How to get facebook graphi api acess tokens programatically - facebook-graph-api

I am trying to get data from public pages of facebook using graph api.
This requires acess tokens.But I want to automate the process such that I get the data after ever day but the tokens expire after some time. Is there any method to get the acess tokens programatically to automate this thing ?
Also why it acess tokens are required for public pages ?

The only Token you get without user interaction is an App Access Token. It´s basically "App-ID|App-Secret" (with a pipe sign). This works as long as the Page is not restricted by age or location. In that case, you would need to use a User or Page Token, because Facebook can´t identify a User (and his age or location) with an App Token.
You can also use an Extended Page Token, which is valid forever. But you have to be Admin of the Page for that one.
More information about Tokens:
If you want to know why Tokens are needed, you need to ask Facebook.


Is there a way that we can avoid multiple token generations for a single user if he/she try to login on different browsers?

I am using django-rest-framework-jwt in my backend and calling API's from Angular Project.
When user try to login on multiple Browsers, each time a new token is generated for the user on new browser. And every token is valid.
What I want is that when user is already logged in in one browser and he/she tries to login on second different browser the previous token for first browser should be invalidated.
In a simple word, NO, you can't just avoid generating tokens unless you made a little twist in django-rest-framework-jwt module. But that's not pure jwt anymore.
JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens and it's a mechanism for exchanging data between computer systems that happens to be convenient for generating authorization headers that can be used to implement statless auth in web apps.
stateless means that you don't track user tokens, You just verify them. If token is valid and the payload is valid, then OK. It doesn't care how many tokens are generated and it doesn't care that they are related to one user. The token is created based on timestamp and will be verified compared to lifetime and timestamp of it.
It means that django rest jwt module, will create a token based on current timestamp of system, whenever user request for it.
Remember you can't delete a jwt token. Because it's not stored in database. So if your token is spoofed, that's it. You can't do anything with it, unless life cycle of the token ends and token expire.
If you want to track these tokens and be able to control them and for example don't create redundant tokens for a user as you asked:
consider changing to another token based authentication that stores token in database so you could track it.
change jwt system to what is suitable for you (I did it before). For example add a lookup id in database and check tokens by that bounded to each user. I know it's not jwt anymore, But you can still use some goodies of it. Like don't hit database on not valid jwt tokens and store some payload in it, if verified don't hit database for that info. Like permissions and ...

Facebook User Access Token

How can I retrieve the user access token programatically? I want to refresh the token before it expires through program. How do I achieve this using facebook4j or spring social facebook?
Refreshing tokens is only possible on user interaction. There is no way to do that programmatically, the whole point of short living tokens is that it´s NOT possible to just get a new one without user interaction.

Facebook Graph API - complete server side auth and API calls

I have an application, that runs on server. On that server is background task, that will post status update on few social networks (Facebook, Twitter, G+). It must be completely server-side.
In Twitter API I'm able to use OAuth header to authorize API request. OAuth HTTP header uses consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret to create the header. With this I'm able to post/update/delete tweets with no user interaction.
How can I do this for Facebook? I found a solution to obtain a long-lived access_token (2 months), but we don't want to regenerate access_token every 60 days. We want to use it for manage our Facebook page - post status updates, but completely server-side.
Am I able to do this for Facebook? Thanks for answers.
PS: I searched stackoverflow hundred-times but with no solution for my problem.
It is not possible for User Access Tokens (they can only be extended to 60 days and need to be refreshed by the user after that), but for posting to a Page you should use a Page Token anyway. An Extended Page Token is valid forever.
Here are some Links to help you get that Extended Page Token:
A Page Token will post "as Page" btw, but that´s probably what you want. And auto-posting on user profiles is not really allowed anyway, every message has to be 100% user generated and every posting should get authorized by the user.
Pay attention to Access Tokens Expiration & Extentions.
The Page Access Token could be a good solution to only server side calls for testing and data analysis purposes.
Take your User Access Token from Graph API Tool
Extend your User Access Token
Call with your user access token extended
*all calls are GET and this procedure does not use APP Access Token.

