MFC CMFCVisualManager Override - c++

I'm trying to override some functions on CMFCVisualManager to customize my ribbon. So I created a class and derived from it.
void CMyVisualManager::OnDrawRibbonCategory(CDC* pDC, CMFCRibbonCategory* pCategory, CRect rectCategory)
Now this works and can change colors etc, but there are some functions that I cant or override or not doing it right like
void CMyVisualManager::OnDrawRibbonLaunchButton(CDC* pDC, CMFCRibbonLaunchButton* pButton, CMFCRibbonPanel* pPanel)
My method doesnt override the original, and the original function gets called
says it can be overridden.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I've been looking but can't find an answer thanks

Yes you override a function in your class.
But you visual manager isn't the one that is created. So it is never used.
When your program starts an instance of the visual manager is created. And this instance is used.
Only if you also force the MFC to use your visual manager your overriden functions are used.
There for use SetDefaultManager with the runtime class of your class in InitInstance of your program.


Getting a debug assertion error when calling GetDC() (MFC)

I'm making a MFC application using the Doc/View architecture with Visual Studio 2017, and for some reason I get that error whenever I call GetDC() inside this function:
void CDigitRecognizerView::ClearScreen(void)
CDC* dc;
dc = GetDC(); // debug assertion error here
CBrush brush;
CRect rect;
dc->FillRect(&rect, &brush);
CDigitRecognizerDoc* pDocument = GetDocument();
This is the message map macro defined in the app class:
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDigitRecognizerApp, CWinApp)
ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, &CDigitRecognizerApp::OnAppAbout)
ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_CLEARSCREEN, CDigitRecognizerView::ClearScreen)
So whenever I select the "Clear Screen" option from the menu of the app, ClearScreen() gets called but I can't get the DC of the View, it crashes.
I have looked at the variables in the debugger and the window handle seems OK so I don't know really.
I am also wondering what other way I could call a function of the View class from the App class whenever I select a menu option because this doesn't seem to work.
How did you get the CWinApp message-map pointing to a CDigitRecognizerView function? I think the "wizard" wouldn't do this. Did you add the handler manually?
As for accessing Doc/View instances from the CWinApp class, there are some functions available:
GetFirstDocTemplatePosition() / GetNextDocTemplate(), members of CWinApp class. Alternatively you can simply store the pDocTemplate instance created in the InitInstance() function. Then call:
GetFirstDocPosition() / GetNextDoc(), members of the CDocTemplate class, and finally:
GetFirstViewPosition() / GenNextView(), members of the CDocument class
But this is normally not needed (the events could be handled in the Doc/View classes), unless you want to perform some operation(s) on all (or some of the) DocTemplate/Doc/View instances (which rather implies that you are developing an MDI application).

Changing default sort arrows of CMFCListCtrl

I found a problem. I can't change default sort arrows in header of CMFCListCtrl.
I found post on msdn about CMFCHeaderCtrl::OnDrawSortArrow but it didn't help because no examples there.
I tried simple method how I set arrows to CListCtrl header through the CimageList and HDITEM but those arrow sets only to left side because right side has already arrow default.
Google is empty on solutions how change default arrows on CMFCListCTrl.
Please help me)
PS. Please note that this is CMFCListCtrl not a CListCtrl where I can add arrows very easly.
Because CMFCHeaderCtrl is a member inside CMFCListCtrl you can not overwrite it.
Try to derive yor own CMFCListCtrl class, with your own CMFCHeaderCtrl class, that overwrites OnDrawSortHeader OnDrawSortArrow.
Overwrite CMFCListCtrl::InitHeader and subclass to your header control class.
If you start form scratch with a CListCtrl you can directly subclass the header control. The complete stuff inside CMFCListCtrl isn't so complicated and easy to reimplement. Depends what functionality you need.
The CMFCHeaderCtrl calls the currently active Visual Manager to do the actual drawing of sort arrows. It is easy to implement a customized Visual manager which overrides the arrow drawing method in the base class.
class CMyVisualManager:public CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007
virtual void OnDrawHeaderCtrlSortArrow(CMFCHeaderCtrl* pCtrl, CDC* pDC, CRect& rect, BOOL bIsUp);
void CMyVisualManager::OnDrawHeaderCtrlSortArrow(CMFCHeaderCtrl* pCtrl, CDC* pDC, CRect& rectArrow, BOOL bIsUp)
BOOL bDlgCtrl = pCtrl->IsDialogControl();
CPen penDark(PS_SOLID, 1, bDlgCtrl ? afxGlobalData.clrBtnDkShadow : afxGlobalData.clrBarDkShadow);
CPen* pPenOld = pDC->SelectObject(&penDark);;
if (!bIsUp)
pDC->MoveTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x, rectArrow.bottom);
pDC->LineTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x, rectArrow.bottom);
pDC->MoveTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x-2, rectArrow.bottom-4);
pDC->LineTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x+3, rectArrow.bottom-4);
pDC->MoveTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x-1, rectArrow.bottom-3);
pDC->LineTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x+2, rectArrow.bottom-3);
pDC->MoveTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x-1, rectArrow.bottom-2);
pDC->LineTo(rectArrow.CenterPoint().x+2, rectArrow.bottom-2);

