AWS Lambda: error creating the event source mapping: Configuration is ambiguously defined - amazon-web-services

There was an error creating the event source mapping: Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.
I created an event earlier from the GUI console 6-7 days ago and it was working fine. The next day the event just missing, i cant see it anymore at the Lambda console GUI. But every S3 objects still seems triggering the lambda function not a problem. If i cant see, it is not good; So i deleted the Lambda function, waited for 5-10 seconds before creating another new function. And now, i receive the same above when i try to create the event sources like this:
When i click "Submit" the event sources tab says "You do not have any event sources for this function", Lambda does not get triggered; it means the entire application flow is now broken :(
The problem is almost the same as: "򣯸" But somehow i cant reply to that thread, so i created a new thread here instead. anyone encounter this issue?
In fact, i try to response to the existing AWS forum thread:
but i keep getting this funny error: "Your message quota has been reached. Please try again later.". And i wasnt even posting anything, how can i use up my quota?

What I suspect is your S3 bucket may still be "linked" to the lambda function.
Maybe check your S3 bucket for events and remove them there, then try creating the lambda events again?
i.e. S3 bucket-> properties-> Events
After 6 years nice to see some people still befitting from this answer,
Here is a shamless plug to youtube video I uploaded 2022-12-13.

The issue must be that the s3 bucket is already linked with the suffix/prefix you are trying to link. Remove the link in S3 and try again.

When you setup a lambda function and setup a trigger related to S3. The notification gets updated in the properties sections of that S3 bucket.
The mentioned error occurs when the earlier lambda function is deleted and you're trying to setup same kind of trigger again. This time the thing to note is, the S3 notification is still not deleted when you deleted the lambda function.
Goto S3 bucket > Properties > Event notifications
and delete the old setting and then setup new trigger in the new lambda function trigger.

Here is a link to a youtube video profiling this issue and demonstrating the solution:
Just as Ridwaan Manuel, you must remove the events by going to S3 bucket-> properties-> Events as the video shows.
Steps to reproduce this issue:
Create a bucket and create a folder called “example/”
Create Lambda Function
Add S3 trigger to the lambda using the bucket from (1) with default settings
Save the trigger
Click Save and notice error
Refresh the page and notice that the triggers disappeared
Add the same bucket again and notice the ambiguous reference error


AWS CLoudWatch Log Trigger for Lambda

I have a problem in AWS regarding CloudWatch Log Triggers.
I have two Lambda functions. One (business-lambda) gets triggered when I upload a file to a S3 bucket. The other Lambda function (log-lambda) is triggered whenever business-lambda encounters an invalid file which results in creating an ERROR-log entry. I implemented this with a CloudWatch Log Trigger with filter "?ERROR" and having the log-lambda being subscribed to the log-group of the business-lambda.
Everything works fine as long as I upload one file at a time or at a maximum of ~3 files at a time.
But when I upload e.g. 10 invalid files at a time the log-lambda doesn't get triggered for all of the files. Instead it only gets triggered for 4-5 of them.
Is there some kind of "Cloudwatch-log-trigger/second" limit?
I found a solution - luk2302 made the correct suggestion in their comment.
In the log-lambda code I only process the first entry from an incoming log-event. But the log-lambda gets triggered once for multiple error-log entries from the business-lambda. I did not take this into account in the log-lambda code.
Thanks to everybody for their time!

Configure s3 event for alternate PUT operation

I have a Lambda function that gets triggered whenever an object is created in s3 bucket.
Now, I need to trigger the Lambda for alternate object creation.
Lambda should not be triggered when object is created for the first, third , fifth and so on time. But, Lambda should be triggered for the second, fourth, sixth and so on time.
For this, I created an s3 event for 'PUT' operation.
The first time I used the PUT API. The second time I uploaded the file using -
I thought that it would not trigger lambda since this was upload and not PUT. But this also triggered the Lambda.
Is there any way for this?
The reason that meta.client.upload_file is triggering your PUT event lambda is because it is actually using PUT.
upload_file (docs) uses the TransferManager client, which uses PUT under-the-hood (you can see this in the code:
Looking at the AWS-SDK you'll see that POST'ing to S3 is pretty much limited to when you want to give a browser/client a pre-signed URL for them to upload a file to. (
If you want to count the number of times PUT has been called, in order to take action on every even call, then the easiest thing to do is to use something like DynamoDB to create a table of 'file-name' vs 'put-count' which you update with every PUT and action accordingly.
Alternatively you could enable bucket file versioning. Then you could use list_object_versions to see how many times the file has been updated. Although you should be aware that S3 is eventually consistent, so this may not be accurate if the file is being rapidly updated.

