Sitecore 8 implement tooltip on RTE authored content - sitecore

We have a requirement to implement tooltips for words that are authored in Sitecore RTE.
The idea behind is that user should be able to hover over the word and see it's description/meaning.
Is this possible to achieve in sitecore? Did a quick search on marketplace but could not find any modules.

Below are some options to consider for achieving what you described.
Inject Tooltip HTML in a renderField pipeline
In this option, you would extend the renderField pipeline. First, you will need to ensure that you are dealing with a rich-text field, and if so, locate terms and replace them with the necessary markup that is required for the tooltip. This could be as simple as wrapping the word in an <abbr> or perhaps a <span> element with a CSS class. The list of terms and tooltip content could be sourced from items in Sitecore or a custom Sitecore Dictionary. Caching the terms would be essential as this pipeline processor is invoked frequently every time a field is rendereded.
Progressive enhancement with JavaScript
This approach is almost entirely based on the client-side. Terms could be located and replaced fairly easily with the help of JQuery. If the list of terms is of a reasonable size, they could be bootstrapped into a JavaScript variable. Once terms are located and enhanced, a separate, asynchronous call to a REST endpoint could be made when hovering or clicking the term. The API would accept a term and respond with the term's definition.
HTML Snippet in RTE Editor
Sitecore RTE editor can be extended with additional buttons. One of these options allows you to insert predefined snippets of HTML. The RTE editor also has a setting to specify a CSS file to style the content within the field (<setting name="WebStylesheet" value="/css/yourstylesheet.css" />). Styling would be necessary in order to target the description markup and make it visible to be edited, whereas, on the public site, the description markup would normally be hidden by default until the term is clicked on or hovered over.
Dynamic Link Replacement


What is Sitecore Datasource and why should use?

I'm new to Sitecore XP 8.2 and try to study by articles and youtube.
However, I can't figure out why we should use datasource, instead of having multiple items in the content tree? How can I enable Global on the content tree?
If you by 'datasource' means 'Rendering Datasource Location' heres a real life example, where using datasource is helpfull, instead of having data items underneath each page item.
Lets say, you have a Footer module, which you would like to include on all content pages in your website. And the Editors should be able to change the content of the footer module on all pages, but the effect should be global.
In this case, could a solution be, to make a folder at the top of your tree structure called 'Shared Modules', and point the 'Footer Rendering Datasource Location' at this folder.
In case an editor changes the footer text on the main page or a subpage, the effect will allways be saved in the same location.
unlike, a 'Texbox module' which you would like to have multiple of on multiple pages. these would you like to have placed underneath each of your content pages in a folder e.g 'Page Modules'.
You can use Sitecore Datasource for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is to use this instead of context item so that you can refer to another item in Sitecore content tree. Another good reason is to personalize your content or run the A/B testing, content testing. Using Sitecore datasource, make different parts of page componentize and all this helps content editor to improve experience in content editor.
For some good information on using Sitecore datasource, you can look at
In short, with datasources you can re-use your items, makes your life much easier if you want to go with personalization and its easier to manage in terms of security/workflows.
A datasource is a pointer from your presentation to a content item. This item can easily be picked from a global or local placement in the content tree. You can still navigate from the datasource to other items (like subitems) if you want a more complex structure for your content.
The advantages of using datasources, is that Sitecores presentation engine, Experience Editor and marketing/personalization is based on the usage of datasources. Further you cater for reuse of content, as multiple presentations can point to the same datasource item.
By using datasources you decouple the content from the structure of your content tree and hierarchy.

