That is, providing that container is not empty, can I safely do this:
std::vector<int> container;
container.push_back( 0xFACE8D );
auto last = container.end() - 1;
and this:
EDIT: replaced -1 with -- here:
std::list<int> container;
container.insert( 0xFACE8D );
auto last = container.end();
and again for arbitrary non-empty container?
EDIT: let me clarify the question.
Sometimes perfectly legal code behaves incorrectly. The question is: assuming that the above code compiles, is it safe to do something like that?
It should be safe for ordinary C-style arrays because the corresponding iterators are just pointers. But is it safe for more complicated containers?
Suppose that one implements list with iterators like this one:
class MyListIterator {
MyListIterator *prev, *next;
MyListIterator * operator--() { return prev; }
class MyList {
MyListIterator *end() { return NULL; }
Then an attempt to decrement container::end(), despite being perfectly legal syntactically, would cause a segfault.
I hope, though, that stl containers are much smarter than that. Thus the question on the guarantees on the above stl::list code behavior, if any.
std::vector returns random-access iterators, so yes, this is safe with vector.
std::list returns bidirectional iterators. They can be incremented (++) and decremented (--), but don't allow for arbitrary arithmetic (+, -) or relative comparisons (>, <). It's not safe with list.
You can use std::advance on bidirectional iterators to advance or rewind arbitrary amounts. In C++11 you can use std::prev in place of iter - 1.
The C++ standard says that std::vector<T>::iterator is random access iterator pointing to the past-the-end element. So your can safely use - and + operators.
Unlike std::vector, std::list<T>::iterator is bi-directional iterator that support only -- and ++ operators.
Recently I came across this code in my codebase (Simplified for here, of course)
auto toDelete = std::make_shared<std::string>("FooBar");
std::vector<decltype(toDelete)> myVec{toDelete};
auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(myVec), std::end(myVec),
[](const decltype(toDelete) _next)
return *_next == "FooBar";
if (iter != std::end(myVec))
std::shared_ptr<std::string> deletedString = iter[0];
std::cout << *deletedString;
Online Example
Now, I noticed that here we are accessing an iterator by indexing!
std::shared_ptr<std::string> deletedString = iter[0];
I've never seen anyone access an iterator by indexing before, so all I can guess at is that the iterator gets treated like a pointer, and then we access the first element pointed to at the pointer. So is that code actually equivalent to:
std::shared_ptr<std::string> deletedString = *iter;
Or is it Undefined Behavior?
From the cppreference documentation for RandomAccessIterator:
Expression: i[n]
Operational semantics: *(i+n)
Since a std::vector's iterators meet the requirements of RandomAccessIterator, indexing them is equivalent to addition and dereferencing, like an ordinary pointer. iter[0] is equivalent to *(iter+0), or *iter.
This is Standard conforming behavior
24.2.7 Random access iterators [random.access.iterators]
1 A class or pointer type X satisfies the requirements of a random access iterator
if, in addition to satisfying the requirements for bidirectional
iterators, the following expressions are valid as shown in Table 118.
a[n] convertible to reference: *(a + n)
Note that it is not required that the particular iterator is implemented as a pointer. Any iterator class with an overloaded operator[], operator* and operator+ with the above semantics will work. For std::vector, the iterator category is random access iterator, and it it required to work.
I'm a Java developer. I'm currently learning C++. I've been looking at code samples for sorting. In Java, one normally gives a sorting method the container it needs to sort e.g
sort(Object[] someArray)
I've noticed in C++ that you pass two args, the start and end of the container. My question is that how is the actual container accessed then?
Here's sample code taken from Wikipedia illustrating the the sort method
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec;
vec.push_back(10); vec.push_back(5); vec.push_back(100);
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
std::cout << vec[i] << ' ';
vec.begin() and vec.end() are returning iterators iterators. The iterators are kind of pointers on the elements, you can read them and modify them using iterators. That is what sort is doing using the iterators.
If it is an iterator, you can directly modify the object the iterator is referring to:
*it = X;
The sort function does not have to know about the containers, which is the power of the iterators. By manipulating the pointers, it can sort the complete container without even knowing exactly what container it is.
You should learn about iterators (
vec.begin() and vec.end() do not return the first and last elements of the vector. They actually return what is known as an iterator. An iterator behaves very much like a pointer to the elements. If you have an iterator i that you initialised with vec.begin(), you can get a pointer to the second element in the vector just by doing i++ - the same as you would if you had a point to the first element in an array. Likewise you can do i-- to go backwards. For some iterators (known as random access iterators), you can even do i + 5 to get an iterator to the 5th element after i.
This is how the algorithm accesses the container. It knows that all of the elements that it should be sorting are between begin() and end(). It navigates around the elements by doing simple iterator operations. It can then modify the elements by doing *i, which gives the algorithm a reference to the element that i is pointing at. For example, if i is set to vec.begin(), and you do *i = 5;, you will change the value of the first element of vec.
