Align mfc controls - mfc

I want to create a dialog where every box is the same size and has the same margin between each other. Is it possible to do this in the editor or do I have to go to the code behind?
As you can see on the image there is different spacing between the controls.(I am using VS 2010 if that matters)

You should use the Dialog Editor tools to do that. That's what they're there for.
Select the first column of controls and choose "Space Evenly Down" either from from (a) the Format menu or (b) the Dialog Editor toolbar.
For the second column you can either do the same, or as I prefer, for each row select the two controls and use the "Align Bottoms" tool to make sure both columns are vertically aligned.
See the MSDN page on this sort of thing.


How to collapse Gtkmm notebook tabs?

So I am making a Gtkmm application using a Gtk::notebook and during run-time I'm adding new tabs to the notebook. But when I add more tabs than there is space on my screen it just keeps going moving out of the screen.
Now I know most Gtk widgets have a lot of properties that can be configured, so I'am wondering is there such a property for notebook that automatically collapses tabs or scales them in some way to make it fit inside the widget/screen.
If not it would be great if you could give me some pointers to how to implement this functionality myself.
set_scrollable() is your best bet. It will add scrolling arrows on the sides of the tab labels at the top when there isn't enough room to show them all.
Note that GtkNotebook will always ask for enough space to show the contents of all tabs, not just the one that's currently visible. If one of your tab pages is really big (say, contains a 10x10 grid of 100x100 buttons), you won't be able to resize the GtkNotebook smaller than that tab page (in that case, 1000x1000 + the height of the label area), even if the current tab page is just an empty container. All set_scrollable() will do is let you resize smaller than the width needed to show all tab labels at the top.
Put this in your .xml GUI file in the GtkNotebook object:
<property name="scrollable">True</property>
This causes the tabs that go out of screen to be horizontal scrollable by adding arrows beside the last tab at the right and the most left tab at the left.

Modify and customize the wxColourDialog box

I need a dialog box where I can choose colour, font format, font style, and font size. I mean using wxWidgets (need a dialog with wxColourDialog and wxFontDialog in a same dialog box).
Notice that under Windows the native font selection dialog already allows you to select the font colour too. This is not the case under the other platforms however, so you would need to use the non-native, and hence ugly, wxGenericFontDialog there if you really need to select both at once.

Create borders around controls in MFC Form

I have an MFC form, basic stuff, a few group boxes, a few text boxes, some buttons, and a list box. What I'd like to do is add a border around all of it, preferably without a group box. Like, drawing lines along the right areas. I was told this is bad to do on a dialog though. What would I need to go about doing something like that?
I am currently using MFC C++ with Visual Studio 2008.
The easiest way is to add a Picture control to the dialog and set the style to have a border only. If the control has a width or height of 0 you can get a single line. Doing it in the dialog editor will only give you positioning down to the dialog unit, if you need pixel level control you'll have to create or reposition it in OnInitDialog.

Getting dock area where an MFC CDockablePane was docked

I am working on a project that totally does not want to use the built-in window/dock state and position saving of MFC. This means that in my main frame, I set EnableLoadDockState(FALSE). As much as I love to change it back to TRUE, I can't.
I plan on getting the position where a CDockablePane was docked through onAfterDock() of my CDockablePane. My problem is I have no idea on how to get whether it was placed on the side, top or bottom, on another CDockablePane.
Is there a way to get this information?
I think there is a way to get it, but it's not going to be easy or pretty.
A you're trapping the OnAfterDock, I guess you're not interested in floating panes. So, for docked panes, you can use CDockablePane::GetDefaultPaneDivider (MSDN here), which returns - as MSDN says:
A valid CPaneDivider object if the dockable pane is docked to the main frame window, or NULL if the dockable pane is not docked or if it is floating.
The CPaneDivider object (MSDN here)
...divides two panes, divides two groups of panes, or separates a group of panes from the client area of the main frame window
The following partial screenshot says more:
So, for a regular pane divider, you can use the methods available on CPaneDivider to find the other pane, or another embedded CPaneDivider (so recursive interrogation necessary here) and check if the divider is horizontal or vertical etc.
For the other case described above, look at the CPaneContainerManager class, which (again as MSDN says)
...manages the storage and display of the current docking layout
From here, you can again drill down through the whole docking hierarchy that starts from your original docked pane.
If I were you, I would really really look again at using EnableLoadDockState or at least browse the MFC source code to see if there are any internal helper classes/functions that you can reuse.
I've just solved this issue. I can check CDockablePane's dwStyle (GetPaneStyle()) for CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT, CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT, etc. No complex methods. Simple.

What is the use of "morph into" in qt?

In qt gui editor, any gui component can be morphed into certain type of other gui components. But realistically speaking what is the practical use of this option? can it be done dynamically? if yes then what is the advantage of doing that?
The practical use is to quickly convert widgets into other, similar widgets.
Let's say you have a group box filled with some widgets and you realize that you rather want a tab widget. Without morphing you would need to
create a tab widget
select all widgets in the group box
copy or move them to the first page
of your tab widget
delete the group box
Simply morphing the group box into a tab widget is faster and more convenient.
Or let's say you have some check boxes and realize that the options are mutually exlusive, then you can simply morph them to radio buttons.
It's a convenience tool.