Sitecore 8.1 Header and Footer Composite Component

In Sitecore I have created base Template & Renderings for "Header, Top Menu, Logo, Search ,Login Button…etc that comes in Header across all Pages of the Site."
Also the same template & Rendering is using in other website so we can't set value in Standard field.
Now the problem is “suppose we have 100 pages in a Site then each page we have to go and add/update rendering & data source.
Is there any way that a “Header rendering” contains child rendering and by placing “Header rendering” render all its child renderings.
Header Composite Component ===>
Logo Component
Top Navigation Component
Search Component
There is a composite component module on the Sitecore Marketplace :
This fill's your requirements exactly.
It works by creating a "Composite Component" item, then you add your renderings for your header to that component. E.g. Logo, Navigation etc...
Then in the standard values of your page templates, you add a new Composite Component rendering and set the datasource to the component item you created.
The module will then inject the renderings from the component item presentation into your current item. So you only have to update a single place to update all pages etc...
I have this running in a few production sites and it works well. It even supports the Experience Editor.
I don't think there's a solution out of the box. SxA solves this with Partial and Page Designs at site level. Just wrote a blog about it:
I also made something that might help you: Partial Layout Presets
It even allows you to store presets per site, but keep in mind that it injects composed layouts. If you modify the preset then it does not get applied to the pages where it was injected (though you might be able to pull something of with a shared datasource per site).
Lastly the obvious solution would be to create a page template per site so you'll be able to have standard values per site.
You may want to take a look at using Placeholder Fallback.
This will allow you to add components and renderings to a top level page and then the child pages would "fallback" to using the renderings inserted into the placeholder of the top level page in the item hierarchy. The editors can also insert page specific renderings on each child page if required.
If you do not want to custom code and only out of the box features then you could use Devices. You can find more information in the documentation about Set up a device layout. Once the device is created you can specify a different default device per site:
Now when you open the Presentation Details on the __Standard Values of your templates you can specify a different Layout or Renderings per device, i.e. different ones for AltSiteDevice

Sitecore page components aren't versioned with page

For a website we're working on, we had a pretty complex design to support. So, we chose the strategy where all content on each page is made up of components. Authors can insert various components such as a heading, rich text block, images, etc, allowing them flexibility in laying out pages. This was the only away we could support the complex design that was created.
This set up is working well except when it comes to versioning and search. When pages are versioned, the components on the page are not. When items are indexed for search, the components on the pages are not being indexed as part of the page. We think we may be able to solve the search issue with a custom search index, but the versioning issue seems much more complex.
Has anyone else faced these issues or have thoughts on solutions? We're on Sitecore 7.5.
A simple answer would be to upgrade to version 8 as soon as its released as version 8 will add versioning to the renderings field.
My Guess is that you are setting the content of the fields on the rendering parameters of each item? If that is the case I would suggest taking a slightly different approach. Use DataSources. You could have a few templates that hold the data, e.g. RichTextTemplate, SingleLineTextTemplate, ImageTemplate - all with a single field in, then when you add a heading or rich text block to the page, setup the rendering to all the editor to create the data source.
This way all the content can be versioned properly and you are still separating your content and presentation.
To keep the tree un-cluttered, we use an "Assets" folder under the item for all content:
Example Tree:
Page 1
Rich Text Block
Page 2
Rich Text Block
Image Block
The search problem sounds similar to this post: How to index sub-content in Sitecore with Lucene?
That suggests a computed field. In your computed field, check that your template is a page and then get all the renderings for that page. Once you have those, get the renderings DataSource items and you can build a big search field using the content from the DataSource item's fields.
This would save having an extra index with a custom access layer. It all stays within the Sitecore API.