How to implement UserControl in WinRT

I have created a simple UserControl consisting solely of a Grid and an embraced Image.
Now I want to apply events such as "ManipulationDeltaEvent", etc. for touch-control. When I assign an event-handler like
pic->ActionToken = pic->ManipulationDelta +=
ref new ManipulationDeltaEventHandler(this, &MainPage::SwipeImageEventHandler);
pic->CompletedToken = pic->ManipulationCompleted +=
ref new ManipulationCompletedEventHandler(this, &MainPage::ImageManipulationCompletedEventHandler);
I receive valid EventRegistrationTokens, but when I want to swipe over the control, simply nothing happens (I debugged).
I read about overriding the OnManipulationDelta-method from Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Control, but I here I am stuck:
void OnManipulationDelta
(Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs^ e) override {
Although only barely related, for C++\CLI it states on MSDN:
The OnManipulationDelta method has no default implementation. Override OnManipulationDelta in a derived class to handle the ManipulationDelta event. Be sure to call the OnManipulationDelta method of the base class so that base classes receive the event.
Please give me a hint, thank you.
The overriding is unnecessary
You need to specify ManipulationMode on the control and the control needs a non-null Background or Fill, e.g. Background="Transparent".

Migrated MFC app from VC6 to VS2010, now OnInitDialog() not called for CPropertyPage subclass

I have been tasked with migrating our product's UI to VS2010. It is an MFC app, originally written in VC6. I have performed the following steps:
Converted the VC6 .dsp using VS2010
fixed up compile errors due to stricter VS2010 compiler
Removed all project references to VC6 mfc libs and directories
My problem is that for a dialog object (actually it's a CPropertyPage object), OnInitDialog() is not being called before other methods are. This causes an exception as OnInitDialog() needs to setup member variables.
The dialog class (CPAGEViewDefRecordFields) is subclassed from our own CValidatedPropertyPage, which in turn is derived from the MFC CPropertyPage class. The virtual method OnInitDialog() is present in all subclasses.
In the VS2010 version, when DoModal() is called on the containing property sheet, the OnInitDialog() method of the CPAGEViewDefRecordFields class is not being called. In the VC6 version, it is being called and all works ok.
In VC6, I can see that the message WM_INITDIALOG is sent, and handled in AfxDlgProc(), which in turn then calls OnInitDialog() of the dialog object.
In the VS2010 version, the first message that is processed is WM_NOTIFY, not WM_INITDIALOG.
Unfortunately I have no prior experience in MFC. What I am assuming that something has changed in the behaviour of MFC between the VC6 version and the VS2010 version. However I've not been able to find anything on the net which is similar to this.
Is there another migration step I have missed? Should I have to do something to the resources in the project when doing the migration?
I have checked that the resource is tied to the correct cpp file, as I can double click on the property page, and the IDE takes me to the correct file for the CPAGEViewDefRecordFields class.
If any of you have any ideas, I'd be very grateful.
class CPAGEViewDefRecordFields : public CValidatedPropertyPage
// Construction
CPAGEViewDefRecordFields(CWnd* pParent,
CXpViewProp* pViewProp,
CFont* pFont = NULL,
UINT nIDCaption = 0,
BOOL bSumOpRequired = TRUE,
BOOL bMinMaxRequired = TRUE,
BOOL bAllRecords = TRUE,
BOOL bShowInitSel = TRUE,
XLong lLimits = 0,
BOOL bSortSelTree = TRUE,
CXpThreshBaseLogProp* pThreshLogProp = NULL);
// Dialog Data
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
virtual BOOL OnSetActive();
virtual BOOL OnKillActive();
virtual void OnOK();
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnPbRemove();
afx_msg void OnPbAdd();
afx_msg void OnDblclkAvailableFields(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnDblclkSelectedFields(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
After some debugging, I can see what I think is the problem. However, not being an MFC programmer, I don't understand it.
I can see that OnInitDialog() is being called for the property sheet, and that a WM_INITDIALOG is then sent from the property sheet to the property pages. however, at some point in the windows internals, a WM_NOTIFY message is being sent, so this is the first message that is received, not the expected WM_INITDIALOG
I've highlighted the points on the stack trace, attached - can anyone explain why this is occuring? Is this normal behaviour - should I be catering for this in the future?
I've actually found a workaround, and that's to have an initialised flag, so that no code is executed until OnInitDialog() has been called. This is not the best solution, and I fear is more of a hack, so i would still appreciated any understanding of these messages. (I'm not an MFC programmer by trade you see!)
OnInitDialog is called after all the dialog controls are created and just before the dialog box is displayed.
Thought I'd better answer this.
The answer came from a SO user's comment:
Your workaround with an initialized flag is the same as I would do. It looks like a tree view sends a notification when the tree view is created but your dialog isn't ready yet. You might not know when other controls do the same thing, so you need an initialized flag
The "workaround" is the only way to guarantee that the dialog is ready.

How do I drag and drop something into a Static control?

How would I drag and drop something into a static control? It looks like I need to create a sub class of COleDropTarget and include that as a member variable in a custom CStatic. That doesn't appear to be working though. When I try and drag something onto the Static control I get the drop denied cursor.
The static control's m_hWnd must be valid when you call COleDropTarget::Register, which is why it doesn't work from within your CMyStatic constructor. What you can do is override CWnd::PreSubclassWindow within your CMyStatic class:
class CMyStatic : public CStatic {
virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
void CMyStatic::PreSubclassWindow()
There's a really good article here on CodeProject that you may find helpful.
In addition to the PreSubClassWindow() addition, you also have to set your CStatic control to have the Notify flag set in its resource parameters. Otherwise the control won't let the app know about mouse movements and hence not trigger the OnDragEnter() method.