This approach allows you to pass only part of a vector to be sorted. Let's say you only wanted to sort the first 5 elements of your vector. You could do:
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 5);
This is very powerful. Since iterators behave very much like pointers, you can actually pass plain old pointers too. Let's say you have an array int array[] = {4, 3, 2, 5, 1};, you could easily call std::sort(array, array + 5) (because the name of an array will decay to a pointer to its first element).
The container doesn't have to be accessed. That's the whole point of the design behind the Standard Template Library (which became part of the C++ standard library): The algorithms don't know anything about containers, just iterators.
This means they can work with anything that provides a pair of iterators. Of course all STL containers provide begin() and end() methods, but you can also use a regular old C array, or an MFC or glib container, or anything else, just by writing your own iterators for it. (And for C arrays, it's as simple as a and a+a_len for the begin and end iterators.)
As for how it works under the covers: Iterators follow an implicit protocol: you can do things like ++it to advance an iterator to the next element, or *it to get the value of the current element, or *it = 3 to set the value of the current element. (It's a bit more complicated than this, because there are a few different protocols—iterators can be random-access or forward-only, const or writable, etc. But that's the basic idea.) So, if `sort is coded to restrict itself to the iterator protocol (and, of course, it is), it works with anything that conforms to that protocol.
To learn more, there are many tutorials on the internet (and in the bookstore); there's only so much an SO answer can explain.
begin() and end() return iterators. See e.g.
Iterators act like references into part of a container. That is, *iter = z; actually changes one of the elements in the container.
std::sort actually uses a swap function on references to the contained objects, so that any iterators you have already initialized remain in the same order but the values those iterators refer to are changed.
Note that std::list also has member functions called sort. It works the other way around: any iterators you have already initialized keep the same values, but the order of those iterators changes.
For example, the following is possible:
std::set<int> s;
std::set<int>::iterator it = s.begin();
I wonder if the opposite is possible, say,
std::set<int>* pSet = it->**getContainer**(); // something like this...
No, there is no portable way to do this.
An iterator may not even have a reference to the container. For example, an implementation could use T* as the iterator type for both std::array<T, N> and std::vector<T>, since both store their elements as arrays.
In addition, iterators are far more general than containers, and not all iterators point into containers (for example, there are input and output iterators that read to and write from streams).
No. You must remember the container that an iterator came from, at the time that you find the iterator.
A possible reason for this restriction is that pointers were meant to be valid iterators and there's no way to ask a pointer to figure out where it came from (e.g. if you point 4 elements into an array, how from that pointer alone can you tell where the beginning of the array is?).
It is possible with at least one of the std iterators and some trickery.
The std::back_insert_iterator needs a pointer to the container to call its push_back method. Moreover this pointer is protected only.
#include <iterator>
template <typename Container>
struct get_a_pointer_iterator : std::back_insert_iterator<Container> {
typedef std::back_insert_iterator<Container> base;
get_a_pointer_iterator(Container& c) : base(c) {}
Container* getPointer(){ return base::container;}
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::vector<int> x{1};
auto p = get_a_pointer_iterator<std::vector<int>>(x);
std::cout << (*p.getPointer()).at(0);
This is of course of no pratical use, but merely an example of an std iterator that indeed carries a pointer to its container, though a quite special one (eg. incrementing a std::back_insert_iterator is a noop). The whole point of using iterators is not to know where the elements are coming from. On the other hand, if you ever wanted an iterator that lets you get a pointer to the container, you could write one.
I have a collection of elements in a std::vector that are sorted in a descending order starting from the first element. I have to use a vector because I need to have the elements in a contiguous chunk of memory. And I have a collection holding many instances of vectors with the described characteristics (always sorted in a descending order).
Now, sometimes, when I find out that I have too many elements in the greater collection (the one that holds these vectors), I discard the smallest elements from these vectors some way similar to this pseudo-code:
grand_collection: collection that holds these vectors
T: type argument of my vector
C: the type that is a member of T, that participates in the < comparison (this is what sorts data before they hit any of the vectors).
std::map<C, std::pair<T::const_reverse_iterator, std::vector<T>&>> what_to_delete;
iterate(it = grand_collection.begin() -> grand_collection.end())
iterate(vect_rit = it->rbegin() -> it->rend())
// ...
what_to_delete <- (vect_rit->C, pair(vect_rit, *it))
if (what_to_delete.size() > threshold)
// ...
Now, after running this code, in what_to_delete I have a collection of iterators pointing to the original vectors that I want to remove from these vectors (overall smallest values). Remember, the original vectors are sorted before they hit this code, which means that for any what_to_delete[0 - n] there is no way that an iterator on position n - m would point to an element further from the beginning of the same vector than n, where m > 0.
When erasing elements from the original vectors, I have to convert a reverse_iterator to iterator. To do this, I rely on C++11's §24.4.1/1:
The relationship between reverse_iterator and iterator is
&*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i- 1)
Which means that to delete a vect_rit, I use:
Now, according to C++11 standard §
iterator erase(const_iterator position); Effects: Invalidates
iterators and references at or after the point of the erase.
