Slick 3 Updates with Optional Columns - slick-3.0

Using Slick 3, I want to update my row depending on the property provided by the user. Say, I have 2 properties email and name. If email and name are provided I will update both properties in the database. If either one is provided I will only update the one provided and leave the other untouch.
I found what I want here,
Conditonally UPDATE fields with Slick String interpolation
but I do not want to manipulate the query string directly. Is this the only way? I prefer to use filter and update methods. Thanks

I could not find an answer fast enough and I relented. I use multiple update configurations instead of a generalized composing update. This is bad as the number of configurations depend on 2 power of the number of parameters variant. It will become unwieldy and explode. Fortunately, at the moment, I have 2 parameters to manage.

One possible workaround for this is to get the record first, update its fields in-memory, and then pass it to Slick update. It'll generate an SQL UPDATE for all the fields.
Notice that it should be done in transaction and might have different semantics depending on your transaction isolation level.


Using column versions for time series

In the official documentation there is a text for which I can't totally understand the reason:
When working with time series, do not leverage the transactional behavior of rows. Changes to data in an existing row should be stored as a new, separate row, not changed in the existing row. This is an easier model to construct, and it enables you to maintain a history of activity without relying upon column versions.
The last sentence is not obvious and concrete, so it doesn't convince me. For now, using versioning for updating the cell's data still looks to me like a good fit for the update task. At least versions are managed by BigTable, so it's simplier solution.
Can anybody please provide more obvious explanation of why the versioning shouldn't be used in that use case?
Earlier in that page under Patterns for row key design, a bit more detail is explained. The high level view being that using row keys instead of column versions will:
Make it easier to run queries across your data, allowing for scanning of less data.
Avoid going over the recommended maximum row size.
The one caveat being:
It is acceptable to use versions of a column where the use case is
actually amending a value, and the value's history is important. For
example, suppose you did a set of calculations based on the closing
price of ZXZZT, and initially the data was mistakenly entered as
559.40 for the closing price instead of 558.40. In this case, it might be important to know the value's history in case the incorrect value
had caused other miscalculations.

Update multiple field values matching a condition in InfluxDB

In an InfluxDB measurement, how can the field values of points matching a query be updated? Is this still not easily doable as of v1.6?
As the example in that GitHub ticket suggested, what's the cleanest way of achieving something like this?
UPDATE access_log SET username='something' WHERE mac='xxx'
Anything better than driving it all from the client by updating individual points?
Q: How can the field values of points matching a query be updated? Is this still not easily doable as of v1.4?
A: From the best of my knowledge, there isn't an easy way to accomplish update in version 1.4 yet.
Field value of a point can only be updated by overriding. That is, to overwrite its value you'll need to know the details of your points. These details include its timestamp and series information, which is the measurement it reside and its corresponding tags.
Note: This "update" strategy can only be used for changing the field value but not tag value. To update a tag value you'll need to first DELETE the point data first and rewrite the entire point data with the updated tag and value.
Q: Anything better than driving it all from the client by updating individual points?
A: Influxdb supports multi-point write. So if you can build a filter to pre-select a small dataset of points, modify their field values and then override them in bulk.
Update is possible and would take the format:
INSERT measurement,tag_name=tag_value_no_quotes value_key_1=value_value_1,value_key_2=value_value_2 time
for example where I want to update the line with tag my_box at time 1526988768877018669 on the box measurement:
INSERT box,box_name=my_box item_1='apple',item_2='melon' 1526988768877018669

Most Efficient Way to get the "id" of the first record in Rails

I'm reviewing some code and I came across a line that does the following:
Person.find_by(name: "Tom").id
The above code gets the FIRST record with a name of "Tom", then builds a model, then gets the id of that model. Since we only want the id, the process of retreiving all data in the model and initializing the model is unneeded. What's the best way to optimize this using active record queries?
I'd like to avoid a raw sql solution. So far I have been able to come up with:
Person.where(name: "Tom").pluck(:id).first
This is faster in some situations since pluck doesn't build the actual model object and doesn't load all the data. However, pluck is going to build an array of records with name "Tom", whereas the original statement only ever returns a single object or nil - so this technique could potentially be worse depending on the where statement. I'd like to avoid the array creation and potential for having a very long list of ids returned from the server. I could add a limit(1) in the chain,
Person.where(name: "Tom").limit(1).pluck(:id).first
but is seems like I'm making this more complicated than it should be.
With Rails 6 you can use the new pick method:
Person.where(name: 'Tom').pick(:id)
This is a little verbose, but you can use select_value from the ActiveRecord connection like this:
Person.connection.select_value( 'Tom').limit(1))
This might work depending on what you're looking for.
Person.where(name: "Tom").minimum(:id)
Person.where(name: "Tom").maximum(:id)
These will sort by id value while the Person.where(name: "Tom") will sort off of your default sort. Which could be id, created_at, or primary_key.
eitherway test and see if it works for you

SOLR query exclusions

I'm having an issue with querying an index where a common search term also happens to be part of a company name interspersed throughout most of the documents. How do I exclude the business name in results without effecting the ranking on a search that includes part of the business name?
example: Bobs Automotive Supply is the business name.
How can I include relevant results when someone searches automotive or supply without returning every document in the index?
I tried "-'Bobs Automotive Supply' +'search term'" but this seems to exclude any document with Bobs Automotive Supply and isn't very effective on searching 'supply' or 'automotive'
Thanks in advance.
Second answer here, based on additional clarification from first answer.
A few options.
Add the business name as StopWords in the StopWordFilter. This will stop Solr from Indexing them at all. Searches that use them will only really search for those words that aren't in the business name.
Rely on the inherent scoring that Solr will apply due to Term frequency. It sounds like these terms will be in the index frequently. Queries for them will still return the documents, but if the user queries for other, less common terms, those will get a higher score.
Apply a low query boost (not quite negative, but less than other documents) to documents that contain the business name. This is covered in the Solr Relevancy FAQ
Do you know that the article is tied to the business name or derive this? If so, you could create another field and then just exclude entities that match on the business name using a filter query. Something like
q=search_term&fq=business_name:(NOT search_term)
It may be helpful to use subqueries for this or to just boost down rather than filter out results.
EDIT: Update to question make this irrelavent. Leaving it hear for posterity. :)
This is why Solr Documents have different fields.
In this case, it sounds like there is a "Footer" field that is separate from your "Body" field in your documents. When searches are performed, they would only done against the Body, which won't include data from the Footer. You could even have a third field which is the "OriginalContent" field, which contains the original copy for display purposes. You wouldn't search that, just store it for later.
The important part is to create the two separate fields in your schema and make sure that you index those field that you want to be able to search.

How to limit columns returned by Django query?

That seems simple enough, but all Django Queries seems to be 'SELECT *'
How do I build a query returning only a subset of fields ?
In Django 1.1 onwards, you can use defer('col1', 'col2') to exclude columns from the query, or only('col1', 'col2') to only get a specific set of columns. See the documentation.
values does something slightly different - it only gets the columns you specify, but it returns a list of dictionaries rather than a set of model instances.
Append a .values("column1", "column2", ...) to your query
The accepted answer advising defer and only which the docs discourage in most cases.
only use defer() when you cannot, at queryset load time, determine if you will need the extra fields or not. If you are frequently loading and using a particular subset of your data, the best choice you can make is to normalize your models and put the non-loaded data into a separate model (and database table). If the columns must stay in the one table for some reason, create a model with Meta.managed = False (see the managed attribute documentation) containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where you might otherwise call defer(). This makes your code more explicit to the reader, is slightly faster and consumes a little less memory in the Python process.