Not working imacros.js file - imacros

Script not going to URL'S from CSV file, what i'm doing wrong? Script not giving any errors.
var macro;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += "SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE Facebook_Groups.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 1000" + "\n";
macro += "SET !LOOP 1" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}" + "\n";
macro += "URL GOTO='{{!COL1}}'" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=I ATTR=CLASS:'img sp_sn-egcmZHgp sx_3e65cc'" + "\n";

var macro;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += "SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE Facebook_Groups.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 1000" + "\n";
macro += "SET !LOOP 1" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}" + "\n";
macro += "URL GOTO='{{!COL1}}'" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=I ATTR=CLASS:img<sp>sp_sn-egcmZHgp<sp>sx_3e65cc" + "\n";


Athena table having invalid data for extra columns

I am creating two tables with the following queries. Based on the region, the number of columns might be different and some columns might not be used for some regions.
String currentTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE \"" + currentTable + "\" \n" +
"AS \n" +
"SELECT " + columns + "\n" +
"FROM \"" + region + "\" \n" +
"WHERE partition_0=\'" + date + "\' AND partition_1=\'" + table + "\';";
Columns is an array:
String[] columns = new String[]{"col0", "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", ...
Previous table:
String previousTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE \"" + previousTable + "\" \n" +
"AS \n" +
"SELECT " + columns + "\n" +
"FROM \"" + region + "\" \n" +
"WHERE partition_0=\'" + previousDate + "\' AND partition_1=\'" + table + "\';";
And after this, I am creating a delta table like below:
String deltaProcessingQuery =
"CREATE TABLE " + deltaTable + "\n" +
"WITH (\n" +
"format = 'TEXTFILE', \n" +
"field_delimiter = '\\t', \n" +
"write_compression = 'NONE', \n" +
"external_location = \'" + uploadLocation + "\' \n" +
")" + "\n" +
"AS" + "\n" +
"SELECT * FROM \"" + currentTable + "\" \n" +
"EXCEPT" + "\n" +
"SELECT * FROM \"" + previousTable + "\" ;";
But in the final delta table, columns which do not have data (or are extra columns) are backfilled with garbage data: \N. I am not sure where this data (\N) is coming from. How can I change that to be empty data?

How to automatically generate new CSV file according to current time using C++

I have finished the task of reading sensor data and store into CSV file successfully. But everytime I want to stop reading & storing sensor data, I must close the exe file. Due to the factory operation, they want to continuously run the program during a month without closing the exe file. I was required to modify the code to generate a new CSV file after a period (e.g. 1 hour). So the file name maybe: 20190516_10h0m0s, 20190516_11h0m0s, 20190516_12h0m0s...
I tried to use (struct tm) and for(;timeinfo->tm_min < 60;) to make a new CSV produced after 60'. But every loop, the item Data, time, Channel are written to the CSV again. It looks weird. But when I create the file dest and put the outside for loop, it only store correct data format without creating a new CSV as I want. Please suggest me how to make it work as expectation.
void EX_GetMultiValue(LONG i_lDriverHandle,
WORD i_wSlotID,
struct SlotInfo &i_SlotInfo)
char filename[20], filename2[20];
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
timeinfo->tm_mon++; // Because the range of tm_mon is 0~11, so we need to increment it by 1
timeinfo->tm_year = timeinfo->tm_year + 1900; // Because year counted since 1900
clock_t start = clock();
printf("\nFilename: %s", filename);
ofstream dest2;, ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
dest2 << "Date" << "," << "Time" << "," << "milisecond" << ","
<< "Channel 0" << "," << "Channel 1" << "," << "Channel 2" << ","
<< "Channel 3" << "," << "Channel 4" << "," << "Channel 5" << ","
<< "Channel 6" << "," << "Channel 7" << "," << "Channel 8" << ","
<< "Channel 9" << "," << "Channel 10" << "," << "Channel 11" << ","
<< endl;
for (; timeinfo->tm_min < 60;)
ofstream dest;, ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
LONG lGetMultiValueResult = AIO_GetValues(i_lDriverHandle,
wRawValue); //get raw value
if (ERR_SUCCESS == lGetMultiValueResult)
clock_t timeElapsed = clock() - start;
unsigned secElapsed = timeElapsed / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
unsigned msElapsed = timeElapsed / CLOCKS_PER_MS;
while (msElapsed >= 1000)
msElapsed -= 1000;
while ((timeinfo->tm_sec + secElapsed) > 59)
timeinfo->tm_sec -= 60;
while (timeinfo->tm_min > 59)
timeinfo->tm_min -= 60;
while (timeinfo->tm_hour > 23)
timeinfo->tm_hour -= 24;
dest << timeinfo->tm_year << "-" << timeinfo->tm_mon << "-"
<< timeinfo->tm_mday << "," << timeinfo->tm_hour << "h"
<< timeinfo->tm_min << "m" << timeinfo->tm_sec + secElapsed
<< "s" << ",";
dest << msElapsed << "ms" << ",";
for (iCnt = 0; iCnt < g_ChannelNum; iCnt++)
wRangeType = *(i_SlotInfo.wChRange + iCnt); //get range type
cUnit); //get scale value
if (strcmp(cUnit, "UN") != 0)
printf("Channel %d raw data is 0x%04X, scaled value is %.4f %s.\n",
dest << dScaledValue << ",";
printf("Channel %d range is unknown.\n", iCnt);
dest << endl;
printf("Fail to get value, error code = %d\n",
if (dest == NULL)
perror("Error creating file: ");
Using standard C++-facilities and Howard Hinnants date.h:
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "date.h"
int main()
auto now{ std::chrono::system_clock::now() };
std::string filename{ date::format("%Y%m%e_%Hh%Mm%Ss.csv", now) };
std::cout << filename << '\n';
I don't know what you're trying to do with the rest of your code, so ...

