keyword, it is not legal to use it in pattern matches. The error is saying that the underlined token val is triggering a syntax error since it is expecting something that could be part of a pattern.
The following should compile without any problems (using some random values for example):
type value = A of int | B of bool | C of string
match [A 1; B true; C "foo"] with
| A x :: v :: tl -> Some (x, v)
| _ -> None
And this is simply due to the replacement of the keyword val with the variable v in the pattern.

When should extensible variant types be used in OCaml?

I took a course on OCaml before extensible variant types were introduced, and I don't know much about them. I have several questions:
(This question was deleted because it attracted a "not answerable objectively" close vote.)
What are the low-level consequences of using EVTs, such as performance, memory representation, and (un-)marshaling?
Note that my question is about extensible variant type specifically, unlike the question suggested as identical to this one (that question was asked prior to the introduction of EVTs!).
Extensible variants are quite different from standard variants in term of
runtime behavior.
In particular, extension constructors are runtime values that lives inside
the module where they were defined. For instance, in
type t = ..
module M = struct
type t +=A
open M
the second line define a new extension constructor value A and add it to the
existing extension constructors of M at runtime.
Contrarily, classical variants do not really exist at runtime.
It is possible to observe this difference by noticing that I can use
a mli-only compilation unit for classical variants:
(* classical.mli *)
type t = A
(* *)
let x = Classical.A
and then compile with
ocamlopt classical.mli
without troubles because there are no value involved in the Classical module.
Contrarily with extensible variants, this is not possible. If I have
(* ext.mli *)
type t = ..
type t+=A
(* *)
let x = Ext.A
then the command
ocamlopt ext.mli
fails with
Error: Required module `Ext' is unavailable
because the runtime value for the extension constructor Ext.A is missing.
You can also peek at both the name and the id of the extension constructor
using the Obj module to see those values
let a = [%extension_constructor A]
Obj.extension_name a;;
: string = "M.A"
Obj.extension_id a;;
: int = 144
(This id is quite brittle and its value it not particurlarly meaningful.)
An important point is that extension constructor are distinguished using their
memory location. Consequently, constructors with n arguments are implemented
as block with n+1 arguments where the first hidden argument is the extension
type t += B of int
let x = B 0;;
Here, x contains two fields, and not one:
Obj.size (Obj.repr x);;
: int = 2
And the first field is the extension constructor B:
Obj.field (Obj.repr x) 0 == Obj.repr [%extension_constructor B];;
: bool = true
The previous statement also works for n=0: extensible variants are never
represented as a tagged integer, contrarily to classical variants.
Since marshalling does not preserve physical equality, it means that extensible
sum type cannot be marshalled without losing their identity. For instance, doing
a round trip with
let round_trip (x:'a):'a = Marshall.from_string (Marshall.to_string x []) 0
then testing the result with
type t += C
let is_c = function
| C -> true
| _ -> false
leads to a failure:
is_c (round_trip C)
: bool = false
because the round-trip allocated a new block when reading the marshalled value
This is the same problem which already existed with exceptions, since exceptions
are extensible variants.
This also means that pattern-matching on extensible type is quite different
at runtime. For instance, if I define a simple variant
type s = A of int | B of int
and define a function f as
let f = function
| A n | B n -> n
the compiler is smart enough to optimize this function to simply accessing the
the first field of the argument.
You can check with ocamlc -dlambda that the function above is represented in
the Lambda intermediary representation as:
(function param/1008 (field 0 param/1008)))
However, with extensible variants, not only we need a default pattern
type e = ..
type e += A of n | B of n
let g = function
| A n | B n -> n
| _ -> 0
but we also need to compare the argument with each extension constructor in the
match leading to a more complex lambda IR for the match
(function param/1009
(if (== (field 0 param/1009) A/1003) (exit 1 (field 1 param/1009))
(if (== (field 0 param/1009) B/1004) (exit 1 (field 1 param/1009))
with (1 n/1007) n/1007)))
Finally, to conclude with an actual example of extensible variants,
in OCaml 4.08, the Format module replaced its string-based user-defined tags
with extensible variants.
This means that defining new tags looks like this:
First, we start with the actual definition of the new tags
type t = Format.stag = ..
type Format.stag += Warning | Error
Then the translation functions for those new tags are
let mark_open_stag tag =
match tag with
| Error -> "\x1b[31m" (* aka print the content of the tag in red *)
| Warning -> "\x1b[35m" (* ... in purple *)
| _ -> ""
let mark_close_stag _tag =
"\x1b[0m" (*reset *)
Installing the new tag is then done with
let enable ppf =
Format.pp_set_tags ppf true;
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppf true;
Format.pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf
{ (Format.pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf ()) with
mark_open_stag; mark_close_stag }
With some helper function, printing with those new tags can be done with
Format.printf "This message is %a.#." error "important"
Format.printf "This one %a.#." warning "not so much"
Compared with string tags, there are few advantages:
less room for a spelling mistake
no need to serialize/deserialize potentially complex data
no mix up between different extension constructor with the same name.
chaining multiple user-defined mark_open_stag function is thus safe:
each function can only recognise their own extension constructors.

