React Native AWS image upload - amazon-web-services

I am making an app in React native and will be using Amazon Web Services for image upload, I was wondering if the AWS node SDK can be used in my React Native app because I have read multiple outdated blogposts that said they were having issues, any one tried it out? (Node version: 4)

The AWS Node SDK relies on several Node libraries like http that don't exist in React Native and are likely hard to reimplement faithfully. What I'd do is either use the native AWS SDKs and bridge them to JS, or write a small JS client just for S3 and look at the AWS Node SDK to see how they do authentication.

there is existing node packages like react-native-aws-signature that can help you do the authentication for AWS request for React-Native.

There is also a new library that has just been released to the official AWS repository which has full React Native support including a Storage module for interacting with S3 using signed requests:


How to login with cognito in flutter web?

I built a flutter web application and have previously whole backend setup on AWS. So I want to use my existing userpools from cognito in my app. But just got know that AWS amplify for flutter in only supported in android and ios,not for web. Can you suggest me any solution for this?
Try using this package:
I've been using it for a while, and it works fine on Android and Web; I think I even got it working on iOS.
What Amplify team did with official Flutter package was use a wrapper around existing Android and iOS implementation (by using platform channel). I guess this is a reason it will take them a while to sort out web.
The above package is based on amplify-js, and re-written in dart, so it will compile on any platform.
In my project workspace I created two separate projects: one with amplify to create back-end objects, and one flutter project. So, like in your case, my flutter project connects to an existing AWS backed.

Amazon Cognito + iOS Swift - Custom UI

I'm trying to setup Amazon Cognito with a custom UI I've set up in Swift for iOS. The built-in UI from the Amazon iOS SDK doesn't fit the look of the app, so I can't use it.
Anyone here have advice on how to use Amazon Cognito with a custom UI?
This tutorial shows me how to use Cognito, but NOT using a custom UI.
There are two available AWS SDKs to satisfy this use-case:
The AWS iOS SDK[a].
The AWS Amplify iOS SDK[b].
For a sample app that you could use as a reference while writing code, you could also take a look at this iOS application[c], and build your own application with a custom UI while referring to the steps in the readme of the application. This Github repository has codes both in Objective C and Swift, which is another bonus.

How Should I integrate Amazon RDS in Flutter? Any native dart support package?

how to use AWS RDS in flutter dart code?
I went through - this post
It says -
I work on the AWS SDK team. I am not aware of any plans to support Flutter at this point. I will take this to my team as a feature request and will post back
Should I do as suggested here?
Build your own service layer using HTTP, gRPC that talks to some backend service that provides access to a data store. You can do this with Express, Rails, CloudFunctions, etc.
You can either use dart code to do HTTP/gRPC, or use Platform channel to wrap dart code around native iOS and Android code of AWS official SDK.
On another note, I'm highly concerned when you connect directly from mobile (Flutter) to database (AWS RDS). Please be aware that anything on mobile app can be reversed engineer, and your database connection credential is not safe. It's recommended to have only backend proxy, or at least severless (such as AWS lambda function) connect directly to database (not mobile or web frontend). The only exception is with Firebase Realtime Database because it has seamless integration with Firebase Authentication

Configuring User Registration with aws PHP SDK

I'm Developing web Application that user can register by them self and log in after confirmation.i used AWS JavaScript for that it's working great.but since the access key is visible for everybody i planed to do it in Using PHP-AWS SDK.but why all the example aws providing foe EC2 or S3, i couldn't find any for cognito in php.can someone guide me or provide a basic example for this scenario..?
Currently Cognito supports high level SDKs for only for Android, iOS, and Javascript, but doesn't support high level SDK for PHP. You can use the low level PHP-AWS SDK which will give you access to calling the API methods. The methods found at the following link are accessible in the AWS SDK and can be called:

How to import/integrate amazon aws-sdk to ionic2?

Ionic2 is Typescript based, and Amazon is providing javascript only version of its library.
Is it possible to integrate the Amazon aws-sdk into an Ionic2 app?
I have tried multiple methods including creating a typings file (and tsd), and trying to work out aws-cognito-angular2-quickstart but no luck so far...
Is creating an external javascript library and integrating it into the typescript code my only option?
Has anyone succeeded using Amazon Cognito from Ionic2 app?
You need to add typescript definitions of the AWS-SDK in your ionic2 and/or angular2 app. This will allow you to use all build-in functionalities provided in the AWS-SDK including Cognito.
Look at here to get started.