What's the fastest way to create menu programmatically in C++11/Gtkmm3?

What's the fastest way to create menu programmatically in C++11/Gtkmm3 without using glade? I'm looking for something easy like this:
Gtk::MenuBar* menubar = ezmenubar.create(
m_box.pack_start(*menubar, 0, 0);
There's probably a better way to do this without using xml, however, since of official way of creating gtkmm3 menus is to embedded xml string in your source code according gktmm3 manual. Here's a class to do the messy non-human friendly xml work for you. Hopefully somebody at gnome will get the idea that people hate writing xml in their c++ code and switch back to something like this:
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class EzMenuBar
EzMenuBar(Gtk::Window* window) : window{window}
void create(initializer_list<const char*> ilist)
string menu_name = "noname";
vector<string> slist;
menubar = nullptr;
int i = 0;
for(string e : ilist)
if (i==0) menu_name = e;
else slist.push_back(e);
PrivateGetMenuBar(menu_name, slist);
void add_click(const string& name, const sigc::slot<void>& slot)
Gtk::MenuItem* menuitem;
builder->get_widget(name, menuitem);
if (!menuitem)
throw std::runtime_error{string{"Error: widget does not exist:("} + name + string{")\n"}};
bool is_checked(const string& name) {
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* menuitem;
builder->get_widget(name, menuitem);
if (!menuitem)
throw std::runtime_error{string{"Error: widget does not exist:("} + name + string{")\n"}};
bool active = menuitem->get_active();
//delete menuitem; //memory leak? or managed by builder object?
return active;
Gtk::MenuBar& operator()()
return *menubar;
void PrivateGetMenuBar(string menu_name, vector<string>& ilist)
string MenuXml = BuildMenuXml(menu_name, ilist);
builder = Gtk::Builder::create_from_string(MenuXml);
catch (...)
throw std::runtime_error{string{"Error: Menu XML Format:("} + menu_name + string{")\n"}};
builder->get_widget(menu_name, menubar);
if (!menubar)
throw std::runtime_error{string{"Error: widget does not exist:("} + menu_name + string{")\n"}};
string BuildMenuXml(string menu_name, vector<string>& list)
auto top = pair<string, vector<string>>
for (string x : list)
string leaf_last {menu_name};
int leaf_i = 0;
vector<string> branchlist = StrSplit('.', x);
for (string& leaf_this : branchlist)
if (tree.count(leaf_this) == 0)
auto newpair = pair<string, vector<string>>
leaf_last = leaf_this;
} // foreach leaf of treeachy
} // foreach menuItem in list
string xml = BuildIt1(menu_name);
#if 1
cout << xml << "\n";
cout << "NOTES: to speed up, remove debug printing near:\n ";
cout << " " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "\n";
cout << "\n";
return xml;
string BuildIt1(string menu_name)
string xml;
if (!tree.count(menu_name))
return string{""};
xml += "<interface>\n";
xml += " <!-- MENU BAR: " + menu_name + " -->\n";
xml += " <object class=\"GtkMenuBar\" id=\"" + menu_name + "\">\n";
xml += " <property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += " <property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
for (string leaf : tree[menu_name])
xml += BuildIt2(string{menu_name + "." + leaf}, leaf, 1);
xml += "\n";
xml += " </object>\n";
xml += "</interface>\n";
return xml;
string BuildIt2(string fullpath, string leaf, int level)
string xml;
if (!tree.count(leaf))
return string{""};
int count = tree[leaf].size();
vector<string> tmp = StrSplit(':', fullpath);
string fullpath_only = tmp[0];
string label = StrSplitLast('.', fullpath_only);
string attrib;
string action_id = fullpath_only;
size_t idpos = action_id.find_first_of('.');
for(int i=idpos+1; i < (int)action_id.size(); i++) {
if (action_id[i]=='.') action_id[i]='_';
if (tmp.size() == 2)
//cout << "TMP:(" << tmp[1] << ")\n";
attrib = tmp[1];
// GtkMenuItem
if (count == 0)
xml += indent(level) + "\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<!-- MENU ITEM: " + fullpath + " -->\n";
if (attrib == "-")
radio_group = string{};
xml += indent(level) + "<child><object class=\"GtkSeparatorMenuItem\" id=\"" + action_id + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
else if (attrib == "check" || attrib == "check!")
radio_group = string{};
xml += indent(level) + "<child><object class=\"GtkCheckMenuItem\" id=\"" + action_id + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">" + label + "</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"use_underline\">True</property>\n";
if (attrib == "check!")
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"active\">True</property>\n";
// Not using xml signals. How to connect glade signals from c++??
