Edit group by graph api - facebook-graph-api

I try to edit group profile in Facebook by Graph API.
I try to use
POST graph.facebook.com
but I think this can't help me.
What can I edit and is it possible?

Everything you need to know is in the docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.4/group#update
You canĀ“t change any group data, except if you created the group with the App: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.4/app/groups#publish


issue automatically adding members to google groups (G-suite) with Admin SDK

(I have done a search through the questions to see if I could find something on this, but have not found answers.)
I have two google groups through my G-suite and I want to automatically add people to both groups after they sign up for my club through a process on my website. I think this should be possible using:
I have gone into the API Console, created a new project, enabled the Admin SDKI API, and got an API key. However, I think I am running into the Authorization issue because we keep getting an error that the authorization token is missing.
I have tried using the OAuth 2.0 but I'm not sure if this should be "Internal" or "External". I'm not creating a whole app for someone to use - all I want to do is on the back end of the site take information that comes through when someone joins the club and automatically have them added to my google groups.
Is it possible for someone to please explain to me what I need to do?
I'm sorry this is kind of a basic question.
Thank you for your help.

How to use plotly Dash as a dashboard for user specific data

I want to integrate plotly Dash with my web app. I have data regarding a user like
leads found
meeting done
orders found
and other details of users per company.
So I want to pass the company_id and user_id and then get the report for only the specific user. He can filter between dimension or anything but he can't see the data for other users. What I found online is mostly a full dashboard. Is there an option to pass parameters in the api call, and then pass the data to plotly DASH and generate graph?
Please provide any resources if possible.
Not sure but maybe try to give the port:

WSO2 IS Add users to an existing group?

I have gone thorugh http://hasini-gunasinghe.blogspot.in/2012/11/wso2-identity-server-as-scim-service.html .I could able to add users and groups.
Now i want to add more users to one existing group(Already created) by using SCIM .Any suggestion ?
Please refer a related question [1].
[1] Create/Edit users with group or role in WSO2 IS
Hope this helps.

Django Newbe: What is the best way to go about creating groups?

I am trying to allow users to create their own groups, let other users(members) join the group. I would like to have some guidance on how to do this, any links or resources would be helpful. I have just deleted my first attempt, starting again. I will post some of my code later. In my last attempt I kept on getting the Error 404: no user matches the query. I already have my profiles app and UserLogin by email app built.
Thanks all but I have figured it out, I used the pinax groups app to guide me and just customised certain areas.

Free server solution for strict content photos with geotags

I would like to create some kind of open free "group" posting of photos with geotags
First I thought about Panoramio, but seems there is no API for photos upload.
By now I can see only two ways:
Flickr - there are groups but you have to approve group membership anyway, or use tags for grouping which is bad for maintenance
Custom server solution which will cost efforts and hosting
Can you suggest other free photo services with geotags functionality, or opensource solutions?
Thank you!
:) Want to add, that I am intrasted in services with open API that is why I thought its a good idea ask this question at SO...
I guess, Picasa may be an alternative in some way.
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity
it also seems like panoramio does have an API based on services with responses in JSON
the request will be something like
checkout this post in google geo developers blog for more info
hope it helps.