Find Expire Time for an access token

Is there any way to use the graph api to find out when a page access token, or application token will expire?
Update: There is a new API endpoint to access information about an access token. You can find info here: Debugging Access Tokens and Handling Errors
input_token: the Access Token to debug
access_token: your App Access Token or a valid User Access Token from a developer of the app.
You should try to make sure that you store each token's expiration time along with the access token when you get it. For a page access token, that means storing the expiration time of the user access token. If you would like to manually discover expiration times for tokens you have today, you should use Facebook's Access Token Debugger tool. However, you should not be relying on expiration times alone -- in practice, many tokens will expire much earlier than their expiration time.
Application access tokens will never expire, unless the application secret key is reset.
Page access tokens last up to 60 days (5184000 seconds), but more importantly, they last as long as the user access token that was used to acquire them. So they will be invalidated as soon as the user that you got them from:
logs out of FB.
changes password.
deauthorizes your application.
Basically, when you lose the user's token, you will lose the page's token. Instead, you should retrieve page access tokens once per user access token. If you throw out a user access token, throw out the page token. You should not be trying to store page access tokens for any significant period of time. Instead you should get them as needed and forget them when a user's session dies.
To get a new page access token:
Access Token Debugger
Does not use the Graph API... but a very useful tool for manual debugging.
There is now an API version of the debugger tool.
I would like to repeat this question for the current version of the API since I've come to a situation when Facebook doc clearly does not describe what is happening:
no expiry dates when requesting a new long-lived token with fb_exchange_token
no expiry dates when requesting debug_token information (expires_at = 0)
it does reply with an expiration date when redirecting the user to the auth page for the first time, but that does not help as I cannot extract the long-lived expiration date nor it will reply with this information for the second time
The debug tool here: says "Expires: Never".
Try this, it worked with me. Get the token with your app and paste it in the graph explorer as the token to be used for queries. Click on the info a see the expiration date.
example image
I hope it works for you too.
From the page above:
Access tokens on the web often have a lifetime of about two hours, but
will automatically be refreshed when required. If you want to use
access tokens for longer-lived web apps, especially server side, you
need to generate a long-lived token. A long-lived token generally
lasts about 60 days.

Facebook Access Token questions

I'm playing around with Facebook Connect, trying to use Facebook as the means or authentication on my site. Currently my workflow looks something like this:
Go to URL
Server checks cookies for AccessToken
If AccessToken exists, automatically fill in user's name/profile picture in comment box, and leave AccessToken in hidden input
send page down to client
on submit, verify access token (which was submitted with the rest of the form) is a valid access token for a real person. If so, add comment to Database
refresh page to display new data
if no access token, replace user's name/profile picture with <fb:login-button>, along with the required <script>s.
send page down to client
When user authorizes page/logs into facebook, refresh page
(go back to top, except this time the access token should exist)
So I have a few questions:
Is this secure? I was thinking of ways i would be able to do without the double authentication with Facebook (checking once on page-generation and checking again on comment-submission), and I could not figure any other way short of maintaining my own session-state with each client. Is that worth doing?
Does the access token expire when i log out of Facebook? I'm thinking it should, but it seems I can continue to use the same access token to grab data (i.e. name, url, etc.) after I manually go to Facebook and log myself out. Is it because I'm only asking for public information, and only more intrusive permissions expire on logout?
Given that each person who wants to do something has to provide a unique token from Facebook, this should have the side effect of blocking CSRF, since every action can be traced to a valid Facebook account. Is that right?
Why don't you just use the Facebook Javascript SDK to detect if they're currently logged into Facebook? This will also make the access token available in Javascript so you can make client-side calls to the API.
You can access the same access token server side via the session cookie set by Facebook also.
I can't answer all of your questions but I can tell you that having the access token in a hidden field on your page is risky from a policy perspective, especially if your page can be read by any third-party code such as Google Analytics or AdSense. Facebook will nail you for this as it is leaking user identifying data to third parties. The Facebook userid is in the access token in plain text. Facebook has automated processes that scan for this stuff and will auto-ban your app if it is leaking userids to third parties.