Sitecore 8 ribbons missing from toolbar - sitecore

Suddenly all ribbons are not coming in Sitecore 8 one of my project.
For example If I am going in publish menu I cannot see any option there.
To solve this issue, I have updated all three folders and config file "sitecore,sitecore_modules,sitecore files & web.config" but still ribbons are not coming for me.
Please assist me what can be solution for this issue.

Thanks all for your effort. I just copied fresh "Content Editor.js" in Content Manger folder and my problem solved.

I believe your ribbons are just collapsed (not expanded). To expand them back there is a little check on the right hand side of the screen. Check the screenshot for reference

I also have same problem and this issue usually coming by difference the version sitecore when you want to integrate with your solution. Try with another sitecore (sitecore,sitecore_modules,sitecore files) version that it


Sitecore OPTIONS menu on Builder tab missing

For some reason I no longer see the OPTIONS menu item when I am on the Builder tab for a template. I have not needed to access this tab for months so I am not aware of when it went missing. I am on Sitecore 8.2 (rev. 160729). I have not installed any new modules or packages recently so I do not think its related to that. Has anyone experienced this behavior?
Based on our comments, the only reason why the option tab is not appearing is because of the css styling display:none.
This is not caused by Sitecore css or js files but rather a custom implementation. I would suggest to check your css files or even JavaScript files.
It might also be the case that there was a development to hide or show certain tabs in the ribbon which in brief may be due to custom development of ribbons or even commands. So, you may check the different commands or ribbons implemented.
Finally, which I think may be of least importance, is the development of SPEAK UI. It might be that you have a 3rd party module which is injecting the styling or a module implemented.

ShowEditor and Rich Text Field is not displaying in sitecore 7.1 application

We have migrated an application from sitecore 6.2 to sitecore 7.1.
We are facing an issue related to Rich Text Field which is not showing up when I open a content item. The Show Editor is also not popping up the Rich Text Editor for editing.
When I am facing this kind of issues after upgrading I tend to put tickets # and dig some deeper into it myself. What I normally do is get a clean web.config + complete fresh bin folder of the Sitecore version I've upgraded to. Also I make sure that I grab the /sitecore folder with it.
Then I will compare the fresh bin with the solution bin and replace any assemblies that are not the same. From there I will also do a folder compare (using beyond compare or any other good compare tool) to make sure I got all the necessary files from there. Also I make sure that I look for any posts on the Sitecore forum containing the same problems. Don't forget to view your logs, as they will sometime help you find your problem quicker.

How to get consolidated report of project mile stones for all projects in Redmine

We are Redmine as a Project management tool. It has been working great and we are happy with it. We now have a new requirement now. Our management wants to see a report showing each project's delivery date, manager, start date, total issues, open issues, closed issues. I searched at several places for quite some time and did not get a solution. I appreciate if someone can offer help.
This is, for me personally, the single thing JIRA is better at :)
Anyway, that being said, you can get a summary of all open versions on your "my page", eh, page, by using this plugin:
And you can also add custom queries to "my page".
You can get much of what you want in the issue report. Click the Summary button in the sidebar of the issues page in each project. Example
Create one generic top level project. Calendar, gantt charts, issues, etc, for the top level project will show everything for every project that's nested underneath.
If you are properly adding roadmaps/milestones to all the projects, you can use My Roadmaps plugin to get a consolidated visibility:
It works fine with 1.2 and 1.4 versions.

Sitecore Menu Problem

I have a strange error in my Sitecore environment that I've been ignoring since I started development (since it is only a minor inconvenience), and that is the fact that in dealing with large menus near the bottom, they get clipped by the bottom of the browser. Items then should detect the bottom and build upward, I guess, but they just don't. I have gone through the Sitecore Initial Configuration for Internet Explorer document several times.
Has anyone come across this?
Thank you for your time.
Try adding the Sitecore site to your Local Intranet zone in IE, if it's not already.
(btw this is probably a better question for SuperUser, though doubt many sitecore folk monitor that stackexchange)
Please check on start up window of sitecore that Sitecore support this browser or not.

Sitecore And Multiple Visual Studio Solutions

I would like to reuse one installation of Sitecore every time I need to make code changes. I currently have a branch to fix a problem, but now I need to create another branch to fix another problem. The problems are in different websites so I need to keep the seperate branches. I really do not want to create another Sitecore installation for this second branch. Is there a way to "swap" out these solutions and "reuse" the same Sitecore installation?
Mark Ursino's comment about removing the code got me to thinking. Since the solution binded to the Sitecore installation resides in the Website folder, I'll map both solutions to somewhere arbitrary, like "Sitecore Dev Folder", and then map the branch I'm working in to the Website folder of the Sitecore installation. When I change the mapping, the solution will download from TFS into the Website folder (blowing away the existing solutuion.) And that's how I can achieve the "swapping" of solutions.
Yep, we need more info here to really answer the question.
But... in general, I would advise you not to do this. Creating a new Sitecore installation is a piece of cake with the installer, and not exactly resource intensive. You could have it use the same DB if necessary to make things easier.
Mixing two different branches with the same Sitecore instance... it seems inevitable that something would get "F'd up", to use the technical term.