Sitecore Conditional Showing of Fields

So I am rather new to sitecore, and it's a topic that wasn't covered during my training. My questions is just to help point me to the correct term, or documentation on a method to do the following.
I have a definition item, with a ton of field groups, what I want to do is something like:
if Value of Field X is "yes" then collapse/hide Field X or Field Group X.
Does that make sense? Is it a validation rule? or some other kind of rules, is it a workflow I need to attach? Do you place it on just the field I want to hide, or the field that triggers the action?
I appreciate any guidance.
There is nothing out-of-the-box in Sitecore to achieve what you want but there is no reason you cannot create a composite custom field type to do this. The following articles will help you achieve this:
Creating a custom Sitecore Field
Getting to Know Sitecore: Custom Fields, Part 1
Create a new control, inheriting either from Droplist (if the comparison of the value is to be text based) or Droplink (for comparison of ID). You could add a parameter in the Source field of the control to specify what the values that trigger the hide should be.
The underlying control in the Content Editor is just a standard HTML select element. Add onchange events to the control and add your Javascript handler to hide the other controls. Since I could not find a way of adding additional custom css classes to the Sitecore controls, it would be best/easiest to hide all other controls in the same collapsible group after you control. This would mean you would need to group your controls better (or logically at least).
The Javascript will be something like this (the Content Editor uses the Prototype JS framework):
if ($(this).getValue() == 'no') {
// find the parent container of this control and then hide all the next siblings in the same group
You can test this by running the above in the console, change out the keyword this with the id of your field, e.g. $('FIELD2292054').
What I am not sure about is how to trigger the hide on initial load, i.e. when someone returns to an existing item, it may be possible by adding to one of the pipelines, but would be better using a JS solution if possible. I'll have a think about this and get a proper code sample up over the next few days.
EDIT: You can add an event handler to sc:contenteditorupdated to handle the content editor being rel-oaded.
document.observe("sc:contenteditorupdated", myFunction);
I wrote up a blog post and put the code on GitHub if you are interested.
Not sure if you have come across Andy Uzick's this blog post.
He wisely talks about hiding fields in the Content Editor and has also created a Sitecore Module called Hide Field Template Extension which is hosted on the Sitecore Marketplace with the full source code to extend.
After reading through and trying the extension, I do feel that it will not completely resolve your issue (how you have described it in the question).
But it will give you:
A mid-term solution to hide a few unnecessary field that some content editors would not like to view.
Fields that are only required by administrators for admin purpose - to de-clutter these fields could be hidden.
Just one thing to bear in mind that it mentions in the requirements Sitecore 6.5 & 6.6. I have not tested it in Sitecore 7. If you are using Sitecore 7, which I think you are, one could modify the source code and make it work for Sitecore 7.
Have a look and share your findings.
Happy Sitecoring!

XSL TreeView Define whether the xsl div is open/closed

I'v done a tree view in xsl using a javascript function
I want to change the icons depending on the status (+ for to open , - for to close)
This questions is as clear as thick molasses in a pool of mud. (Will try to answer, though.)
I assume you mean XML stylesheets with xsl. If you meant Excel, it should have been xls. But let's assume you mean stylesheets and you're using it to generate a webpage which contains a treeview. In this treeview there are icons indicating if the node is expanded or not. If expanded, display +, else display -. Am I right, here?
Now, it depends on how you've implemented this treeview in your stylesheet. The most practical way would be to just send the tree data fully expanded to the page and let the Javascript handle this client-side. In that case, all you need to know is how to expand and collapse nodes in Javascript with the additional icon change.
Another possible implementation would be when expanding and collapsing is done serverside, thus you'd only send the visible data. In that case you can also just tell the page which icon to use and there would be no need for any javascript. The icon would just be a link back to the server, updating the data through a new requests which builds a new webpage.
A third option would be the WEB 2.0 solution, where you just send the list as a collapsed treeview and every time the user clicks an icon, a AJAX event gets triggered, collecing the additional node data and changing the icon of the treenode.
These are three very different techniques and they're not always the best solution. The first solution is a problem when dealing with lots of data in your tree. It needs to load it all. The second option will generate a lot more traffic with the server but handles better with large amounts of data because you only display the open node. The third option is a bit of a mixture between the first two options. You don't need all data from the beginning and you're not recreating the webpage over and over again. But it's also more complex to code.
Now, I wonder which of these options you use. Once we know this, we can help you. (Edit your question to provide this information and perhaps even add the JavaScript tag to it.)
To be honest, xsl is only used to change the shape of an XML document and it knows nothing about treeviews or whatever. So I don't see any link between xsl and treeviews. It's just that you use xsl to transform your data into something that some Javascript library can process as a treeview. Which Javascript library is this?