C++ MFC create new dialog and add Combobox item - c++

I'm using MFC to build an application with two dialogs.
When I press a button in the parent dialog a new window including a Combobox should apprear.
I created a first dialog with a button "New". This button will open the second dialog.
Therefor I created a second dialog with a Combobox. The Combobox has a linked variable variableCombobox. The second class is called CSecond.
Before I do anything in the new dialog I want to add an item to the Combobox.
In the first dialog class I create the new window like this:
void CFirstDlg::OnBnClickedNew()
CSecond dlg2 = new CSecond();
The program crashes in the line I want to add the test string to the Combobox showing an assertion error.
I noticed that the dlg2 object is null but I don't know why.
Can anyone tell me how to create a second window immediately adding an new item in the Combobox of the second window?

The problem is the second dialog is a modal dialog. The windows does not exist before the call to DoModal() and no longer exist after that function returns. Therefore calling AddString on the combobox is not all right, since the combo box does not exist at that time.
The solution is to initialize the dialog with your desired values (like in the constructor for instance, or other methods) and then in OnInitDialog() use those values to setup the controls (including this call to AddString for the combobox).


MFC: Use a dialog's class for a second dialog

I have an dialog with several buttons and sliders on it and am adding another button that should close the dialog and open another that is essentially a mini version it.
I need access to the buttons in the first dialog in the second mini dialog (since they should have the same functionality).
Is there a way to use the class from the first dialog on the second so that I have access to those buttons? I've tried right clicking the dialog and adding a class, but it makes me make a new one instead of being able to use an existing one.
Thanks in advance!

MFC menu item doesn't open dialog box

I am having a proglem with the MFC application and the DialogBox. I am quiet sure I've done everything well with this tutorial: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6wb9s9ah.aspx
but still it doesn't work...
1. I've created new project with simple menu commands.
2. I've created new menu item (+ID) and new resource DialogBox (+ID).
3. Then I've added a new class named CParameters with the Class Wizard. For the BaseClass I've typed in CDialog.
4. I've created new handler on the menu item and added the code
CParameters dlg;
I think this is it, and this should work... But it doesnt... What is missing??
Here is my project, you can access it freely:
Additionally I want to insert TextEditors and to change parameters in my program from the dialog box.
A scan of your source code reveals that you are trying to handle the menu item event within the class that is going to display the dialog.
void CParameters::OnParam()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CParameters dlg;
I don't see anywhere else that you actually instantiate the dialog class (I may have missed it). What you are trying is incorrect. You cannot handle the menu item event within the same class that displays the dialog because that class (CParameters) has not been instantiated, so, it cannot respond to the menu event. Typically, the menu event would be handled in the mainframe class.
If you are doing this by adding a new menu item from a simple SDI application, then trying adding that part of code in
OnEdit method used here is obtained from the Event Handler for the new menu item and Message type being COMMAND.

Passing values between dialog boxes in mfc

When using MFC, if i have a main dialog box, then I another dialog box is called from the main, what message is sent to the main dialogue box to let it know it has focus, is it WM_SETFOCUS()? If so, what paramaters are needed? The problem I have is, a value is selected in the child dialog and I want it copied to an edit control in the main dialog box once it (the child dialog) closes. Right now, I have it so the second dialog box copies its value to a global variable, but once the second dialog box closes, I wanted to the main dialog box to grab the global variable and display in the edit control.
You can also use a member variable in the child dialog box, like
CChildDialogBox dlg;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) // child dialog saves the value in a CString member variable m_str
{ GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1)->SetWindowText(dlg.m_str);
This MSDN article describes how you can set up member variables connected to controls in a dialog box.
I realized my problem, really a beginner's mistake, I though after a DoModal call a function would immediately exit. I didn't know I could perform additional code(assigning the edit control variable a new value and then SetWindowText) after the call, before the function ended.

MFC dialog box continue after pressing ok

I have a custom dialog message box that pops-up when a edit control in my main dialog has wrong data.
CDlgError dlgError = new CDlgError(this);
dlgError.Create(CDlgError::IDD, this);
dlgError.m_staticMessage.SetWindowTextA("Error message!");
//more code
I want the rest of the code to be executed only after i press an OK button in my CDlgError pop-up dialog. How can i do that?
Use DoModal instead of Create and ShowWindow to show your error dialog. e.g.
CDlgError dlgError = new CDlgError(this);
dlgError.m_strMessage = "Error message!";
As you can see from the code you'll need to pass in the text and THEN set your message label inside CDlgError::OnInitDialog because the control won't be initialized before going modal.
You are creating a dialog using Create which shows a modalless dialog(you can click on other parts of application even dialog is open).
You requirement is for modal dialog where you can not click on any part of application until this dialog is closed.
To do this use DoModal function instead of create.

Not able to Show a Dialog Box in its class using SW_SHOW in MFC?

I am trying to create a wizard like structure using dialog boxes...So I replaced the code in CDialog1App as below
CDialog1Dlg* dlg = new CDialog1Dlg;
m_pMainWnd = dlg;
the above worked fine...its displying the dialog box.but I have added another dialog box...
So in the first dialog box if the user clicks Next it has to hide the first dialog box and display the second dialog..
//CDialog1 class
void CDialog1Dlg::OnBnClickedNext()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CDialog2* dialog2 = new CDialog2();
in the above code am creating an object for the Dialog2 class and trying to show that....
Now the problem is,when I click next its hiding both the windows..What can I do..I tried several types but its still its not workin..Please dont suggest me to do with PropertySheet..It will work with that, i know ...but I want this using Dialog Box for some reason
You're creating the dialog2 with the default parent window (NULL):
But the default parent seems to be dialog1 in your case. And since you hide dialog1 which is the parent of dialog2, dialog2 is also hidden.
Find the window (CWnd) of either your main app dialog (if you have one visible apart from your wizard), or use the desktop window as the parent.
For example:
dialog2->Create(IDD_DIALOG2, GetDesktopWindow());