Add a list to a list of lists in Haskell - list

How can I add a list to a list of lists? Say I want to add itemz to bagList, which is a list of lists. How can I do that?
bagList itemz = mappend bagList itemz

You might want to consider adding it at the front, this is faster:
bagItem bag item = item : bag
Also it looks like you're coming from an imperative mindset, the way you use bagList before and after the = is not quite right: the expressions before and after the = do not really represent the same construction. Before the = bagItem is used as a function, after the = it's used as some Monoid (which if itemz is a list would also need to be a list).
If you really do want to append the item (this will be slower, because the operation will require going all the way through the list to add the new item at the end, and the whole list will need to be reconstructed) you can do what Christoph suggests or you can go for a recursive formulation something like this:
appendItem :: a -> [a] -> [a]
appendItem i (x:xs) = x : appendItem i xs
appendItem i [] = i : []
If you both want to append and are also worried about performance, you should have a look at difference lists, for example look for the section on difference lists in this chapter in Learn You a Haskell.
From the comments it seems what you are actually looking for is Maps. We can make a Map with each item as a key, and the number of occurrences as the value. In your case it seems this will be a Map String Int.
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as M
bag :: M.Map String Int
bag = M.empty
addToBag :: M.Map String Int -> [String] -> M.Map String Int
addToBag = foldl' go
where go m i = M.insertWith (+) i 1 m
main = print $ addToBag bag ["a","b","c","a"]
-- fromList [("a",2), ("b", 1), ("c", 1)]


how to add a number in a 2D list with specific index in haskell

I'm beginner in haskell and I tried to add a number in a 2D list with specific index in haskell but I don't know how to do
example i have this:
and I would like to put a number (3) in the index 1 like this
I tried this
[array !! 1] ++ [[3]]
but it doesn't work
As you may have noticed in your foray so far, Haskell isn't like many other languages in that it is generally immutable, so trying to change a value, especially in a deeply nested structure like that, isn't the easiest thing. [array !! 1] would give you a nested list [[]] but this is not mutable, so any manipulations you do this structure won't be reflected in the original array, it'll be a separate copy.
(There are specialized environments where you can do local mutability, as with e.g. Vectors in the ST monad, but these are an exception.)
For what you're trying to do, you'll have to deconstruct the list to get it to a point where you can easily make the modification, then reconstruct the final structure from the (modified) parts.
The splitAt function looks like it will help you with this: it takes a list and separates it into two parts at the index you give it.
let array = [[],[],[]]
splitAt 1 array
will give you
([[]], [[],[]])
This helps you by getting you closer to the list you want, the middle nested list.
Let's do a destructuring bind to be able to reconstruct your final list later:
let array = [[],[],[]]
(beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
Next, you'll need to get at the sub-list you want, which is the first item in the end list:
desired = head end
Now you can make your modification -- note, this will produce a new list, it won't modify the one that's there:
desired' = 3:desired
Now we need to put this back into the end list. Unfortunately, the end list is still the original value of [[],[]], so we'll have to replace the head of this with our desired' to make it right:
end' = desired' : (tail end)
This drops the empty sub-list at the beginning and affixes the modified list in its place.
Now all that's left is to recombine the modified end' with the original beginning:
in beginning ++ end'
making the whole snippet:
let array = [[],[],[]]
(beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
desired = head end
desired' = 3:desired
end' = desired' : (tail end)
in beginning ++ end'
or, if you're entering all these as commands in the REPL:
let array = [[],[],[]]
let (beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
let desired = head end
let desired' = 3:desired
let end' = desired' : (tail end)
beginning ++ end'
As paul mentions, things in Haskell are immutable. What you want to do must be done not be modifying the list in place, but by destructuring the list, transforming one of its parts, and restructuring the list with this changed part. One way of destructuring (via splitAt) is put forth there; I'd like to offer another.
Lists in Haskell are defined as follows:
data [] a = [] | a : [a]
This reads "A list of a is either empty or an a followed by a list of a". (:) is pronounced "cons" for "constructor", and with it, you can create nonempty lists.
1 : [] -> [1]
1 : [2,3] -> [1,2,3]
1 : 2 : 3 : [] -> [1,2,3]
This goes both ways, thanks to pattern matching. If you have a list [1,2,3], matching it to x : xs will bind its head 1 to the name x and its tail [2,3] to xs. As you can see, we've destructured the list into the two pieces that were initially used to create it. We can then operate on those pieces before putting the list back together:
λ> let x : xs = [1,2,3]
λ> let y = x - 5
λ> y : xs
So in your case, we can match the initial list to x : y : z : [], compute w = y ++ [3], and construct our new list:
λ> let x : y : z : [] = [[],[],[]]
λ> let w = y ++ [3]
λ> [x,w,z]
But that's not very extensible, and it doesn't solve the problem you pose ("with specific index"). What if later on we want to change the thousandth item of a list? I'm not too keen on matching that many pieces. Fortunately, we know a little something about lists—index n in list xs is index n+1 in list x:xs. So we can recurse, moving one step along the list and decrementing our index each step of the way:
foo :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
foo 0 (x:xs) = TODO -- Index 0 is x. We have arrived; here, we concatenate with [3] before restructuring the list.
foo n (x:xs) = x : foo (n-1) xs
foo n [] = TODO -- Up to you how you would like to handle invalid indices. Consider the function error.
Implement the first of those three yourself, assuming you're operating on index zero. Make sure you understand the recursive call in the second. Then read on.
Now, this works. It's not all that useful, though—it performs a predetermined computation on a specified item in a list of one particular type. It's time to generalize. What we want is a function of the following type signature:
bar :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
where bar f n xs applies the transformation f to the value at index n in the list xs. With this, we can implement the function from before:
foo n xs = bar (++[3]) n xs
foo = bar (++[3]) -- Alternatively, with partial application
And believe it or not, changing the foo you already wrote into the much more useful bar is a very simple task. Give it a try!