How does this work with reverse_iterators? Are reverse_iterators internally implemented with a reference to a vector's real beginning (vector[0]) and transforming that vect_rit to a classic iterator so then erasing would be safe? Or does reverse_iterator use rbegin() (which is vector[vector.size()]) as a reference point and deleting anything that is further from vector's 0-index would still invalidate my reverse iterator?
Looks like reverse_iterator uses rbegin() as its reference point. Erasing elements the way I described was giving me errors about a non-deferenceable iterator after the first element was deleted. Whereas when storing classic iterators (converting to const_iterator) while inserting to what_to_delete worked correctly.
Now, for future reference, does The Standard specify what should be treated as a reference point in case of a random-access reverse_iterator? Or this is an implementation detail?
In the question you have already quoted exactly what the standard says a reverse_iterator is:
The relationship between reverse_iterator and iterator is &*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i- 1)
Remember that a reverse_iterator is just an 'adaptor' on top of the underlying iterator (reverse_iterator::current). The 'reference point', as you put it, for a reverse_iterator is that wrapped iterator, current. All operations on the reverse_iterator really occur on that underlying iterator. You can obtain that iterator using the reverse_iterator::base() function.
If you erase --vect_rit.base(), you are in effect erasing --current, so current will be invalidated.
As a side note, the expression --vect_rit.base() might not always compile. If the iterator is actually just a raw pointer (as might be the case for a vector), then vect_rit.base() returns an rvalue (a prvalue in C++11 terms), so the pre-decrement operator won't work on it since that operator needs a modifiable lvalue. See "Item 28: Understand how to use a reverse_iterator's base iterator" in "Effective STL" by Scott Meyers. (an early version of the item can be found online in "Guideline 3" of
You can use the even uglier expression, (++vect_rit).base(), to avoid that problem. Or since you're dealing with a vector and random access iterators: vect_rit.base() - 1
Either way, vect_rit is invalidated by the erase because vect_rit.current is invalidated.
However, remember that vector::erase() returns a valid iterator to the new location of the element that followed the one that was just erased. You can use that to 're-synchronize' vect_rit:
vect_rit = vector_type::reverse_iterator( vector.erase(vect_rit.base() - 1));
From a standardese point of view (and I'll admit, I'm not an expert on the standard): From §
namespace std {
template <class Iterator>
class reverse_iterator ...
Iterator base() const; // explicit
Iterator current;
And from §
Iterator base() const; // explicit
Returns: current.
Thus it seems to me that so long as you don't erase anything in the vector before what one of your reverse_iterators points to, said reverse_iterator should remain valid.
Of course, given your description, there is one catch: if you have two contiguous elements in your vector that you end up wanting to delete, the fact that you vector.erase(--vector_rit.base()) means that you've invalidated the reverse_iterator "pointing" to the immediately preceeding element, and so your next vector.erase(...) is undefined behavior.
Just in case that's clear as mud, let me say that differently:
std::vector<T> v=...;
// it_1 and it_2 are contiguous
std::vector<T>::reverse_iterator it_1=v.rend();
std::vector<T>::reverse_iterator it_2=it_1;
// Erase everything after it_1's pointee:
// convert from reverse_iterator to iterator
std::vector<T>::iterator tmp_it=it_1.base();
// but that points one too far in, so decrement;
// of course, now tmp_it points at it_2's base:
assert(tmp_it == it_2.base());
// perform erasure
v.erase(tmp_it); // invalidates all iterators pointing at or past *tmp_it
// (like, say it_2.base()...)
// now delete it_2's pointee:
std::vector<T>::iterator tmp_it_2=it_2.base(); // note, invalid iterator!
// undefined behavior:
In practice, I suspect that you'll run into two possible implementations: more commonly, the underlying iterator will be little more than a (suitably wrapped) raw pointer, and so everything will work perfectly happily. Less commonly, the iterator might actually try to track invalidations/perform bounds checking (didn't Dinkumware STL do such things when compiled in debug mode at one point?), and just might yell at you.
The reverse_iterator, just like the normal iterator, points to a certain position in the vector. Implementation details are irrelevant, but if you must know, they both are (in a typical implementation) just plain old pointers inside. The difference is the direction. The reverse iterator has its + and - reversed w.r.t. the regular iterator (and also ++ and --, > and < etc).
This is interesting to know, but doesn't really imply an answer to the main question.
If you read the language carefully, it says:
Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the erase.
References do not have a built-in sense of direction. Hence, the language clearly refers to the container's own sense of direction. Positions after the point of the erase are those with higher indices. Hence, the iterator's direction is irrelevant here.
I want to initialize an iterator (of arbitrary kind) with the successor of another iterator (of the same kind). The following code works with random access iterators, but it fails with forward or bidirectional iterators:
Iterator i = j + 1;
A simple workaround is:
Iterator i = j;
But that does not work as the init-stament of a for loop. I could use a function template like the following:
template <typename Iterator>
Iterator succ(Iterator it)
return ++it;
and then use it like this:
Iterator i = succ(j);
Is there anything like that in the STL or Boost, or is there an even better solution I am not aware of?
I think you're looking for next in Boost.Utility. It also has prior for obtaining an iterator to a previous element.
C++11 introduced std::next and std::prev.