What are the respective purposes of the emberjs.com and ember-cli websites? - ember.js

I am a bit confused regarding the ember websites "emberjs.com" and "ember-cli.com". Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at "emberjs.com"? If so, why have a different website for ember-cli? Also, why do the sites differ regarding the versions of the prerequisite JS frameworks? For example, the emberjs.com getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or higher while the ember-cli.com site says to use the latest stable version of Node (version 4.0.x).

the emberjs.com getting starting page says to use Node.js 0.12 or
higher while the ember-cli.com site says to use the latest stable
version of Node (version 4.0.x).
Seems like emberjs.com is out of sync, you can create issue on emberjs.com website repository on GitHub or hope that it's already created and it will be resolved shortly. Also, there was as issue with bufferutil in Ember CLI + node.js 4.0, so they might wait until it's resolved, but for some reason it's recommended on ember-cli.com.
Isn't ember-cli now a part of emberjs and documented at "emberjs.com"?
It isn't part of Ember.js. It's part of Ember.js ecosystem. It's recommended tool to work with library and that's why examples in guides assume that you're using Ember CLI. But, you could also use Ember.js without Ember CLI by loading jQuery, Ember.js, Ember.js template compiler and working on globals.
Ember.js documents everything about library itself, how logic behind library works, core concepts. You have components, routing, controllers, models explained there, but you won't find information there how to add CoffeeScript to your project.
Ember CLI website documents everything about Ember CLI, which is tool that provides:
asset pipeline
a strong conventional project structure
powerful addon system for extension.
You can see in user-guide that it documents possible build configurations, how to make SASS or CoffeeScript working in your environment etc.


Where can I find documentation for Ember 0.9.8?

I have a client from years ago that wants a few changes to an Ember app that was written in ember-0.9.8. I haven't used ember since then, and I know a lot has changed. But, I still need to refer to the old documentation, and the website seems to only go back as far as 1.10.
Ember v0.9.8 was release on May 21, 2012. This is a little before any of their git repos for the guides.
The guides back then were within the emberjs repo and had to be built manually.
Download the release: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/releases/tag/v0.9.8
The README.md file has instructions for building the documentation.
Building API Docs
The Ember.js API Docs provide a detailed collection of methods,
classes, and viewable source code.
NOTE: Requires node.js to generate.
See http://emberjs.com/ for annotated introductory documentation.
Preview API documenation
run rake docs:preview
The docs:preview task will build the documentation and make it available at http://localhost:9292/index.html
Build API documentation
run rake docs:build
HTML documentation is built in the docs directory
You can give it a try, but good luck - it might be tough.
As mentioned by Lux the API documentation is in the code and that one is on GitHub. You could find the ember code at that point of time by tag. The readme contains information about how to generate the API docs. If you are lucky it will still work.
v0.9.8.1 was released on 23 May 2012. That's quite a long time for a web application to run without any major refactoring. Ember has changed hardly since then.

Why does Ember.js require a server?

I've downloaded Ember.js ver 1.13.13 for a test drive.
With other js frameworks, I am able to run from a file system. Does Ember require a server? I could not run directly from a file system. I did find some old tutorials that allows this. Is this a new thing?
You are using Ember-CLI which requires running ember serve in order to view your ember app. Ember-CLI uses conventions so that it knows where to locate the files that compose your ember app. As Ember-CLI locates your files, it knows how to combine them in a manner that ultimately results in the single JavaScript file that is executed in your browser. In theory you could use the globals style of development-which is the style reflected in the 'old tutorials' that you reference-and run the app directly without using any sort of "server." But, I don't recommend that. Learning Ember-CLI is useful as it is the preferred method of development moving forward. And, in my opinion, gives you a number of features that allow you to more quickly prototype apps. You can read more about that in the link I provided to the Ember-CLI website.

EmberJS (without ember-cli) development behind firewall using systemjs or any other loader

I am planning to use EmberJS for a small application in my day job. I have used a little ember on my laptop using ember-cli. However at work I don't have access to Github.
I am planning to download the libraries and start using without any tools like npm, bower. I have tried to setup a static web app at https://github.com/mmrath/ember-standalone
There is not much code in there. I have tried to keep the structure as close to ember-cli as possible, os that it will be easier for me to upgrade to ember-cli when access is available. I would like to use ES6 modules like in ember-cli. However the fist step of loading the Ember is not working.
Error I see in chrome console is
Error: http://localhost:4200/vendor/ember/ember.debug.js detected as System.register but didn't execute.

How do i split my Ember CLI addon into a vanilla Ember library and an Ember CLI addon wrapper?

I've created my first Ember CLI addon by following the instructions from the Ember CLI homepage. The addon works fine and it already has a couple of stars on Github: https://github.com/lolmaus/ember-cli-stained-by-children
The problem is that it's impossible to use the addon without Ember CLI, for example, on http://emberjs.jsbin.com/ .
I've seen other addons that don't have such a limitation: the library is implemented as a Bower package that can be used with or without Ember CLI, and also an Ember CLI addon wrapper is provided.
An example of such an addon is Simple Auth.
It has three repositories:
Main source code: ember-simple-auth.
Precompiled bower package: ember-simple-auth-component.
Ember CLI wrapper: ember-cli-simple-auth.
But it's hard to take example from those because Simple Auth is a huge library.
The questions are:
How do i organize the main source code so that i can build different library types from it (global and Ember CLI-friendly AMD)?
How do i organize the Ember CLI wrapper code? What should i do in it in order to leverage the library?
How do i automate releases?
There are multiple approaches to your problem so how your code should be organized is up to you. Right now, there's no simple build pipeline to generate a globals-based version, AMD version and addon in a single go. If you really want to achieve all of the above I'd say start by writing a (simple) globals-based version, then make a build script which wraps that in a AMD wrapper. Then wrap that AMD version in an addon.

Compatible Versions: Ember, Ember Data, Handlebars

I am trying to learn Ember.js by following TodoMVC example. I am quite confused on with versions of Ember, Ember Data and Handlebars are compatible. The tutorial states following
The latest release candidate (RC3) of Ember.js can be downloaded directly from the Ember.js website. Ember.js has two dependencies: jQuery and Handlebars. jQuery can be downloaded from at http://jquery.com/ and Handlebars can be downloaded at http://handlebarsjs.com/. This guide uses ember-data for managing model data. The latest development builds of Ember data can be downloaded at http://builds.emberjs.com/. The build compatible with RC3 has the SHA e324f0e.
The Ember RC3 is no longer in download link. It has RC5. Can any one please help me which versions should I use?
Currently the latest versions are
handlebars 1.0
ember rc.5
ember-data 0.13
All of those versions were bumped within the last week, so there won't be a lot of information the web just yet. You can download them from their respective websites (for ember-data read the blog post on the emberjs website. The link is in the comments)
I'd suggest you use the latest versions if you're starting out. Not much has changed in ember since RC-3, so you won't miss anything. I suggest you read some of the blog posts on the ember site for the changes in each revision. The team is very good in putting up explanations on the blog regarding updates.