Haskell and manipulating a list of tuples

Ok so have been faced with a problem where basically I have a been told to make a multiset, or a list of tuples. (Char,Int) and then I have to write a function that takes a item and inserts it into this list, but if there is already a matching tuple in the list it increases the Int.
i.e. i had a list [(p,2),(w,3)] and i get another w it should give [(p,2),(w,4)]
How would you go about it, i've tried
listAdd :: Char->Int->ListOfT -> ListOfT
listAdd c i l
|length l == 0 =(c,i):l
|fst l == c = (c,i+1):l
but this gives loads of errors, i need to remove the list element at that point and replace it with with (c,i+1), so how do i remove from the list and how to i get i+1? also how do you make a loop which will go through all the elements in a list?
And i can't use any of the import Data stuff
I know this is asking a ton but any help would be great thanks.
Okay can this code be fiddled with so it can be used tto make tuples of any items not just chars. so i could load it up and make a list of tuples with stirngs instead, close it then load it up again and make a list of tuples of ints?
ok I think your idea is not bad you just have to get the details straight.
The loop you asked about is usually either done with recursion (as a list is a recursive structure that's a great idea) or with some higher order functions like map, filter, foldr, ... that will hide the recursion from you (you could say they abstract away the repeating stuff) - anway in this case I think the easiest way is just to go with what you started and use the direct recursion.
Here is a simple version (you maybe want to extent) that does the basic stuff:
listAdd :: Char -> [(Char,Int)] -> [(Char,Int)]
listAdd c [] = [(c,1)]
listAdd c ((c',i):xs)
| c' == c = (c,i+1):xs
| otherwise = (c',i) : listAdd c xs
as you can see the first case is very similar to what you had: if the dictionary (the second argument) is the empty list than you just add a new tuple with the char to insert and the number 1
if not then you check if the first element in the dictionary has the same character (c' here), if yes then you increase the count and if not you let this element stand as it is and recursively search through the rest of the dictionary.
Also note that you can use pattern matching here to not only deconstruct the dictionary into head::tail form but also deconstruct the head into (..,..) tuple parts as well.
If you want you can use a # in there to and get the second case a bit more concise:
listAdd :: Char -> [(Char,Int)] -> [(Char,Int)]
listAdd c [] = [(c,1)]
listAdd c (x#(c',i):xs)
| c' == c = (c,i+1):xs
| otherwise = x : listAdd c xs
PS: in case you wondered why I did not use your Int argument? Because I don't know what you want to do with it if there is already a value - here is a version where I just add it to it (seems resonable):
listAdd :: Char -> Int -> [(Char,Int)] -> [(Char,Int)]
listAdd c i [] = [(c,i)]
listAdd c i (x#(c',i'):xs)
| c' == c = (c,i+i'):xs
| otherwise = x : listAdd c i xs
List manipulations with just recursive functions can be indeed hard for beginners to grok, but in this case they should fit the problem nicely.
Let's start with a bit better signature and a helper.
type MyList = [(Char, Int)]
listAdd :: Char -> MyList -> MyList
listAdd p l = listAdd' p [] l
Notice that I've changed the signature to accept just Char; we don't need to supply the initial count, since if there are no such elements currently on the list, we'll just set it to 1 when adding a new element.
Okay, that's the basic skeleton. The helper is there just to make it easier to store the "already processed" part of the list. Let's look at it:
listAdd' :: Char -> MyList -> MyList -> MyList
First, we add the recursion end condition:
listAdd' p left [] = left ++ [(p, 1)]
This means that if we haven't found the element to replace earlier, we can just add it at the end.
listAdd' p left (x:right) = if p == fst x
then left ++ [(fst x, snd x + 1)] ++ right
else listAdd' p (left ++ [x]) right
Okay, so now we split up the "right" part to the first element of it and the rest. Let's look at the if:
if we managed to find the element, we can end the computation by appending the rest of the list to the modified element and what we had previously
if it's still not it, we proceed with recursion.
As an additional remark at the end, you could easily change Char to Eq a => a to allow your function to work on any type that can be directly compared, Char included.