AWS Lambda function getting called repeatedly

I have written a Lambda function which gets invoked automatically when a file comes into my S3 bucket.
I perform certain validations on this file, modify the particular and put the file at the same location.
Due to this "put", my lambda is called again and the process goes on till my lambda execution times out.
Is there any way to trigger this lambda only once?
I found an approach where I can store the file name in DynamoDB and can apply a check in lambda function, but can there be any other approach where DynamoDB's use can be avoided?
You have a couple options:
You can put the file to a different location in s3 and delete the original
You can add a metadata field to the s3 object when you update it. Then check for the presence of that field in s3 so you know if you have processed it already. Now this might not work perfectly since s3 does not always provide the most recent data on reads after updates.
AWS allows different type of s3 event triggers. You can try playing s3:ObjectCreated:Put vs s3:ObjectCreated:Post.
You can upload your files in a folder, say
and store the validated in another folder, say
Update your S3 Event notification to invoke your lambda function whenever there is a ObjectCreate(All) event in the /notvalidated prefix.
The second answer does not seem to be correct (put vs post) - there is not really a concept of update in S3 in terms of POST or PUT. The request to update an object will be the same as the initial POST of the object. See here for details on the available S3 events.
I had this exact problem last year - I was doing an image resize on PUT and every time a file was overwritten, it would be triggered again. My recommended solution would be to have two folders in your s3 bucket - one for the original file and one for the finalized file. You could then create the lambda trigger with the lambda prefix so it only checks the files in the original folder
The events are triggered in S3 based on if the object is put/post/copy/complete Multipart Upload - All these operations corresponds to ObjectCreate as per AWS documentation .
The best solution is to restrict your S3 object create event to particular bucket location. So that any change in that bucket location will trigger lambda function.
You can do the modification in some other bucket location which is not configured to trigger lambda function when object is created in that location.
Hope it helps!

Amazon S3 object event creation

my AWS S3 bucket is associated with a Lambda function. Lambda is triggered by file insertion with certain file name. There is a XML file inside the same bucket from which lambda function reads the setting. The problem I am facing is that, when ever the settings file is not present/settings in the XML is wrong, the lambda launch will fail. But when the settings are made correct, lambda will get triggered for old files as well, where lambda got failed previously. I don't want trigger the Lambda again, once its failed for same file. Can some one direct me how to do that?
Take a look at the docs here:
Lambda will attempt to execute your event at least 3 times before it gives up.
If you can handle the errors in your function (related to reading the config file), so that the Lambda Function exists with out error, then Lambda will not (normally) run your function again.

Is it possible for S3 notifications to SQS to fail?

I have setup an S3 bucket to publish messages for each PUT and POST actions. Files get uploaded to that bucket using CLI. It does work fine but out of 4 files pushed sequentially, only one triggers a message. I am not sure that this has always happened but it is happening consistently now. Note that it does not happen when I upload file manually (i.e. I always get a message per file).
I have made sure that there is no downstream system processing the messages (as a confirmation, I still see the original message triggered after the first file).
Is there any reason to believe that this AWS feature is not reliable? Since this is unlikely, what could be the problem here?
As suggested by Michael in the comment, the problem was that the bucket only listened to s3:ObjectCreated:Put. What was happening is that all other files but the first one were uploaded using multipart which was not triggering any message creation.
I modified the bucket to trigger messages on s3:ObjectCreated:* and it now works as expected.
Inspired by RaySF answer, I've fixed the issue directly in the AWS console.
Sign in AWS console
Find your bucket and click on it
Properties tab
Edit the related event
Change from PUT to All object create events