How to render child window with Direct2D in native desktop Windows application? - c++

I have a desktop application where all windows (HWND) render itself with Direct2D 1.1. My question is how to do it more correctly?
Should each window has its own Direct2D device context derived from one Direct2D device? In this case, I cannot render transparent content on a child window without additional tricks (I have to change target on parent window’s context, render parent window to Direct2D bitmap and then draw this bitmap on child’s target).
May be it is better to have one Direct2D device context where all windows render itself? I believe DirectComposition works in a similar way. Unfortunately, I cannot use it because I target Windows 7.

You're asking a question whose answer will be very application specific. I recommend avoiding the whole problem of trying to get HWNDs to render with transparency amongst each other, especially if you're throwing Direct2D into the mix. There is just too much pain in that direction. Every version of Windows that you support will have different bugs that you'll be constantly bumping into and grasping at workarounds for.
Case in point: For the v4.0 release of Paint.NET, I converted all text rendering to DirectWrite, and almost all UI controls to use Direct2D. The image thumbnail control at the top of the window (the MDI selector) is using Direct2D for rendering but it also has to compose on top of what's behind it. And it has to play nice with glass on Win7 (it looks great though!). The code for this is awful, tricky, barely maintainable, and it seems to bump into a different rendering bug on every release of Windows: 7, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, and 10 all behave slightly differently! It's really annoying to test, too; it's the only reason I have to set up and maintain VMs for every version of Windows that I support (other than the installer and updater). Windows 7 worked fine, then 7 SP1 added a bug which required some tuning to how I filled the alpha channel. Windows 8 has flickering when you resize the window unless I do a certain hack, but 8.1 works fine. 10 then has its own flickering bug if software rendering is used. Remote Desktop breaks things in its own way. Then you also have to worry about High Contrast, and whether DWM is enabled/disabled if you're supporting Windows 7. They all behave differently and it's really really painful.
Anyway. What you seem to really need is a UI system like WPF or XAML which doesn't use anything other than a top-level HWND container. At that point you're custom rendering everything and doing your own hit-testing and input routing (and accessibility and all sorts of other things), so it's not a small task.
Regarding the "how to do it more correctly" question and cardinality of device and device context: Have you thought about just using ID2D1Factory::CreateHWNDRenderTarget or ID2D1Factory::CreateDCRenderTarget ? They return ID2D1RenderTarget but you can call QueryInterface to cast them to ID2D1DeviceContext (this fact is missing from the docs but is also clearly intentional). This should simplify working with Direct2D and HWNDs quite a bit. This is what I do in Paint.NET: I still use an HWND for each control, but each control is using its own HWND or DC render target. If you're willing to poke around with Reflector or ILSpy, checkout Direct2DControl and Direct2DControlHandler in the Paint.NET DLLs.
Also, be careful about using more than 1 hardware accelerated HWND render target. You don't want to get into a weird area where every Direct2D-based UI control is waiting on VSync. Using D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS_IMMEDIATELY when creating the HWND render target should help. DWM already handles VSync, so you should be fine to tell Direct2D to ignore it unless you're doing some rather specific stuff with animations and timers.


render a qt overlay window over opengl child window

I am looking for some information about rendering child windows in specific about how OpenGL interop with GDI. The problem that I have is that I have basically is that I have two windows, first, the main windows are created in qt, and inside of qt, a child window is hosted that leverages an OpenGL renderer.
Now what I wanted to do is to host an overlay on top of my OpenGL window, so I use that to overlay the OpenGL window. The problem that I am having is that when I render with OpenGL, the OpenGL generated graphics seem to obscure the graphics area including and effectively undo the graphics composited by qt.
In the image below the blue area is the qt overlay, in that picture I'm using GDI (BeginPaint/EndPaint) so and the windows seem to interact fine. That is, window order seems correct, the client region is correct. The moment I start to render with Opengl the blue area gets replaced with whatever OpenGL renders.
What I did I basically created to create the overlay I created a second frameless, topmost QMainWindow, and once the platform HWND was initialized I reparent it. Basically I change the new windows parent to be the same parent of my OpenGL window.
What I believed this would do is that the every window, gets drawn separately and the desktop composition manager would make the final composition and basically avoiding the infamous airspace problem as documented by Microsoft in their WPF framework.
What I would like to know is what could cause these issues? At this point, I lack understanding why once i render with OpenGL the pixels by qt overlay are obscured, even though windows hierarchy should say make them composited. What could I do to accomplish what I want?
Mixing OpenGL and GDI drawing on a shared drawable (that also includes sibling / childwindows without the CS_OWNDC windowclass style flag) never was supported. That's not something about Qt, but simply how OpenGL and GDI interact.
But the more important issue is: Why the hell aren't you using the OpenGL support built right into Qt in the first place? Ever since Qt-5 – if available – uses OpenGL to draw everything (all the UI elements). Qt-5 makes it trivial to mix Qt stuff and OpenGL drawing.