xml += indent(level) + "<signal name=\"toggled\" handler=\"" + action_id + "\" swapped=\"no\"/>\n";
else if (attrib == "radio" || attrib == "radio!")
bool group_start = false;
if (radio_group.empty())
group_start = true;
radio_group = action_id; //fullpath_only;
xml += indent(level) + "<child><object class=\"GtkRadioMenuItem\" id=\"" + action_id + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">" + label + "</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"use_underline\">True</property>\n";
if (attrib == "radio!")
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"active\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"draw_as_radio\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"group\">" + radio_group + "</property>\n";
if (group_start) {
xml += indent(level) + "<signal name=\"group-changed\" handler=\"" + action_id + "\" swapped=\"no\"/>\n";
radio_group = string{};
xml += indent(level) + "<child><object class=\"GtkMenuItem\" id=\"" + action_id + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">" + label + "</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"use_underline\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<signal name=\"activate\" handler=\"" + action_id + "\" swapped=\"no\"/>\n";
// GtkMenu
xml += indent(level) + "\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<!-- SUB-MENU: " + fullpath + " -->\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<child><object class=\"GtkMenuItem\" id=\"" + action_id + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">" + label + "</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<child type=\"submenu\"><object class=\"GtkMenu\" id=\"" + fullpath_only + ".submenu" + "\">\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"visible\">True</property>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "<property name=\"can_focus\">False</property>\n";
for (string child : tree[leaf])
xml += BuildIt2(string{fullpath + string{"."} + child}, child, level);
if (count == 0)
xml += indent(level) + "</object></child>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "</object></child>\n";
xml += indent(level) + "</object></child>\n";
return xml;
string indent(int level)
string INDENT;
for(int i=0; i < level; i++) INDENT += " ";
return INDENT;
//return string{level, ' '};
static vector<string> StrSplit(char delimit, string& line)
vector<string> split;
size_t pos_last = -1;
size_t pos_this = line.find_first_of(delimit, pos_last+1);
if (pos_this == string::npos)
split.push_back(line.substr(pos_last+1, pos_this-pos_last-1));
pos_last = pos_this;
return split;
static string StrSplitLast(char delimit, string& line)
size_t pos = line.find_last_of(delimit);
if (pos == string::npos)
return line;
return line.substr(pos+1);
Gtk::MenuBar* menubar;
Gtk::Window* window;
string radio_group;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder;
map<string, vector<string>> tree;
string MenuXml;
class WnMain : public Gtk::Window
void callback() {
cout << "HELLO\n";
ezmenubar.add_click("MenuBar1.File_New", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &WnMain::callback));
[&]() {cout << "FILE.Open\n";}
[&]() {
// NOTE: signal_active is buggy for RadioMenuItem under windows,
// ie. not always triggering...70% of time? i'll leave that one to
// to cleanup...(1/9/2017)
if (ezmenubar.is_checked("MenuBar1.Radio_On")) {
cout << "MenuBar1.Radio_On: checked\n";
else if (ezmenubar.is_checked("MenuBar1.Radio_Off")) {
cout << "MenuBar1.Radio_Off: checked\n";
else if (ezmenubar.is_checked("MenuBar1.Radio_Random")) {
cout << "MenuBar1.Radio_Random: checked\n";
else {
cout << "MenuBar1.Radio: nothing selected\n";
[&]() {
if (ezmenubar.is_checked("MenuBar1.File_Coffee")) {
cout << "File.Coffee: checked\n";
else {
cout << "File.Coffee: not-checked\n";
EzMenuBar ezmenubar {this};
string radio_group;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "wmoore");
WnMain wnmain;
return app->run(wnmain);
catch (std::runtime_error e)
cout << "EXCEPTION:" << e.what() << "\n";
Your question is a bit misleading. If you would like to build it manually I would like to refer you to the app_and_win_menus example on the gtkmm homepage:
Please find below an excerpt on how to build the menu of the application during the startup.
void ExampleApplication::on_startup(){
//Call the base class's implementation:
auto app_menu = Gio::Menu::create();
app_menu->append("_Something", "app.something");
app_menu->append("_Quit", "app.quit");
// [...]
The full example will give you a good overview on how to create the menu with the Gio::Menu class functions. Please find more information on the Gui::Menu Class Reference page at

