Cancancan check submitted parameter - ruby-on-rails-4

How do I get cancancan to check an parameter to see if the user can update?
Controller gets:
Parameters: {"offer"=>{"revoked"=>"1", "user_id"=>"14"}, "id"=>"53"}
can :update, Controller, :user_id =>
cannot :update, Controller, { :revoked => nil }
controller code:
This is giving me a Cancancan error saying that the user is not authorized. I think I need to specify that :revoked is inside the offer hash, but I can't figure out the correct code for that.

How to change what the Ability class can access:
Or how to pass params into the Ability class more specifically for your purposes:
# CanCan - pass params in to Ability
def current_ability
#current_ability ||=, params)
Then it's a matter of simply accessing the relevant part of the params and checking whether it passes.


Rolify and Rails 4 role management

I am trying to implement a role based access system in my rails 4 app, and I want the end user (super_admin) to have the ability to edit role assignments via the UI.
I have achieved some success but can't help feeling that there has to be a better way (Since I'm new to rails). Here is my code:
# GET /user_roles/new/:id
def new
#roles = Role.all
# POST /user_roles/new/:id
def create
populated = params[:roles][:name].reject(&:empty?)
populated.each do |key|
#user.add_role Role.find(key).name
redirect_to users_path
And in my Form (HAML and simple_form):
= simple_form_for :roles, :url => create_user_roles_path(, :method => "post" do |f|
= f.input :name, :collection => #roles, as: :check_boxes
= f.button :submit
I'm struggling with the following:
How do I validate form entries, since there is no model?
Should I be using strong parameters and if so how do I implement on a form without a model
How do I create something similar, but with Current roles already checked? (True role management)
I have looked at using the reform Gem as suggested by the comments. This seems like a great solution. I am however having issues with the implementation on this case.
Let me map it out:
I have 3 tables in the database:
users_roles (Mapping Table with 2 Attributes : user_id & role_id {Join Table -> HABTM})
I want to construct a form with all the values in the Roles model as checkboxes.The checkboxes should dictate what values are fed into the users_roles table (With relation to a specific user). What I want reform to do is validate the input of this form. This form will always display all of the values in Roles, but some/all of the boxes might be unchecked.
I have created a form folder in my app and started with the following code:
class UserRoleForm < Reform::Form
property :user__id, on: :user
property :role_id, on: :role
validates :user__id, presence: true
validates :role__id, presence: true
Am I going in the right direction?
Thanks for the help.
You need two things to build your form: a user's roles and the possible roles.
If I recall correctly, rolify gives your model associations ad should just let you do something like some_user.roles to return all the roles applied to some_user.
To get possible roles, try Role.all.
To combine both, try
user_roles = some_user.roles.pluck(:name) # suppose this returns ["admin"]
Role.pluck(:name).map { |r| [r, user_roles.include?(r)] }
You now have an array like this that you can use to build your form checkboxes with an each loop.
[["customer", false], ["admin", true], ["editor", false]]
Define your reform object's sync or save method to handle what to do with the submitted input, however you are handling it. You can (SHOULD) make a custom validation to verify if the submitted roles are valid roles.

rails 4 strong parameters still unpermitted

i have an issue with strong parameters in Rails 4, basically I have this params coming
Parameters: {"user_id"=>"1", "attends"=>[{"survey_id"=>15, "question_id"=>67, "anwser_id"=>196}, {"survey_id"=>15, "question_id"=>68, "anwser_id"=>200}, {"survey_id"=>15, "question_id"=>69, "anwser_id"=>202}, {"survey_id"=>15, "question_id"=>70, "anwser_id"=>205}, {"survey_id"=>15, "question_id"=>71, "anwser_id"=>208}], "attend"=>{}}
and in my controller i have
def attend_params
params.permit(:user_id, :format, :attend, :attends, {:attends => []})
but i still get this error
Unpermitted parameters: attends, attend
attend_params is called in my controller by this way, no much more, the data passed at th method create via POST are submitted by an external app. there is no view for it.
def create "\n attend_params #{attend_params}\n"
any hint?
thank you
Try this
params.permit(:user_id, :format,
attend: {} ,
attends: [ :survey_id, :question_id, :anwser_id ])
As you can see in the screenshot attached, I create a request which results in the same set of parameters. I intentionally add a user param which is not permitted and you can see that user parameter is rejected, other parameters go through. Are you sure you have provided the correct parameters?