Functionality of adding to lists in Haskell / overwriting an existing List

type Dictionary = [(String, String)]
dict :: Dictionary
dict = ("Deutsch", "English"):[]
insert :: Dictionary -> (String,String) -> Dictionary
insert dict entry = dict ++ [entry]
One thing that I didn't find about the way lists work: Is it somehow possible to overwrite the existing dict with the entry added in insert? Or is it necessary to, in the next step, always write out the list that was put out by insert?
insert [("German", "English"), ("Hallo", "hello")] ("Versuch", "try")
So far, this is the only way I have been able to add something to the new list without losing the previous entry. However, next on the list of things to implement is a search command, so I wonder if I'd also have to write this out in the search function.
The idea of functional programming is in general that your data is immutable. This means once you have created a list, you can NEVER change that list. But you can copy that list, make modifications to it, and keep that as well.
So when you have a list like so
test = [1,2,3]
We can modify this by adding 4 to the start:
test2 = 4 : test
: called the cons operator, puts an element in front of a list. Do note that x:xs (the same as doing [x]++xs) has a better performance than doing xs++[x]
So now we have two bindings, one of test to [1,2,3] and one of test2 to [4,1,2,3]
Hope this clarifies things
To give a full example:
type Dictionary = [(String, String)]
insert :: Dictionary -> (String,String) -> Dictionary
insert dict entry = dict ++ [entry]
dict0 = [ ("Deutsch", "English") ]
dict1 = insert dict0 ("Hallo", "hello")
dict2 = insert dict1 ("Versuch", "try")
If you're new to functional programming, I would recommend reading Learn You a Haskell for Great Good , which is a fantastic (and free) book on how to use Haskell -- and functional programming in general.
It's not too tough to do this
import Data.List (lookup)
insert :: Eq a => (a,b) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
insert (a,b) [] = [(a,b)]
insert (a,b) ((c,d):rest) = if a == c
then (a,b) : rest
else (c,d) : insert (a,b) rest
dict :: [(String, String)]
dict = [("Deutsch", "English")]
If you can't use Data.List then you can define lookup by
lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
lookup _ [] = Nothing
lookup k ((a,b):rest) = if k == a then Just b else lookup k rest
Now if you load up GHCI:
>> let dict' = insert ("Ein","One") dict
>> dict'
>> lookup "Ein" dict'
Just "One"
>> insert ("Deutsch", "Francais") dict'
If you want to replace an existing pair with the same key then you could write insert as:
insert :: Dictionary -> (String, String) -> Dictionary
insert [] p = [p]
insert ((dk, dv):ps) p#(k, v) | dk == k = p:ps
insert (p:ps) ip = p : (insert ps ip)
However if you are writing an association list, then you can simplify it by inserting new items at the front of the list:
insert :: Dictionary -> (String, String) -> Dictionary
insert = flip (:)
if you then search from the front of the list, it will find any values added more recently first.
In Haskell, most values are immutable, meaning that you can not change their value. This seems like a huge constraint at first, but in reality it makes it easier to reason about your program, especially when using multiple threads.
What you can do instead is continually call insert on the dictionary returned when you call insert, for example:
mainLoop :: Dictionary -> IO ()
mainLoop dict = do
putStrLn "Enter the German word:"
german <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter the English word:
english <- getLine
let newDict = insert dict (german, english)
putStrLn "Continue? (y/n)"
yesno <- getChar
if yesno == 'y'
then mainLoop newDict
else print newDict
main = do
One simply can't 'overwrite' anything in a pure language (outside of ST monad). If I understood your question correctly, you are looking for something like this:
insert :: Dictionary -> (String,String) -> Dictionary
insert [] b = [b] -- If this point is reached where wasn't matching key in dictionary, so we just insert a new pair
insert (h#(k, v) : t) b#(k', v')
| k == k' = (k, v') : t -- We found a matching pair, so we 'update' its value
| otherwise = h : insert t b