How to correctly use loop

I have macros that invites friends to FB groups, friends name is taken from CSV file, so i need write loop, than will invites all people from csv file . Here is my macros
var macro,start;
macro = "CODE:";
macro += "SET !ERRORIGNORE YES" + "\n";
macro += "SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE FB<SP>Groups.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 1000" + "\n";
macro += "SET !LOOP 1" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}" + "\n";
macro += "URL GOTO=" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=I ATTR=CLASS:" + "\n";
So i think from here must starts loop
macro += "TAG POS=2 TYPE=SPAN ATTR=TXT:Invite<SP>Friends" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE FB<SP>Users.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 1000" + "\n";
macro += "SET !LOOP 1" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT ATTR=CLASS:" + "\n";
macro += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=SPAN ATTR=CLASS:uiButtonText" + "\n";
Play with this snippet:
var macro = "CODE:";
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE FB<SP>Users.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE " + i + "\n";
macro += "PROMPT {{!COL1}}" + "\n";
Hope, you can catch the idea.
Here is a way of how to define the number of rows in your csv-file:
var numRows = 0;
while (true) {
var macro = "SET !DATASOURCE FB<SP>Users.csv" + "\n";
macro += "SET !DATASOURCE_LINE " + (numRows + 1) + "\n";
if (iimPlayCode(macro) == 1)

Error while starting my script, SyntaxError: unknown command: VAR, line: 1 (Error code: -910)

I'm new to Imacros, I know how to use it very well but I'm new to coding so It's my first script.
I'm gettig this error while starting it.
SyntaxError: unknown command: VAR, line: 1 (Error code: -910)
Heere is the codes.
var macroStart;
macroStart ="CODE:";
macroStart +="SET !ERRORIGNORE YES" + "\n";
macroStart +="SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1" + ="\n";
macroStart +="SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 1" + "\n";
macroStart +="SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 8" + "\n";
macroStart +="SET !REPLAYSPEED FAST" + "\n";
macroStart +="SET !TIMEOUT_MACRO 8" + "\n";
macroStart +="TAB T=1" + "\n";
macroStart +="WAIT SECONDS=1" + "\n";
macroStart +="TAG POST=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:LIKE" + "\n";
macroStart +="TAB T=2" + "\n";
macroStart += " FRAME F=0" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAG POST=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID;timelineHeadlineLikeButton" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAB T=2" + "\n";
macroStart += "WAIT SECONDS=1" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAB T=1"
macroStart += "TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS" + "n"\
macroStart +="WAIT SECONDS=1" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Like" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAB T-2" + "\n";
macroStart += "FRAME F=0" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAG POST=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID;timelineHeadlineLikeButton" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAB T=1" + "\n";
macroStart += "TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS" + "n"\
macroStart += "WAIT SECONDS=1" + "n"\
macroStart += "VERSION BUILD=8300326 RECORDER=FX" + "\n"
macroStart +="TAB T=1" + "/n";
macroStart +="URL GOTO=" + "\n";
macroStart +="WAIT SECONDS=1" + "\n";
macroStart +="TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT ATTR=VALUE:Hacker" + "\n";
macroStart +="WAIT SECONDS=1" + "\n";
macroStart +="TAB T=1" + "/n";
var 1=0;
var n=prompt ("Facebook Crack PASSWORD by SCORPION HACKER.",5000)
for (i=1; i <= n; i++)
iimPlay("CODE:"+"URL GOTO=")
iimDisplay("Current loop is: "+i")
iimDisplay("New Page")
Please help me I'm trying to start it.
Maybe you pasted the JS code inside .iim file. Make sure the file extension is .js