C++ - How to screen-capture, except for some windows

Situation: I have a software that performs screen sharing over the Internet, where one user acts as a presenter, and other users act as viewers/attendees.
Besides the presentation windows, the presenter also has a set of NON-SHARING-WINDOWS that appear on the screen (a button bar for start sharing/stop sharing/etc., a Skype window etc.).
The presenter can configure from the setup of the screen sharing software to make these NON-SHARING-WINDOWS invisible (i.e. they will not appear in the screen sharing that is being sent to the attendees, but the window content behind them will appear in the screenshot).
The screenshots are sent at approximately 10 frames-per-second, or faster.
Question: how can I programmatically capture the screen, except for these NON-SHARING-WINDOWS windows?
Because of the higher frames-per-second value, I cannot minimize/maximize/set alpha for these windows, because then the windows will flicker. The application is written in Win32 C++.
I would use layered windows, but because of the Windows 7 Desktop Composition feature, this is not usable out-of-the-box (and in Windows 8, you cannot use DwmEnableComposition anymore to temporarily and programmatically disable composition)
I could use the layered window approach for Windows XP/2000/7 etc., and a different approach for Windows 8 (if there is one), though I would prefer a single process that works on all systems
I could also try to "compose" the screenshots by capturing individual images (of the desktop, the windows that need to be captured) and using their z-index to create the final image, but because of the required frames-per-second value, this process would be too slow.
In windows even the desktop is considered a window and has its own HWND.
It seems however, not easily possible to only copy the "wallpaper" on its own.
So i basically see two ways to do that.
1. Copy the entire desktop e.g. BitBlt(GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow()),...)
Use GetWindow and traverse the window list in backward direction starting from the Desktop-Window whose HWND you just can determine with GetDesktopWindow(), Like this:
// paint on a black DC
while (hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDPREV))
// is this window not shared? continue
// else bitblt it into our dc
Hope i gave some inspiration :-)
If someone knows a way how to copy ONLY the desktop without its child windows please let me know.
You can use Magnifier API.
There is a function in magnifier API that allows you to exclude specific windows from your target window (your window with 1x magnification where magnifier renders).
You can set this window to full screen and make it transparent and then use PrintWindow function.
The function:
Sample projects:
I'm aware this question is pretty old, but I ran into the same problem and it was very, very hard to find any information at all regarding this.
Since Windows 10 version 2004 (build 10.0.19041), the SetWindowDisplayAffinity API has been expanded to include a flag called WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE (0x00000011). This will remove the window from images captured with BitBlt
The window is displayed only on a monitor. Everywhere else, the window does not appear at all.
One use for this affinity is for windows that show video recording controls, so that the controls are not included in the capture.
Introduced in Windows 10 Version 2004. See remarks about compatibility regarding previous versions of Windows.
For versions before 2004, it will use the existing WDA_MONITOR flag.
I have tested this with a screen capture of the desktop and I am unsure what would happen if you were to use a window DC.
So I guess a possible solution would be:
// get window handle
hWnd = (...)
BOOL result = SetWindowDisplayAffinity(m_hWnd, WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE);
// do bitblt stuff
mabye you can use Magnification API, even Microsoft said The MagImageScalingCallback function is deprecated in Windows 7 and later, and should not be used in new applications. There is no alternate functionality., but it still work on Windows 10;
Here is the overview of this API :
The sample code of Microsoft is here :
If you want to get the screenshot rgb data, you can use this api MagSetImageScalingCallback to set callback of Magnifier window, every time you use MagSetWindowSource or InvalidRect of magnifer window, this callback function MagImageScalingCallback will be called, so you can get screenshot rgb data here.
I think that to limit the capture content within a big window will be more simple. otherwise you will need to cut some windows from the screen capture.