Pattern Matching and List Comprehension in List of Tuples

type a = [(Int,Int,Int,Int)]
fun:: a -> Int
func [a,b,c,d] = ?
I have a list of tuples like this what i required is to apply list comprehensions or pattern matching .. example taking sum or filter only divide 2 numbers ... i just want a start how to access values and or a list comprehension to this List of Tuples
To sum up the as, use something like this:
type A = [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]
func :: A -> Int
func tuples = sum [a | (a, b, c, d) <- tuples]
Also note that a type alias must begin with an upper case letter. Lower case letters are used for type variables.
hammar's answer covered list comprehensions, the basic schema for recursive functions using pattern matching is:
f [] = ..
f ((a,b,c,d):xs) = ..
So you need to specify a base case for a list containing no 4-tuples, and a recursive case for when the list consists of a 4-tuple (a,b,c,d) followed by a (possibly empty, possibly non-empty) list of 4-tuples xs. The pattern on the second line is a nested pattern: it first matches the list against a pattern like (x:xs), i.e. element x followed by rest of list xs; and then it matches x against the 4-tuple structure.
Below, I'll give some basic examples. Note that you can also write this with standard higher-order functions, such as filter and map, and I'm deliberaty not mentioning things like #-patterns and strictness. I do not recommend doing it like this, but it's just to give you an idea!
When you want to sum the first part of the tuples, you could do it like this:
sum4 :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)] -> Int
sum4 [] = 0
sum4 ((a,b,c,d):xs) = a + sum4 xs
If you want to filter out the tuples where all of a,b,c and d are even:
filter4allEven :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int,Int,Int)]
filter4allEven [] = []
filter4allEven ((a,b,c,d):xs)
| all even [a,b,c,d] = (a,b,c,d) : filter4AllEven xs
| otherwise = filter4AllEven xs
(If the use of all confuses you, just read even a && even b && even c && even d)
And finally, here's a function that returns all the even tuple components (tuples themselves can't be even!) in the same order as they appear in the argument list:
evenTupleComponents :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)] -> [Int]
evenTupleComponents [] = []
evenTupleComponents ((a,b,c,d):xs) = [x | x <- [a,b,c,d], even x] ++ evenTupleComponents
Once you do a couple of exercises like these, you'll see why using standard functions is a good idea, since they all follow similar patterns, like applying a function to each tuple separately, including or excluding a tuple when it has some property or, more generally, giving a base value for the empty list and a combining function for the recursive case. For instance, I would write evenTupleComponents as evenTupleComponents = filter even . concatMap (\(a,b,c,d) -> [a,b,c,d]), but that's a different story :)

Pairing adjacent list items in Haskell

I have a chained list like
["root", "foo", "bar", "blah"]
And I'd like to convert it to a list of tuples, using adjacent pairs. Like so
[("root", "foo"), ("foo", "bar"), ("bar", "blah")]
At the moment, I'm using this to do it:
zipAdj x = tail (zip ("":x) (x++[""]))
However, I don't really like this method. Can anyone think of a better way? If it's glaringly obvious I apologise, I'm fairly new to Haskell.
Okay, here's the comment as an answer:
Just zipAdj x = zip x $ tail x will suffice. zip stops upon reaching the end of the shorter of the two lists, so this simply pairs each item in the list with its successor, which seems to be all you want.
And for the sake of explaining the pointless version: zip <*> tail uses the Applicative instance for "functions from some type", which basically amounts to a lightweight inline Reader monad--in this case the list is the "environment" for the Reader. Usually this just obfuscates matters but in this case it almost makes it clearer, assuming you know to read (<*>) here as "apply both of these to a single argument, then apply the first to the second".
One possible solution:
pairs [] = []
pairs (x:[]) = []
pairs (x:y:zs) = (x, y) : pairs (y : zs)
Definitely not as small as yours, and can probably be optimized quite a bit.
It's possible to generalize the zipAdj in the question to work with arbitrary Traversable containers. Here's how we'd do it if we wanted the extra element on the front end:
import Data.Traversable
pairDown :: Traversable t => a -> t a -> t (a, a)
pairDown x = snd . mapAccumL (\old new -> (new, (old,new))) x
*Pairing> take 10 $ pairDown 0 [1..]
*Pairing> pairDown 0 [1..10]
To stick the extra element on the end, we can use mapAccumR:
import Data.Traversable
pairUp :: Traversable t => t a -> a -> t (a, a)
pairUp xs x = snd $ mapAccumR (\old new -> (new, (new,old))) x xs
This effectively traverses the container backwards.
*Pairing> pairUp [0..10] 11
*Pairing> take 10 $ pairUp [0..] undefined
It's impossible to generalize the apparently-desired function in quite this fashion, but it's possible to generalize it a bit differently:
import Data.Foldable
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
pairAcross :: Foldable f => f a -> [(a,a)]
pairAcross xs = foldr go (const []) xs Nothing
go next r Nothing = r (Just next)
go next r (Just prev) = (prev, next) : r (Just next)
This gives
*Pairing> pairAcross [1..10]