Generating a unique URL with tokens in Rails 4 for an external form response

I have a 'Feedback' model whereby a user should be able to request feedback on his/her job performance. I have written basic actions for creating a new feedback request, and the mailer for sending the request to the provider (person who will respond with feedback).
I would like advice from the community on implementing the following:
Once a new feedback request is created, the email that is sent should contain a link to a form where the provider can input his feedback on the users performance.
The feedback provider should not be required to log-in or sign-up in any way (i.e. completely external to the application).
Once submitted, feedback from the provider should be captured in the
Now, I have the following ideas to implement it, but am not sure if this is the best way to proceed:
Generate a unique token upon the creation of a new feedback request. Something like this: Best way to create unique token in Rails?.
The token should then be entered into 'feedbacks' table.
Mailer should then generate variable (e.g. #url) which generates link to another controller (let's say 'external_feedback' and action which does not require log-in (e.g. no before_filter :authenticate_user! from Devise).
That URL should contain a parameter with the token for the specific feedback request.
The action should be to update the 'feedback' request and a form generated with simple_form.
The whole thing is similar to responding to a questionnaire or survey (like Survey Monkey).
After some research I believe the Friendly ID gem may be useful here. I was also reading Section 8 of and perhaps I need to implement an authenticity_token in the formal sense. What I am really looking for is:
Is the above approach the generally correct way to go about doing this?
If so, any specifics on how you would implement it (with or without Friendly ID)?
Do you know of any gems that exist for generating such URLs/tokens?
Thank you in advance. I am now including the current state of model and controller details:
# == Schema Information
# Table name: feedbacks
# id :integer not null, primary key
# user_id :integer
# p_first_name :string(255)
# p_last_name :string(255)
# p_email :string(255)
# goal_id :integer
# u_comment :text
# p_comment :text
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
class Feedback < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :goal
has_many :feedback_attributes
validates_presence_of :p_first_name, :p_last_name, :p_email, :goal_id
And this is my mailer:
class FeedbackMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def feedback_request(user, feedback)
#user = user
#feedback = feedback
#url = 'http://thisistheexampleurlforfeedback'
mail(to: #feedback.p_email, subject: "#{#user.first_name} #{#user.last_name} has requested your feedback", from:
Add a token field to the feedback model with an index and add a callback to populate it on create e.g.
before_create :add_token
def add_token
self.token = SecureRandom.hex[0,10].upcase
end while self.class.exists?(token: token)
now add a new route for the providers feedback
resources :feedbacks do
get 'provider'
put 'provider_update' # you might not need this one, if you are happy to use update
In your controller make sure they don't get rejected by devise
before_filter :authenticate_user!, except: [:provider, :provider_update]
def provider
#feedback = Feedback.find_by token: params[:token]
then in the app/views/feedback/provider.html.haml you can use url in simple_form to send it to the correct update location and only provide the input that they should see.
f.inputs :p_comment
Now update your mailer.
#url = provider_feedback_url(#feedback, token: #feedback.token)
You could do something similar to this using friendly id but you would still need to create some sort of unique slug and then use Feedback.friendly.find instead. I think you would want to combine it with a token to ensure it's still the provider giving the feedback - so the only benefit would really be hiding the true id/count. I think you should update p_* fields to provider_* so that the next dev knows what's in it - it's not the 90s!