Capture window content to texture

let me first specify my development essentials. I am writing an Windows DLL. The programming language i do focus on is C/C++. Asm blocks are possible aswell when required for my task. Maybe even a driver, but i do not have any experience with them at all.
The DLL is being injected into a host process. That's always a Directx environment. Either Dx9, Dx10 or Dx11 and may run in fullscreen or windowed mode.
The method should support windows xp up to windows 7 and is being compiled in x86 only.
The goal is to come up with a function taking a screenshot of a given process-window. The screenshot is never being taken from the host process itself. Its always another process! The window may contain directx or gdi32 content. Maybe other contents are possible i do not think of at the moment (windows forms comes to my mind. i am not sure how that is being rendered internally). The windows may be minimized.
That screenshot needs to be accessable/convertable to an directx texture such as Texture2D, depending on the Directx environment i am working in. Saving the screenshot as an png/bmp is enough thoe, as i do know how to create such a texture from memory.
I've already tried the oldstyle BitBlt way, that didnt work on minimized applications thoe. The minimized applications are being drawn, when i send WM_PAINT messages to the targeting window. That aint a solution for me, as i also need to keep up with directx applications which doesnt react to such messages.
Maybe i need to hook each single DirectX window to accomblish my task, to access the backbuffer directly, i do hope for some better methods anyways.
For the reason that i do take a lot of screenshots from multiple windows, i would like to implement a fast method, which isnt such a cpu bogus. Copying from VideoRAM may be a bad way to go when having such performance needs.
I do hope for some ideas, maybe code samples as i am not familar with all the possibilities i could go for. I've looked at some windows thumbnail api, but that didnt support xp from what i could read.
Thanks in advance,

Draw OpenGL on the windows desktop without a window

I've seen things like this and I was wondering if this was possible, say I run my application
and it will show the render on whatever is below it.
So basically, rendering on the screen without a window.
Possible or a lie?
Note: Want to do this on windows and in c++.
It is possible to use your application to draw on other application's windows. Once you have found the window you want, you have it's HWND, you can then use it just like it was your own window for the purposes of drawing. But since that window doesn't know you have done this, it will probably mess up whatever you have drawn on it when it tries to redraw itself.
There are some very complicated ways of getting around this, some of them involve using windows "hooks" to intercept drawing messages to that window so you know when it has redrawn so that you can do your redrawing as well.
Another option is to use clipping regions on a window. This can allow you to give your window an unusual shape, and have everything behind it still look correct.
There are also ways to take over drawing of the desktop background window, and you can actually run an application that draws animations and stuff on the desktop background (while the desktop is still usable). At least, this was possible up through XP, not sure if it has changed in Vista/Win7.
Unfortunately, all of these options are too very complex to go in depth without more information on what you are trying to do.
You can use GetDesktopWindow(), to get the HWND of the desktop. But as a previous answer says (SoapBox), be careful, you may mess up the desktop because the OS expects that it owns it.
I wrote an open source project a few years ago to achieve this on the desktop background. It's called Uberdash. If you follow the window hierarchy, the desktop is just a window in a sort of "background" container. Then there is a main container and a front container. The front container is how windows become full screen or "always on top." You may be able to use Aero composition to render a window with alpha in the front container, but you will need to pass events on to the lower windows. It won't be pretty.
Also, there's a technology in some video cards called overlays/underlays. You used to be able to render directly to an overlay. Your GPU would apply it directly, with no interference to main memory. So even if you took a screen capture, your overlay/underlay would not show up in the screen cap. Unfortunately MS banned that technology in Vista...

GDI+ Dithering Problem

I have a C++ application that uses the Win32 API for Windows, and I'm having a problem with GDI+ dithering, when I don't know why it should be.
I have a custom control (custom window). When I receive the WM_PAINT message, I draw some Polygons using FillPolygon on a Graphics device. This Graphics device was created using the HDC from BeginPaint.
When the polygons appear on the screen, though, they are dithered instead of transparent, and only seem to show few colors (maybe 256?) When I do the same thing in C# using the .NET interface into GDI+, it works fine, which is leaving me wondering what's going on.
I'm not doing anything special, this is a simple example that should work fine, as far as I know. Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: Nevermind. It only happens over Remote Desktop, even though the C# example doesnt Dither over remote desktop. Remote Desktop is set at 32-bit color, so I don't know what's up with that.
Hmm... The filling capabilities are determined by the target device. When working over remote desktop, AFAIK Windows substitutes the display driver, so that can change the supported features of the display.
when drawing on wm_paint, you actually draw directly on the screen surface, while .net usually uses double buffering (draws to in memory bitmap and then blits the entire bitmap)
there are some settings in gdi+ that affect the drawing quality. maybe there are different defaults for on-screen, off-screen and remote painting?
It only happens over Remote Desktop
Many remoting applications will reduce colour depth in order to reduce bandwidth requirements. While I haven't used Remote Desktop, the same happens on certain VNC connections. I'd check your RD server and client settings.