OCaml Signature with multiple types

I would like to represent some scalar value (e.g. integers or strings)
by either it's real value or by some NA value and later store them
in a collection (e.g. a list). The purpose is to handle missing values.
To do this, I have implemented a signature
module type Scalar = sig
type t
type v = Value of t | NA
Now I have some polymorphic Vector type in mind that contains Scalars. Basically, some of the following
module Make_vector(S: Scalar) = struct
type t = S.v list
... rest of the functor ...
However, I cannot get this to work. I would like to do something like
module Int_vector = Make_vector(
type t = int
module Str_vector = Make_vector(
type t = string
... and so on for some types.
I have not yet worked a lot with OCaml so maybe this is not the right way. Any advises on how to realize such a polymorphic Scalar with a sum type?
The compiler always responds with the following message:
The parameter cannot be eliminated in the result type.
Please bind the argument to a module identifier.
Before, I have tried to implement Scalar as a sum type but ran into
complexity issues when realizing some features due to huge match clauses. Another (imo not so nice) option would be to use option. Is this a better strategy?
As far as I can see, you are structuring v as an input type to your functor, but you really want it to be an output type. Then when you apply the functor, you supply only the type t but not v. My suggestion is to move the definition of v into your implementation of Make_vector.
What are you trying to do exactly with modules / functors? Why simple 'a option list is not good enough? You can have functions operating on it, e.g.
let rec count_missing ?acc:(acc=0) = function
| None::tail -> count_missing ~acc:(acc+1) tail
| _::tail -> count_missing ~acc tail
| [] -> acc ;;
val count_missing : ?acc:int -> 'a option list -> int = <fun>
count_missing [None; Some 1; None; Some 2] ;;
- : int = 2
count_missing [Some "foo"; None; Some "bar"] ;;
- : int = 1

Look for a trick to iter on ocaml type constructors

I have an ocaml type :
type t = A | B | ...
and a function to print things about that type :
let pp_t fmt x = match x with
| A -> Format.fprintf fmt "some nice explanations about A"
| B -> Format.fprintf fmt "some nice explanations about B"
| ...
How could I write a function to print all the explanations ? Something equivalent to :
let pp_all_t fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt A;
Format.fprintf fmt B;
but that would warn me if I forget to add a new constructor.
It would be even better to have something that automatically build that function,
because my problem is that t is quiet big and changes a lot.
I can't imagine how I can "iterate" on the type constructors, but maybe there is a trick...
EDIT: What I finally did is :
type t = A | B | ... | Z
let first_t = A
let next_t = function A -> B | B -> C | ... | Z -> raise Not_found
let pp_all_t fmt =
let rec pp x = pp_t fmt x ; try let x = next_t x in pp x with Not_found -> ()
in pp first_t
so when I update t, the compiler warns me that I have to update pp_t and next_t, and pp_all_t doesn't have to change.
Thanks to you all for the advices.
To solve your problem for a complicated and evolving type, in practice I would probably write an OCaml program that generates the code from a file containing a list of the values and the associated information.
However, if you had a function incr_t : t -> t that incremented a value of type t, and if you let the first and last values of t stay fixed, you could write the following:
let pp_all_t fmt =
let rec loop v =
pp_t fmt v;
if v < Last_t then loop (incr_t v)
loop First_t
You can't have a general polymorphic incr_t in OCaml, because it only makes sense for types whose constructors are nullary (take no values). But you can write your own incr_t for any given type.
This kind of thing is handled quite nicely in Haskell. Basically, the compiler will write some number of functions for you when the definitions are pretty obvious. There is a similar project for OCaml called deriving. I've never used it, but it does seem to handle the problem of enumerating values.
Since you say you want a "trick", if you don't mind using the unsafe part of OCaml (which I personally do mind), you can write incr_t as follows:
let incr_t (v: t) : t =
(* Please don't use this trick in real code :-) ! See discussion below.
if t < Last_t then
Obj.magic (Obj.magic v + 1)
failwith "incr_t: argument out of range"
I try to avoid this kind of code if at all possible, it's too dangerous. For example, it will produce nonsense values if the type t gets constructors that take values. Really it's "an accident waiting to happen".
One needs some form of metaprogramming for such tasks. E.g. you could explore deriving to generate incr_t from the Jeffrey's answer.
Here is a sample code for the similar task :
The simplest thing you can do is to define a list of all the constructors:
let constructors_t = [A; B; ...]
let pp_all_t = List.iter pp_t constructors_t
This is a one-liner, simple to do. Granted, it's slightly redundant (which gray or dark magic would avoid), but it's still probably the best way to go in term of "does what I want" / "has painful side effects" ratio.