Strange Behaviour with .errors on Factory Girl Stubbed Object

I am using factory_girl_rails (4.2.1) and rspec-rails (2.14.0) to test a simple controller on Rails 4. When testing an error case, I use to build an invalid User object. However, the resulting object does not contain any error in #user.errors; yet expect(assigns(:user)).to have(1).errors_on(:email) in the test case still passes. Why doesn't the FactoryGirl generated object has any error, and how does rspec see the error?
Here are the details and code.
The controller simply creates a User object, then redirect to a verification page if creation was successful or render the form again if there is any error.
class RegistrationController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
#user = User.create(params.required(:user).permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation))
if #user.errors.empty?
redirect_to verify_registration_path
render :new
In my error case test, I create a User without 'email' using FactoryGirl. It is expected to create an error entry in #user.errors for the 'email' field AND renders the :new template.
describe RegistrationController do
#... Some other examples ...
describe 'GET create' do
def post_create(user_params)
allow(User).to receive(:create).with({user: user_params})[:user]).and_return(, user_params))
post :create, user: user_params
context 'without email' do
before { post_create email: '', password: 'testing', password_confirmation: 'testing' }
subject { assigns(:user) }
it 'build the User with error' do
expect(subject).to have(1).errors_on(:email)
it 'renders the registration form' do
expect(response).to render_template('new')
However, when I ran the test case, only the 'renders the registration form' example failed, but not the other one.
1) RegistrationController GET create without email renders the registration form
Failure/Error: expect(response).to render_template('new')
expecting <"new"> but rendering with <[]>
# ./spec/controllers/registration_controller_spec.rb:51:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.25726 seconds
6 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/controllers/registration_controller_spec.rb:50 # RegistrationController GET create without email renders the registration form
What is strange here is that rspec seems to be able to see an error in #user (hence the first test case passes) but for some unknown reason #user.error.empty? returns true in controller causing it to redirect instead of rendering the :new template (hence the failed second test case). I also confirmed in debugger that #user.error was indeed empty.
Is it something wrong with how FactoryGirl handles error, or am I using it wrong?
Two things I want to mention here are:
1. Probably You want to use "Post create" instead of "Get create".
2. Whether email is missing or not is the model's concern, not controller's.
I suggest you use stub to return false for the case that email is missing.
The easiest way is:
And maybe you want to change some other things in the controller, like "if #user.errors.empty?"
EDIT: Sorry, "create" actually doesn't return false.
So in your controller
#user =
render :new
And in your test use

Does ActiveModel::Serializer require an explicit render call?

I know that when using view templates (html, rabl), I don't need an explicit render call in my controller action because by default, Rails renders the template with the name corresponding to the controller action name. I like this concept (not caring about rendering in my controller code) and therefore wonder whether this is possible as well when using ActiveModel::Serializers?
Example, this is code from a generated controller (Rails 4.1.0):
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_product, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
#other actions
# GET /products/1
# GET /products/1.json
def show
and this is the serializer:
class ProductSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :name, :description, :url, :quantity, :price
Hitting /products/1.json, I would expect two things to happen:
Fields not listed in the serializer to be ommited,
Whole JSON object to be incapsulated within a 'product' top level field.
However, this does not happen, whole serializer is ignored. But then if I modify the Show method to the following:
# GET /products/1
# GET /products/1.json
def show
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: #product }
And now it is all fine, but I have lost the benefit of the before_action filter (and it seems to me that I have some redundant code).
How should this really be done?
Without an explicit render or respond_with or respond_to Rails will look for a matching template. If that template does not exist Rails throws an error.
However, you can create your own resolver to bypass this. For instance, suppose you created app\models\serialize_resolver.rb and put this into it:
class SerializeResolver < ActionView::Resolver
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
if details[:formats].to_a.include?(:json) && prefix !~ /layout/
instance = prefix.to_s.singularize
source = "<%= ##{instance}{instance}).to_json.html_safe %>"
identifier = "SerializeResolver - #{prefix} - #{name}"
handler = ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(:erb)
details = {
format: Mime[:json],
virtual_path: "/#{normalize_path(name, prefix)}"
[, identifier, handler, details)]
def normalize_path(name, prefix)
prefix.present? ? "#{prefix}/#{name}" : name
And then, in either your application controller (or in an individual controller) place:
With that you should be able to do what you want. If it is a json request, it will create an erb template with the right content and return it.
This is a bit clunky because it relies on erb, which is not needed. If I have time I will create a simple template handler. Then we can invoke that without erb.
This does wipe out the default json response.
It relies on the controller name to find the instance variable (/posts is converted to #post.)
I've only tested this a little. The logic could probably be smarter.
If a template is present, it will be used first. That allows you to override this behavior.
You can't simply create a new renderer and register it, because the default process doesn't hit it. If the template is not found, you get an error. If the file is found, it goes straight to invoking the template handler.
The 'redundant code' we see in the second one, is this line only:
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
And I believe this is the same logic as your before_action. You don't need this line, just remove it. Now the duplication is removed.
To the remaining part. An action needs to know what to render. By default if the action is empty or absent, the corresponding 'action_name'.html.erb (and other formats specified by respond_to) will be looked up and rendered.
This is why what the Rails 4 generator created works: it creates the show.html.erb and show.json.jbuilder which get rendered.
With ActiveModel::Serializer, you don't have a template. If you leave the action empty, it doesn't have a clue what to render. Thus you need to tell it to render the #product as json, by either:
render json: #product
respond_with #product